
Oct 29, 2017
...those angry white nerds have always bought black panther tho. Those straight white gatekeepers made the character, lol

Those white nerds are taking the movie to 200 mil. I don't know why we're pushing the "everyone was against black panther" narrative when the audience and the writers have been behind the character for decades, which is why he's getting a massive moneymaking marvel movie in the first place.
"Did I say 'everyone'"? Did I even say all white people or not? We're talking about it because we're literally in a topic where people are falsely claiming black people are beating up their white girlfriends for entering the theater. Literally earlier this year we had to deal with the No-Women Cut of Last Jedi and complaints of SJW invasion back when the cast for the Force Awakens was first announced. And the industries, both comics and film, are both taken to task frequently for being historically restrictive to minorities including people of color in creative roles in the first place leading to situations where black people have to rely on white people to tell black stories/let black stories be told. Let's not kid ourselves here.
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Dec 18, 2017
Because I don't understand why anyone would fucking try to sabotage Black Panther. That's all.

Because some racist people appear to feel threatened by the existence of a tentpole flick that doesn't directly cater to them.

This isn't that complicated. I mean, I expect I won't even like the film because lol MCU, but at least I get why others might be excited for, or afraid of, it.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry but I don't get why anyone would have extreme love or hate for Black Panther.

I'm going to probably see it in a week or two (I rarely go to a opening weekend) and I'll say "That was cool." and then life will go on.

I'm not being a hater, I'm just totally confused as to why anyone would be flipping out over a Blockbuster movie.
Black people historically have not had a lot of positive representation in mainstream media. Black Panther is an intensely positive representation of black people, both the hero himself and the film in general. After centuries of systemic oppression, it's nice to see a big, inescapable, positive representation of black people in the media.

There I explained it for you.


Oct 26, 2017
Woman claimed a black man held her at knife point after seeing her Mccain bumper sticker, carved a B into her face, and told her "You're going to be a Barack supporter." Got revealed it was all a lie and she got sentenced to a little bit of jail time and psychiatric examination...

Pretty sure Twitter does that on its own when you put in the Black Panther hashtag.

The best part was she carved that B herself in the mirror, hat is why it's reversed lol
Oh shit why LMAO


Oct 25, 2017
The reason they are doing this, besides to be racist and make people hate us more, is to convince white people to not go see it in theaters.

It won't work.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, I'm white as fuck and I'm baffled at people that don't understand this.
Just ask you how many movies, especially superheroes, as a white kid, we had that was about us and our culture. And then ask you what black kids had? How many full black cast movies are about them being the heroes, about empowering their race and culture, instead of being about slavery or racism or being featured as thugs?

I just don't get it, it's not rocket science...


Oct 25, 2017
Because Black Panther is now a pillar of nerd culture, a group notoriously full of angry, bigoted gatekeeping straight white men who view everything as an intrusion on their reality. Compton was a biopic like The Post or Theory of Everything. Black Panther is literally now one of the most popular movies of one of mainstream media's world-spanning, money-raking franchises.

A popular black superhero, although fictional, is a real threat to white supremacy. I love it. I mean it's sad. But kinda sweet.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
Weekend Box Office: 'Black Panther' Leaps to Huge $25.2M in Thursday Previews

Keep on trying, you dumb fucks, it sure is going well so far..
The reason they are doing this, besides to be racist and make people hate us more, is to convince white people to not go see it in theaters.

It won't work.

I dont think white people could be convinced to not go see the movie at this point, there's too much hype. Too many people want it to succeed.


Oct 25, 2017
Black people historically have not had a lot of positive representation in mainstream media. Black Panther is an intensely positive representation of black people, both the hero himself and the film in general. After centuries of systemic oppression, it's nice to see a big, inescapable, positive representation of black people in the media.

There I explained it for you.
Not to mention it makes for a compelling villain who has legitimate (and highly relevant) reasons for being where he's at.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
Let me explain:

The people feigning ignorance aren't interested in being educated. Their intention isn't to learn and clear up their supposed confusion about an obvious subject. It's to downplay and deflect.

Exactly. There's no innocent misunderstandings, you either understand the appeal of Black Panther or you have an agenda.


Oct 26, 2017
Let me explain:

The people feigning ignorance aren't interested in being educated. Their intention isn't to learn and clear up their supposed confusion about an obvious subject. It's to downplay and deflect.

Yeah I know most people is about this. I had the tiny hope that a few will have some self-reflection and understand the reasont... but I guess I'm simply naive.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
These people are so damn desperate to discredit this movie. It's almost unbelievable. Real life super villains.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA


Jan 25, 2018
why should we spend energy on this instead of going to watch the movie and enjoying it?

This people should not be ostraziced publicly. This people need to get ignored. They do this to garner attention because their real lives are so pathetic that they need to grasp anything they can to garner attention and feel "accounted for".

tl;dr: this people need psychological/psychiatric help.


Oct 29, 2017
why should we spend energy on this instead of going to watch the movie and enjoying it?

This people should not be ostraziced publicly. This people need to get ignored. They do this to garner attention because their real lives are so pathetic that they need to grasp anything they can to garner attention and feel "accounted for".

tl;dr: this people need psychological/psychiatric help.
Why do you believe anyone is spending energy on this instead of watching BP? It's not a film, it's a news article that takes a minute to read; it can literally be read while your waiting for the theater lights to dim. And like has already been mentioned is a public service announcement. If this article didn't exist, think of how simple it would be for a less than reputable news source to claim one of these incidents is true and have it parroted on Fox News that black people are beating up whites at BP screenings and thus do what shit like this is supposed to do and incite violence.
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Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
This thread being opened on the same day that Russians were indicted for doing exactly this type of thing is funny.
Oct 27, 2017
Man fuck these people. Can't we just all live. Respect eachother. Don't give a shit about any differences between any of us. Accept anyone regardless of anything. Give love and peace.

These racist trolls need love. They just need to get hugged and get some love, because they never got some in their life. These people want more hate everywhere and let their hate out. Nobody should feed the mass with more hate. Fortunately some good guys on Twitter also try to show that these are fake, but still there are too many idiots believing all that shit. :(

"But you're not respecting our difference of not respecting other people's differences! Hypocrite!"

So, you know, fuck em.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
why should we spend energy on this instead of going to watch the movie and enjoying it?

This people should not be ostraziced publicly. This people need to get ignored. They do this to garner attention because their real lives are so pathetic that they need to grasp anything they can to garner attention and feel "accounted for".

tl;dr: this people need psychological/psychiatric help.

They're attempting to deepen racial rifts. And people are stupid enough to not see that.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
why should we spend energy on this instead of going to watch the movie and enjoying it?

This people should not be ostraziced publicly. This people need to get ignored. They do this to garner attention because their real lives are so pathetic that they need to grasp anything they can to garner attention and feel "accounted for".

tl;dr: this people need psychological/psychiatric help.

It's not at all accurate to claim they're doing this to get attention for themselves. They don't care about attention. They're trying to incite anger and possibly more against black people. They're fanning the flames of racial divides.

And they absolutely do not need any psychological help. They're not mentally ill, they're just racist fucking losers.


Oct 25, 2017
It's sometimes just simply too hard for me to believe that there are people this awful in the world. Astoundingly disgusting.
Dec 9, 2017
Fuck the people behind these accounts and fuck Buzzfeed for running this bullshit story. Stop giving these shitheads shine. Shitheads throw out bait and these huge outlets go, " look at this bait!" Foh.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
The salt is real.

People of color and women can't have one thing to call their own before the hateful asshats throw a tantrum and "whatsboutisms" start flying around everywhere.

Just give us this fucking movie and let us enjoy it in peace. Is that really asking too much? I guess it is.

Disappointing, but not surprising.


Oct 29, 2017
Fuck the people behind these accounts and fuck Buzzfeed for running this bullshit story. Stop giving these shitheads shine. Shitheads throw out bait and these huge outlets go, " look at this bait!" Foh.
Posting what I said above:
And like has already been mentioned is a public service announcement. If this article didn't exist, think of how simple it would be for a less than reputable news source to claim one of these incidents is true and have it parroted on Fox News that black people are beating up whites at BP screenings and thus do what shit like this is supposed to do and incite violence.


Oct 25, 2017
To every white person in here calling out these hateful no-life fuckboys for what they are, good on you.

It's going to be so satisfying seeing the BP sales. Seeing little kids of all colors wearing BP shirts and wanting to be T'Challa. All that alt-right salt. So satisfying.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Fuck the people behind these accounts and fuck Buzzfeed for running this bullshit story. Stop giving these shitheads shine. Shitheads throw out bait and these huge outlets go, " look at this bait!" Foh.

How is it a bullshit story? Especially today when people fall for fucking anything it's good to expose this kind of stuff. It doesn't give the accounts "shine" because they're now suspended and it's not done to bait sites to get attention so people can stop claiming that.