Oct 25, 2017
Facebook Inc. co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has overtaken Warren Buffett as the world's third-richest person, further solidifying technology as the most robust creator of wealth.

Zuckerberg, who trails only Inc. founder Jeff Bezos and Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates, eclipsed Buffett Friday as Facebook shares climbed 2.4 percent, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

It's the first time that the three wealthiest people on the ranking made their fortunes from technology. Zuckerberg, 34, is now worth $81.6 billion, about $373 million more than Buffett, the 87-year-old chairman and chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.


Jun 14, 2018
Gosh damn... imagine if he gave even half to charity he'd still be set for generations.


Oct 25, 2017
Now he has enough money to buy a rocket to Mars and sell alien data to advertisers.


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
Wonder how much money he'll have left after Facebook collapses on itself. I'm sure he has a shit ton of investments elsewhere.


Nov 6, 2017
Zuckerberg gives a lot for philanthropy work. He's up there with Gates and Buffet. These guys give.


Oct 27, 2017
Wonder how much money he'll have left after Facebook collapses on itself. I'm sure he has a shit ton of investments elsewhere.

Facebook will just keep buying new and better social media platforms, like Instagram. It's the new Silicon Valley business model. Kill competitors with money.


Oct 28, 2017
I generally don't like how he's amassing so much wealth. He's basically recaptured advertising from cable TV and is selling people's personal info. I just do not see why he should deserve it. Its so fucking sleezy.

Facebook is so undeserving of your info. For example, Google will encourage you to enable location services and give you maps, an incredibly useful app.

Facebook is just like, fuck you and enable location services. Here are 3 shitty restaurants like Denny's that we highly recommend to you. Oh jeez, you didn't open facebook for 3 whole days, let's spam your friends to connect with you. Let's randomly redirect you to the wall feed so we get a few more ad views because fuck you, right?

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
Wonder how much money he'll have left after Facebook collapses on itself. I'm sure he has a shit ton of investments elsewhere.

Facebook's market cap is about 4 times larger than Disney and twice as large as Walmart. If it were to just collapse on itself it would likely trigger a huge market collapse. For some comparison. Bear Stearns had a market cap of around 20 billion when it collapsed. Facebook is over 500 billion.
Oct 28, 2017
For as much as Zuckerberg has committed to donating his wealth, I don't get why people rip on him so much. Most of it seems to just be about his appearance too.


Nov 6, 2017
Plenty to criticize about Facebook and Zuckerberg's political aspirations, but these guys are not the billionaires you target for being greedy hoarders. I don't know much about what Bezos does, but Zuckerberg, Gates, and Buffet are giving hundreds of millions to causes they feel worthy. There are plenty of billionaires who do nothing.
Oct 28, 2017
Back in 2008 people said Myspace was too big to go under, and it went under in a hurry
Facebook is several orders of magnitude than MySpace ever was. It's not even close. Of course, Facebook could eventually disappear. No company is infallible. Almost any company would love to be in the position Facebook is in going forward. They're a company that has made a lot of good bets and investments and it would take a ton of bad bets and investments for them to go away. Companies the size of Facebook don't disappear even if their central revenue is killed. They have enough money and experience to pivot if necessary.


Jan 5, 2018
The Pool

Replace "data" with "assets and labor" and there you go.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
Back in 2008 people said Myspace was too big to go under, and it went under in a hurry

For comparison. At its peak Myspace was valued at around $15 billion. Facebook is worth over $500 billion. Zuckerberg controls a company that's valuation is higher than Sweden's GDP. Facebook can still fail but it would be like GE is failing. Not like Myspace did.


Oct 25, 2017
Back in 2008 people said Myspace was too big to go under, and it went under in a hurry

Facebook is way bigger than Myspace ever was. Plus it owns Instagram and WhatsApp, two of the most popular apps in the world.

I'm not saying it'll never die, but something huge will have to change that Facebook can't buy or copy.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It depends really what comes next and if Facebook can't buy them. They want domination on users but if a new service doesn't sell up and gets to the hundreds of millions, they would probably be worried.
Oct 25, 2017
Do you ever think about how if you got 1% of these guys' daily income once it would change your life forever and they wouldn't even notice

This system is fucking broken regardless of how much he gives to charity. Nobody should be this rich.
Oct 25, 2017
If I had a product or service to sell, I would use Facebook ads instead of paying TV networks or radio stations or newspapers.

Mark Zuckerberg had a great business plan idea. So, good for him, I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Do people actually think Facebook is gonna go under anytime soon?

It's probably the same kind of people that were all like "mission accomplished" after huge backlash caused EA's and Facebook's stock values to drop a bit more than you'd normally see during market fluctuations.

What's up with Bezos? Does he hoard a lot of his money?

The vast majority of his networth is not in money, but in his Amazon stock.

He sells a billion worth of amazon stock each year to fund his Blue Origin company. Other than that I don't think he really uses his wealth for much beyond the occasional investment.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
He gives like 99% of it to charity

He gives 99% of it to a """""charity"""""" that is scummy as fuck. Have you ever read about the "charity" he gives to? It's basically a scam set up to make him more money.

It's not a charity. It's a non-profit LLC he created to abuse a tax loophole which will let him reclassify angel investments (not donations) as charitable donations. Meaning he is using this LLC to make tax-free investments on technologies. Again, not donations, investments.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
For as much as Zuckerberg has committed to donating his wealth, I don't get why people rip on him so much. Most of it seems to just be about his appearance too.

This is the ugly, dangerous reality you and the rest of us live in, inflamed by FB and its head honchos' actions and lack thereof:

You have ALOT of learning to do.


Nov 6, 2017
I don't think I will ever understand why one person needs to much money. Also why one person is able to accumate so much cash


Oct 28, 2017
Sure our feudal lord hoards more wealth than he can possibly use, but he promises to give some back when he's dead, so we should be thankful.