
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

More Banjo merch is on the way! This likely doesn't mean much since the merch we've received so far was for the 20th anniversary.

However, this wasn't on Rare's blog last year and this company typically makes these to promote games (Sonic Mania, Crash, Spyro).

Looks like they were also teasing it back in January.

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017



Oct 25, 2017
Good collectathons are hard mostly because lately devs take the mission and minigame route over the better and harder clever hidding spots route, so I won't get auto excited on announcement. Still, going back to the classic B&K formula would be very nice.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
I really wish people would stop saying "Threeie." It's just a horrible, horrible name.

That said, I'd be down for more Banjo platforming.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017

Hnnnng. Don't do this to me if there's actually no game related Banjo thing at E3, I can't take the disappointment!

Banjo 1 remake would be my biggest wish. One of my favorite games ever (if not THE favorite) so having a Crash/Spyro/Ratchet+Clank style modern remake of it would be INCREDIBLE.

Runner up would be Banjo in Smash. Perfect fit, and they'd probably be a really fun character. Maybe release Kazooie and Tooie XBLA versions on the Switch too along with it.

Third place would be Banjo Threeie. Why isn't this first place for me? I honestly just don't trust anyone to make a NEW Banjo game that's anywhere as good as the first one. Rare didn't manage it with Tooie (levels way too large, overworld not as fun, way too many new moves complicated things too much), Ex-Rare couldn't do it with Yooka Laylee (most levels were a bit too large again, overworld wasn't great).
Banjo Nuts and Bolts 2!
I'd take that over an attempt at a true platformer Banjo 3.
Nuts and Bolts was absolutely fantastic, and in a post Minecraft world, I bet Microsoft could do some incredible things expanding on the vehicle creation aspect of that game in a sequel.

I'd have much more faith that a Nuts and Bolts 2 would be fantastic than a platformer Banjo 3 could live up to my expectations.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Screw banjo with smash, I want Banjo Kazooie for Tigerwoods PGA Tour!!!!
They would have to make a new Tiger Woods PGA Tour first. 😉

I'm still very, VERY cautiously optimistic. I can't tell you how many times I've watched Microsoft's E3 conferences, waiting for a new Banjo-Kazooie to be announced. That light has gone out long ago though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The idea that they're upping merch on Banjo because of Smash has always been such a sus preposition considering how secretive Nintendo are when it comes to their dealings.

If Banjo is getting merch to coincide with "anything" it'd probably be a new game, but even I'm not convinced.


Oct 27, 2017
Watch it being Threie exclusive to Xbox and no Banjo in Smash.

All Switch could get from Nintendo is that horrible Forza mobile game. This is a nightmare scenario, of course.


Oct 25, 2017

To be fair it's how Banjo himself called it.

To be fair, in hindsight it was pretty obviously just a gag. "Threeie" as people envisioned it was never planned. Gregg Mayles and the Banjo team were already planning on moving onto Grabbed by the Ghoulies for GCN (before...you know) after finishing Tooie.

So Tooie's ending wasn't really as much of a tease to what was to come (as Kazooie's ending was) as much of it just being a bad joke on Rare's part, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, in hindsight it was pretty obviously just a gag. "Threeie" as people envisioned it was never planned. Gregg Mayles and the Banjo team were already planning on moving onto Grabbed by the Ghoulies for GCN (before...you know) after finishing Tooie.

So Tooie's ending wasn't really as much of a tease to what was to come (as Kazooie's ending was) as much of it just being a bad joke on Rare's part, lol.

In that case they really shouldn't have shown that Banjo tech demo at Spaceworld 2000. That led a lot of people to assume it was in planning/development.


Oct 25, 2017
BK and BT remake, and BK in Smash, I believe!

My dream E3 announcement would be either:

A) Anounce N64 Classic mini, The big hype feature is the return of the Rare Classics come with it, N64 Classic Mini trailer ends with the intro sequence from Banjo Tooie, Except it turns into a trailer for Banjo in Smash.

B) Anounce Banjo-Kazooie: The Winkybunion Trilogy, which includes full remakes of Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie in the style of N. Sane trilogy and Re-ignited Trilogy, but also a completely built from scratch fully 3D reimagining of Grunty's Revenge as the middle game of the Trilogy.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
It's either for Smash, a non game for Xbox, or Retro's secret game is Banjo 3 for Switch.
How would a third-party know to make a controller specifically for a Smash DLC character when no such controller was made for Joker?

There's nothing Smash-related about this.


Oct 25, 2017
In that case they really shouldn't have shown that Banjo tech demo at Spaceworld 2000. That led a lot of people to assume it was in planning/development.

Well...that same Spaceworld 2000 had the infamous Link & Ganondorf tech demo.

And then we got Wind Waker, lol.

That one Banjo tech demo was really more about showing how more capable the GCN was than the N64 by having a shitload of objects on the screen, hence the footage of Banjo & Kazooie being chased down through a canyon by a whole load of BK supporting characters, all of which reusing their N64 models.


Nov 27, 2017
Personally I like that one proposal of doing a Banjo Kazooie/Tooie remake but the games change because the cast is completely aware of what happened the first time


Oct 25, 2017
That one Banjo tech demo was really more about showing how more capable the GCN was than the N64 by having far more shit on the screen, hence the footage of Banjo & Kazooie being chased down through a canyon by a whole load of BK supporting characters, all of which reusing their N64 models.

It wasn't just "a whole load", it was the entirety of every single character model in both games.


Oct 25, 2017
Banjo's dead and he's not coming back.

If crash and spyro managed to successfully come back from the dead stronger than ever, Banjo can.

Personally I like that one proposal of doing a Banjo Kazooie/Tooie remake but the games change because the cast is completely aware of what happened the first time

Frame it as a re-enactment or fictionalized version of the events of the original games and add snarky MST3K style lines by the characters every now and then (like how characters in the present comment on the story in Borderlands the Presequel)

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
In order of likelihood, it's either:

Banjo-Kazooie remake
Banjo and Kazooie in Smash