
Oct 25, 2017
If anyone feels like contributing, I'm working on a resource guide for the OP that new/soon to be parents might find helpful. I'd welcome any suggestions.

Sure, what sort of thing are you after? I have a pretty great checklist of stuff a newborn would need, categorised by bed, bath, travel, etc. if that's any good to you?

That aside, Happy Halloween ParentEra from 'Skullivan'. :D



Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations to all the parents or soon to be parents. My wife and I have 2 ourselves. Our son who turns 3 next week and our daughter almost 10 months. My son still really doesn't sleep through the night but my daughter did sleep really well through the night until the teeth cut a few months ago.

Still the best times with those two even though average sleep time is 4-5 hours haha. I'll post some pictures tomorrow from Halloween.

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I hear ya...I also have a 3 year old boy. My daughter is 11 months. I'm guessing your life is as chaotic as mine. It's not easy having two small kids!

No, it's not. The little one is crawling now and just wants to climb stairs all the time. I don't know how my wife copes, to be honest. I had them both for a couple of hours on Sunday on my own and it near killed me.
Hollywood Duo

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Sure, what sort of thing are you after? I have a pretty great checklist of stuff a newborn would need, categorised by bed, bath, travel, etc. if that's any good to you?

That aside, Happy Halloween ParentEra from 'Skullivan'. :D

X-Files 2017 starring Mulder and Skully.

...checklist sounds great
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Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
If anyone feels like contributing, I'm working on a resource guide for the OP that new/soon to be parents might find helpful. I'd welcome any suggestions.
Our saving grace when both of our 2 were babies was a travel cot with a vibrating mattress. It was like a snooze button I swear. Best £50 I ever spent.


Oct 25, 2017
How often do your little ones get sick? My 3.5 year old feels like as soon as she's over a cold she gets another one.

She just had strep throat two weeks ago, and now she's getting a cold again. She's in preschool two days a week which I understand is a germ fest but it feels like it never ends. :(

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How often do your little ones get sick? My 3.5 year old feels like as soon as she's over a cold she gets another one.

She just had strep throat two weeks ago, and now she's getting a cold again. She's in preschool two days a week which I understand is a germ fest but it feels like it never ends. :(

Both of mine get hit fairly regularly. Yesterday my eldest had a fever and cough and his little brother seems to get a cold almost as soon as he rids himself of the previous. It seems pretty normal, it's the vomit comet's that you have to watch out for. Those are just the worst.


Oct 25, 2017
Howdy folks.

After a long 9 months my wee one has arrived. Born on the 22nd at 6pm-ish

So far so bloody awesome. He's mostly a sleeper so far 2 nights out of them all has he stayed away. Usually conks out around 12ish then up at 3/4 for a feed then out cold again


Oct 25, 2017
Howdy folks.

After a long 9 months my wee one has arrived. Born on the 22nd at 6pm-ish

So far so bloody awesome. He's mostly a sleeper so far 2 nights out of them all has he stayed away. Usually conks out around 12ish then up at 3/4 for a feed then out cold again



Oct 25, 2017
anyone have advice on rockers like the one i posted?
i've heard you don't wanna teach the kid to associate anything like rocking with sleep, because they'll never learn to sleep on their own in the crib
Hollywood Duo

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
anyone have advice on rockers like the one i posted?
i've heard you don't wanna teach the kid to associate anything like rocking with sleep, because they'll never learn to sleep on their own in the crib
It comes in quite handy when they are very little and can't really sleep in a crib. I would try to ditch it as quickly as possible though.
Howdy folks.

After a long 9 months my wee one has arrived. Born on the 22nd at 6pm-ish

So far so bloody awesome. He's mostly a sleeper so far 2 nights out of them all has he stayed away. Usually conks out around 12ish then up at 3/4 for a feed then out cold again
Congrats Podge! Was wondering if/when the baby came with the whole site shake up.
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Oct 25, 2017
anyone have advice on rockers like the one i posted?
i've heard you don't wanna teach the kid to associate anything like rocking with sleep, because they'll never learn to sleep on their own in the crib

Mine only tollerated rockers for about two months. So I'd be cautious as to how much you spend on one since every kid is different. We got one from a second hand store on the cheap and it turned out ok but I couldn't imagine paying hundreds for one.

Proud parent moment... My 3yo daughter (named Kairi) is playing Kingdom Hearts by herself for the first time and loving it!!! I LOVE this tiny human!!

Super cute, I just retired my wiiu today and picked up a switch. Going to show my daughter Mario later and see how that goes.

Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Proud parent moment... My 3yo daughter (named Kairi) is playing Kingdom Hearts by herself for the first time and loving it!!! I LOVE this tiny human!!

My 2.5 year old loves playing Wii Sports (particularly baseball, for which we've created Miis for several school playmates), but can't handle using the d-pad/analog stick required by most other games ("What are you playing? I want to play. It's not working" is the oft-repeated three line stanza).


Oct 27, 2017
My 2.5 year old loves playing Wii Sports (particularly baseball, for which we've created Miis for several school playmates), but can't handle using the d-pad/analog stick required by most other games ("What are you playing? I want to play. It's not working" is the oft-repeated three line stanza).

Ha yeah, i was pretty stoked when she figured out the controls and stopped getting frustrated. She would get so frustrated when it came to more complex inputs, but i kept making a huge deal when she would do basic shit right ("OMG DID YOU JUST JUMP?! that was AWESOME!!!)

But now i have to deal with.. "See me? See me daddy? See?! Look! See?!"

Cool jump kid, now click on the door and start the game.

Power Shot

Oct 27, 2017
Proud first time dad here. My son is three months old and a lot of fun. Had him during a fairly unstable time in my life (I lost my job and my wife was looking at staying at her terrible job once she ran out of maternity leave). Luck picked up after he was born and now I have stable employment for the first time in my life and my wife got to quit her job to be stay at home for a while.
Hollywood Duo

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Pete has croup. Definitely a new one for us. Feel really bad for him with his horrible cough. Doc gave him an oral steroid so hopefully that clears things up.


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of coughs, my son seems to have a very obvious fake cough. Like, it sounds he's trying to get the attention of someone who's next in a line at the bank.


Oct 27, 2017
Pete has croup. Definitely a new one for us. Feel really bad for him with his horrible cough. Doc gave him an oral steroid so hopefully that clears things up.

Oral steroids work wonders for bad coughs and chesty issues, my 1.5 YO has been on them twice and you will notice a difference really quickly.

Speaking of coughs, my son seems to have a very obvious fake cough. Like, it sounds he's trying to get the attention of someone who's next in a line at the bank.

The fake cough phase is hilarious, mine got over it pretty fast, only issue is other family who think it's funny cough lots on purpose which encourages it a bit longer.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
My son coughs quite a lot every once in a while. It really freaks me out because I have asthma and really hope he doesn't.

Last month, he actually had some wheezing and got prescribed Ventolin, which freaked me out even more, but that seemed to go away, so we're clear for now.


Oct 27, 2017
My son coughs quite a lot every once in a while. It really freaks me out because I have asthma and really hope he doesn't.

Last month, he actually had some wheezing and got prescribed Ventolin, which freaked me out even more, but that seemed to go away, so we're clear for now.

Did your son go hypo? We tried it once, but she's too young for any receptors to work so, after two lots we found oral steroids worked. My partner had chronic asthma as a child and we've been admitted to hospital a few times with bronchiolitis, once very bad in ICU. Apparently 60% of kids who have it end up with some form of asthma


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't realize it was such a common thing. I guess I better stop mimicking him when he does it.

It's pretty harmless and is quite funny, they think it's great that they can mimmick something so easily. I think for us it maybe lasted a couple of months, there's too much exciting stuff happening in the world to fake cough all the time!

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
Did your son go hypo? We tried it once, but she's too young for any receptors to work so, after two lots we found oral steroids worked. My partner had chronic asthma as a child and we've been admitted to hospital a few times with bronchiolitis, once very bad in ICU. Apparently 60% of kids who have it end up with some form of asthma
No, luckily. The doctor thinks it was just a virus, as those can sometimes cause wheezing. If it's persistent, it could be asthma, but so far it doesn't seem like it is.


Oct 25, 2017
It's also worth noting if it's just at school or a problem at home too
You'll need to describe the problem a bit.

In general, if its an issue at school that's where it should be discussed. If your child misbehaves at preschool at 9 am and you pick him up at 4 pm he has no connection between punishment and said incident.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Baby 2 arrived last Saturday. Came home Monday night.

Pray for Skiptastic. I may never sleep right again (in 2017).

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh. My 6 week old is running us ragged with his sleep pattern. Even though we've tried to establish a routine, every night he wakes up at the slightest sound or movement. If his pacifier falls out of his mouth, he cries until one of us puts it back in. Then there's the 3 times a night where he wakes up screaming bloody murder for a diaper change and feeding. Anyone have any advice for trying to get your kid sleeping longer at night? I'm so sleep deprived when I wake up for him that I'm afraid I'm going to drop him.


Oct 25, 2017
If anyone has any questions about raising an autistic child let me know, I'm certainly not a master but I've made enough mistakes to tell you what not to do lol.