
Jul 16, 2020
I am town. No, I can't be certain that I can only recruit town. But I've come to the conclusion that it's highly likely that I can't recruit mafia. For one, I don't think it works mechnanically. For two, it doesn't fit with how my recruits behaved.


Oct 27, 2017
it'd be really silly to design a game where mafia are completely cornered well before a MELO situation by your role, Thorny.


Jul 16, 2020
I am town. No, I can't be certain that I can only recruit town. But I've come to the conclusion that it's highly likely that I can't recruit mafia. For one, I don't think it works mechnanically. For two, it doesn't fit with how my recruits behaved.

To follow up on this, we didn't know what BECOMING AS GODS would do. If I were scum, I would never have risked it. Never in a million years-- it could have been an insta-win for town.


Oct 25, 2017
The whole crux of this argument is that people aren't lying about their vanilla town roles.
We have only successfully recruited vanilla robots, across many attempts.
I consider that a pattern.
Now, sure, one of us could be a goon, but that's not an immediate worry I have.

And there was a ... gamble ... involved in becoming as gods that I don't entirely buy a mafia member would have made.


Jul 16, 2020
it'd be really silly to design a game where mafia are completely cornered well before a MELO situation by your role, Thorny.

It took a lot of effort to get to this point -- we needed four living members. It's kind of like a neighbor thread/town core, but stronger, because I feel really sure that scum would not act how my recruits acted. Could be I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.


Oct 27, 2017
To follow up on this, we didn't know what BECOMING AS GODS would do. If I were scum, I would never have risked it. Never in a million years-- it could have been an insta-win for town.
in what world would you be gifted a win for town without having properly eliminated mafia? it's not a big risk at all for scum to get on board for the town cred you are gifting them from it


Oct 25, 2017
Me and Launch still moved in those days you tried to recruit us so it's still not a given it's vanilla only but at this point I'm not sure what is left to discuss here.


Oct 27, 2017
It took a lot of effort to get to this point -- we needed four living members. It's kind of like a neighbor thread/town core, but stronger, because I feel really sure that scum would not act how my recruits acted. Could be I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
You know that scum are able to be recruited into neighbor threads right. literally what Launch did as scum once and cost town the game


Nov 3, 2017
in what world would you be gifted a win for town without having properly eliminated mafia? it's not a big risk at all for scum to get on board for the town cred you are gifting them from it
We control the vote, we not voting our own............


Oct 25, 2017
I mean at this point just choose to shoot someone. Not much the other 4 of us can do. I just hope you as a collective end up shooting the right people now.


Jul 16, 2020
You know that scum are able to be recruited into neighbor threads right. literally what Launch did as scum once and cost town the game

Of course I remember that, it was my first game!

But I really don't think there has been a mafia infiltration in this case. I'm not even sure I can mechanically recruit mafia, but if I can, I think they would have let me make that post then used it to frame me. I also have been able to read a lot more posts in our thread and I town read all my recruits on that basis. Finally, I really do think I could only recruit vanilla town.

It's a possibility that there's an infiltrator, but it does not feel likely to me and is 100% not a direction I would vote.

That said, Neki's reaction when we were attaining godhood felt pretty genuine. I would be ok looking at Launchpad instead on that basis.


Oct 25, 2017
I do feel much better with the game out of my hands though but a bit disappointed there wasn't going to be a big stand off of Maol vs Hawthorn at the end.


Oct 27, 2017
call me when you lot have made up your minds on who you're getting rid of, I don't have to do jack shit anymore with four seemingly confirmed townies lol, easy win I guess


Nov 3, 2017
I'm cool with the Maol flip. Still the shaky N1 with his results. The only real thing we dont have an answer for.
Tracked Launch to Stan...who died....but seems to be cool with it.
Giving Neki a clear just because he got a motivate shot...............is meh.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
I don't have reasons to distrust any of my robot compatriots. Ephis reaction to Chugg's reveal felt genuine and that was exactly what I felt when he claimed. Zeke has been very townie this game. And after learning of the cult, Haw's actions make a lot more sense.

Besides. We were under the assumption that we were a suicide cult, and I'm not sure that scum would have agreed to that.

I say we go for Maol.


Jul 16, 2020
I would aim towards Launchpad or Maol today.

As I said, I'm not going to vote any of my recruits -- at least not today. I'm fully aware that I don't actually know their alignment -- but I think they're town.

I had felt very suspicious of Neki, but this post kind of turned me around

all water under the bridge, it makes me feel better the two players tunneling me were actually scum (besides LaunchpadMcQ


Nov 3, 2017
Cool with Launch too......................jailin the doctor doesnt make sense..........wouldve been better to jail a scumread imo.


Jul 16, 2020
Nobody has claimed EC's redirect to Stan, seeming pretty likely it went to scum. If Launch has a scum support role, he could have received the redirect then claimed jailor in case of a track.


Oct 27, 2017
If you don't think that all of scum is in the cult, why not help us catch the scum between Neki/EC/Launch, even if you think we're idiots for town reading the cult members?
honestly I'm more convinced you actually did recruit both scum than one being on the out because with just the four of you left, they win.

But out of those three I'd flip Launch first just because he visited the dead player last night.


Nov 3, 2017
Yes, the guy who's pushing back on the four of you being town is probably going to hurt town here. Best to get rid of me so it's easier for you
You can stay stuck on that if you want

I'd like to get Launchpad's reaction to EC's claim, and to the cult reveal. No need to turbo anyone. I would consider Maol, though. His frustrated reaction to the cult feels like it could come from either a town or a mafia perspective.
aight cool


Oct 25, 2017
I mean I'm as skeptical as Maol here and I really do hope the last remaining scum are between the pool of me, EC, maol and launch.


Oct 25, 2017
But it's not like my decision will affect that, you four will have majority for 2 days so I just hope you pick the right people.


Oct 27, 2017
Thorny, did any of your recruits ever suggest who to recruit? how many vanilla claims came out after you initially floated that idea to the cult thread?


Jul 16, 2020
honestly I'm more convinced you actually did recruit both scum than one being on the out because with just the four of you left, they win.

But out of those three I'd flip Launch first just because he visited the dead player last night.

If there are two in my cult, it would have to be Zeke and Ephi. Neon came in right before night actions closed last night and was right away on board with the "become as gods" thing, which could have been anything. We could have been a suicide cult, or I could have been a neutral leading them to their deaths. We were planning to post right away -- only delayed because of scheduling issues. Mafia would have been more hesitant.

And I don't think either of Zeke and Ephi are mafia, let alone both. However, I'll indulge the paranoia that you're raising with your questions and try to think them through. I won't vote for anyone in the cult, but it doesn't hurt to think through every possibility.

Thorny, did any of your recruits ever suggest who to recruit? how many vanilla claims came out after you initially floated that idea to the cult thread?

Loki's modpost at the top of cult thread stated that we would all be modkilled if we mentioned the cult outside of the cult thread. Therefore, if I recruited mafia, they couldn't have discussed the cult in their scum thread.

For a long time we had a working theory that I could only recruit machines. I was the first to mention that theory.

After Ephi was recruited, the two of us discussed recruiting Zeke or Neki. I was the first to mention Zeke, and the one to make a decision between Zeke and Neki. Ephi made me hesitate by mentioning a theory that Zeke killed Sorian when Sorian visited him with his riddle. This almost turned me off recruiting Zeke, until c4 unexpectedly claimed responsibility for Sorian's death.

Zeke suggested Stan as a recruit on D4, after he claimed machine doctor, but before he claimed that his type was android. Then, after Neki claimed machine, Zeke was the first to suggest Neki again. I eventually did end up trying to recruit Neki that night.

When either of them talked about possible recruits, it felt like it was a natural reaction to what was happening in the thread. For example, if Ephi had wanted me to recruit scummate Zeke, she wouldn't have raised the possibility that he killed Sorian. If Zeke had wanted me to recruit a scum mate, he wouldn't have been on board with Stan as a potential recruit, until Stan's unexpected android claim. Either of them could have steered me away from Neki.

I see what you're suggesting, but it doesn't fit with the restrictions on discussing the cult and with how both were behaving in the thread. Also, I'm not even sure mafia would want me to recruit more mafia. Again, for all they knew I was a neutral and could kill them. For all they knew, becoming as gods would have killed them.

Hawthorn could you disclose the name of your role? Is it like Machine Preacher or Machine Cultist?

It's just Little Robot Cult Leader.