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Deleted member 4208

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Oct 25, 2017
Wii Fit (Plus/U) along with counting calories helped me go from obese to normal body weight. I lost 70 lbs! My Wii and Wii U are in storage now, but Wii Fit got me paying more attention to my personal fitness and health. I do most of my exercise at the local Y now but it would still be nice to have some fun exercises to do at home too. If this is a Wii Fit successor I'm in day one.


Jan 16, 2018
Well, all PS4 consoles can play VR games if they buy the necessary accessories.
Not all Switch models will play this tho.

Joy-cons can be synced to the Switch Lite. You just have to buy them separately, so the Lite actually will play this "if [you] buy the necessary accessories."

Of course, it'll probably be awkward to play given that you would have to prop the Lite against the wall or something and squint at its small screen while you flail around, but it's not impossible.


Jun 25, 2018
Joy-cons can be synced to the Switch Lite. You just have to buy them separately, so the Lite actually will play this "if [you] buy the necessary accessories."

Of course, it'll probably be awkward to play given that you would have to prop the Lite against the wall or something and squint at its small screen while you flail around, but it's not impossible.
You are right, it's not impossible and there'll be that one person who's gonna play it like this, but the rest sure won'
If nothing else, your idea would be a good youtube video!


Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone pointed out one of the clips looks like someone pretending to fire an arrow from a bow? Yeah this is probably centered around fitness but I'm excited to see what else it's capable of. Beat Saber is something I play regularly to exercise so I'm interested in whatever this could be.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
Whatever it is and however it turns out, in the month of Switch Lite it's great to see Nintendo not putting the Joy-con In the shade.
Oct 26, 2017
Watched it again.
Everyone in the video seems so intensely focused on whatever's happening on the screen that it really makes me curious to learn more.

J 0 E

Oct 27, 2017


Phife Dawg

Oct 27, 2017
Joy-cons can be synced to the Switch Lite. You just have to buy them separately, so the Lite actually will play this "if [you] buy the necessary accessories."

Of course, it'll probably be awkward to play given that you would have to prop the Lite against the wall or something and squint at its small screen while you flail around, but it's not impossible.
Since I assume it will be like the other Fit products, this will be the best way to do the actual excercises (not the "games" part), that way you can watch TV while working out.


Oct 27, 2017
This is Labo all over again isn't it. Only difference is that people will get unreasonably mad because of rubber instead of cardboard.

Deleted member 49166

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Oct 30, 2018
Just because everyone can have an opinion doesn't mean it's appropriate to always pour it out.


Oct 28, 2017
Why do people care that Nintendo is continuing to make their weird side games? They don't comprise even 10% of their output anymore compared to the Wii days so its not even a development drain. It's confusing to see grown adults acting like children over this.

While it is good to point out how little it takes away from development resources it is fairly clear that when it comes to looking at year release schedules it isn't insignificant. Labo took up one month as a 1st party release. I like Labo for what it is but I wouldn't say it hasn't negatively impacted people hoping for something more traditional coming directly from Nintendo.

My issue with that attitude is that 3rd parties have been coming out with good games monthly too so pinning all your hopes and dreams on Nintendo is unreasonable.


Nov 15, 2017
Really excited to see more of this. Wii Fit was excellent and I guess it'll be a new take on that sort of thing.

Maybe it could be used to bring back Pilotwings.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved Wii Fit and the complete lack of fitness experiences on Switch (besides Boxing and Just Dance) is disappointing.

If this is Switch Fit (or close to) and we get exercises that not only allow us to do Free Running and Free step again (the best part of the Fit series), but also put more exertion on activities like Archery, then i'll be interested. I would hope it's specific to this game though and not something they'd force into the next Zelda (example)

Deleted member 41183

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Mar 18, 2018
Switch Fit is my guess

Emily and Nate have indicated it's a new IP, and indicated there's more to it than just what it appears, but I can't get my head around what that could mean. Most I can think of is you're using the exercises to play some sort of (possibly multiplayer? Online compatible? team/location based?) game.

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
Emily and Nate have indicated it's a new IP, and indicated there's more to it than just what it appears, but I can't get my head around what that could mean. Most I can think of is you're using the exercises to play some sort of (possibly multiplayer? Online compatible? team/location based?) game.

Emily specifically said that it has elements that would appeal to people who are more into traditional experiences and Nate said it's leaning closer to something like Splatoon/Arms rather than 1-2-Switch.

My almost completely unsubstantiated shot in the dark guess is that it's an online-game where you fight enemies using sports exercises and if it isn't, they should definitely do that next.


Oct 25, 2017
Emily specifically said that it has elements that would appeal to people who are more into traditional experiences and Nate said it's leaning closer to something like Splatoon/Arms rather than 1-2-Switch.

My almost completely unsubstantiated shot in the dark guess is that it's an online-game where you fight enemies using sports exercises and if it isn't, they should definitely do that next.

I'm telling you, it's a fitness battle royale game. 100 people have to perform the same random exercises at the same time and people are eliminated one by one based on performance. It'll be like Tetris 99.

Maybe the exercises change quickly and randomly too like in Warioware. And I'm being there's some cool visual representation of the whole thing on screen too.

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
I'm telling you, it's a fitness battle royale game. 100 people have to perform the same random exercises at the same time and people are eliminated one by one based on performance. It'll be like Tetris 99.

Maybe the exercises change quickly and randomly too like in Warioware. And I'm being there's some cool visual representation of the whole thing on screen too.

I'll take it! But I'd also like it if there were some cooperative modes, somehow.


Oct 25, 2017
i highly doubt it.Because you can easily cheat by not using the ring.

Nah, the clever thing about using this ring with the joycons is that the IR camera on the right joycon will be able to detect the degree of bending of the ring. Something like that will be really hard to replicate without using the ring.

Also they could have the joycon rail lock into an electronic sensor on the ring too.


Oct 30, 2017
One of the main issues with the Wii approach to fitness was the lack of resistance. With this Nintendo is addressing the issue but in the most Nintendo way possible... with a pilates ring. It's perfect because even though it looks simple - it's literally just a circle after all - the real interesting part lies in the possibilities that the ring opens up. The fun is in finding new ways to use the ring. Super curious to see what they are


Oct 27, 2017
If I understand all the hints from insiders correctly it will be a new IP releasing in December and it might be interesting thus we shouldn't dismiss it yet. Colour me intrigued.

Deleted member 51691

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Jan 6, 2019
When did Nate say it would be closer to Splatoon/ARMS than 1-2 Switch? I can't find any comment on Era or Twitter that makes that comparison
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