What rating do you think this game will get?

  • 90+

    Votes: 98 12.2%
  • 80+

    Votes: 475 59.2%
  • 70+

    Votes: 99 12.3%
  • 60+

    Votes: 13 1.6%
  • "Garbage like Xenoblade 2"

    Votes: 117 14.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Deleted member 8674

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Yep, I love his videos that "aren't 2 minute long". There are lots of good reviewers on Youtube, and their passion and knowledge of the game is sometimes (a lot of times in fact) far better that what you will find in "pro" reviews.

But as you said, you have to wait for the review because they sometimes buy the game to review it.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
This game is so gorgeous and has such wonderful music. I feel it needs to be reminded in the middle of all the bickering. There's a reason there's such hype for this game.

Will we make 88 pages before the review?


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw an EB games selling copies already. My amazon order has already been charged so I didn't grab it.

Deleted member 7101

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, but he's now making posts that come off as oddly defensive about how he, personally, is going to judge the game. Maybe that won't end up being the case, and I don't care about his scores or scores in general, but that's the distinct tone. He's free to rate the game, to find issue with or praise whichever parts he desires, but to rile people up in this thread with vague subtext seems dramatic, unnecessary, and immature. His review should speak for itself.

To boot, saying that people who've followed the game and played both demos cannot possibly form an accurate opinion about it being "any good" is asinine. Of course people can judge whether they like the graphics, the writing, the localization, the music, the open-ended exploration, the character stories within and setup by the prologues, the robust combat system, the innovative path action system, etc.

I'm appreciate his candor and information in this thread, but his profession doesn't immunize him from human behavior and subsequent (respectful; non-toxic or ad hominem) criticism. In the opening pages of this thread, he set a tone by criticizing other previews as "worshipping at the altar of hyperbole" while in his very next posts deriding XB2—a popular and well-selling game—as "trash." That's a hyperbolic drive-by, no matter what way you slice it.
Yep, and he's the main reason this thread took the tone that it did and still has.


Oct 25, 2017
Can anyone answer? Can't comb the thread

Here is where we are:

Characters interact outside of their personal stories. Their personal stories have connections in-universe, but do not seemingly converge into a final chapter. Each personal story has a conclusive ending.

We know of significant content that exceeds the level of the Chapter 4s (the final personal chapters), from unlockable aspects of combat, to dungeons, to areas, implying a robust post-game if nothing else.

There is dramatic boss music whose source hasn't been discovered in-game, because people haven't yet combed the post-game.


Feb 12, 2018
Man, review scores sure have poisoned the critical discourse surrounding video games.
Yeah the GoW thread was like this also, lots of hand-wringing over an 8 from Edge or something like that. A game the quality of which was in no doubt but didn't stop people getting upset at a difference in the metacritic.

There's a sense sometimes that's like people are building an identity around the hype they've got going for a game.

Abrasion Test

Oct 27, 2017
It's up there. Tomorrow is going to be pandemonium.
Comments like these are the worst lol. Regardless of the game's review reception, it seems really shitty to come in here and stir up stuff when you're under embargo and probably shouldn't be trying to hint at things this way. If you can't give any real answers and can only hint at stuff then what's the point? You yourself have only stirred up the crap in this thread to begin with.


Oct 31, 2017
Posted on Reddit, this is from Flamegrace
