What do you believe will be the end result at Ohio State?

  • Urban gives a sternly worded Press Conference

  • Urban gives a remorseful Press Conference

  • Urban Resigns/Fired/"Health Issues" Come up

  • Nothing

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Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017
I had posted about it on the Nassar/MSU topic, but their AD resigned/retired today


Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017



Oct 25, 2017
Tom Izzo and Mark Dantonio will not be coaching at MSU for much longer

I have a strong feeling about that

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
Yes! Jalen Hall to Oregon LB Poly kids always mesh well in Eugene.

Time for Williams, Battle, Ezeike, Harrison, Crocker, Moore and Goodrich to come in. Sewell and Griffin would be lovely too

Really like the Bobby Williams poach from Alabama too. Cristobal is putting together a great staff.

Josh Allen hype post.

Seriously, why anyone is hyping him up blows me away. At best, he's a project. Maybe with the crazy physical tools he has you can develop him into an accurate QB. But you're not drafting QBs in the first round as a project.

Seriously. Watch the Oregon tape where he was mostly abysmal. Herbert is a likely First Rounder in 1-2 years but he looked like Tom Brady by comparison that day and Oregon's receivers were super young this year.


Oregon tag
Oct 25, 2017
More heads rolling, please. The entire chain of command up through the AD (department, not director) and all the way to the head of the University should all be gone if they aren't already.

Well I mean the AD is fucked, but this is bigger than the AD. The medical school fucked up big time.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017

I'm going to be gutted if Izzo is gone. I love that man. I've become more of a UGA football fan since my wife went to grad school there and I lived there for a while, so as much as I like Dantonio cutting the football program out of my fandom won't be that big of a deal. But I've loved MSU hoops since before the 2000 championship. I'm not going to defend anyone in the program, but Izzo falling from grace would take all the enjoyment out of sports for a while.


Oct 25, 2017
No idea how to embed tweets, but if someone would link the Manziel / XFL post so I can start the "laughing at my own team to hold back the sadness" season, I'd appreciate it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to be gutted if Izzo is gone. I love that man. I've become more of a UGA football fan since my wife went to grad school there and I lived there for a while, so as much as I like Dantonio cutting the football program out of my fandom won't be that big of a deal. But I've loved MSU hoops since before the 2000 championship. I'm not going to defend anyone in the program, but Izzo falling from grace would take all the enjoyment out of sports for a while.

Supposedly fake


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
16 rapes and violence against women under Dantonio. Disgusting. Please NCAA don't let them get off easy like Baylor. Put your damn foot down on rape culture


Oct 25, 2017

Fire this motherfucker

Out of a cannon

Into the sun

Edit: and by "this motherfucker" I mean the NCAA


Oct 27, 2017
The MSU mess is sad and disgusting.

I know the victims are what matters here, but that football program is going to be lost for a while without dantoine and if Izzo is out, MSU basketball takes a step back too.

These idiots not only got themselves fired but they are taking down the programs with them


Oct 25, 2017
Just read the Athletic thing, it is pretty clear that Emmert needs to go but also the entire board of directors/governors of the NCAA as it sounds like even if he wanted to do something he couldn't have.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
NCAA are the schools. The schools are the NCAA. Fire all of the schools.

NCAA will find that this isn't a competitive advantage. But some sandwiches are.


Oct 25, 2017
The second: please stop saying you're not surprised, loudly and confidently, like this was something you expected. Like it's going to make you feel better, like it was something that the lack of surprise can lessen, ameliorate, or dampen. Like it was something easily foreseen because of safe distance, because of being somewhere else at a remove. If the lesson of the past ten years or so has not been that there is nowhere to hide from this, then there has been no lesson whatsoever.

The third point is an extension of the second: Please stop saying it if you're a man, especially. It only gives a minimal bit of comfort and to you only, and at best only an illusion of power over the situation, as if private suspicions left unvoiced until the moment of revelation mean anything. It is claiming that you knew the car was going to crash seconds after impact. It is the most useless, unwanted, and unproductive "I told you so" in the long history of that phrase.


I really do like when Spencer just writes from the heart, it's short, it's true, shit's just....man


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
I'd hope anyone paying recruits 7 figures would have the respect to win the title 5 of the last 8 years, at least.
Why does Saban even dance then?

Apparently we pay those to recruits that haven't played yet, rather than paying juniors that were starting that could come back. It's dumb, some message board bullshit made up by someone that wouldn't even know. Not saying it doesn't happen, but 7 figures to pay a kid that was going to your school anyway? Nobody is paying a million dollars to any highschool kids. Get serious.



Oct 25, 2017
Why does Saban even dance then?

Apparently we pay those to recruits that haven't played yet, rather than paying juniors that were starting that could come back. It's dumb, some message board bullshit made up by someone that wouldn't even know. Not saying it doesn't happen, but 7 figures to pay a kid that was going to your school anyway? Nobody is paying a million dollars to any highschool kids. Get serious.


I was being extremely sarcastic. Lmao.

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
Nice! Oregon gets another 4* WR in Crocker. Underrated and he fits Oregon's schemes perfectly. Great kid too.

Hope this trend continues


Oct 26, 2017
Looks like we finally hired an OC - Kevin Johns from Western Michigan.

The word during the whole search is that Kingsbury was potentially giving up playcalling duties. No confirmation that is fully the case here, but it seems that he should at least be pretty involved with it.

Biggest thing is that he should be able to play a big part in balancing out the offense as far as run/pass. Kingsbury has been trying to do that the last few years but hasn't had great success.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd never heard of this song until I randomly heard it on Sirius during the ride home. Now I have questions:

1) What the heck?
2) How did my wife know of it?
3) How is it possible no SEC school plays this during when the FG kicker trots out?

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