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Miles Davis

Alt account
Jun 22, 2019
I mean, there's isn't THAT much time left. That's a lot of levels to gain, but I guess that means you have a ton of challenges you can be doing. But then again, that's a lot of free levels left on the table by not maximizing your 9K, 18K, 27K, 36K, 45K, and 54K weeklies.

I'm at level 94 and should be able to gain at least three more levels by the time I get off tonight. With double XP next weekend I might hit 110 by the time it ends, or at least be super-close. If I hadn't taken a two week vacation right after the season began I'd have 110 already and take a break after this event ends and play some other stuff until S3 starts.
Cute skin I mained her in S1, but have been using that BP1 revolutionary skin. I like London Calling, but not really enough to spend my precious crafters on.
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Dec 19, 2017
I mean, there's isn't THAT much time left.

Yeah, I think I underestimated things lol. Most of the challenges left are ones involving luck or annoying my team mates.

BTW, I just realised, is there no way to release caged beasts to attack everyone on sight? Seems like a huge wasted opportunity if so.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
Nah you can't free the flyers from the cages. They just serve their purpose as alerting other teams where you are. It's easy not to trigger them though, but I often get teammates who will always walk right in front of them making the biggest ruckus in the entire map and I just sigh and roll my eyes in despair.
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Oct 27, 2017
Nah you can free the flyers from the cages. They just serve purposes at alerting other teams where you are. It's easy to not trigger them though, but I often get teammates who will always walk right in front of them making the biggest ruckus in the entire and I just sigh and roll my eyes in despair.
They're insanely loud. You can hear people in Containment while looting Slum Lakes.


Dec 19, 2017
I'm trying to get Gib's bombardment kill for a BP point, but anytime I'm ready to use it I'm in a cave or something, arggh.

I think it's time for an annual poll, and I'm just curious as a newcomer. What are your favourite of the below:


My favourite legend at the moment is Mirage because bamboozling is always fun, and his pose where he snaps his goggles on is hilarious.

Best finisher is Bloodhound's 'with honor' where he places a gun on the fallen player, because it seems like such a troll thing to do. (saving up crafting metals for this one!)


Best weapon is Flatline because it handles like a normal gun with no weird gimmicks. I absolutely hate burst weapons in this game, they don't suit the fast-paced pray-and-spray BR genre at all in my opinion. I say this as someone who can get kills with them, but they're so uncomfortable to use. (I want to add that it's fucking ridiculous that I have to go to something like IGN to see weapon stats, because there aren't any in the game, wtf)

Don't have a favourite skin yet, but I like Bangalore's samurai-esque Valor skin from this season.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Yeah people are pretty much out ASAP, and there don't seem to be much changing it.

Imho, they need to bring it back to the way it was before. The stats screen is great, but it should default to spectating your teammates. Since stats screens tend to be 'game over' screens before you hop back in a queue in other games, so its not surprising that when a person sees it their first urge is to quit particularly if they are raging especially since it just takes a button.

It should take several steps to quit with two warnings. Sad thing is ive gotten used to it, but for the 'quitters' they miss out on epic comebacks and lose a whole game dynamic.


Oct 27, 2017
The normal matchmaking is so random IMHO

Sometimes I get grouped into a match where my teammates are worthless lvl8 scrubs but so is everyone else and I end up winning with 10+ kills... Other times it seems I am the worst person on the server and I get dropped in my first fight against a 5000 kill try hard.

Miles Davis

Alt account
Jun 22, 2019
SO my main problem is how the hell do you make Diamond fun again? I just don't get it. Soloing this is honestly impossible at least for me. I can't seem to get people that want to cooperate ever. And almost nobody wants to watch where people land first, exacerbating the bad decision making. I'm almost always respawning dudes in Diamond if not both and it's starting to be pointless for me. I barely can scrap kills with a lot of the teams, though, usually a couple knockdowns.

Salty AF

Oct 30, 2017
The normal matchmaking is so random IMHO

Sometimes I get grouped into a match where my teammates are worthless lvl8 scrubs but so is everyone else and I end up winning with 10+ kills... Other times it seems I am the worst person on the server and I get dropped in my first fight against a 5000 kill try hard.

In regular Apex squads, the game is trying to get everyone into a match as fast as humanely possible. That's why there's no MMR but I do think it tries to place players with other similar level players (ie: Level 100's will rarely get matched against level 5's).

If you want more consistently matched games then just play ranked.


Oct 27, 2017
In regular Apex squads, the game is trying to get everyone into a match as fast as humanely possible. That's why there's no MMR but I do think it tries to place players with other similar level players (ie: Level 100's will rarely get matched against level 5's).

If you want more consistently matched games then just play ranked.

From experience, I don't think this is true at all.


Oct 27, 2017
In regular Apex squads, the game is trying to get everyone into a match as fast as humanely possible. That's why there's no MMR but I do think it tries to place players with other similar level players (ie: Level 100's will rarely get matched against level 5's).

If you want more consistently matched games then just play ranked.

I dont play ranked because I dont want to wait 5+ minutes between matches which is what happens once you hit Gold, and 10+ when you hit Diamond... I tried making smurf accounts but Bronze-Silver is probably worse than vanilla in terms of quality of players.
Oct 31, 2017
I am pretty sure there is some light level skill or experience level based matcmaking in regular squad Apex. The reason I say that is because I made a smurf (bad, I know) to catch my squadmates up to me in Ranked somewhat.

I played some games of regular Apex on that smurf account and the skill level of the players I was getting was incredibly bad. Like, I could sprint straight into multiple squad gunfights and clean up pretty much everyone.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else notice that sprint on PS4 seems to be busted? what I mean by that, is you'll click-in the button and if you even slightly deviant/let-off, you'll stop sprinting. It's like that almost completely removed the zone/threshold.
Fuck, why couldn't they have just added automatic sprint like in Titanfall!? :(


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's time for an annual poll, and I'm just curious as a newcomer. What are your favourite of the below:
Legend: I do best with Lifeline but Gibraltar is my other fave (especially since he got buffed and is viable lol), secondary choices are Mirage, Wraith, Caustic, or Wattson
Pose: all of Lifeline's poses are great tbh, I use daydreamer
Finisher: again, all of Lifeline's are great lol, Gib's warcry is good too
Weapon: the LMGs, eva-8, r-99, and alternator, also been using p2020 with hammerpoint rounds and I like it a lot
Skin: organized anarchy for Lifeline, millennium tusk for Gibraltar, I also really like Mirage's angel city hustler and the three instant unlock skins from this BP

I hit level 100 without getting a single legendary character skin from a box but this battle pass gave me enough crafting metals (including legendary crafting metals from the legendary box) to unlock two skins I wanted so I can't complain


Oct 26, 2017
Anyone else notice that sprint on PS4 seems to be busted? what I mean by that, is you'll click-in the button and if you even slightly deviant/let-off, you'll stop sprinting. It's like that almost completely removed the zone/threshold.
Fuck, why couldn't they have just added automatic sprint like in Titanfall!? :(

They just added automatic sprint in the last update, haven't tried it personally.


Dec 19, 2017
Legend: I do best with Lifeline but Gibraltar is my other fave (especially since he got buffed and is viable lol), secondary choices are Mirage, Wraith, Caustic, or Wattson
Pose: all of Lifeline's poses are great tbh, I use daydreamer
Finisher: again, all of Lifeline's are great lol, Gib's warcry is good too

I started the game by focusing on Lifeline and got really good at her playstyle. I'm trying to get the trophy for 5000 damage with 8 legends, so haven't played her regularly in a while. Gibraltar's probably my least used character, he's pretty slow and the shield feels weird when you're aiming down sights. Plus I'm prone to bombing myself thanks to his short throw, yeesh.

In other news, I've had several ranked games today where my team consisted of only two people. Really wish the game would stop doing that. I'm only in silver right now, you'd think there would be plenty of people to make up a match?

Miles Davis

Alt account
Jun 22, 2019
From experience, I don't think this is true at all.
It isn't true at all. In regs I get at least one level 30-50 every single game if not two, and sometimes as low as 1-10. But those regulars. That shit is pure trash. Diamond solos is not even close to evenly matched either. Are you kidding lol? Solo players in Diamond are almost always much worse than full squads with premades, and they don't seem to be able to crunch together amazing solo players in Diamond because most have discovered solos don't even work in it or something. This leaves all kinds of random good players in random squads versus top-tier premades. Shit I don't even hear mics in Diamond solos half the time.

I mean if you are like top .0001% and you are the man maybe you can solo Diamond in efficient time, but other than that you are fucking screwed with their matchmaking.

I'm pretty much good until S3. Solos had better be coming back to this game or it doesn't have a future from my side. It's been a good run, I have a lot of great skins from my initial 40 dollar investment. But I got no more coins, and if S3 is just fucking shitty Diamond rank again without solos well hell to the no Apex can go fuck itself. Better games out there. Better shooters out there coming soon. Who the hell has time to sit in a bush for 20 fucking minutes a game? I bet there a lot of people that think this is fun, but I personally don't.


Jul 26, 2018
I'm still not over that Valkyrie Lifeline skin.


I have a pretty bad feeling that I won't be able to even put my hands on it because the physical edition of Apex Legends will only be available to buy at Gamestop (meaning only available to US players), and Europeans like me will be screwed over (like we usually often are). I really hope not, cause I'm ready to buy, and I love this skin so much already, please Respawn don't make me sad and disappointed!

Ugh please dont remind me of that (;′⌒`) Its the first really good looking skin for her.
But if the exclusivity is true Respawn should be prepared for another shitstorm on reddit.

Best finisher is Bloodhound's 'with honor' where he places a gun on the fallen player, because it seems like such a troll thing to do. (saving up crafting metals for this one!)

At this point better to buy all those sweet execution animations, because of the events and battlepasses you will eventually get pretty good skins sooner or later for all weapons and legends.


Oct 26, 2017
Played a bunch of ranked today after not touching it for like a month, with two new teammates. Got around 40 points in Diamond in one session, which is huge. If we could keep it up, I'd need just a week to hit Predator.

Miles Davis

Alt account
Jun 22, 2019
Actually had some fun in the shot and sniper mode with a premades, the only way I've had much fun. Those gold weapons are hilarious on the drops, especially in wraith's little town lol. Had some really good games with fun battles. It's a shame going solo isn't that much fun.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I have really been sleeping on the close and mid range potential of the G7 scout. Holy balls that thing shreds.

It's become my go to gun. One single clip can down most people without even an extended mag.

It's like the M1 garand.


Dec 14, 2017
Is there anything annoying than having 2 teammates that think the team is just them both? All the time I am matched with some stupid people that are clearly talking to each other (open mic or private party), dont ever ping loot or enemies, just ignores everything I ping and will walk around by themselves, completely ignoring my banner, my fights or where I am going. Even through I get pissed I try to follow them because playing solo is a perfect formula for dying quickly... and if they both die, they disconnect instantly. all the fun is lost. The ping system is a godsend, cant imagine playing without it.


Oct 27, 2017
lol. been only playing armed and dangerous the last few days because it's fun, it's quick, and it has a fast queue. I log on tonight, need one daily for my 10 weekly, can't play tomorrow so it has to be tonight. my dailies: 5 kills with SMGs, 2 kills with care package, 100 damage with rolling thunder

cmon game. gimme the reroll


Oct 28, 2017
lol. been only playing armed and dangerous the last few days because it's fun, it's quick, and it has a fast queue. I log on tonight, need one daily for my 10 weekly, can't play tomorrow so it has to be tonight. my dailies: 5 kills with SMGs, 2 kills with care package, 100 damage with rolling thunder

cmon game. gimme the reroll

Throw your Rolling Thunder at a house, it'll count towards it if you hit the door.


Oct 25, 2017
Throw your Rolling Thunder at a house, it'll count towards it if you hit the door.

There's a lot of little stuff like this I wish I knew the definitive truth of. Would make challenges a lot easier.

-Does hitting yourself really count as damage or a knockdown (Bangalore and Gibraltar ult)?

-Do headshots count on knocked opponents? Does it have to be your knockdown for them to count?

-Do specific weapon "kill" challenges count if you wipe a knocked opponent with it, or does the weapon have to be used on the initial knockdown?

-Does it have to be your knockdown for an execution to tally?



Oct 28, 2017
So the Triple Take is like the best sniper right!?

I'd say it's this order when factoring in everything including damage:
  • Kraber
  • Longbow (almost even with Kraber if you have skull piercer)
  • G7-Triple Take (unless you have choke then it's higher)
  • Havoc w select fire (I know not a true sniper)

G7 is underrated due to the weak sound it makes. It has a high mag capacity and is quick to fire. This makes it easier to adjust follow up shots. If you hit those rapid shots the dps goes up quickly.

That would be cool if the havoc allowed two hops to turn the select fire on but utilize the turbocharge for immediate firing.
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Ctrl Alt Del

Jun 10, 2018
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Legend: the best legend imo is Pathfinder, hands down. Its speed and capacity to flank enemies and reposition quickly are great in the current meta. Wraith and Lifeline are right up my alley as well.
  • Pose: has to be Mirage's Mexican stand-off with one of his copies. Reminds me of this scene from Indiana Jones:

  • Finisher: I actually have this Bloodhound finisher you mentioned, it's blast. Had to craft from spare metal, but I also really like his stab in the back finisher, very brutal. Same goes for both of Lifeline's alternate finishers, they're downright violent. I also really like Wraith's teleporting and hitting the other guy and Bangalore's shooting the guy with their own gun.
  • Weapon: R-99 and Longbow are my go-to guns. Though I'll drop any weapon to pick up a Kraber.
  • Skin: Iron Crown's Mirage, Gibraltar, Lifeline and Wattson. I also really like Bangalore's legendary hunt skin.

So the Triple Take is like the best sniper right!?
I think they're all good right now, but out of the regular ones, the Longbow is better, I think.


Oct 27, 2017
I can answer two of these, definitively:

-Do specific weapon "kill" challenges count if you wipe a knocked opponent with it, or does the weapon have to be used on the initial knockdown?

The kill has to follow your knockdown, with the correct weapon. It doesn't matter how the knocked enemy is boxed.

Does it have to be your knockdown for an execution to tally?

Nope, you can perform the execution on any downed enemy and it will still count. They don't even have to be downed by your squad.


Dec 19, 2017
  • Legend: the best legend imo is Pathfinder, hands down. Its speed and capacity to flank enemies and reposition quickly are great in the current meta. Wraith and Lifeline are right up my alley as well.

Plus he barely makes any sound at all, which is infuriating when I'm not playing as him! Do you know how humiliating it is to be flanked by a robot? I looked behind me in a quiet room, and instead of going "clever girl..." and dying with honor, I just went "YOU MOTHERFUCUALAHFLEFHNLA!!*!*!*"


Oct 28, 2017
There's a lot of little stuff like this I wish I knew the definitive truth of. Would make challenges a lot easier.

-Do headshots count on knocked opponents? Does it have to be your knockdown for them to count?

-Do specific weapon "kill" challenges count if you wipe a knocked opponent with it, or does the weapon have to be used on the initial knockdown?

-Does it have to be your knockdown for an execution to tally?


I've tested these three and this is what I found:

Headshots some times counted for me when I hit knocked people, but that may have been if I had already knocked them. Not sure exactly on this one so won't say one way or the other.

The "kill" with x weapon means you have to knock them with that weapon first as well.

And any person knocked down can be executed for that challenge. You do not have to knock them first.


Oct 25, 2017
I can answer two of these, definitively:

The kill has to follow your knockdown, with the correct weapon. It doesn't matter how the knocked enemy is boxed.

Nope, you can perform the execution on any downed enemy and it will still count. They don't even have to be downed by your squad.
I've tested these three and this is what I found:

Headshots some times counted for me when I hit knocked people, but that may have been if I had already knocked them. Not sure exactly on this one so won't say one way or the other.

The "kill" with x weapon means you have to knock them with that weapon first as well.

And any person knocked down can be executed for that challenge. You do not have to knock them first.

Good to know, thanks for replying.


Mar 23, 2018
Do you know the feel when you get an amazing game with a legend you never play and now you think this legend is super op? I had this with Caustic yesterday but probably only got lucky. The lack of shields make his nox gas very effective in armed and dangerous.


Oct 27, 2017
Hit 110. I think I might be done for a while. I've got the gold coins but I don't think I'm going to buy season 3.

Also, I can 100% confirm that killing yourself as Gibraltar with a bombardment does not count as a bombardment kill.

I had one of those matches where the game just puts you in squad of one. I let my super charge up, wounded myself with a grenade and then stood right under my super.

It is sort of funny, I got to hear my own kill quip.

Dokkaebi G0SU

Nov 2, 2017
i dont even have one yet ..... im guessing i need to buy the BP to unlock them because im lvl 70 and all my packs were gun skins or other lame stuff lol
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