
Oct 25, 2017
Yea, had an autocorrect. Meant love story.

The chemistry was pretty strong in the first one and for Finn his dare for her was clearly why he didn't keep running so he's emotionally invested in her which is his tie in
I'm rooting for them too. The little hand holding moment with the Rathtars, Finn running across an active battlefield chasing her, Rey kissing his forehead, they had a lot of good moments that were almost or basically romantic already.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm always up for a love story, in Star Wars too. I loved Padme in the PT, probably my favorite character in that trilogy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
EDIT: Livestream link of the premiere

EDIT 2: Jump to page 10 for social media reactions.

Yes, it's time to crush Frank Marshall like a bug again.

Get ready toget drunk like Carrie Fisher and Oscar Isaac because The Last Jedi red carpet+LA premiere is happening later tonight. You can watch the red carpet livestream via or its YouTube channel when it all starts around 5:00 PM PST.

Then right after the movie ends whenever, the social media embargo will be immediately lifted at 9:30 PM PST, so expect a ton of impressions being thrown around like crazy on Twitter, which will also be posted in this thread.

By the way, just in case the title wasn't enough, there will be no spoiler talk in this thread whatsoever. And just to be courteous to those who are trying to stay away from the current marketing blitz, I would also advise not bringing up some crazy things you might've seen in the latest TV ads.

(In case you do have an insatiable urge to discuss those things, however, we do have a production/spoiler thread for that.)

In the meantime, start grabbing your bingo cards courtesy of Cross-Section.

Bingo across the bottom. Calling it now


Oct 25, 2017
Do anyone know if this character poster of Leia Organa is available anywhere without all the text?


She looks so badass, probably my favorite picture of her in any promotional work so far.


Oct 26, 2017
If TLJ is worse than TFA (which i highly doubt) i will not see the third one just like i never saw Ep.3


Oct 25, 2017
No. I think we will get some more tomorrow. Just be weary, a lot of regular people are seeing it tomorrow as well, so spoilers will be happening too.

But just piggybacking off of people earlier, that 20 minute sequence that is the "introduction of Rey" is some of the best filmmaking J.J. has ever done. It shows how well you can convey something without using dialogue.


Oct 25, 2017
No. I think we will get some more tomorrow. Just be weary, a lot of regular people are seeing it tomorrow as well, so spoilers will be happening too.

But just piggybacking off of people earlier, that 20 minute sequence that is the "introduction of Rey" is some of the best filmmaking J.J. has ever done. It shows how well you can convey something without using dialogue.

Yep, premiere people have been pretty good about not saying much. Once tomorrow hits, it won't be so nice and would be the best time to run for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
My problem with Rogue One is that I didn't care one bit about any of the characters. They were so bland and uninteresting to me.
What's crazy about Rogue One is that the last third, while genuinely really well done, plays like the payoff for character arcs and relationships that the rest of the movie never really actually sets up. Like before they leave the ship for the final mission, the asian dude with the big gun says to Jyn something like "Good luck little sister..." Which is odd because I can think of maybe only one or two sentences he directs at her for the entire movie prior to this. So they're insinuating this bond that was never actually established. And that kinda happens all over the place. There are just so many missed opportunities for good character moments that that last third could've put a nice bow on.

Like Jyn needed to talk to Riz Ahmed's character in a quiet scene, just to ask what her dad was like. Or Donnie Yen and the big gun guy's slight tiff with Yen's "I am one with the Force" mantra. Like, if in the wake of losing their home, big gun guy just outright became hostile towards his friend's belief in the Force, but in losing him, he reconciles and chooses to honor his friend's faith. That would feel more complete. Instead he just kinda calls him an "old fool" once and nothing is really mentioned again.

But yeah... Rogue One had some really cool shit, but was really emotionally hollow for a good majority of it, even if it had every opportunity to do something really powerful.
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2017
My problem with Rogue One is that I didn't care one bit about any of the characters. They were so bland and uninteresting to me.
Exactly. Every time I speak to someone who prefers Rogue One, they invariably mention the "lore" as being much more satisfying.

But, like, in my opinion, the principles of storytelling and film-making were far superior in The Force Awakens. I cared about Rey. I cared about Poe. I cared about Han. Heck, I cared about BB-8.

In Rogue One, I enjoyed Darth Vader slaughtering people in a corridor. The rest was a blur.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Exactly. Every time I speak to someone who prefers Rogue One, they invariably mention the "lore" as being much more satisfying.

But, like, in my opinion, the principles of storytelling and film-making were far superior in The Force Awakens. I cared about Rey. I cared about Poe. I cared about Han. Heck, I cared about BB-8.

In Rogue One, I enjoyed Darth Vader slaughtering people in a corridor. The rest was a blur.
I mean I think there is value in portraying the Rebellion as not just unarguably noble at all times. There is value in seeing how terrifying Darth Vader can be to those who aren't plot-armored heroes. And I think it's a genuinely interesting retcon that such a seemingly obvious flaw in the Death Star is a dead man's act of quiet resistance and revenge for being taken from his family.

But again, that's a different level than the movie working on its own with characters you can care about.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
What's crazy about Rogue One is that the last third, while genuinely really well done, plays like the payoff for character arcs and relationships that the rest of the movie never really actually sets up. Like before they leave the ship for the final mission, the asian dude with the big gun says to Jyn something like "Good luck little sister..." Which is odd because I can think of maybe only one or two sentences he directs at her for the entire movie prior to this. So they're insinuating this bond that was never actually established. And that kinda happens all over the place. There are just so many missed opportunities for good character moments that that last third could've put a nice bow on.

Like Jyn needed to talk to Riz Ahmed's character in a quiet scene, just to ask what her dad was like. Or Donnie Yen and the big gun guy's slight tiff with Yen's "I am one with the Force" mantra. Like, if in the wake of losing their home, big gun guy just outright became hostile towards his friend's belief in the Force, but in losing him, he reconciles and chooses to honor his friend's faith. That would feel more complete. Instead he just kinda calls him an "old fool" once and nothing is really mentioned again.

But yeah... Rogue One had some really cool shit, but was really emotionally hollow for a good majority of it, even if it had every opportunity to do something really powerful.
Rogue One is very frustrating. All it needed was ten or fifteen minutes of quietude and character development. One conversation between Baze/Chirrut and Jyn would have gone a long way; something to establish why they like each other, or why Baze and Chirrut are even there (we never get a moment where they decide to join the Rebellion).

As it is, I think it's a fine action film with some A+ fan service. I like the characters more than most and I wish desperately that Gareth had done more with them. LFL did all the hard work in terms of casting, back story, motivations, performances -- all the cast needed was a little push. A nudge. A couple of exchanges. One more scene. Something.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow. Really?

With how much hype there is surrounding whatever reveal there is in this movie, I better be screaming in the theater when whatever is revealed is revealed. Lol

Basically if you're very spoiler sensitive, if you see those words pop up on a TV screen just change the channel. To me it doesn't really spoil anything huge (just something cool) but other people who saw the shot that followed it were flipping out.

The second version of the ad uses the footage from the end of the second trailer, which is kind of weird since we've all seen that already.


Oct 26, 2017
What's crazy about Rogue One is that the last third, while genuinely really well done, plays like the payoff for character arcs and relationships that the rest of the movie never really actually sets up. Like before they leave the ship for the final mission, the asian dude with the big gun says to Jyn something like "Good luck little sister..." Which is odd because I can think of maybe only one or two sentences he directs at her for the entire movie prior to this. So they're insinuating this bond that was never actually established. And that kinda happens all over the place. There are just so many missed opportunities for good character moments that that last third could've put a nice bow on.

Like Jyn needed to talk to Riz Ahmed's character in a quiet scene, just to ask what her dad was like. Or Donnie Yen and the big gun guy's slight tiff with Yen's "I am one with the Force" mantra. Like, if in the wake of losing their home, big gun guy just outright became hostile towards his friend's belief in the Force, but in losing him, he reconciles and chooses to honor his friend's faith. That would feel more complete. Instead he just kinda calls him an "old fool" once and nothing is really mentioned again.

But yeah... Rogue One had some really cool shit, but was really emotionally hollow for a good majority of it, even if it had every opportunity to do something really powerful.

Rogue one was like watching a Michael Bay movie.....amazing action pieces but the characters are all shit

Also that Don't Let anyone spoil this shot



Oct 25, 2017
Ouch, clear your youtube histories ... some very spoilerific thumbnails. Where do people get these images already.. instagram trailers?

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Fingers crossed I make it to Saturday without spoilers. This website seems okay generally but I'm not going near YouTube or Reddit.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved rogue one when I got out of the theatres and still pretty much do. But man they did fail on the characters. I watched it like 5 times and I get more disappointed the more I watch it. I know every character in Star Wars almost but j never remember the names in this movie.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Fingers crossed I make it to Saturday without spoilers. This website seems okay generally but I'm not going near YouTube or Reddit.
Don't count on ResetERA to protect you from spoilers. Pre-TFA was fucking awful on GAF - people accidentally posting in the OT when they meant to post in the spoiler thread, idiots begging for spoiler info in the OT, etc.. I probably read some form of "Han Solo dies" four or five times after the first major leak.
Nov 3, 2017
Don't count on ResetERA to protect you from spoilers. Pre-TFA was fucking awful on GAF - people accidentally posting in the OT when they meant to post in the spoiler thread, idiots begging for spoiler info in the OT, etc.. I probably read some form of "Han Solo dies" four or five times after the first major leak.
oh man, disconnecting my internet and boarding up my windows right now.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
If you think getting spoiled on GAF is bad...

Han's death in TFA was spoiled for me at a fucking airport. Some dipshit was having a loud-ass conversation into his Bluetooth earpiece and just casually dropped that little tidbit right next to me.

Dumb cunt. Hope his flight got delayed and he lost half his bags.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Basically if you're very spoiler sensitive, if you see those words pop up on a TV screen just change the channel. To me it doesn't really spoil anything huge (just something cool) but other people who saw the shot that followed it were flipping out.

I don't understand.

There's a TV ad for TLJ that opens with a spoiler warning?