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Oct 25, 2017
"Are these the folks white moderates keep telling us to try and understand?" I didn't call those people white moderates.
No, you didn't. But since you asked a question, I gave you an answer and explained why moderates were never referring to these people. They were always talking about moderates.


Oct 28, 2017
"They're just accusations!"

You know what else was accusations?
Benghazi, Pizzagate.

Where was the conservatives due process then?


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the video below deserves it's own thread. Frank Luntz does an amazing interview with some Moore voters. I don't have thread making privileges so someone else will have to do it.

That shit is just shocking.


Sums it up nicely

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017

Old man: "If you vote for someone who is making worse and worse, would you call that smart or stupid?"

You are the stupid one, old man. Republicans want to screw you, not help you.

Your country is fucked up, completely fucked up. The locos are running the asylum.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the "Obama caused racism" point some conservatives parrot. What they really mean is that "Minorities were quiet till they weren't and that upsets me!"

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
Member was warned for advocating eugenics
I think this view is sadly prevalent with Alabama Moore supporters:

Even though I would normally not say this, knowing people like these Alabamans exist makes me sometimes thing that maybe, in certain cases, Eugenics isn't a bad thing. Maybe these sorta people shouldn't be allowed to breed and condition future generations of their ilk to be just as... stupid as they are.

Neo C.

Nov 9, 2017
Even though I would normally not say this, knowing people like these Alabamans exist makes me sometimes thing that maybe, in certain cases, Eugenics isn't a bad thing. Maybe these sorta people shouldn't be allowed to breed and condition future generations of their ilk to be just as... stupid as they are.
Eugenics won't change the fact that the US have totally failed in education of the people.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Even though I would normally not say this, knowing people like these Alabamans exist makes me sometimes thing that maybe, in certain cases, Eugenics isn't a bad thing. Maybe these sorta people shouldn't be allowed to breed and condition future generations of their ilk to be just as... stupid as they are.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 8, 2017
Even though I would normally not say this, knowing people like these Alabamans exist makes me sometimes thing that maybe, in certain cases, Eugenics isn't a bad thing. Maybe these sorta people shouldn't be allowed to breed and condition future generations of their ilk to be just as... stupid as they are.
I'm sorry... but no. Everyone has the capacity to change and you should not remove that capacity from people that have not even been born yet...

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
So thinking about the Alabama race, I guess it's a win-win for Democrats.

1) Jones wins: obviously a great resounding moral victory over character of America, rebuke of pedophilia, and plus a welcome Dem vote in the Senate.

2) Jones loses: Republicans officially have a child molestor openly serving in the Senate, while Democrats are busy cleaning house (Conyers, Franken etc). Republican Party is now attached to pedophilia, and Roy Moore becomes face of the opposition in 2018. Trump endorsing Moore is icing on the shitcake. It becomes a moral fight again in 2018 and Democrats will have the high ground.

Option 1 is preferred, but all is not lost if Moore wins.

Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So thinking about the Alabama race, I guess it's a win-win for Democrats.

1) Jones wins: obviously a great resounding moral victory over character of America, rebuke of pedophilia, and plus a welcome Dem vote in the Senate.

2) Jones loses: Republicans officially have a child molestor openly serving in the Senate, while Democrats are busy cleaning house (Conyers, Franken etc). Republican Party is now attached to pedophilia, and Roy Moore becomes face of the opposition in 2018. Trump endorsing Moore is icing on the shitcake. It becomes a moral fight again in 2018 and Democrats will have the high ground.

Option 1 is preferred, but all is not lost if Moore wins.
The bold happens regardless.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
So thinking about the Alabama race, I guess it's a win-win for Democrats.

1) Jones wins: obviously a great resounding moral victory over character of America, rebuke of pedophilia, and plus a welcome Dem vote in the Senate.

2) Jones loses: Republicans officially have a child molestor openly serving in the Senate, while Democrats are busy cleaning house (Conyers, Franken etc). Republican Party is now attached to pedophilia, and Roy Moore becomes face of the opposition in 2018. Trump endorsing Moore is icing on the shitcake. It becomes a moral fight again in 2018 and Democrats will have the high ground.

Option 1 is preferred, but all is not lost if Moore wins.
Or the mysterious number 3), Jones loses, Republicans officially have a child molestor in the Senate, Democrats take the high road and purge their party of morally reprehensible behavior, and other than our Liberal, Progressive Democratic Left, the other side falls in line, doesn't give a damn about morality and nothing changes at all. As long as they are able to churn out their agenda, nothing matters. I've said this in this thread and others as well, the Republicans have embraced the "At any means necessary" philosophy, which means morality, compassion, understanding and rationality be damned, anything is better than them "damned Democrats". We are waist deep in the muck and mire because of these sorta asshats and their backwards logic and it's gonna take some time to REALLY "drain the swamp" (and it AIN'T gonna be Republicans that do that cause that, to them, is a fuckn' resort on the Rivera), considering Trump and his kind are the epitome of social and political stagnation (they are basically Swamp Monsters telling fools that the Government has a "Swamp Problem", when in actuality, the were planning to make what "swamp" was there into a fuckin' murky theme park resort for swamp creatures everywhere).
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Banned for having an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The fact Alabama is even with 2 points of getting taken, is a sure sign that the house is gonna go blue.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though I would normally not say this, knowing people like these Alabamans exist makes me sometimes thing that maybe, in certain cases, Eugenics isn't a bad thing. Maybe these sorta people shouldn't be allowed to breed and condition future generations of their ilk to be just as... stupid as they are.

This is a red flag. No condition or social thinking or belief can justify Eugenics . No just no.


Oct 26, 2017
You realize that the two pictures are at different angles, right? The first picture is from the other side of the venue, you can see that that side's full even in that picture.

No, he's right and the first picture is wrong. I hate Trump too but fake news helps no one.

Or the mysterious number 3), Jones loses, Republicans officially have a child molestor in the Senate, Democrats take the high road and purge their party of morally reprehensible behavior, and other than our Liberal, Progressive Democratic Left, the other side falls in line, doesn't give a damn about morality and nothing changes at all. As long as they are able to churn out their agenda, nothing matters. I've said this in this thread and others as well, the Republicans have embraced the "At any means necessary" philosophy, which means morality, compassion, understanding and rationality be damned, anything is better than them "damned Democrats". We are waist deep in the muck and mire because of these sorta asshats and their backwards logic and it's gonna take some time to REALLY "drain the swamp" (and it AIN'T gonna be Republicans that do that cause that, to them, is a fuckn' resort on the Rivera), considering Trump and his kind are the epitome of social and political stagnation (they are basically Swamp Monsters telling fools that the Government has a "Swamp Problem", when in actuality, the were planning to make what "swamp" was there into a fuckin' murky theme park resort for swamp creatures everywhere).

Or option 4) Jones loses, but the GOP hems and haws over expelling Moore and the electorate quickly accepts him as the new normal, with stories coming out every few months of shitty things he's said and done that enrages only one third of the voters that read them.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
^ It's an effective theme. Donald's pedo base live in an alternate reality where POTUS is actively "draining the swamp."

And the Vice/HBO video is a reminder that the insane 'conservative' comments you read online, maybe written by trolls / bots, reflects the beliefs held by a significant portion of the electorate.


Oct 29, 2017
Is there any chance of this goon losing the election? He's a racist and a sexual predator, and I simply can't believe that "Christians" would support someone like that just because they have an "R" by their name.


Oct 29, 2017
Is there any chance of this goon losing the election? He's a racist and a sexual predator, and I simply can't believe that "Christians" would support someone like that just because they have an "R" by their name.
Look at the tweets and videos above you and for the last few pages. They pretty much confirm that a Doug Jones win would be a god-granted miracle. I still hope Doug wins but with Moore having the president's, Bannon's, and the RNC's verbal and financial backing and the Alabama voting populous being filled with such warped minds, this is an election we should have severely tempered expectations of


Oct 28, 2017
All republicans are now the party for and of pedophiles. Keep your kids away from them


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Robocall: "Yes, this is Dotard. Vote Pedo to MAGA!"

Here's hoping McConnell is still willing to eject Moore after he wins. Ayy...

Is there any chance of this goon losing the election? He's a racist and a sexual predator, and I simply can't believe that "Christians" would support someone like that just because they have an "R" by their name.

There is a chance Jones could win. It's not a guaranteed loss. Deep red state + unbelievably shit tier candidate makes for hard modeling/predictions of R voters.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Don't kid yourself. Moore will barely get a mention on the robo-call. It'll all be about Doug Jones. Trump has said almost nothing positive about Moore besides him being a GOP vote.


Oct 30, 2017
There is a chance Jones could win. It's not a guaranteed loss. Deep red state + unbelievably shit tier candidate makes for hard modeling/predictions of R voters.
My fear is that a bunch of Republicans are too ashamed to admit to supporting him in public... but behind the ballot box, nobody has to know.

Inversely, pessimism serves no one, and there's always hope that people will be disgusted enough or have enough self-doubts about Moore that Jones will (or should) be the more palatable candidate to vote for. I really hope so. Do your parts... spread awareness. Get the word out. This is a fight worth having.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Is there any chance of this goon losing the election? He's a racist and a sexual predator, and I simply can't believe that "Christians" would support someone like that just because they have an "R" by their name.
It all depends on Dem voters turning out en masse and GOP voters staying home or splitting the vote with a write-in candidate. The latter seems to be having an effect but the extent of how much it'll eat into Moore's support is about as difficult to measure as how likely it is for Jones to win vs. Moore given so many unprecedented factors, not the least of which being the time of the year chosen for Alabama's special election.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
It all depends on Dem voters turning out en masse and GOP voters staying home or splitting the vote with a write-in candidate. The latter seems to be having an effect but the extent of how much it'll eat into Moore's support is about as difficult to measure as how likely it is for Jones to win vs. Moore given so many unprecedented factors, not the least of which being the time of the year chosen for Alabama's special election.

I hope that Dem voters in Alabama are extra energized to get out there to vote due to Trump's endorsement of Moore. We saw that Virginia's elections were very much a referendum on Trump. The flip side is that Trump's endorsement of Moore probably pushed a lot of GOP voters who were otherwise skeptical about Moore to just get out there and vote as well.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The RNC is trying to flood the airwaves. How come the DNC hasn't been as vocal of Jones?

Real Hero

Oct 27, 2017
Even though I would normally not say this, knowing people like these Alabamans exist makes me sometimes thing that maybe, in certain cases, Eugenics isn't a bad thing. Maybe these sorta people shouldn't be allowed to breed and condition future generations of their ilk to be just as... stupid as they are.
you are literally repeating something they would say lol


Oct 25, 2017
Is there any chance of this goon losing the election? He's a racist and a sexual predator, and I simply can't believe that "Christians" would support someone like that just because they have an "R" by their name.
I'd say it's 70-30% chance in favor of Moore. It looks like it's in his favor but polls are within the MOE of Jones winning.
My fear is that a bunch of Republicans are too ashamed to admit to supporting him in public... but behind the ballot box, nobody has to know.

Inversely, pessimism serves no one, and there's always hope that people will be disgusted enough or have enough self-doubts about Moore that Jones will (or should) be the more palatable candidate to vote for. I really hope so. Do your parts... spread awareness. Get the word out. This is a fight worth having.
There's actually no evidence of a shy Tory effect. Other polling issues like likely voter selection are fare more likely to explain voting discrepancies. 110% agreed on the voter pessimism part though.
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