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Oct 25, 2017
Hell yeah



One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Freaking Emma LOL (no offense).

When I first played MGS2 I thought she was like 14 years old.


Nov 3, 2017
I liked the concept of E.E. as a character, but I kinda felt like Vamp killing her was a fridge moment. There was so much more potential for her outside of "girl Otacon oops now she dead so Otacon can have a character moment to parallel Sniper Wolf", especially with the comprehensive follow-ups every character got in MGS4.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
OP, even if you never get to be with the one you love, at least know that you made Era history today.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly though, if you removed "This is where my feelings for E.E became more than just a crush" there wouldn't be anything more unusual about this than any other fictional character crush.
Yeah, like for instance I'm pretty sure most people posting in this thread have cried at some character or the other's death previously, because they were invested in that character. OP's crush, or infatuation, or fine love, just comes off as investment in that character. Good for him.


Oct 25, 2017
E.E. lost me as soon as she soiled her shorts. Even at like 9 years old, I knew I wasn't down for the baby bladder.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, like for instance I'm pretty sure most people posting in this thread have cried at some character or the other's death previously, because they were invested in that character. OP's crush, or infatuation, or fine love, just comes off as investment in that character. Good for him.
I remember the strongest such reaction I had was with the end of Tales of Legendia. That was a real heartbreaker.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Didnt she piss herself in that scene? Everything involving Otacon in mgs2 was so freaking weird and MGS2 is such a blur


Oct 26, 2017
I know gamers have favourites when it comes to characters from different franchises. However, what I'm asking isn't if a gamer have a favourite character or loves a character. What I'm asking is have you ever been in love with a video game character in the same way a person falls in love with a human being.

Please note, honesty in this thread should be not only respected but applauded because I know some may feel a bit embarrassed to admit if they do or ever did fall in love with a character.

Announcement: At 7:30pm PST, I will tell my story about the time I fell in love with _____________ from ____:______________.

The Story of the Time I Fell in Love with Emma Emmerich from MGS2: Sons of Liberty
Now, some of you may be reading this and thought "OP must be crazy or, at the very least, trolling" or the expected "who?". But believe me when I say this, my affection for Otacon's sister grew the more I learned about her during my times playing Hideo Kojima's masterpiece: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

Before I go and tell my love story, i'm going to warn you that this story contains spoilers as well as some disturbing emotional reasoning. Now lets get to the unconventional love that I developed for my dear E.E.

E.E. (which stands for Emma Emmerich) was a female character that was introduced in the second act of MGS2 and her first appearance in the game did not elicit a "love at first sight" response from my brittle heart. The main character of MGS2 (Raiden) found my soon-to-be-sweetheart Emma in a locker room peeing in her pants. This made me worry at first for the poor girl who seemed like she was terrified to death (Damn you Raiden for your lack of courtesy!).


Long story short, Emma and Raiden were ordered by Pliskin and Emma's estranged half-brother Otacon to escape the 'sinking shell'. This is where my feelings for E.E became more than just a crush. Emma was speaking to Raiden and asked him whether she was cute or not. Raiden dismissed her call for a compliment but I would've blushed if i was there near the pool where Vamp was (apparently) suffocating from a lack of oxygen. It was a beautiful scene that tugged the rusty chords of my heart but little did I know what was coming next.


My sweet and dear E.E. was forced to cross a bridge while being protected by Raiden and Pliskin through sniper riflin' the enemies in order to protect the innocence of dear E.E. Unfortunately......E.E. did not make it through the bridge. That treacherous Vamp took her life (and my love) away by stabbing her causing her to bleed internally. My heart was hurting but hopeful that E.E. would survive......

Now comes the moment where my love of Emma Emmerich fully blossomed. Otacon and E.E. finally reunite in person but under unfortunate circumstances. E.E. confessed her love for Otacon but not the kind of incest-love that you find in your typical Pornhub front page. No, her love for Otacon was deeper than the ocean that Vamp drowned in. She just wanted to have a brother by her side during her life but was prevented that due to Otacon's lack of self-control (spoiler alert: he sleeps with Emma' mother.)


I won't lie: I cried during this moment and her death lasted with me for a long time. My love for Emma Emmerich was as unconventional as the game that introduced her to my life. A Post-Modern Romantic Love Between a Young 25-Year Old Me and the beautiful E.E.


Nov 3, 2017
Closest I've ever got to the feels OP was describing were in the beginning of The Last of Us and The Battle of Kaer Morhen in The Witcher 3, but even in those cases I maintained enough aesthetic distance to acknowledge that these were still characters.


Oct 27, 2017
The purpose of stories is to emotionally engage you, and to make you care, whether that's about the characters or the themes. But there is a line where that attachment speaks of an unhealthy emotional balance, and is escapism going very wrong.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, sounds more like a crush. Also billions of people love and believe in things that probably aren't real.


Oct 25, 2017
OP basically just became emtionally invested in a character. Meanwhile, many of us in this thread have told of times we actually wantes to devote our lives to characters. Truly we've been played.
Oct 27, 2017
Ashley Williams from Mass Effect I guess, maybe it was more of a crush or being invested in her relationship with my Shepard/me.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who doesn't cop to being in love with Lorelai Gilmore is a fucking liar.

EDIT: Oh right this is in gaming.

Yeah wtf is wrong with you


Is Here to Kill Chaos
Oct 27, 2017
I remember the strongest such reaction I had was with the end of Tales of Legendia. That was a real heartbreaker.

I seriously need to get on playing that game.

Even if it's just to listen to Go Shiina's work on it. It's an absolutely stunning soundtrack.


Oct 27, 2017
Ask Sal9000. ;)

Sure. I love characters enough that I call them waifu's. Those waifu's are waifu's because they make my heart beat faster. I feel strong emotions whenever they're in danger and stuff. I'm on the edge of loving them like a real person, but I would need some "Cool World" shit to happen to make it possible.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly just sounds like a crush.

I hear you, but how many times have crushes felt like "love" to you irl?

The terms are ambiguous and oft-conflated because of their ambiguous nature. I feel like it's more indicative of how one feels at a point in time than any kind of objective measurement of adoration.

And yes, I realize that it's seemingly silly to argue these semantic points, but I think it's even sillier to dismiss them so easily.

I don't think YOU were being dismissive, btw. Your observation is a good one, and one that is natural to make given the subject.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Real talk I used to think I was in love with Princess Whatsername from Earthworm Jim but I was just a dumb horny pervert kid.

I recognize how dumb that was, now that I'm a dumb horny pervert adult.

But hey, no judgment OP. You do you.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The purpose of stories is to emotionally engage you, and to make you care, whether that's about the characters or the themes. But there is a line where that attachment speaks of an unhealthy emotional balance, and is escapism going very wrong.
This is the line of thinking that I would like more elaboration on: why?

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I feel like OP created the perfect thread to end the year with. Nobody post any threads until January.

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017

Puts every Zelda helper to shame by a long shot, not even a contest. Midna is awesome.

::edit:: wait were not talking about getting attached, were actually talking about falling in love love? Ok, nm
Oct 28, 2017
For those who are waiting for my story, please check the original post of this thread.

I will reply to some of the stories that some of you bravely shared with us. I did not make this thread to bait anyone but at the same time, I did not mind the humorous posts that users have made!

Peace and love to everyone who read, posted, and shared their stories with us today <3
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