
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (1day) for Hostile Language against another user
Oh I am all too well aware of you never thinking white people who do and say racist shit are racist.
I am curious though, what would it take for you to actually think a fellow white person is racist? Problaby have to say something racist about other white people, right?

Fuck off.
Oct 27, 2017
Tweeting a dumb and racist thing doesn't, in my opinion, mean she had racist intent. I said the same thing about Maher. I think she's stumbled several times through ignorance, sometimes in either trying to be funny or trying to be candid, but I've never felt she's a racist. Clearly people here disagree. That's fine.

What I often see in these disingenuous arguments always boils down to:
  1. Being offended that anyone dared criticize the person in question.
  2. Tapdancing around the actual subject.
So far you've made it clear that you don't like people criticizing Lena Dunham, and at no point have you acknowledged what she did this time to receive criticism in the first place. Saying that women should be believed about sexual assault and then immediately doing a 180 on your own policy when the victim in question is a woman of color is far more than a "dumb tweet." It's downright malevolent, and the latest in a string of racist shit spewing from her mouth.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah, Lena Dunham. Don't forget her gross orientalist and racist essay about her trip to Japan.

"She weighs about seventy-three pounds and has hands like paper cranes"

"I can't imagine a passionate affair with a native man"

"Yellowish Fever: I know I said I could never imagine a Japanese affair, but I've changed my mind. Kazu, the art handler hanging my mom's show, is gorgeous like the strong, sexy, dreadlocked Mongol in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (causing my sister to email the instruction: "Yeah, girl. crouch that tiger, hide that dragon. P.S. That's a Chinese movie")"

"Japanese people look so young — fourteen year olds in ill-fitting suits. What kind of business could they all be doing? When they cross the street it looks like a music video, or the cover of Abbey Road. They are so orderly and leave a foot of space between themselves and the next office escapee."

"The White Man Cometh: Being the only Caucasian in a room, you almost feel invisible because you are so visible. When you're in Mexico or someplace, at least they want your paper dollars. But here, we are uncouth, smelly, hairy. We have swine-flu. Our currency is inferior and our history is short. Yet the Japanese also love Sid Vicious, cowboys, birthday cakes, bagels."

"Her former colleague (a word she pronounces cawl-eee-gew) had an affair with Kazu, art handler crush, and it was a great dishonor, not only for that woman's husband but for everyone who knew either cheater"

"Sometimes, when you've been in Japan for ten days, you start to get a little funny… You will start bowing to people who hold open a door or sell you a honeydew yogurt or inform you that there are fish flakes on some crackers you're not sure you want. You will flash a peace sign and assume a pigeon toed stance whenever someone aims a camera at you."

"Remember that L's sound like R's and vice versa"

"Tada asks my age. I say "23, last week." He's excited. "HOPPY BIRSDAY!""

"A random guy in a French maid's apron says, "You so sexy, RENA.""


Oct 27, 2017
Really disappointed with Lena Dunham. I don't know what's up with her.

I'm just glad Sarah Silverman got called out for being racist. I have despised ever since her appearances on Late Night with Conan O'Brien in the 90s. And yes, Conan and Andy laughed uproariously at her racist remarks.


Oct 25, 2017
I am always amazed by how effortlessly revolting Lena Dunham is, from her comments about Odell Beckham Jr., to the utterly bizarre accounts of how she treated (and emotionally manipulated) her sister growing up. The writing was on the wall for a long time.


Oct 29, 2017
To me she is the poster child of rich white privage. I remember watching the first couple episodes of girls being the same age as her at the time and thinking this is just about the worst people.
Add on top of that her being naked most of the show it seemed like a way for her to get attention.
I'm really not surprised how gone deaf she is.


Oct 27, 2017

The thought of an American saying this considering American history is just...

And there was even a recent incident where this exact situation occurred and it turned out to be a lie. Aside from that, this is some seriously racist shit to say.
Just so we're clear, she didn't say the non-white perpetrator part. This is the actual quote


I'm gonna break the quote limit, I bet.

Lena Dunham is a toxic individual whose presence alone destroys the legitimacy of whatever issue she claims to support. The sooner she's discredited entirely and out of the spotlight the better and hopefully more people speak about on her hypocrisy in incidents such as this.

Preach. Why on earth is the public at large still giving this person a platform on which to speak? It boggles the mind. Stardom superseding sanity at this point?

Both her parents are artists embedded in the New York scene, she was born and raised in Manhattan, and her cousins are the Tiffanys (yes, the jewelers). Ain't nothing hipster about her New England classicism. It's old fashioned establishment.

Oh. Question asked, question answered.

If you have all the privilege in the world, go to a diverse as hell private liberal arts college, get criticized for making an all white caste on a show titled Girls in fucking NYC, and still come out saying stupid racist shit, you're not a person who's still growing up.

And there's the double down.

As a black male, I truly apologize to every black person for supporting "Girls" even though I at first thought she was just a complete dumbass.

Eh, I'm white and I've been apologizing to people of color all year long (for an entirely different reason that also spends too much goddamned time on twitter spilling out his bilious tripe instead of being a decent human being, hint hint); one more isn't gonna hurt. Henceforth, I apologize for Lena Dunham and every crass, unfiltered, privileged, pretentious, aggravating, self-righteous diarrhea-imbued diatribe that's ever spilled out of her gaping maw.

(And hey, nice avatar. HUGGBEES!)

Here's a top review in Amazon about her book, circa 2014. Pretty damming.

And the reviewer used to be a fan, mind you.

Hell's Belles. (Post #161 is worth reading just to *really* get a glimpse into the mind of a lunatic who gives narcissism a new meaning.)

Doesn't Dear White People have a whole thing with woke-ness as being a serious thing? I mean personally I don't think there should be a "woke." You shouldn't be congratulated with a title for simply not being a shitty person.

Thing is, she's the type of person who would ironically write the title on a name-tag (after a prolonged self-congratulatory ritual to herself for having such a brilliant mind and being the voice of a generation) then go on a whirlwind press tour wearing it and announcing her newfound ability to recognize her own "self-inflicted" faults; afterwards she would then proceed to harangue the rest of the world online or via "subtle jabs" in television interviews, implying that the public at large simply aren't as educated (read: superior in both emotional thought and perception) as she is and they should be ashamed of themselves for not meeting her new standards.

What the Fucking Hell.

Add on top of that her being naked most of the show it seemed like a way for her to get attention.
I'm really not surprised how tone deaf she is.

Yep. That about sums it up.

Deleted member 20296

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Usually it's being racist, but doing so ironically as an attempt at a joke instead of sincerely, not realizing that there's generally no difference between the two.
this is so silly. Feigned ignorance is obviously an easy way to spotlight actual ignorance and comedians use it to great effect all the time. actual racists obviously probably use it to just be racist out loud as well.

remove racism from the example to make it less hotbutton to easily understand it. What tina fey said during her cake eating skit on SNL was clearly not racist.

Lena dunham is the worst thing to happen to white people since hitler though. I hate her and her shit attitude and "progressive" 'look at my tits and ass im fat and dont care awards please' show. its the worst and she's the worst.

edit: what i really miss about yhings 'back in my day' was first year university students didnt all have a fucking blog, so drivel they invent after one social studies class was localized to parties and shit. Now i have to read about everyone 'out progressive-ing' each other all the damn time. all its resulting in is this generation being extremely conservative and unable to let anything go, its so boring


Oct 27, 2017
Really disappointed with Lena Dunham. I don't know what's up with her.

I'm just glad Sarah Silverman got called out for being racist. I have despised ever since her appearances on Late Night with Conan O'Brien in the 90s. And yes, Conan and Andy laughed uproariously at her racist remarks.

Damn, hearing that about Sarah Silverman is news to me, how disappointing. Not surprised that Conan and Andy would laugh at that type of humor, though. They regularly host that bigot Norm MacDonald.


Oct 27, 2017
I think referring to it as "hipster racism" dilutes it in a way. They're just racist or racially insensitive jokes and actions, so let's call them what they are. As a society we're still trying to get a point where these kinds of jokes no longer exist. Given the nature of comedy and our society though I am not sure we ever will.

Like, comedians used to aggressively and hatefully joke about homosexuals within our lifetimes and it seemed OK (Eddie Murphy and Norm MacDonald comes to mind with famous bits), but we grew past that. It's still common to see gross caricatures of asian and latino people in major Hollywood movies or on TV in the name of humor (remember that asian character done by that one woman on Mad TV?). Louie CK just straight up uses the n-word in his routine and everyone laughs, even his good friend Chris Rock. Key & Peele had skits about Mexicans in which they're all cholos and everyone laughs. Dave Chapelle had a satirical character painting a white guy as a stuffy, racist WASP - even while at the time his best friend was his white cowriter. So, it's all messy at least in the world of comedy. And if comedians all keep joking about it like this it's not going to go away.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ.

I think there is an odd thing that applies to racist/sexist/ableist/whatever humour where even though a joke can be deeply offensive, if it is well constructed you can still appreciate the construction of it at an artistic level and get a laugh out of it. Like I could paint you the most racist picture ever, and with all honesty you'd have to commend my brush work before you burned the thing. Make sense? Good.

None of that applies to that Japan article. At all. That is some nasty shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Really disappointed with Lena Dunham. I don't know what's up with her.

I'm just glad Sarah Silverman got called out for being racist. I have despised ever since her appearances on Late Night with Conan O'Brien in the 90s. And yes, Conan and Andy laughed uproariously at her racist remarks.
Don't forget Guy Aoki and Ann-Marie Johnson putting Sarah Silverman in her place for the "chink" joke.

Sarah Silverman: "Counterproductive to demand an apology for someone, who like you, is illuminating racism just for doing it in a different way."
Guy Aoki: "I think you're giving yourself too much credit...If you don't know how to do satire correctly, you make situations worse."
Sarah Silverman: "You gonna tell me how to do satire?"
Ann-Marie Johnson: "No, but you're gonna tell us about racial education and how we can enlighten people about race?"
Guy Aoki: "This Guy Aoki has cast my name with racism in thousands of periodicals across the country, and it hurts. I want an apology from him. Well, think of the hurt you felt and multiply that by the millions of people you offended by using that word and you get a little bit of sense of what we feel."
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Oct 29, 2017
Don't forget Guy Aoki and Ann-Marie Johnson putting Sarah Silverman in her place for the "chink" joke.

Sarah Silverman: "Counterproductive to demand an apology for someone, who like you, is illuminating racism just for doing it in a different way."
Guy Aoki: "I think you're giving yourself too much credit...If you don't know how to do satire correctly, you make make situations worse."
Sarah Silverman: "You gonna tell me how to do satire?"
Ann-Marie Johnson: "No, but you're gonna tell us about racial education and how we can enlighten people about race?"
Guy Aoki: "This Guy Aoki has cast my name with racism in thousands of periodicals across the country, and it hurts. I want an apology from him. Well, think of the hurt you felt and multiply that by the millions of people you offended by using that word and you get a little bit of sense of what we feel."

Damn. That's that satisfying shit. Guy makes a salient point that more people really need to internalize: If you or someone you know, says something bigoted and feels bummed when called out on it, there needs to be a realization that that feeling is a microcosm of the major and minor aggressions many minorities have had to deal with since birth. Be thankful the sting from behind called racist is the hardest blow privilege affords.
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nel e nel

Oct 27, 2017
Don't forget Guy Aoki and Ann-Marie Johnson putting Sarah Silverman in her place for the "chink" joke.

Sarah Silverman: "Counterproductive to demand an apology for someone, who like you, is illuminating racism just for doing it in a different way."
Guy Aoki: "I think you're giving yourself too much credit...If you don't know how to do satire correctly, you make situations worse."
Sarah Silverman: "You gonna tell me how to do satire?"
Ann-Marie Johnson: "No, but you're gonna tell us about racial education and how we can enlighten people about race?"
Guy Aoki: "This Guy Aoki has cast my name with racism in thousands of periodicals across the country, and it hurts. I want an apology from him. Well, think of the hurt you felt and multiply that by the millions of people you offended by using that word and you get a little bit of sense of what we feel."

Even more damning, is right around the 9min mark, Maher dives head first into defending white folks using the n-word.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Don't forget Guy Aoki and Ann-Marie Johnson putting Sarah Silverman in her place for the "chink" joke.

Sarah Silverman: "Counterproductive to demand an apology for someone, who like you, is illuminating racism just for doing it in a different way."
Guy Aoki: "I think you're giving yourself too much credit...If you don't know how to do satire correctly, you make situations worse."
Sarah Silverman: "You gonna tell me how to do satire?"
Ann-Marie Johnson: "No, but you're gonna tell us about racial education and how we can enlighten people about race?"
Guy Aoki: "This Guy Aoki has cast my name with racism in thousands of periodicals across the country, and it hurts. I want an apology from him. Well, think of the hurt you felt and multiply that by the millions of people you offended by using that word and you get a little bit of sense of what we feel."

It's amazing how you could tell me this clip was from last week and I'd believe you.

Silverman is awful
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Oct 25, 2017
She really has this uncanny ability to not be able to relate to anything without somehow making it about herself. Those are the type of self proclaimed allies that you need to be constantly side eyeing the shit out of.


Oct 25, 2017
The thought of an American saying this considering American history is just...

And there was even a recent incident where this exact situation occurred and it turned out to be a lie. Aside from that, this is some seriously racist shit to say.
Yeah it would be. But she hasn't said anything like that. She defended her friend who is accused of rape. She didn't bring race to it at all. But many assume it's the reason for the defence.

Edit: Oops, it was already clarified.

Deleted member 11262

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Does she not even have a single shred of self-awareness?
This. So much this.

How can one talk shit, get called out and apologize for it only to reiterate the whole process once again a couple months later? How ignorant and self righteous do you have to be in order to not see how much of a shitbag you are?

Bear Patrol

Oct 27, 2017
Just read the thread and the Japan essay. I'd heard before today that Lena Dunham was supposedly an awful person but had never done research or looked into it since I didn't watch her shows or anything...and I really wish I had now :/

She seems truly terrible.


Oct 27, 2017
Really disappointed with Lena Dunham. I don't know what's up with her.

I'm just glad Sarah Silverman got called out for being racist. I have despised ever since her appearances on Late Night with Conan O'Brien in the 90s. And yes, Conan and Andy laughed uproariously at her racist remarks.

The worst joke I heard Silverman say went along the lines of a black guy hitting on her in a bar. I might be slightly mismembering this and definitely paraphrasing. He asked what race she was so she started throwing races out there seeing if he could guess. She went through some and he was finally like "why not black? why couldn't you be black?": And she responded "I don't know, because I'm pretty?".

That's some layered shit right there that must have cut many black women who heard it deep.


Oct 25, 2017
This. So much this.

How can one talk shit, get called out and apologize for it only to reiterate the whole process once again a couple months later? How ignorant and self righteous do you have to be in order to not see how much of a shitbag you are?

Because she continues to get a pass. And by that I don't mean that people don't criticize her, what I mean is that while she's criticized people ultimately forget shortly after and she's able to rinse and repeat the same shit. I mean, it was just last year that she was granted the opportunity to speak at the DNC. And this is after all the vile crap she's said in the past. She's never had a Mel Gibson moment. Where something she said ended up getting her effectively blacklisted from the industry for a period of time.


Oct 27, 2017
im quite confused by this ... (not an opinion on it but the general concept of it ... so if i get this right theyre making jokes but being pro female but at the same time using stereotypes and hence harming race relations?)

edit: im male but brown never took comedy too seriously ... i mean thats the whole point of it ... but again im confused by this topic is this about comics or general commentary ... (im pretty okay with most things anyway so maybe im missing some nuance here)


Oct 25, 2017
honestly that sarah silverman episode sounds pretty funny.
Its out there(Season 2, Episode 3 of The Sarah Silverman Program) It's definitely transgressive shock comedy (which has been her thing pretty much her entire career) in a story about a (very, very, dumb) girl ignorant about her own privilege. Whether that's ok in the context of Comedy or not is going to be a inherently subjective judgment.
im quite confused by this ... (not an opinion on it but the general concept of it ... so if i get this right theyre making jokes but being pro female but at the same time using stereotypes and hence harming race relations?)

edit: im male but brown never took comedy too seriously ... i mean thats the whole point of it ... but again im confused by this topic is this about comics or general commentary ... (im pretty okay with most things anyway so maybe im missing some nuance here)
The concept is about specific comics using humor as a shield to express their own personal shitty views under a guise of "humor". I would disagree on some, but would definitely agree on Dunham, given the billion examples of her being aggressively terrible we've got.

Deleted member 21380

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Ok, could someone explain to me how this is racist? She had the opinion, no woman ever lied about being raped, which is a very stupid opinion to have, because of course women lie about being raped, just like people lie about every other crime out there. Estimates are somewhere in the 2% to 3% range, which would be some thousands of false accusations. So they happen. She now seemed to have withessed a false accusation, and seemingly changed her mind. Where's the racism?

Edit: Ok, those quotes about Japan are fucked. Still don't get the other point though.