
Oct 26, 2017


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
I will even wait a minute or two



Oct 25, 2017
Scotland, United Kingdom
The only thing I can't figure out is if Dubs is scum with this power and we assume based on this he stole sorian's power - wouldn't that only be useful to find out neutrals?

Unless of course we have another similar power situation.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Yay, no traffic, which is surprising, because folks out here are surely acting like everything is JUST fine.

Blarg's posts have been nothing but noise, I don't see a town there - I just can't. I'm sorry if you see something I don't but how is spamming us with gifs and memes and nonsense helpful to town AT ALL? I just... how?
You'll note, I assume, that Blarg is not always 100% scum in every game he plays, yet does absolutely play some variation of this style in every game he plays, yes?

There are ways to thread out from Blarg play what Blarg is doing. The style itself from Blarg is not inherently scummy. I would argue that Salva's wild changeable theories are more noise, or my frequent posts, tbh, but people are gonna play how they're gonna play and you have to look through that.

But I also know you know this and that you're defending this so hard is also about the most you've done all game is telling.
And how am I easy lunch? You see it right here, I'm having trouble arguing my honest thoughts and been scumread for them.

I get scumread early in games because of that as well, because my thoughts always seem scummy despite them being my honest thoughts.

So yeah, I'm not scum but I doubt I'm changing anyone's minds

This is patently untrue and I am exactly the asshole who will go look through past games for examples. Yes, sometimes you are scumread early games for low presence, but your towniness often shows later. There's not even a glimmer here. The way you reluctantly revealed information, the way it didn't exactly make sense, the stubborn clinging to generalizations over actual reads, the way even Stu was concerned... that all points to mafia.


Oct 25, 2017
So you and Dr. M say B-Dubs copied Geno's chat, used it on you

What happened to Sorian's Role with that mod-edit then, the one that Ael noticed? Did B-Dubs ever comment on that with you two?
He explicitly said that wasn't due to his role. I suppose he could be lying, but I'm not sure the timing makes sense. Especially now that Geno's has gone missing. B-Dubs clearly was able to use the role he copied once he got it, otherwise the chat last night couldn't have happened. Not sure why there would be such a big delay for it to go missing.


Oct 26, 2017
He explicitly said that wasn't due to his role. I suppose he could be lying, but I'm not sure the timing makes sense. Especially now that Geno's has gone missing. B-Dubs clearly was able to use the role he copied once he got it, otherwise the chat last night couldn't have happened. Not sure why there would be such a big delay for it to go missing.
That reminds me, wasn't the gossip leader supposed to be costumed? B-dubs wasn't?


Oct 25, 2017
Scotland, United Kingdom
The way you reluctantly revealed information

-sigh- I assume this is in regards to my pm. So me deciding 'this is not worth saying unless someone else mentions it' because I genuinely knew NOTHING about it is... reluctant?

So you are basically saying I should have came out with it post 1, d1 and make it easier for scum to quietly plot to get rid of me and A in one fell swoop?



Oct 26, 2017
So B-Dubs copies Sorian, and then doesnt use the cop check but copies the Geno chat? Yeah that's scummy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
B-Dubs has the ability to copy powers, and he pulled myself and Monkey into a chat last night. He basically spent what little time he was there pumping Monkey for information about when and how she would use her ITA. When pressed for why he copied the chat instead of Sorian's check he was evasive, saying the chat seemed more useful. I don't trust him, at all. I got the impression Monkey didn't either last night because she started giving mixed signals in the chat, I assume (and her day start confirms it) because she didn't trust him either.

What about Royal? He should be confirmed town at this point. I think that's what Saw was getting at when she said she wrote it in such a way to bypass godfather modifiers.
Sorry if there are typos, I'm waiting for grocery pickup and on mobile and typing very fast

The very fact that you argue Blarg has done nothing but don't suspect Dubs absolutely underscores EVERYTHING I'm saying.

Can you name one thing Dubs has down that's townie? Because while you're only "leaning him" you also townread him right after and add on a guilt attempt. So go ahead. Gimme a single reason to think Dubs is town, because I have a few that very much make him look like scum. I'll wait though. I'd love to hear your reasoning.

Oh, I have more. I have a lot more. But I wanna see some responses from the scum team first.

oh never mind lol Nat spilled it.

Yeah, so we asked Dubs why he didn't take the check and he had a lot of iffy responses about how he thought he would help us coordinate ITAs. He never once seemed to doubt that we were town, was just a little miffed that he almost died. So I ask you:

Why would a largely inactive player take a CHAT (that he barely used) over a CHECK? Even a one-shot check?
Why would he never doubt that we were town?

He had no reads, no real opinions - except that Muffin was more sus than Sneeks. That was it.

He also said he was going to take Stu's ability. He (says he) gets to do it at start of day, and if that's true, he is going to shoot someone.

We also had access to the previous Geno chat with Sneeks and Muffin. I asked Dubs about that and if he had thoughts but he posted so little in our chat and like... what's the point if not a pocket attempt? There was no town benefit to his action and no reason not to take a different action.
I imagine most of it was to fish for info from Monkey. Who better to put in the chat to try and get her to open up than me after the hilarity of D2's ITA reveals? It also served as a smokescreen. Essentially he claimed the order of events went as 1) Geno dies 2) Copy Geno 3) I revealed my role as the ITA creator 4) He used the copied power. He claimed he wanted us to be able to coordinate, but didn't realize the chat wouldn't get created until night. I just didn't buy his demeanor at all.

Whoops, sorry I didn't even think of holding that piece of the puzzle longer.

Not that it matters, I'm betting they're fully aware of what went down last night.
Ok, so, what you are saying here is that dubs has the ability to take abiities from dead players.

If we look at this from a scum dubs perspective, this seems desperate. He was almost voted out but was saved at the last second in a panic tie, that thankfully is not that much of an issue now since we know sawnee and nin are town, Vere was cleaned by monkey, and the only player who is still not clean is... well, monkey. If it was an attempt to bus and save a scummate, hmm, I just don't see just monkey trying that, not at the last second and not without cordination. Its stupid risky and its, for monkey completely, totally unoptimal. I think I'm 100% convinced monkey is town now. If monkey wanted to vote another player, Blarg is there. Malus is there. Yeah, I don't see scum-monkey making this play.

I got a bit side-tracked here. So you are telling me dubs gets to pick powers and we have evidence he took Geno's in the chat Monkey and Natiko got added to. So I'm looking back at Geno's role and.... its gone. The flavour for tresh is still there but the nen abilities are gone.

I look at turmnoil, still there, the deep purple command is there.

Sorian, as pointed before, also got his powers scrubbed.

Kalor stll has his power there

And so is Stu's, still there

So there is evidence of something that Sorian and Geno got their powers taken, but not the others.

And we now know that dubs took Geno's power, but then that would mean he took Sorian's powers too. And if he did, why lie about it in the chat? Wouldn't it be better for dubs to just say he got it he did? "Hey guys, I got Geno's and Sorian's power, who do you want me to check" Bam, done.

But he didn't either because dubs doesn't have the power, or maybe he can just use one at the time but he already picked sorian, so he trashed it to use Geno. But if that is the case, why not pick Kalor's power to votekill? Or Stu's for the easy shot and vest?

Maybe he felt going for the pocket was better, but clearly went in without a plan, just "Hey friends I made a chat we cool?". But if you are scum you don't need to be friends you just kill and get powers that kill. Maybe there is a restriction that doesn't let him take killing powers?

Also, monkey, if you are so scared of dubs stealing stus power and killing someone else for free, why not activate your ITA and just shoot him and lynch one more of the list? I get that you had Natiko as back-up with the dubs story but that is a huge risk, unless you were betting on dubs not killing to try and keep the town charade? There is very little stopping dubs from just shooting you now if he has access to stu. Do you think mentioning stu may have been a bluff to keep you quiet about the chat?

Not gonna lie, this looks really really bad for dubs, even if he is saying the truth his reasons are flimsy at best.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
-sigh- I assume this is in regards to my pm. So me deciding 'this is not worth saying unless someone else mentions it' because I genuinely knew NOTHING about it is... reluctant?

So you are basically saying I should have came out with it post 1, d1 and make it easier for scum to quietly plot to get rid of me and A in one fell swoop?

No, even once it was out we had to coax information out of you, Donna.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Also, monkey, if you are so scared of dubs stealing stus power and killing someone else for free, why not activate your ITA and just shoot him and lynch one more of the list?
Because it's a 10% shot and we saw how great that was. What I wanted from ITAs... already happened.
Because we have almost no vote data from yesterday likely due to the ITAs + weekend.
Because there is another aspect to my role that is different from Natiko's extra aspect.


Nov 29, 2018
The Claim List DIY edition: I think that's everything (presented by Aeleus)

Verified Powers List:
-Sorian, Linked Cop: Checks 2 players each night to find if they share alignmen. Emitter?
-Turmoil, 2-shot Switcher: Manipulator?
-Geno, Lantern Master: Each day adds two players to a permanent gossip chat with geno, if a town player in the chat dies they enter a special dead chat with geno, targeted Muffin and Sawneeks D1. Transmuter?
-Stu, Insane Killer: Had 3 cop shots, 1 day vig shot (to be used by D3 and couldn't target a invest target) and an activatable BP vest, shot Sorian D1 and green checked Verelios N1. Conjurer.
-Sawneeks, Ghostly Emissary: Learnt Royal was town at start of game, each night would track a player but would only find results post death. Had a 1-shot role name cop but only worked if target visits or was visited, no movement on Kyan N1, action failed on Natiko N2. Transmuter?
Nin, Ninphomaniac: Became lovers with a chosen target N1 (Sawneeks) and is given a gossip chat with them + 1-shot BP. Enhancer/Transmuter?

-Kalor, Vote Hoarder: Planted a bomb on target who would die 24hrs into next day phase, Kalor would get a point for every vote on the target when they died and winned with 10 points. Specialist?

Claimed Powers List:
-Dr. Monkey, ITA creator: Can start an ITA mini game with a 10% hit chance at the beginning of the day, mini game lasts 24 hours. Emitter.
-Natiko, ITA Creator and Master: Can start an ITA mini game with a 10% hit chance at the beginning of the day, mini game lasts 24 hours. Boosts theirs and a targets hit chance to 100%. Ability verified D2, no-one hit with a random shot. Emitter.
-Royal, ???: Targeted Monkey and Kalor N1, power seems to come into affect after target dies.
-Malus, ???: Had a 1-shot BP vest claimed to have lost all power after losing it. BP verified by being shot D2.

The Director: Donna was told they were the director at game start and Aeleus was told that Donna was the director, was town and that something bad would happen to them if Donna was lunched. Whoever caused this effect hasn't claimed so is likely an evil ability.
The vote locker: At some point in D2 Salva couldn't unvote Stu and Blarg couldn't unvote blarg, causing stu to die. Almost certainly a scum ability.
The post mortem vaniliser: Sorian's Will was altered to become vanilla at some point. Edit time indicated it happened during N1.

Case Closed:
The hijacked powers!: It was initially thought Monkeys power had been hijacked but it turned out that her's and Natiko's were just very similar. Sawneeks role also seems to share similarities to the director mystery but seems unrelated.

ITA results:
Dr. Monkey -> Kalor [Neutral]: Hit and killed!
Natiko -> Malus: Hit and survived...

Sneeks [Town] -> Malus: Miss
Bear/Nin [Town] -> Nin [Town]: Miss
Stu [Town] -> Kalor [Neutral]: Miss
Donna [Town?] -> Blargonaut: Miss
Royal [Town?] -> Kalor [Neutral]: Miss
Blargonaut -> Donna [Town?]: Miss
SalvaPot -> Stu [Town]: Miss
Muffin -> Kalor [Neutral]: Miss
Verelios -> Blargonaut: Miss
malus -> Zipped: Miss
Zipped -> Muffin: Miss
Aeleus -> Zipped: Miss
Kyanrute -> Muffin: Miss
B-Dubs -> Zipped: Miss
Kalor [Neutral] -> Zipped: Miss


Oct 25, 2017
Scotland, United Kingdom


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Because it's a 10% shot and we saw how great that was. What I wanted from ITAs... already happened.
Because we have almost no vote data from yesterday likely due to the ITAs + weekend.
Because there is another aspect to my role that is different from Natiko's extra aspect.
Oooh, ok, yeah that makes sense. If its only 10% then you are as much of risk at getting shot and if dubs takes stus power he has two go's at you.


Nov 29, 2018
I'm going to claim now because I don't want us to go down the wrong road this day phase, the fun of the mystery is only worth so much.

The mystery/goof will be revealed/confirmed to spec chat.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Let me quote myself:
Oh, by all means, allow me:

I was wondering why I had a message pre-d1 calling me this ^^'. It confused me haha.
I received a message pre-d1 calling me the director. Like I said, it confused the heck out of me.
I received it at 4amish my time on tuesday, way before the game started. If that helps.
Oh, just went back to double check this was after the deadline was up for roles.
I probably should have just worded it this way haha. yeah about 3hrs later so same ^^
Instead of just saying that could could confirm that and here's what you know and what you don't, it takes multiple people questioning to find out when you got it, what it said, if it was red text, how it related to PM timing.

If we hadn't questioned you, all we would have gotten was that it was confusing.

I'm also going to point out that you claimed Dubs was towny-feeling, said you'd ISO him, but then turned around and voted him to resolve him.


Oct 25, 2017
B-Dubs has the ability to copy powers, and he pulled myself and Monkey into a chat last night. He basically spent what little time he was there pumping Monkey for information about when and how she would use her ITA. When pressed for why he copied the chat instead of Sorian's check he was evasive, saying the chat seemed more useful. I don't trust him, at all. I got the impression Monkey didn't either last night because she started giving mixed signals in the chat, I assume (and her day start confirms it) because she didn't trust him either.

Yeah, so we asked Dubs why he didn't take the check and he had a lot of iffy responses about how he thought he would help us coordinate ITAs. He never once seemed to doubt that we were town, was just a little miffed that he almost died. So I ask you:

Why would a largely inactive player take a CHAT (that he barely used) over a CHECK? Even a one-shot check?
Why would he never doubt that we were town?

He had no reads, no real opinions - except that Muffin was more sus than Sneeks. That was it.

He also said he was going to take Stu's ability. He (says he) gets to do it at start of day, and if that's true, he is going to shoot someone.

We also had access to the previous Geno chat with Sneeks and Muffin. I asked Dubs about that and if he had thoughts but he posted so little in our chat and like... what's the point if not a pocket attempt? There was no town benefit to his action and no reason not to take a different action.

So he was, to some degree, reading and thinking on D2, even when it did not show up that much. And the actions that are shown here too are active anti-town inaction by not taking Sorian's role (but it is gone with Geno now so did he take it for a future fake claim or something?) and the other action, well, that is a little pocket there I think. Muffin being more sus than Sneeks comes out of nowhere, don't think that is a very old read. It is a easy topic to talk about too. Should check ITA targets to see what he could've been interested in, chat duo, were names named?


B-Dubs give us a good post. You need it.


Oct 25, 2017
Scotland, United Kingdom
Oh, by all means, allow me:

Instead of just saying that could could confirm that and here's what you know and what you don't, it takes multiple people questioning to find out when you got it, what it said, if it was red text, how it related to PM timing.

If we hadn't questioned you, all we would have gotten was that it was confusing.

I'm also going to point out that you claimed Dubs was towny-feeling, said you'd ISO him, but then turned around and voted him to resolve him.

@.@ I can't win here. And I said things as I needed to, I was opening people questioning me I wasn't sure what all the information would have wanted, this is the first time something like this has happened to me - I didn't know HOW to react and what to do but you know, I 'should' know somehow and be a mindreader.

^^; I'm going to take a small break for tea to try and calm down.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
@.@ I can't win here. And I said things as I needed to, I was opening people questioning me I wasn't sure what all the information would have wanted, this is the first time something like this has happened to me - I didn't know HOW to react and what to do but you know, I 'should' know somehow and be a mindreader.

^^; I'm going to take a small break for tea to try and calm down.
Donna, please do take your break and chill but all I'm saying is: your actions so far have not come off as very town. If you are town, this is me laying out the red flags. Obviously I am interested in Dubs today, not you, and I'd put you very low on my priorities regardless.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
So he was, to some degree, reading and thinking on D2, even when it did not show up that much. And the actions that are shown here too are active anti-town inaction by not taking Sorian's role (but it is gone with Geno now so did he take it for a future fake claim or something?) and the other action, well, that is a little pocket there I think. Muffin being more sus than Sneeks comes out of nowhere, don't think that is a very old read. It is a easy topic to talk about too. Should check ITA targets to see what he could've been interested in, chat duo, were names named?


B-Dubs give us a good post. You need it.
Most of the suspects shot at Zipped, who would be an easy target to justify and who I think is more likely town than scum here.


Nov 29, 2018
Congratulations Director Donna you are being looked after by your own guardian angel.

Or more accurately by me, The Board.

At the start of the game I am given a random town to look after. Donna is as town as Royal.

During the first 24 hours of each day phase I can send a command to Fran to give Donna one of many benefits (ie, lunchproof, day kill immune, night kill immune) seeing B-Dubs claiming a day vig shot and not trusting him with it, Donna is currently day kill immune, let that test my ability.

Being an extradimensional being death cannot stop me, rather than being allowed to go to spec I am instead able to use all of my abilities (I'm still dead though so can't post ect).

Also I'm an enhancer.


Oct 25, 2017
Scotland, United Kingdom
Donna, please do take your break and chill but all I'm saying is: your actions so far have not come off as very town. If you are town, this is me laying out the red flags. Obviously I am interested in Dubs today, not you, and I'd put you very low on my priorities regardless.

I am well aware of the red flags, however that is just me I guess?

The last thing I'll say on this is if I was scum, I would be asking for help or advice on how to word this in scum chat and people who have played with me as scum in the past know this is how I tend to work.

Now ^_^ time for some earl grey tea <3.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations Director Donna you are being looked after by your own guardian angel.

Or more accurately by me, The Board.

At the start of the game I am given a random town to look after. Donna is as town as Royal.

During the first 24 hours of each day phase I can send a command to Fran to give Donna one of many benefits (ie, lunchproof, day kill immune, night kill immune) seeing B-Dubs claiming a day vig shot and not trusting him with it, Donna is currently day kill immune, let that test my ability.

Being an extradimensional being death cannot stop me, rather than being allowed to go to spec I am instead able to use all of my abilities (I'm still dead though so can't post ect).

Also I'm an enhancer.
I mean, no one will test it now.

Okay, so like Sneeks' power, there's no way this can be messed with? Not altered? You're certain?


Oct 26, 2017
Congratulations Director Donna you are being looked after by your own guardian angel.

Or more accurately by me, The Board.

At the start of the game I am given a random town to look after. Donna is as town as Royal.

During the first 24 hours of each day phase I can send a command to Fran to give Donna one of many benefits (ie, lunchproof, day kill immune, night kill immune) seeing B-Dubs claiming a day vig shot and not trusting him with it, Donna is currently day kill immune, let that test my ability.

Being an extradimensional being death cannot stop me, rather than being allowed to go to spec I am instead able to use all of my abilities (I'm still dead though so can't post ect).

Also I'm an enhancer.
Okay, that's a dope role.

But why the run around with a possible third party?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations Director Donna you are being looked after by your own guardian angel.

Or more accurately by me, The Board.

At the start of the game I am given a random town to look after. Donna is as town as Royal.

During the first 24 hours of each day phase I can send a command to Fran to give Donna one of many benefits (ie, lunchproof, day kill immune, night kill immune) seeing B-Dubs claiming a day vig shot and not trusting him with it, Donna is currently day kill immune, let that test my ability.

Being an extradimensional being death cannot stop me, rather than being allowed to go to spec I am instead able to use all of my abilities (I'm still dead though so can't post ect).

Also I'm an enhancer.
Wow that is awesome, specially giving abilities after death. And I can see why you wouldn't fully reveal before, you couldn't risk scum figuring out what you would do.

Hmm, but I do think posting this now might be a mistake, if dubs has a shot he has one less target to aim for. But I doubt a scum-dubs would target a town-donna, since monkey was so hard on her. But you kinda leave her unprotected for tonight if what you are saying is true.


Nov 29, 2018
I mean, no one will test it now.

Okay, so like Sneeks' power, there's no way this can be messed with? Not altered? You're certain?
I basically used the same trick as her. I'm assigned a random town at the start of the game.

Okay, that's a dope role.

But why the run around with a possible third party?
Wanted to save Donna while revealing as little information as possible. But soon I became interested at how different players reacted to it as scum knew it didn't have anything to do with them.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Then I will revise, because Donna is the one least tied to the others anyway, whereas malus+Dubs+Muffin are pretty tied together in various ways - malus +Dubs from votes yesterday, malus+Dubs+Muffin with votes yesterday (or the lack of), Dubs+Muffin from the secret chat. If we work on the three who are tied, we will find the rest, I think, unless we have a deepwolf.

I can't imagine Aeleus would be scum protecting a town, though it would be clever as can be. Still, not into it.

Whoops, I forgot some people so revising anyway-

QUOTE="Dr. Monkey, post: 34364562, member: 2447"]

Vere (green-checked, could be fuckery, doesn't feel like it, but maybe)
(me, obv)

If there's a fourth scum, and there probably is, it's here:
(I personally do not think it's Zipped)




Oct 25, 2017
DON'T ANY OF YOU FUCKING DARE TURBOING B-DUBS! I have questions that need to be answered.

For starters I want to hear b-dubs' version of that power.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations Director Donna you are being looked after by your own guardian angel.

Or more accurately by me, The Board.

At the start of the game I am given a random town to look after. Donna is as town as Royal.

During the first 24 hours of each day phase I can send a command to Fran to give Donna one of many benefits (ie, lunchproof, day kill immune, night kill immune) seeing B-Dubs claiming a day vig shot and not trusting him with it, Donna is currently day kill immune, let that test my ability.

Being an extradimensional being death cannot stop me, rather than being allowed to go to spec I am instead able to use all of my abilities (I'm still dead though so can't post ect).

Also I'm an enhancer.
semantics are everything, how did you word the "random town" did you say something like random person who is town aligned or just "Random town".

I'm inclined to believe you, I still want B-Dubs today anyways. its a long game, we have time and I have other fish to fry on my list

Malus, Muffin and B-Dubs...


Oct 26, 2017
Dr. Monkey what do you think of Saw's results on Kyan N1? That moves him up the town list for me, but he could also be a passive or day ability user.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations Director Donna you are being looked after by your own guardian angel.

Or more accurately by me, The Board.

At the start of the game I am given a random town to look after. Donna is as town as Royal.

During the first 24 hours of each day phase I can send a command to Fran to give Donna one of many benefits (ie, lunchproof, day kill immune, night kill immune) seeing B-Dubs claiming a day vig shot and not trusting him with it, Donna is currently day kill immune, let that test my ability.

Being an extradimensional being death cannot stop me, rather than being allowed to go to spec I am instead able to use all of my abilities (I'm still dead though so can't post ect).

Also I'm an enhancer.
Another issue I find with this is... after Donna is gone, you are just vanilla. Sure Donna was at risk at getting voted out, but not yet, you still had at least one more day to save her if it came down to it. Hell, if you have lunchproof as an ability, why not use it for the next day and then you have one more day of her been safe. Even if you die, you could still protect her and also confirm her without having to reveal.

I want to lean town on this one, but its... too preventive? Dunno, something doesn't sit right with me. Not entirely convinced.