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Deleted member 888

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Oct 25, 2017
And as I've said many times I didn't say he ever uses it outside of his act but he is literally referring to real women as bitches in his set. Did in fact call those real women bitches

And Jim Jefferies says his own wife belongs doing chores?

I also got backlash for my last special, BARE, which is also on Netflix. [stutters] I did a lot of misogynistic jokes on that special. I'm not gonna hide behind it. I said a lot of misogynistic things on BARE, and I got a lot of complaint letters. And, look, I find it weird because… BARE was my fifth special, and I feel like I've been misogynistic on all my specials… and I haven't gotten a complaint letter till now. It just proves that, with women, you really have to fucking repeat yourself before they'll listen. [audience applauding] I… I'll defend a misogynistic joke as I defended the rape joke, as I'll defend any jokes. It's… I'm joking. This is a performance. I'm an entertainer. This isn't a TED Talk. You're not meant to take any of this fucking seriously. The only time the hate mail bothers me… is when it's directed at my girlfriend or they write to her directly, the mother of my child. People will write to her on Twitter or whatever, and say, "You have no self-respect going out with Jim Jefferies." And I hate that. 'Cause she knows that. She… She doesn't need you people bothering her. She has fucking chores to do.

What do you think matters more? How they behave when they're not in character, or rude or crass things they say in character to make an audience laugh?


Oct 25, 2017
People should actually watch the whole bit to understand the context. He isn't wrong.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 8, 2017
To be clear, I don't use those words, I'm merely making the point that the reason people don't say the n-word full on is because they view it as disrespectful to do so.
Absolutely. I for the life of me cannot think of any given situation where using the hard -er would be appropriate. I feel like marginalized groups should stop using the terms in totality when insulting others in our in-groups.

We shouldn't say "Stop being a faggot." "You're acting like a tranny." "You're being a hard -er." because the self-empowerment is lost immediately because we would be using these terms to demean ourselves rather than use them in ways to remove the hurt from the words.


Oct 25, 2017
So the Dave Chapelle character is supposed to be a bad person and misogynist? Is there some citation for that? That's weird because he seems to want to have it both ways, he wants his pro-women message to be heard but not the demeaning stuff.

It's a standup routine. And not even a particularly offensive one.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
The bar for what makes a person a misogynist and racist is going to get lowered to the point where the terms are meaningless at this rate. You can say those words without hating women and without wanting them to live as second class citizens.

Of course, and you can say racist things without hating people of other races, that doesn't make it okay to do.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll keep saying it: those words aren't okay for cishet people to say. Trans people can say these words. That's the simple explanation. Please respond to acknowledge that you understand why Cream didn't censor those words.

Cream has flaunted her blackness several times in our conversations so she could say it, too.

Please respond to acknowledge.


Oct 25, 2017

Beat me to it. My response was gonna be:

It seems to me some derogatory words are fine, I guess bitch is off limits.


I'll say nigga but I'll never call a woman a bitch (anymore). That's just how it goes.

I think that topic would vastly engulf this one even though they're tangent, but it's not without merit. Men using bitch to refer to women (perhaps even at all) is misogynistic. Whether or not that's the breaking point for you in terms of whether or not to listen to someone based on that, is up to you, but it's fair critique.


Oct 25, 2017
Watched this again especially part 2. This man is a genius. When you see the entire thing holistically and with context he is right. He is FOR women , he is against oppression and he is saying from his experience as an ENTERTAINER that what C.K. did was nothing in comparison to what Hollywood folks are capable of and that the best allies for women are the good men who side with them so this fight is for both genders to win to get equality in order


Nov 12, 2017
Considering Cream was taking avatars from [Turtle.Fish.Paint (Hirame Sensei)] UnLove S (UNLIGHT) [English] [Fuke] (shows your threshold Cream for what you'll consume for enjoyment) for this forum before being asked to change them, which I recommend you bleach your eyes after Googling, I'm slightly struggling on believing this concern over Chappelle of all comics using the word bitch.

This almost feels like when Joss Whedon got called out for being a hypocrite while calling himself a feminist.


Oct 25, 2017
Cream has flaunted her blackness several times in our conversations so she could say it, too.

Please respond to acknowledge.
I honestly can't tell you why that time I chose to censor the word. I go back-and-forth because sometimes I think the explicitness of the word draws more attention to itself than it needs to when trying to make a point but I get what you're trying to say


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. Once it got to the point of doxxing, that's when it really fell off the rails.

who got doxxed?

I honestly can't tell you why that time I chose to censor the word. I go back-and-forth because sometimes I think the explicitness of the word draws more attention to itself than it needs to when trying to make a point but I get what you're trying to say

i'm not bothered by it. i was just letting that poster know since that post was weirdly preachy.


Oct 25, 2017
The bar for what makes a person a misogynist and racist is going to get lowered to the point where the terms are meaningless at this rate. You can say those words without hating women and without wanting them to live as second class citizens.

So Chappelle hates women and wants them to live as second class citizens?


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like this thread is starting to become more about me then with the thread is actually supposed to be about and it's getting really uncomfortable.

I don't think I've been "doxxed". I had the avatars and they can choose to find the source if they want. But this thread isn't about me.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Cream with the avatar thing. It's not to the worst of doxxing - not nearly - but it's pretty unacceptable behavior and constitutes a personal attack on them.

Uh? Cream created the topic?

I feel like this thread is starting to become more about me then with the thread is actually supposed to be about and it's getting really uncomfortable.

I don't think I've been "doxxed". I had the avatars and they can choose to find the source if they want. But this thread isn't about me.

We spoke about it last time in the other Chappelle topic anyway. Can you understand how I obviously think you have a high threshold for adult content, yet you're saying Dave using some crude language, in character, on a set, is somehow something that needs to stop, is confusing?


Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't doxxed. I don't agree with that. I had the avatars and they are perfectly free to find the source of them


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
Ok i wanted to watch the special before commenting so i could have a somewhat informed opinion.

Within the first 10 minutes he jokes about Chinese people and kicking woman in the pussy. None of this even close to as offensive as a Jimmy Carr stand up or other comedians.

The section on transgenders seems pretty clearly set up to make people angry since the entire set up is "people get mad at me for my jokes now a days"

I felt his real (not stand up persona) opinions shining through when he was talking about how brave he thinks transgender people are. I don't know if he's statistically correct on whether it's pre-dominantly a white condition.
Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough, doxxing is probably an inappropriate word to use. Apologies. It's still inappropriate and not relevant to the arguments being made. I'll drop it now though.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
Cream with the avatar thing. It's not to the worst of doxxing - not nearly - but it's pretty unacceptable behavior and constitutes a personal attack on them.

I don't know. Understand the type of content the person consumes and considers enjoyable is relevant to the discussion and after googling them convinced me to ignore ignore the poster.


Oct 25, 2017
Calm down everyone, let's not get personal

Now many sides have issues and I get that some people don't like how Dave and other comedians approach their comedy . They even admit Dave is not being full of malice but intent matters and Dave has shown in these specials he cares for those oppressed more so than he says it himself

At the very least we can admit regardless of how you think he approaches his comedy and delivery he is not in any way hateful towards those he talks about ... except Trump
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Oct 25, 2017
His comments about LGBT activism having a voice and legitimacy because of white privilege is so true. Throw in feminism too if you ask me. Those movements wouldn't have had nearly as much progress or traction if they were lead or made up of mostly black folks and people of color.

Social justice is racist too. Glad he touched on it. As Paul Mooney has said many times, you can be too black, but never too white or not white enough.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017

Deleted member 268

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've been pondering on what Chappelle meant when he said comedians especially now a have "a responsibility to speak recklessly" and I can't help but the type of responses I am seeing in this thread is what he was alluding to.

It doesn't help how heavy handed the moderation was in the other thread. People don't want context, they don't even want to conversate. I'm not saying I am perfect or have never been guilty of it myself, but it seems more and more like it that people just want to be right more than they want to listen or be heard, and it's killing the way we communicate, and it ties into underlying many issues in society that are manifesting in very disturbing ways.


Oct 31, 2017
I felt his real (not stand up persona) opinions shining through when he was talking about how brave he thinks transgender people are. I don't know if he's statistically correct on whether it's pre-dominantly a white condition.
He's not, but he also didn't say that, thankfully.


Oct 27, 2017
This is what you wrote before:
Being a member of a marginalized group does not mean that you are able to speak for or speak down to other marginalized group. That is trivializing the experiences of marginalized people.

I'll keep saying it: those words aren't okay for cishet people to say. Trans people can say these words. That's the simple explanation. Please respond to acknowledge that you understand why Cream didn't censor those words.

So what makes it ok to use certain derogatory words? Oh, because you are part of that marginalized group....

Derogatory word is derogatory word. Like I said, I guess some derogatory words are fine and some off limits.

How about I hear some women call each other bitches. So of Chappele was female it would be fine?

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He says the women are right, he supports them, and Louis CK is horrible. But he says this statement because the women claimed their careers were now over because Louis CK yanked in front of them. It was his way of saying to be strong and dont give up because Louis jerking off shouldnt be seen as a showstopping obstacle, but I'm not Dave Chappelle and I wouldnt put it that way.

I was just about to post the same thing after reading through the OP and the first couple of posts.

Whether he's wrong or not, let's not pretend that this is Dave victim blaming (at least based on the quotes in the OP). He's saying they are weak for letting CK's actions ruin their careers, according to them, not that they are weak for coming out against CK or that CK was not wrong for doing what he did.
Oct 25, 2017
This is what you wrote before:

So what makes it ok to use certain derogatory words? Oh, because you are part of that marginalized group....

Derogatory word is derogatory word. Like I said, I guess some derogatory words are fine and some off limits.

How about I hear some women call each other bitches. So of Chappele was female it would be fine?

Neither of these contradict each other, I just think you misunderstood. A marginalized group cannot speak for another marginalized group, that's the earlier quotation explanation. The latter however is actually emphasizing that. I don't use the n-word because I do not want to do something that may cause offense to another marginalized group.


Nov 4, 2017
Calm down everyone, let's not get personal

Now many sides have issues and I get that some people don't like how Dave and other comedians approach their comedy . They even admit Dave is not being full of malice but intent matters and Dave has shown in these specials he cares for those oppressed more so than he says it himself

Exactly. Shutting down even the hint of conversation because someone has the chance of being offended is what causes division. I don't think people create social impact by bullying other people into towing their personal philosophical or ideological line. That's thought control not justice.

South Park had it right back when. We as American citizens are entitled to tolerence not necesarily acceptence. Dave makes that point. The term SJW is rather irritating but when certain types resort to condescending bullying when they encounter alternative voices (as ignorant as some of them might be) it is not helpful at all.


Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 31, 2017
This user was warned for: Inflammatory generalising comments and attacking other users.
This thread is exactly what he talks about on his show.

The whole country turning into bitch ass Ni**az.

Anything and everything offends someone always.

For the record i am not trying to offend anyone but he just talked about this.


Nov 15, 2017
This is true of gay people as well. White people are less likely to be out of the closet in the US because of the overall higher privilege and status. They are more likely to have more to lose by doing so than minority groups.
This is such a pain in the ass to read on dark era lol
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