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Always thought Aziz did a bit of a self-insert with the Tom Haverford character on Parks and Rec; the overly (and overtly sleazy) aggressive way he always pursued women was really uncomfortable to watch sometimes, particularly his obsession with Ann Perkins.

Figured it was dialed up a few notches for the comedic value at first, but repeated block style viewings tend to only shine further light on the issue.

Disappointed, but not really shocked.


Nov 1, 2017
This fucking sucks. The first story was one thing, but this is apparently snow balling into something more which is so disappointing.

Whatever happens next for Aziz, Master of None was a phenomenal, warm hearted, and great show. I hate that this is happening, but I understand it.


Oct 27, 2017
Of all of them I think this one will result in nothing happening unfortunately. After looking around the web the court of public opinions appears to be overwhelmingly in Ansari's favor.


Oct 25, 2017
Netflix better cancel Masters of None season 3 NOW.

I loved the first two seasons but yoy couldn't pay me to ever watch it again.
As an Asian American, this pisses me off so much. We have such little affirmative media in pop culture featuring Asians, Master of None was a godsend and now it's tainted forever.

At least we still have Fresh of the Boat...I swear, you better stay clean, Randal Park, or the fury of a million Korean Americans will descend upon you like raining hellfire


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
As an Asian American, this pisses me off so much. We have such little affirmative media in pop culture featuring Asians, Master of None was a godsend and now it's tainted forever.

At least we still have Fresh of the Boat...I swear, you better stay clean, Randal Park, or the fury of a million Korean Americans will descend upon you like raining hellfire

I think he was only the second Asian American to win a Golden Globe. The other was Sandra Oh I think?

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I read this article several times, and it is sickening. I liked Ansari's stuff, he is a clever dude and a talented POC comedian. I can't support him in any way moving forward. What he did here was fucked up.

Reading a lot of the accounts of these incidents, it's heartbreaking just how helpless the victims feel. Fundamentally as a straight guy who has never been a victim of any kind of sexual or violent crime, I've realized that I cannot understand the reactions of the victims. Intellectually I understand about power dynamics and social pressure and all of that, but goddamn, being so conditioned to accept someone putting their fucking fingers in your mouth and vagina, chasing you around for 30 minutes sexually abusing you... we are failing our young women in some way. What does it say about our society than women are feeling that this is a preferable option to the alternatives? Hopefully some long-term good comes from #metoo and we can see better outcomes.

Anyway, this incident is nauseating, just repulsive. Ansari's career is done, and rightfully so.

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
User warned: history of downplaying sexual assault/harassment allegations
Ima just leave this here since it better articulates what some of these stories are trying to do

That's your focus in all of this? A picture at a table with some french fries and plates?

I think this tweet really sums up how I feel about a lot of these allegations lately. Being an asshole is disgusting but not illegal. Where does this leave us and our collective outrage?

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Ima just leave this here since it better articulates what some of these stories are trying to do

Yeah... I think... everyone expects some sort of playing "hard to get" or whatever.

Defer to clear and enthusiastic consent and just let the situation die otherwise.

For some people that may not be as fun... But you can't play those games. Otherwise you risk situations like these.


Oct 25, 2017
As an Asian American, this pisses me off so much. We have such little affirmative media in pop culture featuring Asians, Master of None was a godsend and now it's tainted forever.

At least we still have Fresh of the Boat...I swear, you better stay clean, Randal Park, or the fury of a million Korean Americans will descend upon you like raining hellfire
I've warmed up to Aziz over the years so I'm kind of upset that he'd do this sort of thing, but I'm way more upset because this outlook for big South Asian male celebs in Hollywood is not good and I'm scared of the ramifications. Swet Shop Boys and Riz Ahmed specifically have allegations out there too and who knows how long before the due diligence is done behind them and an expose on him comes out, and Russell Peters is out here making rape jokes and I feel like I've heard something about him being awful interpersonally too but I can't be sure. Can't help but feel indirectly threatened by this as a South Asian male.


Oct 28, 2017
Bismarck, ND
When I read a news article about this, it felt like there was just something I wasnt getting because it sounded like she was playing hard to get after a nice date and then went down on him... but after reading the original article I was left pretty disturbed. Fuck this guy.


Oct 25, 2017
As an Asian American, this pisses me off so much. We have such little affirmative media in pop culture featuring Asians, Master of None was a godsend and now it's tainted forever.

At least we still have Fresh of the Boat...I swear, you better stay clean, Randal Park, or the fury of a million Korean Americans will descend upon you like raining hellfire
Get Hasan Minhaj a Netflix series!

Oct 25, 2017
I think this tweet really sums up how I feel about a lot of these allegations lately. Being an asshole is disgusting but not illegal. Where does this leave us and our collective outrage?

You're interpreting this tweet wrong and basically proving the point it's trying to make by using illegal in your statement. The tweet is highlighting that just there was some aspects of consensual actions does not diminish Aziz actions. Things don't have to be viewed through the lens of legality to legitimize the allegations.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do I keep getting surprised?

I've told myself for a long time don't be surprised no matter what their on screen persona is. And I keep getting surprised.


Oct 25, 2017
this is super disappointing to hear. Unlike some, he seemed like a good guy to me, so I am disappointed that he would do something so disgusting. i feel like they could continue Master of None with Arnold and Denise, but I realize the show was created by and sort of based on Aziz's life, so that's probably unlikely. It's a shame bc it was a great show, but he definitely doesn't deserve to keep his place there after this.

I think this tweet really sums up how I feel about a lot of these allegations lately. Being an asshole is disgusting but not illegal. Where does this leave us and our collective outrage?

Regarding outrage, it's a tricky thing. He said she said cases don't usually play out very well in court, so unless there's absolute evidence of rape, I'm not sure if anything usually happens. Regarding sexual assault that it not rape, I'm honestly not sure how to punish men, other than public opinion. Where is the line between jail time and no jail time? I'm not sure. My concern with public opinion though, is that outrage does fade, and then in 5 to 10 or however many years, a lot of these sexual assaulters might just quietly come back to the big screen or the TV, and then what? I'm not sure. Ideally that wouldn't happen, but i am also unsure as to what the proper path to justice is.

We definitely need to educate young people about these situations better, especially young men. Having non existent sex ed in America is a huge problem, and most young men will probably learn about sex from porn. That post is absolutely right, women need to feel safe/comfortable enough that they are able to disengage with a man, and not feel like they have to have sex, or do something they don't want to do. Personally I think that focusing on the kids when they're young is the best time to teach these lessons. The older you get the harder it is to change your opinions and habits. And I'm not just talking about sex stuff, but even basic social stuff for those who might be more inexperienced or socially awkward.

I think we as a society are rightfully waking up and becoming outraged and aware about these things, but imo there needs to be more done than just being aware of it. Feels like we are treating symptoms right now, and not the disease. Which is something, at least, but how long can we do that for?


Nov 1, 2017

No no no no no no no no... fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I was rooting for him. I loved his show, I loved him on Parks and Recs. I even loved his dad's performance on his show. Fuck all of this.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this tweet really sums up how I feel about a lot of these allegations lately. Being an asshole is disgusting but not illegal. Where does this leave us and our collective outrage?
You're more on defending Aziz's actions. That's the opposite feeling to what the tweet is about. It's the grey area, the actions that make the woman uncomfortable and sick because they went through it that aren't as easy to prove being bad as assault.


Jan 11, 2018
That's assault. Man, it hurts so much more when it's someone who has worked (through his art) to acknowledge and improve conditions for women and minorities of all stripes. Another show off the queue.


Oct 31, 2017
Then why is it that there's so many men like this? We all grew up with them, we all knew the type. Do you think they're just born this way?

Probably because it "works" for a lot of men. If they're persistent enough, women eventually relent, even if they don't want to. At the end of the day the dude ends up getting what they want, so in their eyes they have no reason to change their behavior.

I'd imagine it's even crazier for celebrities or people in power.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
He better have some nice savings in the bank as he may not be getting much work anymore.

He probably watched too much porn as a kid, he then becomes famous and girls were lining up to date him.


Oct 25, 2017
Well to give you a quick answer: She told him "No". I believe that's a strong enough signal.

There's more to it as well in the article.
I read the article, and it seems she didn't actually say No until the very end of the night. Only verbal signifier before that was that they should slow down.

I'm not defending Aziz neccasarily. He went to far towards the end, but let's get facts straight.


Oct 25, 2017
I read the article, and it seems she didn't actually say No until the very end of the night. Only verbal signifier before that was that they should slow down.

I'm not defending Aziz neccasarily. He went to far towards the end, but let's get facts straight.
Well, if we're getting facts straight, she also said:
He asked her if she was okay. "I said I don't want to feel forced because then I'll hate you, and I'd rather not hate you," she said.
It was literally the most unexpected thing I thought would happen at that moment because I told him I was uncomfortable."
(which he acknowledged prior to continuing to force himself upon her)
Oct 25, 2017
I read the article, and it seems she didn't actually say No until the very end of the night. Only verbal signifier before that was that they should slow down.

I'm not defending Aziz neccasarily. He went to far towards the end, but let's get facts straight.

Repeatedly pushing someone away, moving away from them and/or moving their hand away is more than enough non-verbal queues to not keep persisting. A woman, or man, should not have to outright say "No" in order to get their point across.

And before you ask, her going along with some stuff does not automatically absolve him or in any way shape or form act as a form of consent to allow him to have sex. Nevermind does it allow for him to say to her, while already made it clear she is uncomfortable, "Where do you want me to fuck you" while jokingly slapping his dick up against her ass. Her story even accounts for going down on him in hopes of him chilling out.

A lot of women will go through with an action out of fear and confusion when they're uncomfortable. There are also plenty of stories of women going through with something and regretting it the following day when reflecting back on it. It is not uncommon at all for this to happen.
Oct 28, 2017
So this is on her to fix? It's on victims to be the ones to always know how to stop these things and say no? She always MULTIPLE TIMES pushed him away, walked away or pushed his hand away. You can argue the confusion of her signals, but she very much states how she felt confused by the whole thing and unsure of how to act in it.

That's what I'm getting at it here. Why is it always in the context of "well they should have/not have done XYZ and we need to teach people to do ABC when in danger". No, fuck that. People should be learning from these on how to not be creeps and to understand queues from people.

I mean... sex is absolutely awful if people arent communicating in the first place..... like.... yeah


Banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 27, 2017
Not saying no doesn't mean consent is given.

Another reason we need better education on consent.


Oct 25, 2017
People that are being so harsh on the details of the night make it seem like a punishment for someone being honest about the details of the night. She didn't try to paint the situation like she was minding her own business and he took her behind an alley. What I took away from that article is that he's immature and a creep. People are focusing on certain aspects of the story like she "deserved" what happened to her. That's the "asking for it" mentality. All people are focusing on is the blowjob and the "claw."

If you argue that he just didn't know any better and wasn't picking up on her signals, then you didn't read the whole article or skimmed through it. She says no. That's when it should be over period. That's a clear cue. That should put all your red lights on instantly. There's no way around it.

There's also a line towards the beginning of the article where he says 'Oh, of course, it's only fun if we're both having fun' after she tells him she doesn't want to keep going. This makes it seem like he knew what he was doing and it reeks of predatory behavior. If he was being honest, it would have been the exact right call, but he was using it to lower her guard. The guy sounds like a complete scumbag.


Oct 25, 2017
This really paints his bits about R. Kelly in a new light.

That said, I'm surprised to hear this; as the article stated, his career was built on his feminist beliefs & I genuinely believed he stood by them. This is awful to hear, especially because, again, he's one of the biggest mainstream Asian American actors out there, & I really hope this doesn't cause a ripple that affects others.

Deleted member 11157

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Oct 27, 2017
User warned: downplaying sexual assault. People are disgusted because of the lack of clear consent, not because "describing sex is icky".
Any clinical explanation about what goes on behind closed doors during foreplay will sound terrible. While I've never done the fingers in the mouth thing (maybe once or twice), if the other party were to describe what I was doing, it'd sound disgusting too.


Oct 25, 2017
Any clinical explanation about what goes on behind closed doors during foreplay will sound terrible. While I've never done the fingers in the mouth thing (maybe once or twice), if the other party were to describe what I was doing, it'd sound disgusting too.

That's not the issue, though. The issue is that she made it very clear she didn't consent past that point, & Ansari kept forcing himself upon her. That's not just "disgusting," that's sexual assault. I love Ansari's work, but I can't defend the man here.
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