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Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Just putting this out there, but in the past few days I've anecdotally had 3 different women ask me if I'd heard about "that Eternals movie that Marvel is making?" Pretty much unprompted.

Just found that really interesting.


Nov 2, 2017

The Russos reveal what happened to Cap at the end of Endgame:

"The way that it would work is that when Captain America goes back, he would create a branch reality," Joe explains. "Now he would exist in that branch reality with a second Captain America who was frozen in ice."

"Peggy understood that he was dead at that point in the storytelling because Cap went back to a point in time where nobody knew he still was alive, frozen in ice," Anthony added before Joe chimed in to hint at at one more story featuring the hero.

"Now what's also a story for another time is, of course, if he created a branch reality, he would then have to use a Pym Particle to come back to this reality to hand that shield off."

That definitely makes the most sense, as the film specifically mentions alternate timelines and that it's impossible to alter your current timeline by changing the past.

Question is, what happens when the Cap from the alternate timeline wakes up and finds that Peggy is married to the other Cap?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California

The Russos reveal what happened to Cap at the end of Endgame:

That definitely makes the most sense, as the film specifically mentions alternate timelines and that it's impossible to alter your current timeline by changing the past.

Question is, what happens when the Cap from the alternate timeline wakes up and finds that Peggy is married to the other Cap?

He becomes Hydra Cap.

It's not really a spoiler and but is this the first time that marvel acknowledges that spider-man would lead the avengers in phase four? I was always a bit concerned what would happen once holland's Deal was up.

He's contract isn't over until Spider-Man 3. So there are still a couple years to worry about that.
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BET Interview with Kevin Feige


Nov 2, 2017
BET talks to Feige about the MCU.

He says this in regards to Black Panther 2:

One last future question. There is a rumor that Killmonger will be returning for Black Panther 2. Any truth to that?

KF: Pure rumor. The honest answer to that is that is pure rumor and speculation, because Mr. Coogler is just only in recent weeks sitting down at his keyboard and beginning to outline the movie. It's early, so nothing is set yet in any way that far, because Mr. Coogler is sitting down and will share it with Nate Moore and myself in coming weeks.
Oct 29, 2017
Seeing the Avengers Endgame fan thing tonight.

Is it a new scene and a new post-credits preview for Spider-Man? Seeing that on Wednesday anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing the Avengers Endgame fan thing tonight.

Is it a new scene and a new post-credits preview for Spider-Man? Seeing that on Wednesday anyway.
There's a tribute to Stan Lee which is pretty nice. Then a little recording of Anthony Russo presenting the following unfinished cut scene with the Hulk. And then finishing off with the opening scene from Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Just 21 hours till my Spider-Man: Far From Home showing!


Oct 25, 2017
Huh, if he's only now just starting to break the story, maybe 2021 is too soon for a release?
It was never my impression he had started work on Black Panther 2. February 2022 is much more realistic if you ask me.

And hopefully Feige and co give all of the visual studios more than 6 weeks to work on the effects this time.


Oct 25, 2017
Huh, if he's only now just starting to break the story, maybe 2021 is too soon for a release?

I think Phase 1 and Phase 2 ruined people's expectations for superheroe movies releases since all the movies came out in such short times you were seeing a lot of the same characters every year or so.

Phase 3 grabbed a lot of actors that are already popular or up and coming and a few directors that do more than the marvel fare so the big characters are gonna take a lot longer.

It's the same reason why people are surprised that aquaman 2 won't be till 2022.


Oct 27, 2017
It was never my impression he had started work on Black Panther 2. February 2022 is much more realistic if you ask me.

And hopefully Feige and co give all of the visual studios more than 6 weeks to work on the effects this time.
I guess I imagined that at least some early story stuff was done around the time Coogler's re-hiring was announced, and assumed they'd be aiming for 2021 as letting four years go by after the first BP was such a massive success seemed strange to me. I agree though if that they've only just started writing now, May 2021 seems too early.

It's the same reason why people are surprised that aquaman 2 won't be till 2022.
Aquaman 2 I could understand, given how VFX heavy the first movie was and James Wan doing other things in between.

Deleted member 4093

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Oct 25, 2017
AMC said they're giving away a free spiderman figure with FFH tickets through opening weekend. Anyone knows what it looks like?


Oct 25, 2017
We've entered Marvel month guys!

02.07: Spider-Man: Far From Home
19.07: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
20.07: SDCC Phase 4 Reveal
24.07: X-Men: House of X #1
30.07: Avengers: Endgame digital
31.07: X-Men: Power of X #1

And a bunch of other comic books, like Aero and Sword Master everyone should be reading.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California


Nov 2, 2017

Zoe Saldana talks about Gamora in GOTG3:

"It all depends. The technical answer is it all depends on what Marvel and James Gunn desire to do with the Guardians and with Gamora's fate," Saldana said. "I would eventually, there's a part of me that wants her to go back, find her way back to the Guardians but there's also a part of me that wants to explore a bad Gamora. I've never seen that and she's, you know, she's considered the most lethal assassin, the most lethal woman in the galaxy so I would want to see what that wrath looks like also because it would just give me layers to sort of work on. But yeah, I want her to get back to the Guardians."


Oct 16, 2018

The Russos reveal what happened to Cap at the end of Endgame:

That definitely makes the most sense, as the film specifically mentions alternate timelines and that it's impossible to alter your current timeline by changing the past.

Question is, what happens when the Cap from the alternate timeline wakes up and finds that Peggy is married to the other Cap?

He becomes Hydra Cap.


Thinking about it, it's actually an interesting moral question for "our" Cap. Like, he knows that his "other" self is frozen in the arctic sea. Do they get him early and fish him out - making 2 Caps thawed from the late 40's onward?

Does he wait and have Cap2 retrieved in the 2010s - like he was - in a way to preserve how he remembered his own time? Fully retires at that point and hands off the duties of being Captain America to his younger self?

It'd be nice if they dedicate one of the animated "What If" episodes to the timeline where Cap returns to the past. Could be a lot of crazy shit - ranging from MCU events like exposing Hydra early on or preparing the world for Thanos, to real world crazyness like stopping the Kennedy assassination and preventing 9/11.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
As it turns out, the Phase 3 Part 1 box set that was sold in the UK did include Homecoming.


Since Sony is actually playing ball with Disney for these box sets, I'd imagine that Phase 3 Part 2 will include everything from Infinity War up to Far From Home (this should also extend to the Phase 3 box set that North America should eventually get). Likewise, maybe this will increase the chances of the MCU Spider-Man movies eventually making their way to Disney+ if Sony's willing to cooperate for these kinds of collections.
Nov 1, 2017


Nov 19, 2017
I'd imagine that Cable could also be safe casting-wise of the Fox characters, though obviously Ryan Reynolds is the safest in terms of dodging the recasting bullet.
I would think so too however, did Feige have anything to do with casting or approval in Fox movies? Did he ever say he liked those actors for the parts?

Deleted member 5853

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Oct 25, 2017
Warning: do not go on the Letterboxd page for Spider-Man: Far From Home.

To be vague, there are spoilers for the film on it. Just avoid it if you happen to have Letterboxd and/or you don't want to get to spoiled on some cool stuff.

And completely steer clear of the Wikipedia page.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Didn't know this, so thanks! How does the event work? Will it be live-stream like e3 or a closed-door conference?

No live stream. People fight for badges and spend thousands of dollars to travel to SDCC every year and they camp out on the sidewalk for a week to see the Hall H stuff. They'd riot if there was a live stream for everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Just came out of my showing for Spider-Man: Far From Home. I actually didn't expect to like it more than Homecoming before going in but it was much more enjoyable. Action was ten times better. The second act was some of the best I've seen out of the MCU. Credits scenes, while not mind-blowing, were absolutely worth the wait. Loved the music and the atmosphere it sets for everything, and supporting actors are great. Visual effects were also solid and consistent throughout. I definitely still like Vulture more though.

I'm headed to the spoiler thread.
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Oct 25, 2017
Just rewatched Spider-Man: Homecoming, and it can definitely compete with Far From Home (not in action or visuals though). Script just feels so tight, with so many small details, and so much tension. And I liked the moment where Happy tells the moving staff that they gotta bring Cap's new prototype shield and Thor's belt, in which we ended up seeing both of those items in Avengers: Endgame. I might go for another watch of Far From Home before it leaves theaters, cause I had so much fun with it but in a different way to Homecoming.

I might like Homecoming slightly more, I'm not sure, gotta digest FFH some more. I just love the whole buildup between Pete and Vulture, the reveal, how they talk it out later, how he has to prove himself without the suit etc. But FFH had much better action and visuals. I might go rewatch FFH again sometime this week. I think I had more fun with FFH but Homecoming felt more tense. Good in each their own way.

And here's looking to Phase 4 now! The future's exciting.
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Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Man I just saw the latest trailer and man... Sony doesn't leave much to the imagination. Please tell me There are still some surprises to be had,


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Man I just saw the latest trailer and man... Sony doesn't leave much to the imagination. Please tell me There are still some surprises to be had,

Buy a ticket.
Watch the film.

Or don't. Nobody is forcing anybody to watch a film. It's okay to not watch a film. I do this all the time. It's hilarious how many films I haven't watched in my very, very long life. You can always go back.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017


Nov 15, 2017
On my way to my showtime!
Will post impressions once I'm out. Idk if it's just me but this release snuck up on me


Oct 25, 2017
Gonna be heading out soon to go watch it with my brothers.

My younger brother and I just tried out the free Spider-Man: Far From Home VR Experience on PlayStation VR. It's pretty damn cool. We just did the freeplay mode and swung around the city. It was fun. Gonna mess with it more later. It's a lot better than the previous VR Experience they did for Homecoming, which was practically nothing.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe they were confident that the film would be interesting. Showing people about how interesting your film is, that used to be the whole point of marketing a film. Did something change?

If feel like the opposite is true. When studios are confident they tend to hold onto the surprises so people will be blown away in the theater.

Often, when marketing is really spoilery, it's a sign that the film won't have much more interesting content left to show. Reminds me of BvS.

Anyway, it sounds like there are plenty more surprises beyond what the trailer has shown, so I'm happy.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Well, you just overturned about 2500 years of theatre. I have to hand it to you, well done.

In case you didn't notice, I'm drowning your argument in sarcasm.

Man, your really snarky.I'm really unsure why this struck a nerve.

If you think spoiling movies is typical marketing from a confident studio, then I don't know what to tell you... I'm done with the topic. Good day...
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User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
If you think spoiling movies is typical marketing from a confident studio, then I don't know what to tell you... I'm done with the topic. Good day...

I'm old enough to recall when film studios were really keen to let you know all about the film they wanted you to see. Why wouldn't they? After all, they wanted to persuade you to watch the film. Nowadays the studios are so coy that I sometimes enter the cinema with no clear idea of what to expect. It's frustrating and completely unnecessary.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I'm old enough to recall when film studios were really keen to let you know all about the film they wanted you to see. Why wouldn't they? After all, they wanted to persuade you to watch the film. Nowadays the studios are so coy that I sometimes enter the cinema with no clear idea of what to expect. It's frustrating and completely unnecessary.

Letting people know enough about the preemie to gain an interest and blowing major developments in marketing material are two different things...

People like to be surprised when they see something for the first time. They don't want to be sitting in the theater feeling like they've already seen it. And if people THINK they've s already seen the best a movie had to offer, why would they buy a ticket?

Anyway, I'm glad to know this movie is still going to surprise me.
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Oct 25, 2017
Damn was the movie good. And those credits scenes...haven't been this excited for the post Endgame MCU. Bring it on!


Nov 15, 2017
Movie was really good, I enjoyed it more than Homecoming that's for sure and give it a solid 8/10. It's probably in my top 10 MCU films but I'd be hesitant to put it in the top 5.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Preparing to watch Spider-Man: Homecoming now. I'm traveling tomorrow after work so I catch Spider-Man: Far From Home both in Real D and IMAX.
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