
Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
This may be a controversial issue I'm discussing here but it needs to be said I am so tired and fed up of people using women to sell their games! so many games do it without you even noticing and are successful because of their advertising essentially doing nothing but showing their sexualised fictional female creations for sex appeal towards their audience "lets just show em' a girl, that'd do!" I'm not saying women shouldn't be featured in games of course they should but the manner in which they are stereotyped and there just to clearly sell a product and make the player horny is unacceptable, this doesnt apply to every single game which shows off female characters and they don't have to be shown in a macho male- esque variant and should still remain good looking (look at the contoversy of Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn) but it's when it goes too far in games I get annoyed at what developers are trying to do. I booted up Ridge Racer Type 4 from Namco and what do I find as the intro? nothing but a sexist representation of women right here, just watch it if you must. Does the girl really need to be there? why can't she be driving the car? are they saying women need everything to be done for them? The intro is nice but is a nod to sexism and is clearly using the girl for sex appeal.

Now let's look at a franchise that is made to sell using sex appeal and women in a provocative manner, Dead or Alive. I'd admit the girls in the game are a nice addition but is it necessary to make a goddamn spin off title that isn't a fighter for guys to play those girls in sport activities wearing bikinis? Ask yourself if this is something good to represent women. Just being a guy I am insulted by this because it almost comes out as a sick excuse to sell off using sex. There's not much of a reason to buy Dead or Alive Extreme 3 unless your really looking to experience some erotic trip to the beach looking up at these girls. It might sound like heaven and is pervy which is exactly why people make fun of this franchise and its sad because the fighting games are so great but in Tomonobu Itagaki's mind Dead or Alive needed to feature big breasted women to make it a success, that's okay for him but using women to sell his game? that's quite ridiculous.



Whilst other fighting games are still nowhere near the level of Dead or Alive's marketing and depiction of women, there are still problems. Ivy from Soul Calibur has a controversial design because it's again, made for sex appeal so people buy the game, she might not be so heavily advertised but then again this is an attempt to gain sales by attracting people to the game so they have something to adore and look at, quite embarrasing. Also you have Street Fighter V's Chun-Li. It is almost DOA-level with the amount of costumes she has got now and they show her off in a provocative manner not to mention the size of her thighs although it's exaggerated she's the strongest woman in the world it is quite insane to have thighs that huge for an Asian woman. Capcom's Street Fighter is aimed towards a universal audience including children but that doesn't stop them from trying to use their female world warriors to sell.



Don't get me wrong. I'm not here to say women are always used to sell games. That's clearly not the case and you can clearly see there are good examples of when women are used not solely for the purpose to sell a game even if you'd disagree I'd say Lara Croft in Tomb Raider isn't too overly sexualised but then again she was made for sex appeal wasn't she? I just want developers to stop using women to sell games and appreciate how this is getting less common in this day and age, hell some gamers might not like that and want women to be depicted and presented to them in video games in sexual fashion but it's really a bad method to sell your product, the female character has to be there for a much bigger meaning and not just for sex, they are fictional characters in the end, at least most of them are.

Deleted member 24118

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Games like those Dead or Alive volleyball spin-offs only exist because of the waifu factor. You're basically saying they should voluntarily make less money, which is probably wishful thinking.


Oct 25, 2017
A game based around titillation like DoA Volleyball isn't really a problem but sexualization of women in almost every game that comes out these days is definitely an issue. I think its getting better with games like Horizon or Hell Blade but its going to be a steep hill to climb considering sex sells. Nier Automata for example wouldn't have been as successful without 2B's design and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.


Oct 27, 2017
Disagree. Guys like boobs and butts. Women like them too for that matter.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I fucking agree. At least, not in so many games that don't even warrant it. Save it for the pervy the games.


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes it's a good thing.
Nier Automata used sex appeal as a shallow bait but game itself offers much more (theme, soundtrack, story) and it exposed people to those.


Jan 21, 2018
Should movies and music stop using sex appeal to sell too? Its literally everywhere.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
"Sex sells"

So are we saying that games cannot be successful without gigantic tits bouncing all over the place?

JC Lately

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
We live in a time were both Horizon: Zero Dawn and Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash can enjoy commercial and critical success, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Oct 27, 2017
NH, United States
Wow that brings back memories

I loved ridge racer type 4 and I thought that intro was fantastic, really set the mood with the music and everything

I mean of course I can see how they were sexualizing reiko to make the opening more appealing but I guess it worked, I remember it!

Then again I lik sexualized designs a lot. Sfv has been my favorite entry not just for the gameplay but for the character design

Chun and Cammy look great and new additions like Menat have added variety (especially menats battle costume)

I agree not every game needs it, but I'd certainly see less appeal in street fighter 6 without the designs 5 has


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Till the market gets tired of the T an A we gonna see games use this as a selling point. I personally don't mind it in games.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
While I generally agree with your point, how is the Ridge Racer 4 intro sexist? Nothing seems to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
Now let's look at a franchise that is made to sell using sex appeal and women in a provocative manner, Dead or Alive. I'd admit the girls in the game are a nice addition but is it necessary to make a goddamn spin off title that isn't a fighter for guys to play those girls in sport activities wearing bikinis? Ask yourself if this is something good to represent women. Just being a guy I am insulted by this because it almost comes out as a sick excuse to sell off using sex. There's not much of a reason to buy Dead or Alive Extreme 3 unless your really looking to experience some erotic trip to the beach looking up at these girls. It might sound like heaven and is pervy which is exactly why people make fun of this franchise and its sad because the fighting games are so great but in Tomonobu Itagaki's mind Dead or Alive needed to feature big breasted women to make it a success, that's okay for him but using women to sell his game? that's quite ridiculous.

I just want developers to stop using women to sell games and appreciate how this is getting less common in this day and age, hell some gamers might not like that and want women to be depicted and presented to them in video games in sexual fashion but it's really a bad method to sell your product, the female character has to be there for a much bigger meaning and not just for sex, they are fictional characters in the end, at least most of them are.

Some people DO want that. There really are people who want that erotic trip to the beach. You may not, but there is an audience for that sort of thing, and it won't and shouldn't go away just because you don't like it. You are simply not the audience they have in mind when making these games or advertisements, and that's fine because you don't need to buy into it.

In the end, it's up to the developers and publishers to find out whether what they're doing works. If there comes a time when this stops being an effective strategy, they'll stop doing it of their own accord.


Banned for use of an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Developers shouldn't only put white men in the center of their games and their marketing either, yet here we are.
Nov 1, 2017
The big sales of the risque Chun-Li skins show exactly why this will continue regardless of whether you like it or not.


Oct 25, 2017
Also OP, I do not know if you realize this but sex is the most prime and basic human instinct.
It is 101 of marketing.
Men want to see sexy women and women want to see sexy men.

Why would game developers change when literally every other industry does not?
Nov 2, 2017
I mean, I do think content is allowed to use sexuality to sell, but it doesn't make it not sexist. For example, a lot of pornography is inherently sexist, and I think the same would apply to pornographic games, which are only a step removed from games like DoAX3. Now granted, stuff like Ridge Racer has always been a bit needless, but I think these are very much case by case instances.


Oct 31, 2017
disagree, as long as its not illegal, anything can be used to sell a product, games are not the exception.

Chrome Hyena

Oct 30, 2017
They can be, but is the assumption of people in this topic that games will not be successful without sexualization? Are people that horny that they don't actually play video games for the games themselves, the stories, etc without sex appeal?

Is Mario a fluke?

To answer your questions:




Mario has dad bod.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow that brings back memories

I loved ridge racer type 4 and I thought that intro was fantastic, really set the mood with the music and everything

I mean of course I can see how they were sexualizing reiko to make the opening more appealing but I guess it worked, I remember it!

Then again I lik sexualized designs a lot. Sfv has been my favorite entry not just for the gameplay but for the character design

Chun and Cammy look great and new additions like Menat have added variety (especially menats battle costume)

I agree not every game needs it, but I'd certainly see less appeal in street fighter 6 without the designs 5 has


Oct 28, 2017
The Type 4 intro is still amazing. FMV graphics might age, but that style never will. So good.


Oct 25, 2017
Some games, like the Senran Kagura series, would definitely sell less. Some games wouldn't even exist.

ultra bawl

User requested ban
Nov 6, 2017
I mean, of course stuff like Senran Kagura and explicitly erotic games wouldn't sell without this stuff and who am I to deny people their obvious whack off material, but I see nothing controversial with suggesting sex appeal needn't be shoehorned into something that doesn't really need it and where its presence alone is what sets that tone.
Disagree. Guys like boobs
Men want to see sexy women

Deft Beck

Oct 26, 2017
Reiko from Ridge Racer is the face of the franchise. Though she was more or less a race queen in the early games, she went on to have a more prominent role in the games' story modes, beyond just being eye candy.


Oct 31, 2017
Completely disagree with you OP.

A developer/creator can make whatever they want.

As a consumer, you have to right to buy or boycott whatever you want.

Who are you to dictate what every single creator in the world can do? You can already choose to not buy the product.

And that's not even going into the real-world outside the video game industry. I assume you're aware sex appeal is used in many different other fields?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't agree with OP by the way. Along as it's done tastefully and there's more to the game beyond it's pandering, then I'll more likely than not ignore it.

I'd like to see the industry like consider how their consumer audience is becoming more inclusive as the years press on and be conscious of the women/men they design, which is what I'm thankful for the independents / big boy pubs like Ubisoft, Bethesda and Activision are doing.

But I really don't expect Japan to change lol hopeless