
Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Johnson completely tossed out JJ's ideas for 8 and he was perfectly happy to return for 9. I don't think you take on & make a franchise movie like this without knowing exactly how much control you actually have when push comes to shove, which is why you get things like Trevorrow departing 9 or Wright leaving Ant-Man. I'm sure JJ will have just as much carte blanche to do what he wants as Johnson had on 8, even if it means retconning or going against bits of 8. I don't really care what the piss babies say though, so I hope (for instance) JJ finds a big role for Rose that's more than just Lando levels of involvement in ROTJ, etc.
There's a difference between changing the direction of the trilogy and outright retconning another filmmaker's story. Johnson never undid any of JJ's work. There is nothing in TLJ that outright contradicts TFA. As for what JJ intended, we can only speculate.


Oct 27, 2017
It was Snoke that hooked them up.
Probably made easier by the fact they had already invaded each other's minds. It's implied Rey lifted abilities from Kylo (force related, possibly lightsaber related if their shared moveset demonstrated in TLJ is any indication) and Kylo extracted memories from her. They've already been up in there, it isn't hard to imagine a lingering resonance that made it easier to hook 'em up.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope Disney goes all in on female cast members. This'll make a billion dollars no matter what the alt right thinks.


Oct 27, 2017
Luke: "How did my father die?"
Ben: "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father."

"So you see, I'm not a hack fraud, from a certain point of view."

Hey, remember how the big theme of the last movie is that you don't need to be someone special to make a difference in the galax? That anyone with courage to stand up to evil can become a hero? Yeah, screw all that you're actually super special and from a long lineage of special people.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
There's a difference between changing the direction of the trilogy and outright retconning another filmmaker's story. Johnson never undid any of JJ's work. There is nothing in TLJ that outright contradicts TFA. As for what JJ intended, we can only speculate.

Yeah, that's true, and fair. I just think Disney will let JJ do whatever he wants, though. Johnson has creative control over whatever he wants over on his own little Star Wars playground for his trilogy now, after all. I just think Lucas/Disney is big on giving over creative control within the scope of each individual project, that's all. I commend them for doing that, too, as I think if they were as constrained about that stuff as it appears Marvel Studios are TLJ probably would've been a very very different movie.

With that said, I think JJ is too intelligent a storyteller to actually want to change Johnson's work - I think he will find a great way to bring it home in keeping with what TLJ establishes, and the less desirable segment of the fanbase can cry about it all they want.


Oct 25, 2017
JJ is quoted saying he always believed anybody could be a hero, that it shouldn't always depend on lineage.

I think his plan from the beginning was for Rey to pave her own path. To find her own belonging and purpose.

Technically he could change the narrative established in TLJ (even RJ acknowledged this), but based on what JJ has said, I don't think he will.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Here is my legitimate guess:

She is replacing Leias character in the story as the leader of the Resistance.

Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Can someone post a link to to the scene where Rey finds out her parents are nobodys? Don't remember from the movie.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not campaigning for it, fwiw - so I don't need to give it up, as such, but I'm saying narratively if that's a path JJ wants to take they absolutely could take it, that's all.

I will say that in the films there is a definitive tonal difference, though, where her being 'nobody' and from 'nowhere' in TFA is played more as an ooo spooky mystery, whereas in TLJ it's played straight as the truth. I think that's just also a difference in film makers too though, where JJ loves mysteries (those Lost instincts, ey) and Johnson likes to challenge expectations rather than provoke speculation.

I do think Star Wars desperately needs to move away from being the story/saga of one family, though. As far as I'm concerned I hope 9 kills Ben and then we're rid of the whole Skywalker clan (and any connection to Obi-Wan, too) for whatever they choose to do next.

You're right I shouldn't have said give it up. But I don't think the parent issue in TFA was as big of a mystery as you think it was. They very clearly state in TFA that her parents are never coming back. They don't really hint at them being special or force users or part of some grand mystery. Rey just wants to know why she was abandoned and if they are coming back. TLJ confirms that they were never special and it's Rey, not Kylo, who states this. We just get the added information from Kylo that they died and are buried somewhere in Jakku. Rey finally being honest with herself about her parents is a pivotal moment of growth for her character. It's a shame people only focus on what's not in the movie that was never supposed to be in the movie, that is, Rey's parents being something.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
Yeah, this isn't that hard. She knows who they are, the whole time.

I think it's worth noting that his line about them dying and being buried in the Jakku desert may not be literal, but may be speculation or simply meant to illustrate how worthless they are. I don't think it's established that Rey knew they were dead, otherwise it'd be harder to accept where she started, but she definitely knew who and what they were (nobodies who sold her off).
Rey stated her worst fear and Kylo lyingly ran with it. In the TFA vision a ship was clearly leaving her behind as she watched it fly away.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait for that three minute fight scene where all the knights are introduced and then immediately jobbed out to Rey and Finn.

Way to introduce a cool concept and do absolutely nothing with it. Which I suppose is Star Wars tradition at this point but still.
What is the concept of the Knights of Ren? We know virtually nothing about them. We don't know who they are, what their roles in the First Order are (or if they're even really part of the First Order or some tangential group), if they even have Force powers. All we know is they wear costumes like Kylo's, are in some way servants to him, and share the name Ren, whatever that association is supposed to indicate.

But as far as cool-looking-concepts-for-characters go, even Boba Fett is more fleshed out.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
JJ is quoted saying he always believed anybody could be a hero, that it shouldn't always depend on lineage.

I think his plan from the beginning was for Rey to pave her own path. To find her own belonging and purpose.

Technically he could change the narrative established in TLJ (even RJ acknowledged this), but based on what JJ has said, I don't think he will.

Thank goodness too. x_x


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
"So you see, I'm not a hack fraud, from a certain point of view."

Hey, remember how the big theme of the last movie is that you don't need to be someone special to make a difference in the galax? That anyone with courage to stand up to evil can become a hero? Yeah, screw all that you're actually super special and from a long lineage of special people.
Just saying, it wouldn't be the first parentage lie in SW.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
You're right I shouldn't have said give it up. But I don't think the parent issue in TFA was as big of a mystery as you think it was. They very clearly state in TFA that her parents are never coming back. They don't really hint at them being special or force users or part of some grand mystery. Rey just wants to know why she was abandoned and if they are coming back. TLJ confirms that they were never special and it's Rey, not Kylo, who states this. We just get the added information from Kylo that they died and are buried somewhere in Jakku. Rey finally being honest with herself about her parents is a pivotal moment of growth for her character. It's a shame people only focus on what's not in the movie that was never supposed to be in the movie, that is, Rey's parents being something.

It's not helped by members of the cast or even people like Simon Pegg going around in the wake of TLJ saying "yeah, this wasn't the original plan, it was very different", obviously. People will be hung up on what could have been for years, and that is not a phenomenon unique to the Star Wars fanbase. (IE I'm a bigger Doctor Who fan than Star Wars fan, and that fan base is terrible for that too to the point where show runners & cast members are briefed to not talk about what could've been or anything not nailed down as certain in interviews because it'll become gospel on a wiki somewhere).

I think what-ifs are interesting from a creative standpoint (one day it'd be very nice to read in detail both George's treatment for 7-9 and JJ's original overarching plot for 8/9, for instance), but at a point people need to let go and accept the bloody stories we have.


Oct 27, 2017
First, I said female. But, let's run through.

Boyega, actual diverse character and a co-lead in TFA. Is subsequently sidelined in TLJ.
Donald Glover, he's playing Lando. That's not new. He's also only in about a quarter of the movie.
Oscar Isaac, approved.
Benecio Del Toro, also approved but is also a bit character that shows up at the back half of the film and then disappears.
Diego Luna, Donnie Yen, Diego Luna, Wen Jiang, Riz Ahmed, most boring set of characters ever but sure they meet the standard. They also all died.
Forest Whitaker, shows up for two seconds and then dies stupidly.

Lupita Nyong'o, doesn't even count.
Kelly Marie Tran, already noted,
Thandie Newton, died after showing up for about two seconds.

When it comes to actual leads, you're either a white brunette lady or a white dude. If you manage to eek your way into a co-lead spot, then prepare to be knocked down by other white actors.

I know you said females but you did mention talking about diversity and not delivering. I was simply showing that there is a lot of diversity in these new movies. All of the males I listed (and that you commented on) are big parts of these movies. Most of the men in these new movies are non-white. Having a female lead for this new trilogy and an asian american actress as a big focus is a big step that I think you are minimizing (you used the word frauds). We live in a time now when diversity is slowly being eased into these movies, and I think it's not fair to use the word frauds when it comes to these movies as there is diversity for sure. Non-white female lead? Not yet, but that's not to say there hasn't been diversity in these movies.


Oct 29, 2017
Lets hope she isn't written horribly but I honestly have 0 hype for this movie. Maybe they'll get me on board a few months before release


Oct 25, 2017
Can someone post a link to to the scene where Rey finds out her parents are nobodys? Don't remember from the movie.

What you don't realize is that Noh Bahdy is galactic-wide criminal organization of which Rey's parents were part.

They left this mob and went on the run but had to leave their daughter behind.

Rey: "My parents were Noh Bahdies! But I hope to meet them some time!"

Called it.


Oct 27, 2017
JJ is quoted saying he always believed anybody could be a hero, that it shouldn't always depend on lineage.

I think his plan from the beginning was for Rey to pave her own path. To find her own belonging and purpose.

Technically he could change the narrative established in TLJ (even RJ acknowledged this), but based on what JJ has said, I don't think he will.
Even before VII was released, he was very explicit about his views on the force, and the inclusive nature of it. They are themes that he deliberately built in, I can't imagine him considering TLJ a "retcon" but a continuation of his belief:

And there I am sitting in the theater at almost 11 years old and that was a powerful notion. And I think this is what your point was, we would like to believe that when shit gets serious, that you could harness that Force I was told surrounds not just some of us but every living thing. And so, I really feel like the assumption that any character needs to have inherited a certain number of midi-chlorians or needs to be part of a bloodline, it's not that I don't believe that as part of the canon, I'm just saying that at 11 years old, that wasn't where my heart was. And so I respect and adhere to the canon but I also say that the Force has always seemed to me to be more inclusive and stronger than that.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, that's true, and fair. I just think Disney will let JJ do whatever he wants, though. Johnson has creative control over whatever he wants over on his own little Star Wars playground for his trilogy now, after all. I just think Lucas/Disney is big on giving over creative control within the scope of each individual project, that's all. I commend them for doing that, too, as I think if they were as constrained about that stuff as it appears Marvel Studios are TLJ probably would've been a very very different movie.

With that said, I think JJ is too intelligent a storyteller to actually want to change Johnson's work - I think he will find a great way to bring it home in keeping with what TLJ establishes, and the less desirable segment of the fanbase can cry about it all they want.
JJ might be given free rein, more or less, but he has such a limited amount of story real estate to work with -- a little over two hours to both move forward and wrap up not just this trilogy, but a whole nine-film saga -- that spending any amount of time on retcons just seems like a waste of that real estate to me.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It'd be cool if she was a new prominent Resistance leader, or a political ally that helps join the fight or harbors the Resistance on a new interesting base/planet/city.

Maybe she's a Knight of Ren.

Maybe she is old Rey in an epilogue.

Maybe she is old Rey traveling through the World between Worlds to affect change to the timeline.

Some ancient powerful force user come from the past, or the unknown regions.



Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Also, if we're talking about course correcting in Ep. IX, Rey's parentage doesn't seem like it's worth pursuing. What are people actually mad about seven months out? It's Luke.

If JJ is gonna pull some fuckery... he's bringing Luke back.

But he won't do that either :)


Oct 27, 2017
Rey stated her worst fear and Kylo lyingly ran with it. In the TFA vision a ship was clearly leaving her behind as she watched it fly away.

So her being dropped off by her parents means they can never come back to Jakku to die? Them leaving on a ship means they are sombody? What does that vision have anything to do with her parents not being nobodies? Rey didn't state her worst fear, she stated the truth to herself after all this time.


Oct 25, 2017

PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
What you don't realize is that Noh Bahdy is galactic-wide criminal organization of which Rey's parents were part.

They left this mob and went on the run but had to leave their daughter behind.

Rey: "My parents were Noh Bahdies! But I hope to meet them some time!"

Called it.

i actually laughed out loud


Feb 25, 2018
Was trying to remember what i know her from, shes from Scrubs which is top in my book.

Cant wait for IX, gonna be great,


Oct 27, 2017
She doesn't find out her parents are nobodies,

Kylo says her parents are nobody when reality he has no clue who here parents were/are
This is incorrect. She doesn't "find out", she knew all along. Her vision shows her calling for them to come back, who they were was NEVER a mystery to her. There was nothing to find out, only to accept and internalize. Also, once again, SHE is the one who says her parent's were nobody.


Oct 25, 2017


Jun 29, 2018
Being in a Star Wars film must be stressful as hell, with that fanbase. Hope she manages to dodge the bad part of the crowd.