Oct 25, 2017

View: https://x.com/PlayHearthstone/status/1767234122085192006?s=20


I still remember this game launching out of beta the same day as Titanfall. Except Hearthstone is still going strong!

Blizzard is celebrating with twitch drops (really good drops including several packs, tavern tickets) going on right now. There is an in game event which awards gold versions of "gift" cards and an alternate coin art. Arena also features select cards from across every expansion. In the twist format, every day of this month they've been adding 1 expansion to the format (by the end of the month it's essentially wild).

There is also a legendary quest that appears to give 10 gold packs after playing 10 games. (correction: it's just a golden card back with a number 10 on it)

In standard/constructed news, this years first expansion comes out March 19th and is anniversary themed, extremely heavy on the nostalgia, and revisiting many iconic cards of the past. In fact, the rumor is that each set this year will be anniversary themed. And the core set this year includes iconic cards such as Leeroy Jenkins.

(Also got a WOW mount when I logged in hearthstone today)
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The San Symphony Project
Sep 2, 2019
United Kingdom
One of my most played games of all time, I dread to think if they ever put an "hours played" tracker in. A clown fiesta of RNG for better or worse, with a lot of design stumbles along the way. Took a break from around the time of the 2022 standard rotation and have returned earlier this year, playing on my phone during downtime moments or when travelling.

The highs have been incredibly high and they have definitely attempted to course correct in a lot of ways, but I do feel like the golden days of HS are already long gone. Curious to see where this year goes and what this expansion and core set rotation brings (I have concerns, as ever).

I think I also saw that the soundtracks are finally coming to streaming for this 10th anniversary, which is long overdue. Game has some incredible music and it's a shame there's been no good way to just be able to listen to it without playing the game with all the SFX turned down.

Edit - Already up!

View: https://open.spotify.com/album/2qLIt0ieM1SxojpLx4CYmu?si=oE3eAAYYQU-dWZC86VHodw


Jan 10, 2018
I was in the closed beta for a couple months before its official launch when I used to pass time by playing it on my laptop between class. It was a lot of fun back then when everyone was still getting a feel on the game. Still play it regularly today, although its nothing but Battlegrounds and Arena, haven't touched normal constructed game modes in year(s) and haven't paid for anything in year(s) either. Especially was turned off when I was starting to notice the frequency they started to release new sets to the game in the more recent years.

My usual routine now is just [Daily/Weekly Quests]->[Battlegrounds/Tavern Brawl]->[150g Arena]->["Free" Arena]->(repeat). Without active quests I usually am not playing it much. Outside of the occasional Battlegrounds match.
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Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Im scared to see how much money I have spent in this game in 10 years


The Fallen
Dec 26, 2018
My iPad Mini was actually my Hearthstone Pad for many, many years.

I bounced ~5 years ago but really enjoyed the many hours I played.


Oct 26, 2017
Kinda wild to think.

Kicked off the whole digital CCG genre.

The first big twitch game. Most prominent first gen twitch streamers were HS streamers.


Oct 28, 2017
I love this game. Played for a couple years (2016-2018), but just returned this past year and I'm having a great time.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I still remember that time when someone released a hearthstone killers each 3 months only to fail


Oct 25, 2017
This game felt like it was everywhere for a good while, but no one I know has played it in like 5 years.


The San Symphony Project
Sep 2, 2019
United Kingdom
Im scared to see how much money I have spent in this game in 10 years

Battlenet transaction history puts me at like... ÂŁ650 of spends in HS. I think this is a lower estimate because of changes to their in game currency system - so it might not be including some arena entry fee purchases, but I'd say ÂŁ750 is the top end for me.

I've been playing since 2014 though, so ÂŁ70 a year is basically one full priced release a year in spends which is more reasonable to think of. I think my spending in HS days are behind me though, I'll just get the cards I can from free gold and that's it.


Oct 25, 2017
It feels longer to me, because I probably was playing the beta 10+ hours a day starting in September 2013 because I was unemployed, and played it like a fiend through the Open Beta and to release, which is when I slowed down.

I ended up quitting the game with Witchwood, though I had been frustrated with the game for about a year up to that point. I actually came back a bit last year when I heard they were doing a new format that only let you use cards from the first few sets, and really enjoyed playing that format with my older cards, but when I checked out what the Standard format was like, I decided that the game had moved beyond what I was interested in.

The game has a ton of flaws, but as far as being a digital TCG, I think it's probably one of the best ones ever made, warts and all. They absolutely nailed the experience on Tablet/Mobile, and generally did a good job balancing the game with it's RNG systems, to the point that when they fucked up, it was often to the point of the game becoming miserable to play. I'm happy the game still is kicking because it very much has fallen from the level it was at early on (when it felt like one of the biggest esports and biggest games in the world), but I have friends who still like the game even after all these years!


Aug 20, 2019
I don't play the traditional mode much anymore

But ever since it released Battlegrounds has been my undpisuted most played game year after year. I fucking love Battlegrounds.

Tommy Showbiz

Jul 20, 2022
I've played Hearthstone on and off since it was in closed beta, which makes it possibly the longest game I've ever stuck with in my life. Even edged out WoW after a certain amount of time.

Hearthstone has had it's issues over the years and has had multiple dev teams during that decade, but gosh, no other card game feels so good to play and feels so effortless to jump back into after a long break. Blizzard does not get nearly enough credit for how revolutionary this game felt in 2013.


The San Symphony Project
Sep 2, 2019
United Kingdom
I'm still shook that I won a Ranked game in 2024 last season with Grim Patron thanks to Harth Stonebrew. It was like reverse PTSD - I was the one inflicting the trauma.


Sep 13, 2018
I love HS as much as any regular in this thread, i guess, but the state of ranked is just funny now, to put it mildly. Out of 10 matches, i find bots in 9.

Never played too much since it began, but now i'm invested in it. Grats HS.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah didn't realize it's been that long lol. But this games really fill my card game needs since I retired from MTG years ago.
Even though I love this game, I skipped some years because too exhausted and they bring me back again when they launched battleground mode, what an awesome mode.


Oct 26, 2017
Wild its only 10 years old? I stopped playing round witchwood, how is it now days?
The game has gotten significantly power-crept in the past 2.5 years (as in, genuine power creep, not just printing strictly better versions of already bad cards), but it's still a lot of fun

If you really enjoyed grindy, value-based control matchups (think early control warrior), you probably won't be able to get that kind of gameplay ever again unless you and a friend coordinate decks. Modern Hearthstone feels largely allergic to games going past 10 minutes now. Control decks still exist, but they're much faster-paced and have more dedicated win conditions. And while the game is much faster overall now, the flip side is that very few cards feel genuinely worthless anymore. Everything feels at least decent – which is more than you could say about some early HS cards

They also added two new classes – Demon Hunter and Death Knight
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah didn't realize it's been that long lol. But this games really fill my card game needs since I retired from MTG years ago.
Even though I love this game, I skipped some years because too exhausted and they bring me back again when they launched battleground mode, what an awesome mode.
Battleground is now 100% this game for me. I gave up constructed years ago.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda wild to think.

Kicked off the whole digital CCG genre.

The first big twitch game. Most prominent first gen twitch streamers were HS streamers.
That's when I started watching anything on Twitch for sure. I miss the first couple years of Hearthstone. It and life eventually got too busy to keep up.


Dec 26, 2023
New York, NY
It's meant to be happening this year. Steam stuff was datamined in an update last year, and we know Acti-Blizz games are coming to Steam. I honestly thought it would have been announced as part of the anniversary.

From an update/patch back in November 2023 or thereabouts:


Oh neat, didn't know it was already semi confirmed for Hearthstone. Thanks! That will give them a considerable boost.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Battleground is now 100% this game for me. I gave up constructed years ago.

Yess..Me too. But this season I try constructed again because I want to try the death knight class. And it's quite fun class, still on my diamond 3 right now. I'm suck playing ranked, never get legend ranked lol.
As the other mode, only the arena besides battleground which i enjoyed. But it's been a while i'm playing it because battleground.


Oct 27, 2017
I had a lot of fun with this game until the design decisions that the team made eventually came up with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. Jade golem meta killed the game forever for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Wish there was another card game with the same quality as Hearthstone, everything else I have played has just been...not quite there in terms of quality.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I played SO MUCH Hearthstone once it released on ios, pretty much the thought leader when it comes to cool tcg ideas that only work in a digital cardgame.

Bailed when Blizzard dunked on support for Hong Kong (???!) but otherwise remembered fondly.


Oct 25, 2017
The true GOTY of 2014. I wish the monetization wasn't so egregious because the game itself is so well designed and presented.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
I loved hearthstone; used to play it all the time with some of my coworkers. I even got legend with a spell druid deck (with Kael'thas and exotic mount seller) back in 2020. Battlegrounds was a lot of fun, too. Congrats to the hearthstone team, and thanks for building one of my favorite CCGs ever.
Mobius and Pet Octopus
Oct 25, 2017
I wish they had some kind movie length retrospective. The game has had so many eras and so many different crazy metas. 10 years of expansions where many if not most had 3 expansions per year (some not even counting mini-expansions).


Oct 27, 2017
Hearthstone has been a huge part of my life the last 10 years. The last few, not so much as other priorities have taken over. Part of the magic in the 1st few years was the community of streamers and the online streamed tournaments. I do miss all the Seat Story Cup like events.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my favourite games of all time. WoW is my #1. Getting to see and engage with my fave characters, sights and sounds from WoW in such a vivid and fun card game has legit been such a delight these last ten years. And having it on mobile has ensured I'm never bored in transit or while waiting in a line anywhere.

I fuckin love this game.


Oct 25, 2017
Mexico City
The game I've spent the most money and time ever, like it really makes me anxious to think about it lol. It had its lows but even in those times it was still an incredible fun game, and while it remains so I will play it.

Also my boy Shudderwock is returning this year!


Oct 25, 2017
Hopping back onto Hearthstone for the mount for *literally* the first time since Naxx, I'm tempted to maybe stick around and play a bit - in part because I have a *ridiculous* number of stockpiled card packs from Prime bonusses.

I am, to say the least, lost. I barely played Naxx - at the time it felt like I needed more of a fundamental understanding of the game (because prior to *that* I hadn't played it since the launch weeks!). So far I've re-found and re-played the tutorial, updated my custom mage deck from way back then to something that is now apparently valid, and played one of the training fights (which I think is still the process to unlock other classes' base decks?)

From the perspective of someone who hasn't played in forever and is curious, but probably from the perspective of wanting to introduce myself to each expansions' extra content in turn slowly rather than being inundated with all the parts of it in one go... is there some sort of play path I can do to manage that? I don't even really know what *sort* of card packs I have, but there's apparently a good few different pack designs so probably from several expansions (I bet I got some with WoW premium expansions?)

It does seem that having played it briefly years ago might mean that I'm now not being guided through the new player stuff naturally!
Mobius and Pet Octopus
Oct 25, 2017
Hopping back onto Hearthstone for the mount for *literally* the first time since Naxx, I'm tempted to maybe stick around and play a bit - in part because I have a *ridiculous* number of stockpiled card packs from Prime bonusses.

I am, to say the least, lost. I barely played Naxx - at the time it felt like I needed more of a fundamental understanding of the game (because prior to *that* I hadn't played it since the launch weeks!). So far I've re-found and re-played the tutorial, updated my custom mage deck from way back then to something that is now apparently valid, and played one of the training fights (which I think is still the process to unlock other classes' base decks?)

From the perspective of someone who hasn't played in forever and is curious, but probably from the perspective of wanting to introduce myself to each expansions' extra content in turn slowly rather than being inundated with all the parts of it in one go... is there some sort of play path I can do to manage that? I don't even really know what *sort* of card packs I have, but there's apparently a good few different pack designs so probably from several expansions (I bet I got some with WoW premium expansions?)

It does seem that having played it briefly years ago might mean that I'm now not being guided through the new player stuff naturally!

You get a guaranteed legendary within your first 10 packs of every expansion. This also includes separate guaranteed legendary for every set's GOLD expansion within the first 10 packs, except they cost 400g a pack. The strategy would be to buy a pack at a time and open them til you get your guaranteed legendary.

You can get 10 gold standard packs atm thru the legendary quest atm by just playing 10 games.

Since rotation happens in about a week, it's best to focus on the 3 that carry over which are:
festival of legends,
showdown in badlands,
and Titans.


Oct 25, 2017
You get a guaranteed legendary within your first 10 packs of every expansion. This also includes separate guaranteed legendary for every set's GOLD expansion within the first 10 packs, except they cost 400g a pack. The strategy would be to buy a pack at a time and open them til you get your guaranteed legendary.

You can get 10 gold standard packs atm thru the legendary quest atm by just playing 10 games.

Since rotation happens in about a week, it's best to focus on the 3 that carry over which are:
festival of legends,
showdown in badlands,
and Titans.

Oh, I'm not thinking about buying anything, more in terms of 'playing in an environment that is restricted to that time of the game's history', if that's at all possible. Like levelling in an old expansion in WoW, effectively. Happy to do so against AI if it's the case that there aren't human players doing that, of course!