
Oct 26, 2017
The workplace is not an appropriate situation for sexual advances. If someone wants to pursue a relationship with a subordinate (still not a good idea) or a co-worker they should do it on their own time at a venue that the other party is comfortable in (i.e. not work).
A lot of these sexual assault episodes don't technically take place at the workplace. Think about how business and pleasure are completely intertwined in industries like Hollywood. All those after hours parties where schmoozing and deals are made.... it's a messy place to try and hook up even off the clock.

Basically these Hollywood exec types need to learn better consent-seeking for all times of their life.


Oct 29, 2017
The thing that kind of creeps me out about this is I remember the making of stuff from Cars where they all went on a Route 66 roadtrip. Something like that must be a really unpleasant professional experience if you're stuck on it with a harasser.


Community Resetter
Not gonna happen, and even that did happen, most of them will not have the talent to pull off what Wall - E did.
Im really sorry for Coco though.
it would seem that you're implying that there isn't enough non white male talent around to reproduce something on the level of Wall-E.
You wanna try that again?
I was responding to the story that was linked in this thread that was posted on Nov 20th of this year.
Is defending Trump really the hill you wanna die on?


Oct 27, 2017
User was Warned: Broad, insulting generalizations about a group
Yeah, I am sure only people on the left care, people on the right love being sexually assaulted.. Absolutely brilliant post.

I didn't say all right wingers love being sexually assaulted. I just said that the only people left watching the WWE are right wingers who don't mind turning a blind eye to racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry.


Oct 26, 2017
So what are the rumored accusations? Unwanted hugs? Are we at that point now?

Genuinely curious what was rumored. I imagine this all will drop like a bomb though in the next few days regardless.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, I am sure only people on the left care, people on the right love being sexually assaulted.. Absolutely brilliant post.

some of them do apparently

I heard that he said something about groping women, and I'm thinking, Okay, No. 1, I think that'd be great. I like getting groped! I'm heterosexual. I'm a woman, and when a guy gropes me, I get groping on them! I grope them back. Groping is a healthy thing to do. When you're heterosexual, you grope, okay? It's a good thing. Try it.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't this speak more to the fucked up nature of HR departments in these companies that women aren't able to go to HR to describe this stuff WAY earlier that it might get nipped in the bud before it becomes deeply problematic and systemic?

In my company, we hired a new CMO who acted extremely appropriately around women in the office, and they went immediately to HR and explained the behavior. Despite being such a high ranking officer in the company, we fired him pretty much immediately.


Oct 25, 2017
Or Dan Schneider. He's been mentioned here and there since this whole thing started but no big story yet. Yet the rumors of him for years is he's one of the biggest pieces of shit working on television.
Some people have pointed out that all of his "rumors" come from Anonymous posts on 4chan, and seem to be based on the fact that "he has a face that looks like a pedophile" and yet he works with children. Also, after scouring over hundreds of hours of children's television, people have found evidence that he doesn't shy away from sexual innuendo in his shows, and that he has a foot fetish.

*Insert candid behind-the-scenes photos of young girls who like and trust him, as evidence that he's a scary monster.

If real accusations come to light, that's a different story, but for now Dan Schneider is no more a predator than Richard Gere is someone who shoves live gerbils up his anus (which is to say, a horrible unfounded rumor).


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
The problem is not so much the allegations, it's the lack of accountability. An entry level employee would be fired for these things on the spot. I do believe in second chances, but it's strange that these pattern appear. They should be handled ASAP, but it seems HR dept are obviously not doing anything.


Oct 27, 2017
because if you don't you eventually will no longer have any art to enjoy. everyone fucked over someone at some point, or at least damn near everyone. it's naive to believe otherwise.
Depends on what that fuck up was and whether they had any justice served. Someone getting busted for drug possession? who gives a shit unless they were selling it to kids. Some one-off incidents are also more easily forgettable (in due time). But years of sexual harassment, assault, rape and pedophilia that is now coming out of Hollywood? Eeh, screw em. They already have their millions and the world is filled with amazing creative minds who could use more exposure instead of sexual assaulters & such.


Oct 27, 2017
it would seem that you're implying that there isn't enough non white male talent around to reproduce something on the level of Wall-E.
You wanna try that again?
why put white in there? We've already had plenty of statements come out against various POC as well. This is a male behavior issue in the entertainment industry..


Oct 30, 2017
How is this going to affect Coco? I don't see how. It's basically already out there.


Oct 25, 2017
OP should probably put more of the actual allegations in there, as it's far beyond "hugs" that Lasseter mentions:
Sources say some women at Pixar knew to turn their heads quickly when encountering him to avoid his kisses. Some used a move they called "the Lasseter" to prevent their boss from putting his hands on their legs.
The same source said he once noticed an oddly cropped photo of Lasseter standing between two women at a company function. When he mentioned that to a colleague, he was told, "We had to crop it. Do you know where his hands were?"


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna happen, and even that did happen, most of them will not have the talent to pull off what Wall - E did.
Im really sorry for Coco though.


Oct 26, 2017
There's no way it's not code for long uncomfortable invasions of personal space, near/full groping, and surely an unwanted kiss or two.

A peck on the side of the face or like full on kissing? Sucks to hear either way I guess.

read the report. grabbing and rubbing women's legs during meetings. Going in for kisses

Awwww yikes...dammit...okay then...

Women defending their genitalia from being groped is the point we're at.

Yeah. Got it.

Please read the Hollywood Reporter article. This goes far beyond that and who knows where else it will lead.

Am doing now. Thank you.


Nov 6, 2017
I didn't say all right wingers love being sexually assaulted. I just said that the only people left watching the WWE are right wingers who don't mind turning a blind eye to racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry.

Your statement is completely false. I have friends in the industry who are full on democrat and I assure you they do not agree with your misguided views. I wish this kind of post was left at that other forum where it belongs.

Darth Pinche

Oct 27, 2017
So what are the rumored accusations? Unwanted hugs? Are we at that point now?

Genuinely curious what was rumored. I imagine this all will drop like a bomb though in the next few days regardless.
According to the THR posted in the OP, it goes beyond long hugs. It includes his placing his hands on women's legs and other parts, to the point that female employees named a defensive way of sitting next to him "the Lasseter" (especially if they were wearing a skirt). Gross.
Oct 25, 2017
And he's not just doing this to low level employees. I mean Rashida Jones isn't a nobody, and I'm sure she's been in the industry whole life considering who her father is.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't this speak more to the fucked up nature of HR departments in these companies that women aren't able to go to HR to describe this stuff WAY earlier that it might get nipped in the bud before it becomes deeply problematic and systemic?

In my company, we hired a new CMO who acted extremely appropriately around women in the office, and they went immediately to HR and explained the behavior. Despite being such a high ranking officer in the company, we fired him pretty much immediately.

HR departments often leave a lot to be desired. When did this happen? How big is your company? How important was the new CMO?


Oct 30, 2017
In my company, we hired a new CMO who acted extremely appropriately around women in the office, and they went immediately to HR and explained the behavior. Despite being such a high ranking officer in the company, we fired him pretty much immediately.

im confused, what did he get fired for?

Mario's Nipples

Banned for having an alt account
Nov 2, 2017
You can do whatever you want. There are no rules to this.
Society disagrees. If you support a company that has ties with anyone involved in this type of incident, and you're seen as a supporter of the act itself.

People are boycotting things that were already made an enjoyed? There is such a thing as separating the art from the artist. I fear people may have forgotten this. Clearly, separating the art from the artist is not for everyone, but no one should be demonized for doing so, specially if the work is good and brings good to people.
Yes. People have stopped listening to certain bands, watching certain films, following certain people, etc because of these sexual harassment cases. I find no issue with separating the art from the artist but, as I mentioned above, there's a stigma that if you continue to listen to a certain band, or carry on watching certain films, that you are a supporter of the assaulter and, by extension, the assault itself.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
A lot of these sexual assault episodes don't technically take place at the workplace. Think about how business and pleasure are completely intertwined in industries like Hollywood. All those after hours parties where schmoozing and deals are made.... it's a messy place to try and hook up even off the clock.

Basically these Hollywood exec types need to learn better consent-seeking for all times of their life.

This is a good point. The typical boundaries that exist between work and outside of it aren't as clear in the movie business. I'd argue that the same can be said of politics. It isn't an excuse for inappropriate behavior, but maybe in the future it will warn people in those industries. So that they can avoid putting themselves into situations where they may lose control, i.e. moderate booze intake and have someone around you trust that can and will sit your ass down when you do something inappropriate.


Oct 25, 2017
Society disagrees. If you support a company that has ties with anyone involved in this type of incident, and you're seen as a supporter of the act itself.

Yes. People have stopped listening to certain bands, watching certain films, following certain people, etc because of these sexual harassment cases. I find no issue with separating the art from the artist but, as I mentioned above, there's a stigma that if you continue to listen to a certain band, or carry on watching certain films, that you are a supporter of the assaulter and, by extension, the assault itself.

This is not true. Some people do, some don't. There's no hard fast rule in society about it. People still enjoy Roman Polanski films. People still listen to R Kelly. Miramax and Pixar movies will continue to be watched. Society is still very much split and all over the place on this sort of thing. Ultimately, you can choose where your own personal line is drawn. There's no right or wrong answer. People aren't going to come after you with pitchforks if they see you in line for Coco.


Oct 25, 2017
How difficult is it for a man to just keep to himself and be a professional at all times?

Why are so many men under the assumption they need to be sexually aggressive toward women? What the FUCK is wrong with people? Where does this come from? Is it desperation for companionship? A show of power? Just plain old perversion?

What? Why?
Oct 25, 2017
Oh fuck everyone I respected is turning out to be total creeps. I... dont know what to say. When I was a kid I watched Toy Story on VHS so many times I am sure the tape broke.