
Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
The whole point of "our side" is we can hold our representatives accountable for mistakes they make without blindingly handwaving them away like "their side".
Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
how do we know she was forced to move? Perhaps she asked? Perhaps not.

Think this through. If she had to ask to change her role, and her harasser remained in his position, what does that mean about the way this was handled?

There are a lot of people in this thread who need to take a deep breath and sincerely think through this story and what it says about Hillary's decision making, leadership, and moral authority. So many embarrassing posts.


Oct 25, 2017
IF she asked which is obviously debatable. She shouldn't have had to ask because the harasser should have been fired. This dude was a spiritual adviser. If you are harassing women I value your spiritual input at -1000%
i dont disagree with that.

I do disagree that hillary did nothing, which is the premise of the thread and the poster i was responding to that you quoted my response to. She didn't do nothing, you thinks he should have fired him. Great. It happened in 2008, what are we going to do about it now, not vote for hillary for president? Like what exactly would some of you that keep quoting me have happen to Hillary? She be charged with harassment?


Oct 26, 2017
I'm super disappointed that this thread has turned up a lot of people who are trying to make excuses for why this isn't a big deal.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus, the fucking HYPOCRISY in this thread. No, moving the victim to another position is not a "good thing" that "our side" did. This dude should have been fired. Instead, she shielded him and he went on to victimize someone else. We need to be able to remain objective and call things for what they are. I fucking hate this partisan bullshit.
Size matters.

Hillary should've fired this asshole immediately, full stop. She should be questioned for how she handled the issue. Fine.

But the journalists and #bothsides cable networks will magnify this story to extreme proportions, questioning Hillary's judgment and character. Meanwhile, Trump brags about groping, cheats with porn stars, and, oh year, has run a bigoted administration intent on victimizing minorities and weakening our institutions. His weekly, daily, hourly slights toward common decency outweigh anything Hillary has done.

And you'll say, "Why can't we cover both?" We can, but size matters. Numerous parties will try to make this the story of the week even though we just learned the president tried to fire the man investigating him. You'd be naive to think otherwise.

Again, I want Hillary to face scrutiny, but you'd be naive not to think that this story won't be used in some way to excuse Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, the guy was docked a few months pay, required to go through counseling, the woman harassed was moved to work for a new person, and the harasser was eventually fired for workplace misconduct later.

If she was President, this would hardly be a news story. Given that she's not President and not running again, I can't believe this is even newsworthy. The headline itself gives the impression that the situation was completely ignored.

This would be the biggest news of the day if she were President. Particularly because of how much traction the MeToo movement has. Finding out that Hillary had someone on her staff that repeatedly sexually harassed a young staffer and his only "punishment" was having his pay docked and being sent to counseling would be everywhere.

This is really something liberals need to be consistent with. Just because someone falls in the same political spectrum as they do shouldn't mean that they're exempt from the type of criticism that would be leveled against someone from another party. Because it's clear that many modern Republicans don't give a fuck about what happens to women. What Hillary did by keeping him on staff was nothing more than a slap on the wrist. She shouldn't have even needed the firing recommendation.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I thought she just needed to disappear though?

She should dissapear in the sense that she is a damaged candidate and trying to rehabilitate her image as a leader will not work and lead to further disenfranchisement. She is however, of shielding a sexual harasser while leading a campaign that on its face was pushing against sexism and sexual harassment in politics. If she doesn't want her message to disappear with her she has to defend the message even at the cost of herself.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to know more facts regarding the harrassment and the views of the victim regarding it before I can judge her actions as insufficient. For instance, the female staffer could've been happy with the move.
Completely irrelevant. The dude should have been fired.

That's like saying that we need more facts when a cop shoots an unarmed man because maybe the man insulted the cop.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
i dont disagree with that.

I do disagree that hillary did nothing, which is the premise of the thread and the poster i was responding to that you quoted my response to. She didn't do nothing, you thinks he should have fired him. Great. It happened in 2008, what are we going to do about it now, not vote for hillary for president? Like what exactly would some of you that keep quoting me have happen to Hillary? She be charged with harassment?
You are right. She didn't do enough though and the dude ended up harassing more women. She owns that.


Nov 14, 2017
SMH Hillary. At least Protect the Record finally did the right thing.

Mr. Strider, who was Mrs. Clinton's faith adviser, a co-founder of the American Values Network

*mild shock*

They didn't have to run it right now. Arguably they're stepping on their own story for a report that will not have any less impact a day or a week from now.

That's not how the news works. You don't intentionally segregate her bad news from Trump bad news for dramatic effect.


Oct 25, 2017
Size matters.

Hillary should've fired this asshole immediately, full stop. She should be questioned for how she handled the issue. Fine.

But the journalists and #bothsides cable networks will magnify this story to extreme proportions, questioning Hillary's judgment and character. Meanwhile, Trump brags about groping, cheats with porn stars, and, oh year, has run a bigoted administration intent on victimizing minorities and weakening our institutions. His weekly, daily, hourly slights toward common decency outweigh anything Hillary has done.

And you'll say, "Why can't we cover both?" We can, but size matters. Numerous parties will try to make this the story of the week even though we just learned the president tried to fire the man investigating him. You'd be naive to think otherwise.

Again, I want Hillary to face scrutiny, but you'd be naive not to think that this story won't be used in some way to excuse Trump.

The easiest way to avoid this is to not do shitty things

who cares about what the republicans are going to use? They make up stuff all the time.

Yu Kigono

Oct 25, 2017
Size matters.

Hillary should've fired this asshole immediately, full stop. She should be questioned for how she handled the issue. Fine.

But the journalists and #bothsides cable networks will magnify this story to extreme proportions, questioning Hillary's judgment and character. Meanwhile, Trump brags about groping, cheats with porn stars, and, oh year, has run a bigoted administration intent on victimizing minorities and weakening our institutions. His weekly, daily, hourly slights toward common decency outweigh anything Hillary has done.

And you'll say, "Why can't we cover both?" We can, but size matters. Numerous parties will try to make this the story of the week even though we just learned the president tried to fire the man investigating him. You'd be naive to think otherwise.

Again, I want Hillary to face scrutiny, but you'd be naive not to think that this story won't be used in some way to excuse Trump.
This precisely, this guy needs to be thrown off a cliff (figuratively), and Hillary should at least feel some goddamn shame over this. But we all know that this will be used as cover for Trump and all his horrific behavior.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
Because she is a person in a position of power that shielding a sexual harasser. I mean it is pretty clear.

Politicians dont just dissapear into the ether after losing, she is still giving speeches, talking to people, and generally changing the public discourse of this country.

She's a person of influence for sure, but she's not in a position of power. She should publicly apologize, but I don't think it would matter much if she did or not. She and her husband are already disgraced figures.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Not all that surprising. Hillary's MO has always been fierce loyalty to those in her inner circle and she has paid the price repeatedly for poor judgement on that front. The adviser should have been fired immediately, regardless of how it looks in the news cycle.

One can only imagine stories like this are the tip of the iceberg regarding political campaigns and sexual harassment allegations swept under the rug. The more that come to light, the better we'll be prepared to protect and support future victims.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad they uncover the ugly truth from both sides. We don't need the left's version of Fox News, we need good journalism.

The NYT is bending every story it can to be favorable to Trump; yesterday they spun economic news as positive when the other big newspapers were saying it was a slowdown.

The NYT's reputation as "liberal" is a long con; remember they were cheerleaders for the war in Iraq, boosting the credibility of the Bush admin's lies about WMDs.

(Not to say they shouldn't be reporting on this particular news item.)


Oct 25, 2017
He repeatedly harassed a woman at the workplace, docking his pay and sending him to counselling is a ludicrous response.

Also, since he wasn't fired, it allowed him to continue working in politics and harass other women.

This is the EXACT kind of thing we need to combat.
I agree. The issue here is that we weren't having this type of national conversation on the issue a decade ago, and things were (and are) still being mishandled. This was obviously the wrong call. At this point, Clinton is not running for office again. I see this as a story in what not to do, but that's not at all how the story is framed, and that's a deliberate editorial choice.
Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
They didn't have to run it right now. Arguably they're stepping on their own story for a report that will not have any less impact a day or a week from now.

We're at the point of absurdity in this thread where people are arguing news orgs should purposefully withhold information about sexual harassment in order to advance the public prosecution of other individuals.

Please take a step back and consider how insane that is.


Oct 25, 2017
NYT fueling the fire

Thanks a bunch

Yeah, no.

I want transparent and open journalism. Not one sided 'news', I don't want any more fake news. I'm more than happy for NYT and the Post to investigate and report on everybody; they're all fair game regardless on if I support them or are against them.


Oct 25, 2017
Size matters.

Hillary should've fired this asshole immediately, full stop. She should be questioned for how she handled the issue. Fine.

But the journalists and #bothsides cable networks will magnify this story to extreme proportions, questioning Hillary's judgment and character. Meanwhile, Trump brags about groping, cheats with porn stars, and, oh year, has run a bigoted administration intent on victimizing minorities and weakening our institutions. His weekly, daily, hourly slights toward common decency outweigh anything Hillary has done.

And you'll say, "Why can't we cover both?" We can, but size matters. Numerous parties will try to make this the story of the week even though we just learned the president tried to fire the man investigating him. You'd be naive to think otherwise.

Again, I want Hillary to face scrutiny, but you'd be naive not to think that this story won't be used in some way to excuse Trump.
You're what-abouting-this and clearly don't want her to face scrutiny. Tell this to the victims, because its frankly fucking disgusting.
Oct 25, 2017
The problem with a lot of you all. Is that you're too worried about optics and worried about what this will do to the image of the "left". Stories like this need to be reported because it shows that no matter what harassers often don't face the consequences they should


Oct 26, 2017
I agree. The issue here is that we weren't having this type of national conversation on the issue a decade ago, and things were (and are) still being mishandled. This was obviously the wrong call. At this point, Clinton is not running for office again. I see this as a story in what not to do, but that's not at all how the story is framed, and that's a deliberate editorial choice.

It's being framed as what it is. Hillary Clinton protected a serial harasser and he ended up harassing more women because of that.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
And do what with your life? Be criminal forever? WTF is this bullshit?

Wait, you do not consider sexual harassment a crime? He harassed one person, was given the same job 8 years later and harassed someone else. So, he has decided that will be a recurring criminal all by himself no?