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Oct 27, 2017

Mod Edit:

I am very humbled by the support and kind words I have received, so thank you all But I do want to just clarify this a little.

The reason I am taking a break is not due to the comments in here from users or mods. I am used to and welcome criticism, you cannot improve without it. The reason is the amount of work I put in and the low return (relatively) it gets. What I started and create is always niche, I knew than going in, after a couple of years with pretty much 1 to 2 videos a week not to mention a website to mange I fell drained, and I suppose I had hoped what I did made more of an impact.

That said the lack of any meaningful feedback, specifics or technical details as to the issues despite me asking all clearly (oh the irony) and the draconian way it was delivered was incorrect and I did not want to cause any further disruption in that topic.

My experience is programming, network & hardware construction and overall large scale IT work gives me a fair level of technical knowledge. I have made small games, projects, demos and worked in small teams on other personal projects on addition to huge ones in my job. That does not mean I know everything, I never profess to, never have or will, I Learn what I can, see techniques, understand and then try to describe that in a more entertaining and simpler form, I do not always succeed but I try and learn, adapt and improve. I could describe things at a deeper technical level, but it would be Ignored, lost or misunderstood, my medium has to be digestible chunks and as visual as possible.

Please do not start a dog pile on others for that, I see Durante is here and has said sorry and accepted his actions were incorrect and abusing his position, which is good,thank you. Constructive criticism is a benefit, attacks are not as has been said.

If you are going to verbatim my videos, please do it correctly, I said "The torch and other light sources cast Likely stencil based shadows" if you look at how they cast and draw up the tree line as they walk closer, this is how they appear and they have used in the past. How can I trust you when you get the basics wrong, fatal error :-/

To add, anytime I analyse a game via released media I can only go on what I see, I also add my bits as often as possible (I think, appears to be, looks like) but I cannot keep saying this ever sentence, it would do peoples heads and ears in. The assumption is made on the viewer these are my educated guesses, if I have fact, Dev info or whitepapers, talks I use them but much is not publicly shared. For example I stated Uncharted 4 used a tessellated sea-level and many said I was wrong, but final game, it did.

I also stated that Horizon used a horizontal stretched CB technique roughly 1920x2160 and it did. When I have the games I go as detailed as I can.

NXGamer, I'd like to apologize for the tone of my posts in the previous thread. They were not befitting of the role of a moderator, and worse, became a distraction for that thread and now this one.

It's important to me personally, as a very technically-minded person, that this kind of content can always freely be discussed and even criticised.

But I failed to do so constructively, and as a mod that really is the minimum standard I should live up to. After discussing it with the team, it is also clear that there should have been warnings on certain posts attacking NXGamer in the other thread. Not only did I fail to moderate accordingly, by choosing to enter the discussion instead I gave the appearance that I condoned it all. For all of that I am sorry.

Can I please just say that I am happy with Durante and his actions here have been great, this has blown up and not my intention.

Happy to draw a line under it and we can all move on to bigger and better things. 2018 is nearly here so we can have a fresh start. Discussion is good and games, tech, art, hardware etc is a passion we all share. We can concentrate on that and not dwell on negative moments, it is not worth the effort it takes.
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Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
So is this due to negative feedback (didn't see the thread but apparently there was some serious pile-on about the Witcher 3 X1X/Pro patches?) or for financial reasons that he couldn't get to critical mass for subs on the channel?

Damn shame either way, but worse if ts the former, unfortunate if the latter.


Oct 27, 2017
I watched so many times his uncharted 4 analysis waiting the release. Sad but I get it, DF gets most of the coverage. My best wishes to you NXG :)


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I really liked his videos. He never quite seemed to be able to get the tools, hardware or inside access to really make his channel take off. Even though he always had the chops for it. I always felt bad because of the amount of work he did, and length he went to for the works. But was just always at a comparative disadvantage to other similiar content creators (Which was very few). Obviously digital foundry comes to mind.

I wish you the best of luck with whatever endeavors you pursue, and hope that you eventually return to making content. But, yea, I was always a fan of your work.


Oct 27, 2017
So is this due to negative feedback (didn't see the thread but apparently there was some serious pile-on about the Witcher 3 X1X/Pro patches?) or for financial reasons that he couldn't get to critical mass for subs on the channel?

Damn shame either way, but worse if ts the former, unfortunate if the latter.

He did respond on it.


Deleted member 20297

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
People that provide content are always welcome and it adds diversity to, in this case, technical analysis of games. Without nxgamer we would not know that BF2 uses checkerboard rendering on Xbox One (s). DF doesn't do this anymore for the old consoles it seems which I can understand and especially then we need different content providers and producers. I also really appreciate the approach from vgtech with no voice over to the videos but presenting only facts via a public spreadsheet. Especially when it comes to Xbox 360 bc, this is the most important YouTube channel by far while we are still waiting on the big bc video from DF since a year or something.


Oct 26, 2017
but my style and influence has not been enough to succeed on my individual style.

The hell does that mean?


Oct 27, 2017
People that provide content are always welcome and it adds diversity to, in this case, technical analysis of games. Without nxgamer we would not know that BF2 uses checkerboard rendering on Xbox One (s). DF doesn't do this anymore for the old consoles it seems which I can understand and especially then we need different content providers and producers. I also really appreciate the approach from vgtech with no voice over to the videos but presenting only facts via a public spreadsheet. Especially when it comes to Xbox 360 bc, this is the most important YouTube channel by far while we are still waiting on the big bc video from DF since a year or something.

Yeah. I saw already some comments were people said. But we have DF and thats all we need.
DF is oing a great job but cant handle everything. So its a great to see other outlets doing it also to fill those gaps. Like indeed VGTech and NXGamer.
And its a shame to see one of them go when its already so thin.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
It really is a shame. His work is incredibly comprehensive and well researched. Tech analyses for video games (or real time rendered applications in general) is definitely a sector that could use more high profile content. It can't just be Digital Foundry.


I respect your decision but I'd like to say that the more limited the coverage in this field is, the less content that gets covered overall. It's the reason that I've decided to get involved with some higher profile projects myself (more on that later). Nintendo games need better tech coverage, indie games need better tech coverage, mobile games need better tech coverage, and that's not gonna happen if we only have a limited amount of tech firms capable of doing that.

Hopefully this will be nothing more than a well deserved break for you and when you're recharged you'll be back and better than ever! Anyway, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Good luck!


Oct 27, 2017
What mod did he mean?
Durante. There was a poster who said this:
NX Gamer is terrible. I don't know why anyone would bother with them when DF exists.
So instead of warning that we shouldn't be saying such things about the hard work of other posters we get this:
You claim to "analyze" games, but your statements betray a lack of the technical knowledge required to actually do so correctly and effectively.
Where we have moderators joining in and then later even admitting they haven't seen their content in over a year.
I ask that everyone go and read the entire page for more context but it was just a complete dog pile on NXGamer for little to no reason.

I don't blame him for taking this personally and I wouldn't expect him to ever come back to this website after such treatment. Extremely disappointed with the moderation team, thought we had left this behind us.


Nov 20, 2017
Czech Republic
I expected it, it was said politely, but that stuff must have been cruel for him. I did know enough, to take sides, but I was lurking in that thread.


Oct 27, 2017
Very sad to hear this..
Loved the channel since his video on tuning t.v's for gaming and color settings etc.
All the best man.


Oct 25, 2017
Witcher 3 Xbox One X patch notes thread i believe.

I just finished reading the offending portion of that thread. FFS people, why? So uncalled for.

NXGamer is a lovely chap who always seemed to take feedback well (positive and negative) on GAF and here but some of those posts were just vicious. Someone even admitted to not watching any of his content in the last year (even though his best work has all been in done in the last several months) but still felt the need to tear him apart.

Shpeshal Nick

Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Durante. There was a poster who said this:

So instead of warning that we shouldn't be saying such things about the hard work of other posters we get this:

Where we have moderators joining in and then later even admitting they haven't seen their content in over a year.
I ask that everyone go and read the entire page for more context but it was just a complete dog pile on NXGamer for little to no reason.

I don't blame him for taking this personally and I wouldn't expect him to ever come back to this website after such treatment. Extremely disappointed with the moderation team, thought we had left this behind us.

Durante starting that dogpile was really poor form. We were supposed to be better than GAF.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't get why the mods feel the need to jump into these kinds of discussions. We're all adults (for the most part) and am pretty sure we're able to have discussions or disagreements without resorting to ad hominem attacks? There's no need for this kind of heavy moderation.


Oct 26, 2017
Durante. There was a poster who said this:

So instead of warning that we shouldn't be saying such things about the hard work of other posters we get this:

Where we have moderators joining in and then later even admitting they haven't seen their content in over a year.
I ask that everyone go and read the entire page for more context but it was just a complete dog pile on NXGamer for little to no reason.

I don't blame him for taking this personally and I wouldn't expect him to ever come back to this website after such treatment. Extremely disappointed with the moderation team, thought we had left this behind us.

A mod said that?? Unbelievable :/


Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Just read the relevant pages of that Witcher thread, Jesus. Makes me think nothing has really changed post quality wise with the change of forums, things are pretty much the same. Dunno what Durante was thinking with those posts, he even said he hadn't watched his videos in over a year.


Oct 25, 2017
The internet is a horrible place sometimes, I respect creative criticism but I feel he got attacked and some of it was far from that. I feel he was genuinely learning his craft and getting better with each video. Fair play call out inaccuracies and help him learn to be better, but don't just go all out on someone.


Oct 25, 2017
Durante. There was a poster who said this:

So instead of warning that we shouldn't be saying such things about the hard work of other posters we get this:

Where we have moderators joining in and then later even admitting they haven't seen their content in over a year.
I ask that everyone go and read the entire page for more context but it was just a complete dog pile on NXGamer for little to no reason.

I don't blame him for taking this personally and I wouldn't expect him to ever come back to this website after such treatment. Extremely disappointed with the moderation team, thought we had left this behind us.
Oh, wow, that's honestly embarrassing and irresponsible of Durante. He's a cool dude, I expected better of him.

On the topic at hand, this is a shame. NXGamer has put out good content for years now, at times even correcting DF. Having both outlets, along with VGTech was ideal to pick up mistakes and minor missed details. Too bad even this forum couldn't refrain from toxic negative opinions and this is what happens


Oct 25, 2017
Sad to see. It's good to have more eyes on what's going on but this mid gen it's really hard to cover the versions and pixel count at higher resolutions with CB, dynamic res and post processing. Would be good to see people cut some slack for laborious analysis.


Oct 27, 2017
I just finished reading the offending portion of that thread. FFS people, why? So uncalled for.

NXGamer is a lovely chap who always seemed to take feedback well (positive and negative) on GAF and here but some of those posts were just vicious. Someone even admitted to not watching any of his content in the last year (even though his best work has all been in done in the last several months) but still felt the need to tear him apart.
That poster was a moderator no less.

It's such a sad state of affairs because all the YouTube analysis channels such as VGTech, NXGamer, DF, Candyland, etc are doing the best analysis they can with what they have to analyse. They don't get access to deep system performance metrics or source code, they have to make educated assumptions in their analysis and that isn't always 100% accurate. All of these channels are constantly learning and NXGamer has come such a long way since he started his channel years ago.


Oct 28, 2017
Durante. There was a poster who said this:

So instead of warning that we shouldn't be saying such things about the hard work of other posters we get this:

Where we have moderators joining in and then later even admitting they haven't seen their content in over a year.
I ask that everyone go and read the entire page for more context but it was just a complete dog pile on NXGamer for little to no reason.

I don't blame him for taking this personally and I wouldn't expect him to ever come back to this website after such treatment. Extremely disappointed with the moderation team, thought we had left this behind us.

Yeah I've seen people here getting warnings and opressed for stuff that I don't really understand what's wrong with what they said and stuff like this slides under the radar.

Not my forum, not my rules I guess. I'm here cause I want... but damn.

Deleted member 18951

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Durante. There was a poster who said this:

So instead of warning that we shouldn't be saying such things about the hard work of other posters we get this:

Where we have moderators joining in and then later even admitting they haven't seen their content in over a year.
I ask that everyone go and read the entire page for more context but it was just a complete dog pile on NXGamer for little to no reason.

I don't blame him for taking this personally and I wouldn't expect him to ever come back to this website after such treatment. Extremely disappointed with the moderation team, thought we had left this behind us.

Christ. The internet sure does love a dog pile.

Sad to see NXG go, the more outlets that can corroborate the technical analysis of games the better.


Oct 27, 2017
Read a bit of that other thread. Quite pathetic it got to that stage and even more pathetic to see Durante join in.

Wish nxgamer the best, would be a shame to lose him over that but definitely understandable


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
That's very sad to hear, especially at Christmas... :( I watched NX Gamer's content for years and I found it just as good and useful as DF's videos and that without being backed by a big website and sponsored by gaming companies. I already noticed that his videos came more and more seldom and that he didn't seem as enthusiastic (as enthusiastic as these kinds of technical analyses can be) as before.
I wish him all the best and I hope it'll be just a break to overthink everything and then a return. :)


Oct 28, 2017
So now all we got to look forward to is pro Vs X from df? That theme is going to get boring very fast judging by the tone of the videos so far.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
I really want to clarify something here.

When I post like this, then it's as a poster, not as a mod.

When I post like this, it's as a mod.

That is generally the standard for most mods I believe.
Now, if you are unhappy with what I posted then by all means be my guest.
But you can say "Oh that mean Durante!!" rather than "That mod".

(Another thing I would like to note is that I stated that much of what I said applies to most Youtube "technology" videos. As an example, I just ranted about one here)

NXGamer, I'd like to apologize for the tone of my posts in the previous thread. They were not befitting of the role of a moderator, and worse, became a distraction for that thread and now this one.

It's important to me personally, as a very technically-minded person, that this kind of content can always freely be discussed and even criticised.

But I failed to do so constructively, and as a mod that really is the minimum standard I should live up to. After discussing it with the team, it is also clear that there should have been warnings on certain posts attacking NXGamer in the other thread. Not only did I fail to moderate accordingly, by choosing to enter the discussion instead I gave the appearance that I condoned it all. For all of that I am sorry.
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Oct 27, 2017
Christ. The internet sure does love a dog pile.

Sad to see NXG go, the more outlets that can corroborate the technical analysis of games the better.
Exactly, there are a lot of games releasing all the time and Digital Foundry isn't able to cover them all. Especially when as Digital Foundry covers so many games small details are missed that other channels can pick up such as dynamic resolution in Fallout 4 and just general analysis on games DF doesn't have the opportunity to cover.

Really hope NXGamer is able to see pass this and continue their work. I have no doubt believing his Witcher 3 video did in fact help the developers make the decision to add a performance mode. Simply because his video led me to tweeting and emailing CDPR asking for a performance mode after I saw them announce it wouldn't have one on One X. I saw other users on Twitter doing the same, and this obviously would not be the sole reason but the awareness NXGamer gave fans about the possible performance of Witcher 3 was a big help.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll miss NXGamer. I enjoyed watching his videos and as a few have already mentioned - he has corrected some DF mistakes that we would otherwise be none the wiser about. Without his services we are undoubtably worse off.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
Where we have moderators joining in and then later even admitting they haven't seen their content in over a year.

That was the worst part. Tales from my ass is what we used to call that, if you attack a fellow community member at least proof what you say instead of baseless attacks that end with "you are either incompetent or a liar".


Oct 25, 2017
This place is slowly becoming what it avoided to be when they called it Reset Era. Toxic discussions more and more frequent lately.

I don't even care if they will warn or ban me for saying this. Can't stand hypocrisy.
I'm with you on this. If this place becomes a toxic community full of hostile negativity like the old place, I don't care if I'm banned. Hell, I'll willingly leave. Fortunately, while it seems some of the old toxicity is cropping up more frequently, it's largely still bearable and a good place for discussion for now. I believe in repentance and hopefully we'll improve.
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