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Oct 25, 2017
You should always know the facts before you crucify someone, unless it's on the level of a Kevin Spacey or Bryan Singer, where everyone in touch with the zeitgeist knows and understands.

In college, a teammate of mine was accused of raping a girl, and it completely ruined his life. He was one of the nicest guys I've ever known, and still is to this day. At a party after a big game he went out and ended up going home with someone. Seemed completely consensual from our point of view. Few days later the girl came out and said he raped her. We couldn't believe it. Everyone on campus crucified him. He got kicked off the team, lost his scholarship, and was a shadow of his former self for quite some time. Cut to two years later, that same girl is at a party with us and gets in an argument with another teammate who won't sleep with her. She gets angry, and yells that she'll do the same to him what she did to the other guy and lie. We were upset, but there was nothing we could do about it.

These stories happen a lot. Happened to my best friend's dad too. One of the best men I've ever met in my life. I'm not saying sexual assault and rape should be looked at with a skeptical lens, but to ignore the fact that people do have the capacity to lie is bad. Men lie, women lie. Get the facts first. Then deal the Justice.
That's the thing about this #MeToo movement. It's not court and nothing is proven but it can still ruin someone's career. Each time it does, you have to hope the accuser is on the up and up because we can't prove anything one way or another. So I don't blame those who want to wait to say "yeah, he def did it".

And another thing, you always hear anecdotal stories like the one you posted. I've experienced the same situation: friend was accused in England of rape... it was consensual and I witnessed the before an after. They went in together and came out together laughing. He went on to have relations with her good friend and she claimed rape a few days later. I had to testify as to what I saw and he got off.

But for as many times as people say it happens, it doesn't seem to be reflected in the numbers of false claims I've seen posted around here. It just makes me wonder how accurate those numbers are and the numbers for sexual assault in general. This #metoo movement has to show that they're off... that's a lot of unreported cases.


Oct 25, 2017
If you push for women who have been assaulted sexually to rise up and speak, but fail to do so when someone in your family, someone you profit off of, does, you're a hypocrite.

Do I need to pull the definition of the word from for you, or are you good?

Yeah I think you need to look the word up personally, and drop the attitude.

Unless she's told people they need to "Speak up" when their in-laws are accused, she's not remotely a hypocrite. It's not her responsibility to comment on her brother in law's business, if anything she'd get a pass on commenting on it. Now if she came out in full support of him and attacked the accusers or something, you'd have a point.


Oct 25, 2017
Dave Chapelle did a joke about this. If someone wants to help women with the metoo movement, they get outed themselves. Chapelle then says you cant win this war if you exclude those men, you need them in this fight. Think of that what you will.

What an absolutely stupid position to take. Chapelle has been off his fucking rocker.

That's not really what he said, though. He was saying that to attack and take down a corrupt system of which everybody is a part, you can't expect to have only perfect allies. He's not recommending an unconditional clean slate or anything.

So, Franco could have been an ally had he admitted/repented/apologized for/condemned/atoned for his prior abuses. But he didn't. He just tried to hypocritically sneak in there. So fuck him.


Oct 27, 2017
Blaming a woman for her brother-in-law's alleged behavior is hilariously tone deaf.

Yeah, how dare Allison Brie not immediately tweet out hot takes condemning her brother-in-law over allegations that just surfaced hours ago. A true enemy of women everywhere.


Oct 27, 2017
This lines up with my theory from last night. Someone was saying there were no men who made statements in support of the movement on Twitter and the first thing I thought was "because they don't wanna get caught" .

And here we are. Franco's a creep it seems, but he's also a sucker who should've kept quiet.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Come on. You think those plaques are just conveniently hanging in their offices? On resumes? I don't know why you guys are singling out the movie/sports industry for things nearly every industry does. There's nothing wrong with getting recognition and using it to your advantage

Putting it on a resume is about the extent of it. But they don't typically expect this to be part of their public persona, their everyday perception. There are those Lionel Hutz types who may try to impress people by hanging up a dozen plaques in their office, but most people just put them alongside with their high school diplomas as a something more akin to a memento, something to occasionally reminisce about.

That the film awards are heavily marketed and publicized to the general public is a very significant difference, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a shame she's a Scientologist, part of an organisation that tortures the lower level members. The stuff they do is brutal on the level of Guantanamo Bay.

She's a tremendous actor and The Handmaids Tale is incredible, but yeah-it's hard to reconcile that when she's a big part of Scientology.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Yes, and he is a vile human being.

Yeah, I think there's some irony that people have been extremely critical of Logan Paul's fans (as I have been, too) for defending him to the death just because they find him amusing or likeable, in spite of his horrible views, yet people are also willing to go to bat for Chappelle in much the same way.

Deleted member 176

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Oct 25, 2017
This lines up with my theory from last night. Someone was saying there were no men who made statements in support of the movement on Twitter and the first thing I thought was "because they don't wanna get caught" .

And here we are. Franco's a creep it seems, but he's also a sucker who should've kept quiet.
Sucks that the movement that exists to expose sexual assault is exposing the good ones who commit sexual assault.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I think there's some irony that people have been extremely critical of Logan Paul's fans (as I have been, too) for defending him to the death just because they find him amusing or likeable, in spite of his horrible views, yet people are also willing to go to bat for Chappelle in much the same way.

There's a ton of hypocrisy in these forums.


Oct 27, 2017
That's the thing about this #MeToo movement. It's not court and nothing is proven but it can still ruin someone's career. Each time it does, you have to hope the accuser is on the up and up because we can't prove anything one way or another. So I don't blame those who want to wait to say "yeah, he def did it".

And another thing, you always hear anecdotal stories like the one you posted. I've experienced the same situation: friend was accused in England of rape... it was consensual and I witnessed the before an after. They went in together and came out together laughing. He went on to have relations with her good friend and she claimed rape a few days later. I had to testify as to what I saw and he got off.

But for as many times as people say it happens, it doesn't seem to be reflected in the numbers of false claims I've seen posted around here. It just makes me wonder how accurate those numbers are and the numbers for sexual assault in general. This #metoo movement has to show that they're off... that's a lot of unreported cases.

It's a weird thing because proving that someone was sexually assaulted is also a VERY hard thing to do. There's not much evidence unless someone gets bruised, hurt, or leaves behind some, er, fluids, but even then there's no telling whether it was consensual or not. But at the same time, if a bunch of women are coming out about one person then there has to be something there. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

I think the #MeToo movement is a good thing. It allows outlet for a lot of women who have been abused whether that is physically or verbally. What people need to worry about is if someone comes out and says something, people go on an all out witch hunt, and then it proves to be false. Not because of the man who was accused, they can recover, but for the other women who's voices now are looked at twice. Who now have people looking at them with doubt. It only hurts them.


Oct 28, 2017
1. Appears the age if consent in NY is 17, so not gonna get too upset about that older incident. Since there's no wrong doing technically.

2. The one about full nudity.. would it be okay if she was paid more? What exactly is the offense here? That he's a cheap bastard? Why did she not walk away of the pay was wack? Not really seeing the connection between being cheap and assaulting women in this case.

3. Third one about him pushing her head into his lap.. now that one, he's on his own. I'd like a little context before I label him a predator though.

He doesn't seem to check all the boxes for full on predator status in my opinion. I'm basing it solely on these three scenarios. If there's more, I don't know about them.

Someone please correct me if I'm completely off base though. Maybe there is more to those tweets than I'm seeing.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 8, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
There's a ton of hypocrisy in these forums.

That example doesn't make someone a hypocrite. Again, you keep using that word incorrectly.

Every situation is different. If a person defends something that Chappelle said in his stand-up special but dislikes people defending Logan Paul for filming the dead body of someone who killed themselves by suicide, along with laughing at the fact that they found said body, they are not a freaking hypocrite.

I'm someone who thinks what Chappelle said was ignorant and stupid. And I don't think it should be defended, personally. But I'm also able to understand there is a pretty damn big difference between that and filming/laughing at a dead body.

Come on, stop speaking in such extremes.

Bob Beat

Oct 25, 2017
That third tweet, the deleted Ally Sheedy tweets, seems like a time bomb. Should be in the OP. Yeesh. Even if I wanted to defend Franco (I don't), we've seen this song and dance, like a month ago. Just give it a few weeks.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a weird thing because proving that someone was sexually assaulted is also a VERY hard thing to do. There's not much evidence unless someone gets bruised, hurt, or leaves behind some, er, fluids, but even then there's no telling whether it was consensual or not. But at the same time, if a bunch of women are coming out about one person then there has to be something there. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

I think the #MeToo movement is a good thing. It allows outlet for a lot of women who have been abused whether that is physically or verbally. What people need to worry about is if someone comes out and says something, people go on an all out witch hunt, and then it proves to be false. Not because of the man who was accused, they can recover, but for the other women who's voices now are looked at twice. Who now have people looking at them with doubt. It only hurts them.

People already do that about the whole movement just because they like the celebrities being accused and as far as I know none of the celebrity ones have been proven false either. Like, think about how long these accusations went ignored before this movement. Think about all the ones that aren't about famous people that still get ignored. That's not the fault of the people who make false accusations entirely, but its a problem with society in general.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I think there's some irony that people have been extremely critical of Logan Paul's fans (as I have been, too) for defending him to the death just because they find him amusing or likeable, in spite of his horrible views, yet people are also willing to go to bat for Chappelle in much the same way.
One laughed at a dead body

Like in person

And filmed it, edited it, and uploaded it all the while thinking that it was okay

Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
People who participate in #metoo have no say in how the public responds. Dont blame them for witch hunts.
Calling out receipts from their past is completely within their rights to out people who have been shitty to them in the past.
Franco could have had conversations with her in private if he gave a shit but he didnt.

Has any of the public metoos been completely wrong? We always should believe victims and empathize with them (who usually happen to be women). One of Roy Moores accusers houses got firebombed. Coming out against powerful men is not easy. They have everything to lose.

#timesups is great cause and it needs more donations.


Nov 29, 2017
Yeah, I think there's some irony that people have been extremely critical of Logan Paul's fans (as I have been, too) for defending him to the death just because they find him amusing or likeable, in spite of his horrible views, yet people are also willing to go to bat for Chappelle in much the same way.

So Chappelle filmed a dead body live on his comedy special? And laughed at that body?

Has any of the public metoos been completely wrong? We always should believe victims and empathize with them (who usually happen to be women). One of Roy Moores accusers houses got firebombed. Coming out against powerful men is not easy. They have everything to lose.

Question is, what happens if they get someone wrong? What happens if that person is lying? And gets away with murder because the "witch-hunt" that provokes gets too big for someone to handle.

That's why the #MeToo movement has to be treated with care, is a great movement because it exposes that dark side on abuse, gives someone who was afraid the courage to speak, but this needs to be seen in a case by case basis.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Kirk Douglas got a standing ovation at Golden Globes. He was accused of brutally raping Natalie Wood. So IDK


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
One laughed at a dead body

Like in person

And filmed it, edited it, and uploaded it all the while thinking that it was okay

I agree? I'm not saying they did the exact same thing or that they're morally equivalent. I'm saying that no one should be given a free pass for bad behavior, regardless of how much we may like them as entertainers.


Oct 27, 2017
That example doesn't make someone a hypocrite. Again, you keep using that word incorrectly.

Every situation is different. If a person defends something that Chappelle said in his stand-up special but dislikes people defending Logan Paul for filming the dead body of someone who killed themselves by suicide, along with laughing at the fact that they found said body, they are not a freaking hypocrite.

I'm someone who thinks what Chappelle said was ignorant and stupid. And I don't think it should be defended, personally. But I'm also able to understand there is a pretty damn big difference between that and filming/laughing at a dead body.

Come on, stop speaking in such extremes.

Please. You're giving leeway for people to give the argument of "Well, the reprehensible thing Person A did wasn't as bad as Person B, who I think needs to be punished."

Doing something shitty is doing something shitty and maybe the only way shitty people will stop being so shitty is if we agree that we won't participate of give them any more power when they do something shitty, no matter the degree.

Otherwise you get people condemning Kevin Spacey for alleged assault, but when Franken does it "Yeah but it was such a grey area and not as bad as what Spacey did!"

No, if you're a creep, you're a creep.

If you say terrible things about trans women or in this case, sexual assault victims, you're a piece of shit and deserve nothing but protest.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree? I'm not saying they did the exact same thing or that they're morally equivalent. I'm saying that no one should be given a free pass for bad behavior, regardless of how much we may like them as entertainers.
You compared someone who told jokes that people disliked to someone who committed a heinous act in the name of a joke. That's actually two quite different things and someone's not a hypocrite for attempting to defend Dave while saying fuck Paul
Dec 18, 2017

Hoisted by his own placard.


Oct 25, 2017
Completely unsurprising. A coworker of mine met Franco years ago, and according to her, he was very, very interested in what age her and her friend were and whether they had started college yet. He kept steering the convo to find out if they were as young as they looked basically. She told me about this well before the 17-year old in the hotel incident came out. So I've been waiting for more shit to come out about him.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
My friend took a class of his at UCLA.

He really exerted his stardom/fame over students in some really shitty ways. He was incredibly abusive and a major asshole. There were tons of rumors he was doing stuff to the girls in class all the time

Like I didn't really get why someone like him just became a teacher if all he was going to do is not work, spend the majority of his time teaching on his phone and barking at students. But maybe so he was in a position of power over 17/18 year old girls?
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▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
You compared someone who told jokes that people disliked to someone who committed a heinous act in the name of a joke. That's actually two quite different things and someone's not a hypocrite for attempting to defend Dave while saying fuck Paul

I agree that they're two different levels of immorality, like I just said. One is not a hypocrite if one defends Dave Chappelle because one honestly doesn't think he did anything wrong yet condemns Paul because one thinks he genuinely did something wrong. One is a hypocrite, however, if one think David Chappelle did in fact do something wrong yet refuses to condemn him when condemning others for their wrong behavior simply because he likes the former more than the latter. I'm not saying they have to be equally vehement levels of condemnation, but the condemnation should still be there.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree that they're two different levels of immorality, like I just said. One is not a hypocrite if one defends Dave Chappelle because one honestly doesn't think he did anything wrong yet condemns Paul because one thinks he genuinely did something wrong. One is a hypocrite, however, if one think David Chappelle did in fact do something wrong yet refuses to condemn him when condemning others for their wrong behavior simply because he likes the former more than the latter. I'm not saying they have to be equally vehement levels of condemnation, but the condemnation should still be there.


Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
This isn't a surprise at all. DMs to a 17 year old leaked years ago. The girl didn't even know what Franco meant when he asked for her phone number ("#").


Oct 27, 2017
Member was warned for needlessly questioning the character of the accuser.
Sheedy comes off like a hater that maybe had a bit too much to drink. I hate to say that, but it just seemed angry.

1) What does it matter if a man is hosting? Seriously????????
2) then she deletes the tweets? If its true... leave it and stand by it. I call BS.


Oct 26, 2017
when i was a student at UCLA, so was james franco

my friend, who is a very attractive lady, was in the library studying when franco approached her and, without a word, dropped a piece of paper on her table. it had his number on it. then he left.

so i can see him doing some of those gross things those women have said he did


Nov 12, 2017
What a shock ! This cannot be ? I always assumed Hollywood actors are the most upstanding kind of people and would never use their fame and status to get laid. Anyway, i hope no more innocent ladies get hurt in this.


Oct 27, 2017
when i was a student at UCLA, so was james franco

my friend, who is a very attractive lady, was in the library studying when franco approached her and, without a word, dropped a piece of paper on her table. it had his number on it. then he left.

In this thread alone, there are what, 5 stories like this? And yet people still doubt the victims.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Sheedy comes off like a hater that maybe had a bit too much to drink. I hate to say that, but it just seemed angry.

1) What does it matter if a man is hosting? Seriously????????
2) then she deletes the tweets? If its true... leave it and stand by it. I call BS.
This exact kind of response is why a woman may not want to come forward and keep her statement out there. Then imagine someone with actual authority having this response. Ofc if women speak up they're angry. There's a very good reason to be angry and it doesn't invalidate her statement


Oct 26, 2017
when i was a student at UCLA, so was james franco

my friend, who is a very attractive lady, was in the library studying when franco approached her and, without a word, dropped a piece of paper on her table. it had his number on it. then he left.

so i can see him doing some of those gross things those women have said he did

I'm not defending him in topic's subject but come on, there's nothing wrong with giving a number lol.


Oct 25, 2017
when i was a student at UCLA, so was james franco

my friend, who is a very attractive lady, was in the library studying when franco approached her and, without a word, dropped a piece of paper on her table. it had his number on it. then he left.

so i can see him doing some of those gross things those women have said he did

Fuck, with a story like THAT, I can't understand how he's allowed to roam the streets!

Deleted member 11157

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Oct 27, 2017
Some of these personal stories in the thread are trending towards that first tweet and not the second more damning one.


Oct 25, 2017
The #notallmen and "bitches be lying" and "false accusations!" bullshit in here is part of what drove girl gaffers away from GAF in the first place. Nice to know some things never change :'))

Indeed. Quite disgusting to see, really.

How hard is it for people in this thread to get it? BELIEVE WOMEN. ALWAYS.
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A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
User banned (1 week) for misogyny and defending sexual harassment
Sometimes I'm asking myself why always men gets this criticism at the moment? You can't tell me that there aren't at least a hand full of female actors that has seduce several men in Hollywood in many ways to get a better job, position or payment.

Just read the OP now.

One of the woman had to do nudity in one of his movies because it was in the contract. Ok? Where's the problem?

The other one, that with the Penis is not ok, but, if she was not forced to do it in the end, I don't really see a problem here either. Tasteless, yes, definitive, but if she did it voluntary, what the heck, why making a huge deal out of it now? Because that's what I mean, I'm sure men in this business could also do many of these ridiculous claims. If there was force, rape, anything against the law, of f'n course he should get punished for it, but if not, come on, that's just bitchy.

And he told her friend to come to his hotel? Uhm, if she wanted to come, where the fuck is the problem here?

Like I said, only read the OT so far, I'm open for discussions if my text comes across wrong.
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