Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo's output last year for the Switch was seriously impressive, with a top tier major exclusive planned for the platform every month (in some months, two!). I think it would not be an exaggeration to say that Nintendo's incredible showing of software for the Nintendo Switch was what caused its momentum to be sustained over the year.

But this year, so far, it kind of feels like they are in some kind of refractory, cooldown period- like they are on cruise control a bit, so to say. It kind of feels like they view last year as them buying the Switch enough momentum and cachet, and therefore time, for them to be readying their next volley of attacks.

Now, don't get me wrong- I am extremely excited for games like Dark Souls and The World Ends With You coming to the Switch (especially since I haven't ever played through either before, so they'd be brand new to me), and those games, as well as others like Kirby, Bayonetta, Yoshi, Ys, and so on, feel like Nintendo has taken the foot off the pedal for a bit.

My question is, am I the only one who feels this way? Do you think that this is something Nintendo can afford to do with the Switch? I'm a bit worried that for now, they are putting all their eggs in the Labo basket, and while Labo looks cool, it is new enough that it is not an assured bankable success (for now).

On the other hand, Sony followed a similar pattern with the PS4 as well, where, after giving the system serious momentum and sales in its first year, they kind of relented a bit in 2014, letting third parties and ports carry them with the odd mid tier exclusive, before beginning a new wave of software in 2015. Do you think the Switch has enough games coming from third parties that such a strategy would work for it too?


Oct 27, 2017
But this year, so far, it kind of feels like they are in some kind of refractory, cooldown period- like they are on cruise control a bit, so to say. It kind of feels like they view last year as them buying the Switch enough momentum and cachet, and therefore time, for them to be readying their next volley of attacks.
I think wr all knew this would happen until Q3/Q4. More third party, more ports, some Nintendo projects but no real heavy hitters. 2017 was definitely hitting it hard to swing Seitch on the market.

Deleted member 3017

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Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of 3DS for large portions of 2012.

Hopefully Switch gets is 2013 moment next year.

Now, don't get me wrong- I am extremely excited for games like Dark Souls and The World Ends With You coming to the Switch (especially since I haven't ever played through either before, so they'd be brand new to me)



Oct 25, 2017
Big 3rd parties will have to release some good stuff to keep Switch users engaged, and not just ports like rumored otherwise Switch 2018 will be labeled as the port year and can have a negative impact.

Mr. Capo

Oct 26, 2017
This year is looking quieter for Ninty with not as much software output on the horizon for Switch's second year. However I'm guessing they have surprises in store for us as they surely want to keep the momentum going.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think we'll see a year as strong as Switch Y1 from Nintendo for a very long time.

The fan expectation was that switching to one platform would help them put out a more consistent stream of releases, but that hasn't exactly been the case. But this time they have a lot of indies, mobile ports and occasional third parties to pick up some of the slack. And that seems to be good enough.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Nintendo doesn't announce games that early. They're not Square Enix.


Oct 27, 2017
They're definitely banking on Labo to be a hit. I think it might be, but it's hard to catch that particular flavor of lightning in a bottle. In the meantime the Switch is basically going to be my portable indies machine.


Oct 27, 2017
It's still February, a direct not happening every month doesn't equal cruise control.


Oct 25, 2017
Bear in mind that Nintendo likes to announce games within relatively short windows of when they're released. They're not quite Sega Saturn "it's out now!!" (although sometimes they will do that for eShop games), but they don't like to make people wait too long. So there are no doubt several unannounced games coming out this year from Nintendo for Switch but we probably won't hear about some of them until E3.


Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo released the games for the only series they give a damn about now (Mario, Zelda, and soon to be Pokemon). What, you want them to actually use more of their IP instead of relegating it solely to Smash Bros. character picks and assist trophies?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I still feel like we don't have a detailed enough view of the software lineup for the system this year, so I couldn't say definitively.
However, at the present time it very much seems like this year will be as many insiders described it would: port heaven.

I wouldn't expect another slew of original titles till 2019.


Oct 26, 2017
The lack of VC is really noticeable now. As shitty as my Wii U purchase was it feels even worse now that at least the first half of this year is dominated by ports I'm not interested in playing again


Oct 25, 2017
Bayonetta 1+2 just came out. Xenoblade 2 came out 2 months ago. There's a slew of new interesting games for the system every week from indies. What are you talking about OP?
Oct 25, 2017
We're less than 2 months into 2018. On average a game a month has been announced.
We don't know anything passed May, they usually focus Q3/Q4 for their big releases.
Remember how people thought the Switch was in for a weak year 1 and it had a great one? Well, we're still in February, lol


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Ummmmm we're barely 1.5 months into the year and they've just releaed Bayonetta 1/2 2 days ago...

Deleted member 21693

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Oct 28, 2017
Eh, Nintendo has more franchises than Mario, Zelda and Mario Kart. The Animal Crossing team has been working on *something*, Retro Studios have been working on *something* for quite a while, Metroid Prime 4 is in development, Labo is coming out this year and I'm sure more surprises will be revealed. I wouln't call it cruise control, more like taking a breather aftter releasing three of their biggest franchises in one year.

There's also this Pokémon rumour so who knows.


Oct 25, 2017
Does not one look into the past to try to predict the future?

The Switch isn't even a year old yet. No company in their right mind would enter "cruise control" this early on.

Edit: except Ouya, lol
Oct 27, 2017
Definitely not happy with what we're looking at for at least the next few months. I don't care how much people gas this shit up, I already played Bayonetta and Donkey Kong and World Ends with You and Dark Souls and and and and....

I seriously hope Nintendo hasn't already hit a wall with the Switch, because the first half of this year is zzzzzz


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure we'll get a few more titles from their B-tier franchises. Nothing big and exciting like Zelda or Mario or Mario Kart or even Smash Bros. But ya know...Fire Emblem or Animal Crossing or some shit.

Maybe Wario! I'll kill for a WarioWare Switch...


Oct 27, 2017
it's still soon, i wait for E3, but yes the first part of the year is weaker, not like I care too much for now with a new Kirby in a month :D


Oct 27, 2017
Because Mario and Zelda are the 800 pound gorillas (sorry, DK) of Nintendo's franchises and so we're left with essentially scraps for 2018. I expect sales of the system to slow a bit this year but not to any dramatic degree. It's just pretty much impossible to beat their lineup from last year, so this year is inevitably going to look a bit more drab to all but the most devoted fans.

Played through, lol. I've started it multiple times, but never finished it.

You should maybe consider playing it on literally any of the other platforms where it has double the framerate of the Switch version, then.

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017

jk i love u

Does not one look into the past to try to predict the future?

The Switch isn't even a year old yet. No company in their right mind would enter "cruise control" this early on.
See, the thing with Nintendo is...

Is Metroid this year?
Presumably not

Bayonetta 1+2 just came out. Xenoblade 2 came out 2 months ago. There's a slew of new interesting games for the system every week from indies. What are you talking about OP?
I'm saying major big grade new releases of the caliber that we saw in 2017, really. So far, Nintendo's two big pushes this year have been Dragon Quest Builders and Bayonetta. Both are ports.


Oct 25, 2017
I really think they should have saved Xenoblade for Q1. But yeah, there definitely seems to be a narrative now of "Nintendo lured in the hardcore gamers and now they're focusing on cardboard".


Oct 24, 2017
I think from a market/business perspective they will be fine. I suspect the issue is though Kirby and Labo IMO will show a lot of selling power they aren't software in reset's wheelhouse.


Nov 27, 2017
I am still having trouble keeping up with all of the games coming out, but you're right about the first party efforts so far this year. All of my preorders of first party games right now are double dips. Not interested in Labo, Kirby, or Mario Tennis. Happy for those who are, of course.

Deleted member 5535

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Oct 25, 2017
I think their Q1/Q2 is better than last year to be honest. Last year we had only Mario Kart 8 DX, Breath of the Wild, Arms and 1-2 Switch with indies and other third parties doing the work. This year we're getting Bayonetta 1/2, Kirby Star Allies, Tropical Freeze, Nintendo Labo, Mario Tennis Aces and Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition in the first months which is more than what we got.


Oct 27, 2017
Its February and we havent even gotten mayor Direct yet. You need to chill a bit.
They arent shipping +25m systems by cruise controlling. They have big plans for this year - the next Direct, fw update, Labo launch,e3, online service launch, Fire emblem, Smash, Prime 4 and co. in addition to big 3rdParty releases like GTA and CoD.


Nov 18, 2017
I think there's plenty on the way and I'm excited to get DLC for games like Xenoblade and Kingdom Battle.

Nintendo have got some good games in the pipeline with stuff like Hollow Knight, Dark Souls and the like on the way - they typically keep things close to ther chest too, so I don't feel worried yet.

However, I think you're right to say it looks lighter than last year in terms of big games. 2017 is a hell of an act to follow though.

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Because Mario and Zelda are the 800 pound gorillas (sorry, DK) of Nintendo's franchises and so we're left with essentially scraps for 2018. I expect sales of the system to slow a bit this year but not to any dramatic degree. It's just pretty much impossible to beat their lineup from last year, so this year is inevitably going to look a bit more drab to all but the most devoted fans.

Switch will sell more units this year than last.

If Pokemon comes out this year then I'm expecting sales to match year 1 or even be higher ;p

Pokemon doesn't even have to release this year for the system to sell more units. It'll do that regardless.


Oct 27, 2017
Because Mario and Zelda are the 800 pound gorillas (sorry, DK) of Nintendo's franchises and so we're left with essentially scraps for 2018. I expect sales of the system to slow a bit this year but not to any dramatic degree. It's just pretty much impossible to beat their lineup from last year, so this year is inevitably going to look a bit more drab to all but the most devoted fans.

You should maybe consider playing it on literally any of the other platforms where it has double the framerate of the Switch version, then.
If Pokemon comes out this year then I'm expecting sales to match year 1 or even be higher ;p
Oct 27, 2017
Real insider take is they have nothing else to announce this year forever. It's true apologies all around.

People need to give this silly shit a break. Unless they're going to start announcing games and releasing them two months later, we pretty much know for sure that we got nothing interesting until the summer, at best.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
It's the "we did what we can, now the stage belongs to you guys, third party" year for Nintendo. But it seems third party aren't there again to take the stage. Nintendo is still "Nintendo" for them. That's why Nintendo is trying to fill their spots with filler games like Mario Tennis and easy Wii U ports.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I suspect H2 will probably be a lot better. Luckily, because they released so many great evergreen titles last year, they can afford to focus on Labo for H1 without any worries.
Looking at both years comparatively, H1 2018 is still better than H1 2017, as the launch cruised heavily on Zelda and Mario Kart till summer.