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Interview with Miyazaki
  • 知らぬ

    May 9, 2018
    A Personal Message from Omnipotent
  • Morrigan

    Spear of the Metal Church
    Oct 24, 2017
    This is a message from Omnipotent, who is currently on a self-requested temporary ban. Important note: it contains no new information/leaks; it's just a personal message to the community, about what it's like being an insider, and whatnot. It's a bit long but worth the read. (My own hot take: stop harassing him on Discord and take the hint, y'all xD)

    Why don't you post/keep banning your self:

    To be completely honest, because I don't really enjoy discussing things here for a number of reasons. On top of that, I have number of things to do/deal with in my personal life and Era can be a distraction. Rather than continuing to spend literal hours arguing with people over the most ridiculous things because I have minimal self control. I can just read bad takes and wrong opinions and get headaches instead. As well as the sometimes seemingly constant berating to answer questions anytime anything happens or anything doesn't happen and give out info can be a bit much. I can only talk about so much and we'll get to that in a minute but also I've got things to do and a life beyond just doing this.

    Give us leaks, why don't you leak, why do you do things the way you do, you're a fake! :

    I suppose it's worth discussing and giving people an understanding of how things work and why I do things in a certain way. I don't and have never really considered myself to be a "leaker". I don't begrudge anyone for considering otherwise as I've never disputed it but I think people considering me to be a leaker have gotten some unreasonable expectations as to what I'm willing to provide. I am an *insider*. A person who is in a position to have access to certain knowledge. I don't post or share information purely for the sake of sharing information, I don't hack into sites or whatever to get information. I'm not officially employed or sanctioned by anyone, I don't run a patreon or accept any sort of donations and I don't have any contact or connections with any media sites, publications or personalities of any sort. To even be /allowed/ to post as an insider on Era you need to go through a process of verification where you prove to the site administration that you are in fact in a position to know the information you claim to know, otherwise you're going to get banned. I've gone through that process /twice/. Which is why I'm even allowed to continue posting as I do and have been able to do so for the past 2 years. My tag of "High Level of Insight" is supposed to be representative of that as sort of a soft verification for other users to see, but given that plenty of users have tags for various reasons from infamous posts to just being notorious It's admittedly not super effective in its intended purpose. Now that we've gotten that out of the way:

    So given all of the above information we can continue on to why I post the way I do. The first reason being out of respect for the people behind these games. They spend years of their lives pouring their heart, souls, blood, sweat and tears into not only just making games but also getting the game out to the players. Its a lot of hard and time consuming work that I feel often goes unappreciated. Just this past Blizz-con we've had Jeff Kaplan [the Lead on Overwatch/Overwatch 2] speaking about how leaks can affect the teams working on games and how it can be upsetting and demoralizing when you have images and information about your game taken out of context and poorly misconstrued. I think a lot of fans and players also forget that the devs /want/ you to see their game and want you to see their hard work, they want to talk about it. But they also want to do it on their terms, if you have something you've been working hard on and want to share it with the world then someone swoops in first and does a piss poor job of explaining it for you, it doesn't only take the wind out of your sales but it influences the audience's perception of your work before you've even had the chance to have your own say on it. That's not really something I want to do to people I have a great respect and reverence for. What I prefer to share instead are my own thoughts, opinions and other bits of info that might be of interest to fans who are passionate about the games and the nitty gritty details while also avoiding stepping on the feet of the developers or the marketing teams and letting them do their thing first and foremost without interfering. Then perhaps talking about or going over things that they probably wont.

    Beyond even just that there's a degree of personal cost when you become someone of notoriety doing this sort of thing. Just earlier this year we've had a studio send PIs and threaten lawsuits against an individual simply for the act of sharing sensitive information despite not being under NDA, they then had their Youtube account (which was essentially their career) closed. Even beyond that I've personally heard of similar things happening or being threatened upon other individuals who are known for doing or engaging in similar activities. I love the community and I love doing things for the community which is the only reason I do this at all. But I don't love it enough to get in legal and or financial trouble for it. I'd rather avoid having someone show up at my door in Eileen cosplay handing me a C&D or lawsuit and despite what you may think, even being anonymous isn't always a whole lot of protection from something like this. It was all fun and games when I was a nobody talking about "Shadows Die Twice" but now I'm somewhat of a "known" individual with my name and posts being read on large Youtube channels, reposted on reddit or being put into articles not even just in the English sphere but in a number of languages and sites around the world. Between that and the fact that a lot of devs and industry members (a lot more than you might think) browse Era, I prefer to tread lightly. I've yet to find myself in much trouble and I'd like to keep it that way, rather than pushing my luck as I would imagine both From and Bamco are well aware of my existence by now.

    To move onto my next point, posting things cryptically was originally a way to avoid media attention (as the idea was that it would be hard to write articles or make vids on minimal info and random opinions) as well as avoid having Eileen show up at my house for angering From/Bamco/Activision,etc and due to the increased visibility and attention from an increasing media footprint it also potentially means getting closer to having Eileen at my door. Though it doesn't really work for the former anymore as people don't really care and post it anyway [Note to said media: I hold no ill will against you] it has so far served me well enough for the latter and seems to be something people have come to enjoy.
    Since no matter what I do or post, if there's even a molecule of potential info that can be gleamed from it someone somewhere will take it and draw their own thoughts and conclusions about it. So there's a degree of responsibility on my part to also word things in a specific way so that the potential conclusions that can be drawn from it are more in line with what I'm trying to get across rather than something that can be potentially damaging to the people working on these titles.
    And beyond all that even prior to E3 a number of people have decided they too want to play the game of insiders and as a result ended up circulating a lot of dubious and incorrect information that has ended up being reported by a number of publications as fact without doing their respective due diligence in fact checking or otherwise still persists amongst discussions in the community. I'm not really interested in playing "he said, she said" with others in the court of public opinion and it's made me want to step back from doing this. Not to overstate my impact or importance as I'm sure maybe 5% at best of the community actually cares about what I do, but I'd like consider myself to be somewhat of an unofficial community manager if you will and my intentions are steer the fans in the right direction of what to expect or to look forward to and help foster discussion (if it doesn't interfere or cause any previously discussed issues). But that becomes a lot more difficult when a number of people decide they want the attention of being an insider but not the responsibility or to even put in the effort to making sure everything they're circulating is correct and I'm not super interested in consistently policing or correcting the mistakes of others. I of course don't have ownership or exclusive claim over the role of being "The Fromsoft Insider" but given the number of tight ropes I have to walk as is, more things to deal with aren't exactly ideal.

    Also, I get it you guys. I will come back, relax. Please stop beating down my metaphorical door for info.
    I should also state that this post isn't really levied at any specific individual but I thought it worthwhile to dispel some myths and misconceptions as well as give you guys a bit of insight into what I do and why for transparency, understanding between myself and all of you and to show that I do, genuinely care. I'm sure this won't win over everyone and some will continue to be stuck in their ways, and that's their right but for everyone else, hopefully now you guys have a better and clearer understanding and perhaps this will lead to a healthier relationship between myself and the rest of you.
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