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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
This might catch me a ban but wtf.

There is an orthodoxy on Era. If you do not follow it, you will be warned and then banned. I'm all for arguing anything, but the power structure on this board is such that there are positions that will get you banned and the threads for these issues are a trap for members that don't see the world in the same way as the "powerful" posters, i.e. mods and the kinds of people that you will see post 10 times per page on any controversial subject. You know who these people are, I know who they are. They set the tone.

Era should be transparent about this and post an explicit list of positions that will catch you a ban.

If, like me, you're kind of sick of the predictable nature of these threads, resolve just to stay out of them. If you're the kind of person who doesn't automatically take the side that's expected, don't post in those threads. Even if you believe you're posting in good faith, the mods and super users won't and you're in for a bad time.

End of the day, I'm 35. I don't need to argue sexual morality or race or what the fuck else will get you easily banned. I should know better than to even be posting in those threads.

Just know this: the world looks nothing like these threads.



Oct 25, 2017
This might catch me a ban but wtf.

There is an orthodoxy on Era. If you do not follow it, you will be warned and then banned. I'm all for arguing anything, but the power structure on this board is such that there are positions that will get you banned and the threads for these issues are a trap for members that don't see the world in the same way as the "powerful" posters, i.e. mods and the kinds of people that you will see post 10 times per page on any controversial subject. You know who these people are, I know who they are. They set the tone.

Era should be transparent about this and post an explicit list of positions that will catch you a ban.

If, like me, you're kind of sick of the predictable nature of these threads, resolve just to stay out of them. If you're the kind of person who doesn't automatically take the side that's expected, don't post in those threads. Even if you believe you're posting in good faith, the mods and super users won't and you're in for a bad time.

End of the day, I'm 35. I don't need to argue sexual morality or race or what the fuck else will get you easily banned. I should know better than to even be posting in those threads.

Just know this: the world looks nothing like these threads.

When the "orthodoxy" is "sexism, racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. are bad" then yeah I'm okay with people catching bans for ~unpopular opinions.


Oct 27, 2017
This might catch me a ban but wtf.

There is an orthodoxy on Era. If you do not follow it, you will be warned and then banned. I'm all for arguing anything, but the power structure on this board is such that there are positions that will get you banned and the threads for these issues are a trap for members that don't see the world in the same way as the "powerful" posters, i.e. mods and the kinds of people that you will see post 10 times per page on any controversial subject. You know who these people are, I know who they are. They set the tone.

Era should be transparent about this and post an explicit list of positions that will catch you a ban.

If, like me, you're kind of sick of the predictable nature of these threads, resolve just to stay out of them. If you're the kind of person who doesn't automatically take the side that's expected, don't post in those threads. Even if you believe you're posting in good faith, the mods and super users won't and you're in for a bad time.

End of the day, I'm 35. I don't need to argue sexual morality or race or what the fuck else will get you easily banned. I should know better than to even be posting in those threads.

Just know this: the world looks nothing like these threads.

Great post, this is why i dont even go to these types of threads. I feel like just the smallest thing will put me in trouble if i dont see eye to eye to that to the group you talk in your post. I will just post in gaming topics and the positive ones. I hope this forum dont became neogaf 2.0 but IMO and i dont want to disrespect anyone, i feel it is going to the same path.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Just be an adult about shit. At the end of the day if you get banned off an internet forum, what does it really matter? A permanent ban might suck if you are part of communities on the forum, but usually, most posters do something worthy of a perm. A temp ban? Live with it and accept shit happens. Obviously, try and pay a bit of attention to what got you banned, and learn, or at least accept if you want to be part of this private forum, you have to behave in a certain way.

Another bit of advice on a forum, you can't be friends with 30,000+ people, as within a sample size that large there is going to be people who hate you and people you might not like. Just try and treat others like members of the public you don't have any interest in, with a bit of mutual respect, and then use the ignore function. I don't have anyone on ignore as I like reading, but I don't doubt some people have me on ignore. That's life, don't take it personally that you're not the centre of attention to everyone who's around you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Speaking of that, remember there is a real world offline, as much fun as internet culture/forums can be. Some people take forums waaaay too seriously, even if there is a serious side to them (topics about series matters/health/well-being/support/etc).
Offline, you say? By the Gods.

Guess that means I gotta get a life now ( ._.)
Oct 25, 2017
The reason the forum was so nice and chill when it started out was because there was heavy blockades preventing filth from seeping in. Unfortunately as those were rescinded we naturally got alt-right, gamergate trash, trolls, etc. who were foaming at the mouth prepared to drag their asses everywhere. I've long since stopped wasting my time even trying to argue with them. They're worth an inflammatory comment at most.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
What if your genuine opinion is "I don't believe this woman?" Why is that bannable?
Because piece of shit men have been saying it for generations to discredit rape victims.

Cards on the Table: There have been times when I found the circumstances of rape cases suspect. Know what I did? Kept my fucking trap shut until things shook out one way or the other.


Because 'I think that woman is lying' contributes exactly 2 things to the conversation.

Jack and shit.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What if your genuine opinion is "I don't believe this woman?" Why is that bannable?

I'm sure you might need to defend your stance as to why, as in, possibly provide your takeaway on the situation. Literally just posting "I don't believe", is more likely to just anatagonize a topic. On that note, it is okay not to post sometimes. Occassionally, it's fun just to read a forum. Watch others duke it out, and sometimes, others catch their own bans.

Not self-censorship, but in cases of "I want more info", well, maybe just wait for more info if that's your stance? People don't always need to rush into topics to post their thoughts. A forum isn't a livejournal, even if it's core function is people posting their thoughts. It's a public space versus a private.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
As someone who was on GAF for a couple of years i get what you are saying 100%. I lurked on era for a couple of months before making an account because i wanted to see if that same posting mentality had transferred over, and it did. There are users on here who i feel are immune to bans or warnings and only post in certain threads. I made a decision when i made an account on here and its to not engage when being taunted.
Generally speaking, being asked to explain deeply questionable positions is not really "being taunted". It's being asked to explain deeply questionable positions.

If you find yourself in that position, probably better to ask yourself how you got to that point.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
This might catch me a ban but wtf.

There is an orthodoxy on Era. If you do not follow it, you will be warned and then banned. I'm all for arguing anything, but the power structure on this board is such that there are positions that will get you banned and the threads for these issues are a trap for members that don't see the world in the same way as the "powerful" posters, i.e. mods and the kinds of people that you will see post 10 times per page on any controversial subject. You know who these people are, I know who they are. They set the tone.

Era should be transparent about this and post an explicit list of positions that will catch you a ban.

If, like me, you're kind of sick of the predictable nature of these threads, resolve just to stay out of them. If you're the kind of person who doesn't automatically take the side that's expected, don't post in those threads. Even if you believe you're posting in good faith, the mods and super users won't and you're in for a bad time.

End of the day, I'm 35. I don't need to argue sexual morality or race or what the fuck else will get you easily banned. I should know better than to even be posting in those threads.

Just know this: the world looks nothing like these threads.

It's not about "the world" looking like "on these threads". I'm 36 years old. My world views are very progressive and I have yet things to learn. Compassion, empathy and having a safe space where harmful and toxic positions are nott allowed is needed. I don't think I'm old enough to learn more, to evolve more. The moment you think you know everything you have to know about one subject, it's the moment where you stopped in time and that is with all due respect, not a good or healthy point of view in life. I don't think Era is perfect by any means, but here is a place where misogynists, racists and toxic behavior aren't tolerated. Not sure why you think that's bad, neither I can grasp what is this "other point of views" that you say you have, other than maybe you should reevaluate them and understand that this is an inclusive community that doesn't tolerate intolerance. Not a bad stance to have, if you ask me. So yeah, if you disagree with this, maybe your fear of a ban should be something that you have. And if you are banned, learn that there's still time to change your mind, change your worldviews, change your mentality. Your age isn't a good reason for ever to stop trying to evolve.

It's not about how the world looks now, but how it should look, to all of us.

Best of luck.
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Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
Well that's not very accurate. better stated: YOUR world looks nothing like these threads.

As your world is purely a reflection of people you must associate with (family, co-workers) and those who you choose to associate with (organizations you join, people you accept into your life as friends and associates).

35 isn't too old to make better friends and learn from social mistakes and become a better man or woman.

Dude, wtf? This is the problem, for some reason you assume I have asshole friends and I'm what, problematic or something? It's a ridiculous thing to say about someone of whom you know nothing but a few paragraphs of opinion.

FWIW, I'm a good man with good friends and a good family. I married my first love. I'm involved in charity work. I've never made any social mistakes repent.

Maybe you need to see the good in people?


Nov 26, 2017
At the end of the day, the poster places stock in his wife's awareness and what he's heard from women in tech he knows, which are experiences I think any poster should be able to elucidate.

It's not just a tacky "my black friend has never been stopped by a cop so there's no racism"-type post.
Actually it is. Even your own experiences do not override other peoples. For example if I wrote in a thread about catcalling that it never happened to me and other woman should just stop scaring me with all the terrible stories, I would be a real jerk. Because I would dismiss their lived experiences. Even though it would be my lived experience.

But would you say that ONLY the sexism is keeping out woman out of tech companies and that the constant articles about how horrible tech companies are to women, have no effect on their decision?

First-time employees have no direct experience how sexist their new workplace is/would be, they can only go with hearsay.
So in other words we shouldn't talk about the problem instead of actually doing something against it? Since that worked so well in the past. Seriously the whole argument sounds like something out of dystopia fiction.


Oct 25, 2017
If you don't like this forum you can leave. Like, that is an option. There's other websites out there. It's okay not to use this one.


Oct 28, 2017
A rule we should all follow is not to assume maliciousness in someones argument, that can be attributed to ignorance.

All arguments made be others should be dealt with in the best possible light. Take the victim blaming thing.

"I'll wait till all the facts are known."

In any other situation, this is a fairly reasonable statement, even in this one it sounds reasonable. Except that in this instance the connotations associated with this issue, almost always implies a lack of belief in the victim, even if they wasn't the intent.

If you are going to post something to that effect you need to make sure you have a solid argument with it to back it up. In this exact case there really isn't one.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Great post, this is why i dont even go to these types of threads. I feel like just the smallest thing will put me in trouble if i dont see eye to eye to that to the group you talk in your post. I will just post in gaming topics and the positive ones. I hope this forum dont became neogaf 2.0 but IMO and i dont want to disrespect anyone, i feel it is going to the same path.
I just don't understand. What's difficult about being sexist, racist, homophobic or transphobic?

Literally nothing else will get you "in trouble".

Help me understand what else it is you could possibly fear?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
My thoughts: ResetEra is great and the modding is overall very fair.

People are absolutely allowed to debate and have conversations. But they're not allowed to push sexism, racism, etc. Simple as that.

There will be an unfair ban from time to time. There will be people who should have been banned but squeak by from time to time. It is impossible to have perfect moderation. The mods are trying their damn best. But I look at Era compared to something like Reddit or the embarrassing shell of a site that NeoGAF is currently and I think very highly of Era.

It's a great site and most of the community is great. I'm happy to be part of it.


Oct 25, 2017
What if your genuine opinion is "I don't believe this woman?" Why is that bannable?

At best, it's not a very interesting point to make. At worst, it's a post that comes with a lot of baggage about sexism and dismissing sexual assault.

Banning you for a post like that is a better use of everyone's time (yours included) than putting you on trial to really , truly figure out what you meant by an ultimately throwaway post (if you're even willing to honestly admit it).


Nov 29, 2017
This might catch me a ban but wtf.

There is an orthodoxy on Era. If you do not follow it, you will be warned and then banned. I'm all for arguing anything, but the power structure on this board is such that there are positions that will get you banned and the threads for these issues are a trap for members that don't see the world in the same way as the "powerful" posters, i.e. mods and the kinds of people that you will see post 10 times per page on any controversial subject. You know who these people are, I know who they are. They set the tone.

Era should be transparent about this and post an explicit list of positions that will catch you a ban.

If, like me, you're kind of sick of the predictable nature of these threads, resolve just to stay out of them. If you're the kind of person who doesn't automatically take the side that's expected, don't post in those threads. Even if you believe you're posting in good faith, the mods and super users won't and you're in for a bad time.

End of the day, I'm 35. I don't need to argue sexual morality or race or what the fuck else will get you easily banned. I should know better than to even be posting in those threads.

Just know this: the world looks nothing like these threads.

I totally agree with that and I am starting to do this stance in a lot of threads. It's better to dodge them or to put ignore on those who you just don't want to read and move on.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Dude, wtf? This is the problem, for some reason you assume I have asshole friends and I'm what, problematic or something? It's a ridiculous thing to say about someone of whom you know nothing but a few paragraphs of opinion.

FWIW, I'm a good man with good friends and a good family. I married my first love. I'm involved in charity work. I've never made any social mistakes repent.

Maybe you need to see the good in people?
Why so sensitive?

I don't know if you have asshole friends or not. Stop acting persecuted. My comments were very clear. If your world is for some reason unwelcome to people and opinions reflected by the people here (and let me be specific: that means a clear bias AGAINST racism, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, misogyny), that's a function of who you surround yourself with and where you've chosen to get your information from. My world and everyone in it very much looks like this forum.

If you don't want to share the same world, that's fine. But understand that the world DOES look like this forum. Whether your neck of the woods does or does not is a matter of your own choosing at this point, as a grown man.


Oct 25, 2017
If you don't like this forum you can leave. Like, that is an option. There's other websites out there. It's okay not to use this one.

If you take that to its logical conclusion, all you are left with is a really warped bubble.

I'd personally like to see the "fuck yous" and "fuck off" curbed out of existence around here. Far too many people rely on that as a form of argument. It often turns threads into hostile dogpiles because people think they have the greenlight to be obnoxious. It's a really small thing, but it is a part of the overall tone of the forum.

All arguments made be others should be dealt with in the best possible light. Take the victim blaming thing.

"I'll wait till all the facts are known."

In any other situation, this is a fairly reasonable statement, even in this one it sounds reasonable. Except that in this instance the connotations associated with this issue, almost always implies a lack of belief in the victim, even if they wasn't the intent.

If you are going to post something to that effect you need to make sure you have a solid argument with it to back it up. In this exact case there really isn't one.

Why does someone need a solid argument? Why is "well, I'm not sure about this" heinous? What you're arguing for is the presumption of guilt. People are capable of evaluating each case on their own and coming to their own conclusions. They don't need to be told what to think.

Deleted member 1120

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My thoughts: ResetEra is great and the modding is overall very fair.

People are absolutely allowed to debate and have conversations. But they're not allowed to push sexism, racism, etc. Simple as that.

There will be an unfair ban from time to time. There will be people who should have been banned but squeak by from time to time. It is impossible to have perfect moderation. The mods are trying their damn best. But I look at Era compared to something like Reddit or the embarrassing shell of a site that NeoGAF is currently and I think very highly of Era.

It's a great site and most of the community is great. I'm happy to be part of it.
I agree

Deleted member 11046

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Sweet gentle words neither change minds nor win debates.
I am not so sure I agree, Adder. I am a very different poster than I was 2 years ago on GAF largely thanks to the example of and interactions with a few very level headed and non-hostile members of this community. I imagine there are some people who might exclusively respond to "sweet gentle words"; I don't believe there is any one way to breach an opposing mindset.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
My thoughts: ResetEra is great and the modding is overall very fair.

People are absolutely allowed to debate and have conversations. But they're not allowed to push sexism, racism, etc. Simple as that.

There will be an unfair ban from time to time. There will be people who should have been banned but squeak by from time to time. It is impossible to have perfect moderation. The mods are trying their damn best. But I look at Era compared to something like Reddit or the embarrassing shell of a site that NeoGAF is currently and I think very highly of Era.

It's a great site and most of the community is great. I'm happy to be part of it.

Pretty much how I feel. And I really like the mod system where decisions are revised, so you can't really be targeted or persecuted because mod Y gratuitously doesn't like you or whatever like it happened in the old place. It's a really mature and well thought out system. Era is easily the best board in the internet, and I don't envy those that are tasked to manage it. It seems like a daunting task.

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
This might catch me a ban but wtf.

There is an orthodoxy on Era. If you do not follow it, you will be warned and then banned. I'm all for arguing anything, but the power structure on this board is such that there are positions that will get you banned and the threads for these issues are a trap for members that don't see the world in the same way as the "powerful" posters, i.e. mods and the kinds of people that you will see post 10 times per page on any controversial subject. You know who these people are, I know who they are. They set the tone.

Era should be transparent about this and post an explicit list of positions that will catch you a ban.

If, like me, you're kind of sick of the predictable nature of these threads, resolve just to stay out of them. If you're the kind of person who doesn't automatically take the side that's expected, don't post in those threads. Even if you believe you're posting in good faith, the mods and super users won't and you're in for a bad time.

End of the day, I'm 35. I don't need to argue sexual morality or race or what the fuck else will get you easily banned. I should know better than to even be posting in those threads.

Just know this: the world looks nothing like these threads.

You should not have to be afraid to say something like this without receiving a ban, and that's basically the problem around here. I agree.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I seriously don't get why you'd even want to be here if you hate seeing talk about social issues, or don't believe racism, sexism, homophobia etc. are problems. There are hundreds if not thousands of sites and boards where you can say the most off brand shit and it's fine.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
I am not so sure I agree, Adder. I am a very different poster than I was 2 years ago on GAF largely thanks to the example of and interactions with a few very level headed and non-hostile members of this community. I imagine there are some people who might exclusively respond to "sweet gentle words"; I don't believe there is any one way to breach an opposing mindset.
That's fine. You do you. Just don't expect me to share in that point of view when my experience has taught me otherwise.

Not that I expect you would.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I'm kinda like screw it because we're never gonna get anywhere if people can't just say what the fuck it is they are so worried about saying, but want to bitch they can't say it even though they *won't* say it. Like, have some courage in your convictions beyond "I agree with this nebulous sentiment".
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