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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks, maybe people will finally shut the fuck up about how we don't have "context."

...Aw hell, who am I kidding?
Like, you wouldn't understand how M-103 is "te cenzors", you're a part of the system!
He'd be turned into a Martyr for free speech like Lindsay Shepard. I really hate what Canada has become.
He's so free speech that he wanted to make a website to enable the targeted harassment of social science professors to the point where they leave their jobs allow Free Speech Champions™ such as him to exercise their freedom of speech with equally intellectually curious minds.

This is sarcasm, by the by. It was intentionally designed to harass people he presumes to be a part of his nonsensical conspiracy theories about postmodernism neo-Marxists aka. literally a Nazi conspiracy that literal Nazis literally coined.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Do you?
Do I need to read every book someone published to think that closing down threads and censoring threads on the site that I frequent is a bad thing to do only when It's convenient, while keeping another one open and not following the same "rule" you created beforehand, is expecting consistency so outrageous?
At least this guy makes a point.

I fixed it, I don't agree with him on most things, especially on religion.

Yes I do. I actually keep up with the content of threads and the actions taken on them before accusing the mods of inconsistent behavior.


Oct 27, 2017
I just don't get how, in the head of white supremacists, the white race can be both the most fragile (oh no, interracial relationships, it's doomed!) and the best and strongest. Seems a bit contradictory.
The same way African American blues based music is their favorite genre or interracial relationships with Asian women is Ok.
Oct 27, 2017
It's so see through, and literally every time I try to watch or listen to understand why he was ever looked up to or well regarded I get more confused.

He's quasi intellectual and buzzwords rolled up with the same regressive hate of conservatism. He just put your hate in a dress. He's a dumb person's smart person.

Oh, and he profits off it, same as the other alt right trolls who spread hate then capitalize off it. Hope this helps more people wake up to him. I will admit he apparently hides it better than most, but neomarxist postmodernism rants are always, 100%, a giveaway.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
I'm saying that any fundamentalist religion is, and you know that, and I'm not interested in arguing with your paint by numbers Bill Maher ahistorical simplemindedness anymore.
You don't have to argue. I doubt any evidence would convince you at this point. I'd ask you to Google papers discussing the link between poverty and Islam (the consensus is that there isn't one), but I know you won't.

But I'll say, for the benefit of those still open to argument, that yes, any religion can be a tool of social control. But Islam, right now, is working better at this task than any other. Its illiberal strains deserve condemnation for that, and its illiberal strains are also the ones that are overwhelmingly predominant. Saudi Arabia is maybe the worst offender, but it's far from the only one.


Dec 1, 2017
You don't have to argue. I doubt any evidence would convince you at this point. I'd ask you to Google papers discussing the link between poverty and Islam (the consensus is that there isn't one), but I know you won't.

1) You have provided literally zero evidence so far

2) I'm talking about the relationship between extremism and poverty, not Islam and poverty. That's the whole disagreement we're having, remember?

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
There are a lot of "progressives" whose train of though goes no further than "Islam is bad" and if you bring up the adverse effects of western influence on the region you get accused of whataboutism, religious fanaticism, deflection, etc

The REAL kicker imo is that many of the regressive ideas held by poor Muslims are shared by other equally poor religios people in the regions.
Yet we never hear a word said about them.

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
You don't have to argue. I doubt any evidence would convince you at this point. I'd ask you to Google papers discussing the link between poverty and Islam (the consensus is that there isn't one), but I know you won't.

But I'll say, for the benefit of those still open to argument, that yes, any religion can be a tool of social control. But Islam, right now, is working better at this task than any other. Its illiberal strains deserve condemnation for that, and its illiberal strains are also the ones that are overwhelmingly predominant. Saudi Arabia is maybe the worst offender, but it's far from the only one.

Yet another poster totally ignorant regarding the geopolitical history by the West while at the same time ignoring the same behaviors exhibited by other religious groups other then Muslims.


Oct 26, 2017
god, the cognitive dissonance here. you literally didn't address anything anyone has said, including the fact that the full video has been circulating around this thread and seemingly hasn't changed any minds

it's sort of amazing to me how fans of this dude paint him as some richly complex figure who's words you can't truly decipher without watching hours and hours of video for additional "context"

"oh, Jordan Peterson said 'feminists support Muslims because of a desire for brutal male domination'? well, ever consider he wasn't talking about actual feminists or Muslims, and only said 'brutal male domination' in a cutesy sort of way?"

seriously, be honest: do you guys always read what he says as if it's Ulysses or something, or only when you can't deny how shitty it sounds?

Because I had just came here and to see ppl already bashing the guy was frustrating

Btw, I watched the linked video ....the discussion, in general, was about extremists hence radical feminism is talked about, and I emphasize radical feminism, and also, he's made a distinction between what feminism is by definition, which is an absolutely noble act, and what we have now as a modern feminism which is radical.

Extremists, of any form, are not acceptable. There's nothing good about them, I hope you agree with me because this will be my foundation in this discussion: Extremists, of any form, are not acceptable and are potentially dangerous.

Now the next key word is "unconscious", this is a Freudian concept:

Freud (1900, 1905) developed a topographical model of the mind, whereby he described the features of the mind's structure and function. Freud used the analogy of an iceberg to describe the three levels of the mind.

On the surface is consciousness, which consists of those thoughts that are the focus of our attention now, and this is seen as the tip of the iceberg. The preconscious consists of all which can be retrieved from memory.

The third and most significant region is the unconscious. Here lie the processes that are the real cause of most behavior. Like an iceberg, the most important part of the mind is the part you cannot see.

The unconscious mind acts as a repository, a 'cauldron' of primitive wishes and impulse kept at bay and mediated by the preconscious area.For example, Freud (1915) found that some events and desires were often too frightening or painful for his patients to acknowledge, and believed such information was locked away in the unconscious mind. This can happen through the process of repression.

So that's our "unconscious", which is a key word and you left it out, he didn't say "brutal male domination:, he said "an unconscious ...", BIG difference.

And that is arguable, as a psychology student and a believer in Freud and Jung, I can understand the correlation between unconscious and extremism and what Peterson suggests is plausible.

Overall, despite what ppl in this thread think, he's not saying anything against women, he's not a misogynist , he's an advocate of freedom and freedom of speech and worries about the potential brutal ramifications of extremists. And as a person who lives in an authoritarian extremist Islamic country, he's right about anything he said about Islam and how such countries govern their ppl.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Women want to be brutally dominated huh? Someone should see if there are any unsolved rapes near where this man lives.

I get the guy is an asshole and he said something really fucking stupid but I am fairly certain that as adults we are capable of denouncing someone without accusing them of being a rapist when we have no evidence or even rumors that suggest that.


Oct 25, 2017
I get the guy is an asshole and he said something really fucking stupid but I am fairly certain that as adults we are capable of denouncing someone without accusing them of being a rapist when we have no evidence or even rumors that suggest that.

If he thinks women are secretly longing for these things, then would you really put it past him to not care about what they're saying out loud?


Oct 26, 2017
Another pattern that I've seen with ppl bashing Peterson is that they don't pay attention closely to what he says, he's really careful with his word choice, the prominent example here is the "unconscious" word, that is the key word, you can not eliminate it to satisfy your own preconceived notions.

And rapes? seriously? c'mon ppl, this has become pathetic now.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
Yet another poster totally ignorant regarding the geopolitical history by the West while at the same time ignoring the same behaviors exhibited by other religious groups other then Muslims.
No, I'm very cognizant of the tired argument that non-Westerners aren't autonomous and their behaviour is completely explained by American imperialism or whatever.

Every religious group has violent radicals. None of those groups to the same degree as Sunni Muslims, right now, not even when you include cases like the Rohingyas. You can treat every ideology as interchangeable if you want, with the content of beliefs completely irrelevant, but me? When I see a religion that prescribes vegetarianism have a higher percentage of vegetarians, I'll ascribe it in part to that religion. If it prescribes Sundays off, and adherents magically take Sundays off, I'll think the religion has something to do with it. And if it prescribes death or suppression for apostates (as mainstream Sunni Islam does), and apostates are in fact killed or suppressed, then yes, I'll blame some degree of Islamic extremism on Islam.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
1) You have provided literally zero evidence so far

2) I'm talking about the relationship between extremism and poverty, not Islam and poverty. That's the whole disagreement we're having, remember?
1) same for you. I've at least told you a simple Google search to do. If you don't want to, that's fine.

2) yes, sorry. Replace "Islam" with "Islamic extremism". I think everyone can google appropriately based on our discussion.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
If he thinks women are secretly longing for these things, then would you really put it past him to care about what they're saying out loud?
I'm just saying that we should not accuse people of being rapists or other vile things just because they have shit opinions or are disgusting human beings.

If there were accusations, an arrest, or even rumors surrounding the guy then go for it.

But "this guy has a shit a opinion about women! Probably a rapist!" adds nothing to the conversation and just looks ridiculous.


Oct 25, 2017
Another pattern that I've seen with ppl bashing Peterson is that they don't pay attention closely to what he says, he's really careful with his word choice, the prominent example here is the "unconscious" word, that is the key word, you can not eliminate it to satisfy your own preconceived notions.

And rapes? seriously? c'mon ppl, this has become pathetic now.

Why does it matter that he said unconscious? He still said that feminists have a desire for brutal male domination. Like, he's still saying they have those feelings.


Oct 25, 2017
My god, this is the first time I've actually listened to this dude before, and he was already insufferable before he made that shitty remark

I'm a relatively hardcore atheist, but blaming the economic productivity (or lack of it) on Islam shows a total lack of knowledge about the history of that reason, particularly early late 19th/ early 20th century.


Oct 25, 2017
Another pattern that I've seen with ppl bashing Peterson is that they don't pay attention closely to what he says, he's really careful with his word choice, the prominent example here is the "unconscious" word, that is the key word, you can not eliminate it to satisfy your own preconceived notions.

And rapes? seriously? c'mon ppl, this has become pathetic now.

You're not making any kind of sense. "Unconscious" is not a modifier that automatically makes his statement admissible. It does not in any way strengthen his argument, which he has conjured out of thin air with no evidence. It does not in any way eliminate the misogynistic implications of the statement.

You're the one trying to play word games in order to satisfy your preconceived notions.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
With a decent sample size at this point, threads about Jordan Peterson's periodic inflammatory comments have tended not to produce good or enlightening discussion. Giving these remarks attention does not appear to leave the community better off.
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