
Oct 25, 2017

It's real, I checked. What a disgrace. This tabloid has been toxic, sexist and racist for a while (or forever, really), but it gets more blatantly on the face each day.

Are these oul new fliends.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
It might help to tell us what it says. lol


Oct 26, 2017
It says "are these our new friends?" and switches the "r" to "l" to imitate a stereotypical chinese accent.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I can't believe they'd say that. It's so shocking, I'm not even sure I can translate for our non-german speaking friends. I'm too shocked.

Bitch Pudding

Oct 25, 2017
It's BILD. Since Reichelt took over I would feel ashamed to be seen reading this peace of shit in the public. He follows his very own Pro-Isreal, Pro-USA, Anti-Mullah (Iran) agenda, it's really quite embarassing.
The days of "Refugee welcome!" Stickers from BILD are long gone.
Oct 26, 2017
Anyone surprised? It's Bild. They are the racist, sexist, xenophobic bottom feeders of German publications.

This is really nothing new or out of the ordinary for them. I remember them Photoshopping German politicians with blackface during the Super Summer of 2003.

Par for the course for this cum rag.


Oct 25, 2017
I see that shit all the time, but I've never known a Chinese person who speaks like that. I've only ever seen it when Mickey Rooney does it or whatever.

It's more of a Japanese thing (along with mixing up F with H). Chinese has clearly differentiated Rs and Ls, though some people here in Taiwan have what we call a "lazy tongue" and will use an L instead of a hard R, but only when speaking Mandarin, not usually in English or German. It's less common in the mainland (but their accent likes to just put Rs wherever the fuck they please, it seems).

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
I see that shit all the time, but I've never known a Chinese person who speaks like that. I've only ever seen it when Mickey Rooney does it or whatever.

I mostly just know Japanese, but they don't separate between R and L over there. It's the same letter and sounds like a mix between the two. It has caused a lot of confusion in both directions because of that. Of course, idiots took that whole thing and turned it into a racist joke a long time ago. The people who "joke" with it today not only reveal that they're at least mildly racist, but they also betray their age.


Oct 27, 2017
Weird, in English the stereotype is that they can't pronounce the L so they substitute it with R.

Make up your mind racists!

No, it's the same stereotype.

Replacing the Ls with Rs mocks the difficulty that the Japanese have with making the L sound. However, a lot of racists don't realize that's what the stereotype is and assume it's just arbitrary. So they swap all Ls with Rs to double down.

Because, and it can't stressed enough, racists are really fucking stupid.

(Edited because it really is primarily a Japanese stereotype. And as noted below applying it to the Chinese only further doubles down on said stupid racism.)

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's more of a Japanese thing (which makes this more racist because "all you Asians are the same") because they don't have both l and r phonemes. Chinese has both, but it does not have v, so you would hear people mixing up v and w.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
It's also worth noting that Chinese actually has a lot more sounds, plus tones, than most Western languages, so it's much, much, much harder for westerners to speak it in a way that sounds correct. But, you know, why bother to learn linguistic nuances of lesser races, right?


Oct 25, 2017
It's also worth noting that Chinese actually has a lot more sounds, plus tones, than most Western languages, so it's much, much, much harder for westerners to speak it in a way that sounds correct. But, you know, why bother to learn linguistic nuances of lesser races, right?

Yes, lol. I recall once telling a retail worker I wanted to buy scorpions instead of shoes (another famous one is trying to order sleep instead of dumplings). My accent when speaking Mandarin is okay, but you can't avoid shaky tones after a lifetime of speaking English, and thankfully no one has ever made fun of my accent. I'd like to see these fuckers try to last a year in the sinosphere.