Oct 27, 2017
There's been considerable pushback in recent years to fiction using the Holocaust for cheap imagery and signifiers, so the "other media does it" defense doesn't mean much.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm very confused by this statement. OP could you perhaps elaborate your points a bit more?

When Eren and the "Jews" arrive in "Germany" - it is because Germany has been invading, killing, and destroying the Jews for years. Yes, there's a history before that, one that predates our protagonist, but in our eyes we only saw the killing. We saw the German's invade the branches of our protagonist, we saw them causing many deaths, and killing the families of the main characters. There is a reason for committing these war crimes - survival. And some of the other protagonist question Eren's actions, telling him he's going so far. But he's been the victim his whole life, so I'm not surprised by his actions.

With that said, the arc is still going and there's more to the plot than this, so we'll have to see what happens.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think the problem is that the Jews in this story are "bad" - they're our protagonists, they aren't framed as evil. The issue is that this backstory is something the author imported from history to add some "grey area" to his world - the Jews in this have a monstrous power and some use it for tremendously violent and reprehensible acts.

The author's writing about the tragic cycle of war between two powers and golly isn't it all so grey? When that trite point is totally inappropriate given that in the history the author is drawing from, the Jewish people were powerless and brutalized for no justifiable reason whatsoever. The real world history of the holocaust is NOT one about the cycle of war and the atrocities committed by all actors in a conflict, but AoT reframed it as such.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The "Jewish Caricature" is just how he draws a lot of people even at the beginning of the series there was people with big noses, small noses, etc. The faces have a variety of features.

What exactly is wrong with an analogy to the Holocaust if it's appropriately used?
IMO noting as long as it teaches and explain clear why its fucked up and should never happen again. But this is Japan, where they still denied their past war crimes. So I can't really see an analogy of the holocaust being appropriately used.

And Japan does have some kinda of weird love for Nazi Germany. Well other parts of Asia does the same as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, that's insane. Also, INB4 "that's just the artist's style to make them look non-asian".
The parallels are clearly intentional but what the OP is claiming is false. "The jews" in this story are oppressed and experimented on, they are used as biologocal weapons against their will by "the germans" who are more than willing to kill them all.

This isn't an anti semitic story, the stories heroes are "jews" and we see them fighting for their lifes, they are obviously portrayed as sympathetic.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Especially when your coded Jewish main character's first action in months and months is to go and do a terror attack that kills children instead of against a better military target.
The whole point of the attack for the Eldians was to draw out and consume the warhammer titan. The point of the ceremony for the Marleyans was to use the warhammer as bait to lure out the Eldians.

The children and civilians were casualties caught up in a much bigger conflict. The Marleyans knew there would be carnage there when they brought people to watch, so I'm not sure how you're making the point of the attack from the Eldians side as a "terror attack to murder children."

But it's not like I'd expect you to appreciate the subtlety with accusations like this.


Oct 25, 2017
It's astounding that the OP even came to a reading where they thought they were supposed to have sympathy for the in-universe Nazis who, you know, fed little girls to dogs, use human slavery, and human experimentation.
I don't know how anyone can view Marley in a positive light, based on what we've seen so far.
Oct 26, 2017
The parallels are clearly intentional but what the OP is claiming is false. "The jews" in this story are oppressed and experimented on, they are used as biologocal weapons against their will by "the germans" who are more than willing to kill them all.

This isn't an anti semitic story, the stories heroes are "jews" and we see them fighting for their lifes, they are obviously portrayed as sympathetic.

Is Bright a non-racist movie.
Oct 25, 2017
Look if you want to talk about Japanese brushing away or ignoring their own fucked up WW2 era war crimes and can find quotes of Isayama doing so then we can have that conversation, but thats not the parallel the OP is trying to make.

Aaron Stack

Nov 13, 2017
I don't know what fucked up interpretation you've read but that is not supported by the text of the manga or the anime (if they've even appeared there).
Marley wants the power of the titans to expand its war to the rest of the world and is ready to send children to their death just to eradicate a nation of people JUST to get more weapons.
I mean where the hell are they supposed to be good?

"The only reason Eldians haven't been exterminated is because Marley is willing to take them in and put them inside camps."

We literally went through multiple chapters where the tybur family explained why they did what they did and why it was good.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Literally the only saving throw here is that the Marleyians are just making shit up vis a vis the history of the world. If it turns out that they really are just doing unto the Eldians as they did unto them, that's fuckin' that, frankly.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering the authors supposed nationalist views on imperial japan i've always been inclined to believe the eldians aren't really an analogue for jews but the japanese ppl after ww2. Japanese nationalists believe that japan should have the right to strengthen their military and expands its territory but the aren't allowed to because of the constitution forced on them (The wall) and the enemy is the rest of the world and Marlyeans (USA and everyone else)
That's my reading too, as someone who hasn't read past the basement.


Oct 25, 2017
I did say "casual" antisemitism than hardcore antisemitism or Nazi propaganda.

The comparison to Bright is very good.

1. EXTREMELY close coding for no reason whatsoever (like sports jerseys for the orcs or armbands for the main characters of AoT)
2. Message of racism is bad, but there was a (bad) reason for why the people discriminated against were discriminated against.

It's really annoying, bigotry isn't rational or caused by rational things. Jews were hated because of butthurt Christian leaders and general tribe mentalities. The main characters in AoT can transform into giant zombies. Quit using Holocaust imagery to help your story unless you're actually examining antisemitism instead of a bullshit "analogy."

Especially when your coded Jewish main character's first action in months and months is to go and do a terror attack that kills children instead of against a better military target.

The manga doesn't make the statement that bigotry is rooted in rationality. There are other themes that the Eldian's possibly bloody past tie into, but that "racism is rational" isn't one of them. Look at Reiner's interaction with his family members. He has to deal with cariacatures of the Eldians on Paradis Island, seeing them be demonized, described as devils, etc., etc., while having a very different truth in his mind. Look at Eren's grandfather, who felt obligated to spread racist gibberish for the sake of survival.

I can understand your specific take, to an extent, but I don't feel that the thrust of the story at all adds up to a message that bigotry is caused by rational things.


Nov 3, 2017
I don't think the problem is that the Jews in this story are "bad" - they're our protagonists, they aren't framed as evil. The issue is that this backstory is something the author imported from history to add some "grey area" to his world - the Jews in this have a monstrous power and some use it for tremendously violent and reprehensible acts.

The author's writing about the tragic cycle of war between two powers and golly isn't it all so grey? When that trite point is totally inappropriate given that in the history the author is drawing from, the Jewish people were powerless and brutalized for no justifiable reason whatsoever. The real world history of the holocaust is NOT one about the cycle of war and the atrocities committed by all actors in a conflict, but AoT reframed it as such.
From what we've seen the only ones who know how to use titan powers from the getgo are the bad guys and the King.
We're shown that if you're not part of the King's bloodline you can't even properly use your power and up to season 2 all titan shifters were bad guys except for the protagonist (who is shown to clearly have issues btw).
There's no such a thing as both sides in this story, it's just dickheads trying to get more weapons to enslave the world and other people who were living in peace and who even made an oath to never fight back even on the face of annihilation.
I mean if there's a both side argument it's not from the text.


Oct 26, 2017
It seems like either OP has no idea what he's talking about skipping arcs and just reading the last few chapters or is purposely doing this for attention. One of his two premises that the jews of this story as he calls for example are attacking back for no reason is laughably ignorant, and I have no idea how anyone can have this thought process whose been reading the story. Some basic spoilers for the jews of the story:
- stuck on an island
- part of them that aren't stuck in the island are treated like the trash section of society elsewhere. Low class citizen. Like slaves in a lot of ways. In a flashback, they're not even allowed to go to the area of the normal human beings who don't have the disgusting bloodline. Again, what is OP reading?
- sometimes these low class citizens ^ not stuck on the island are pumped with shit that turns them into titans (taller naked brainless people) and thrown into the island
- these monsters then spend time running around an island where they can't die unless cut at the back of the neck, can survive without eating, and only eat the jews that live in the island.
- Basically a never ending horror movie for these for the longest time, and noone knew until recently why it happened

They've found out a lot of this stuff out, and the main character just did some horrific shit to the people who had been doing this to the jews of the story. But the idea that these actions are for no reason is laughable since 1. it's for survival 2. we don't know a lot of the story, motivations, etc on his actions/plans 3. the main character is a completely different character and part of the reason is due to some major spoilers that happened in the past few arcs, possibly negative (or positive depending who you ask) side affects due to the Titans inside of him.

On top of this, the story always has gray areas in storytelling, no one is just good or bad. The author has always kept the story gray in terms of morals, actions and what happens even to good people, like life it's not simple. The second main character who saw some of the main character's actions was literally crying in the last chapter saying his actions are irredeemable. However, it's very clear the Nazi guys are horrible pieces of shit, especially the people at the top. What they have done to the jews of the story is fucked up shit and they were just planning to wipe them all out by calling help from other societies. But again, #noreason to attack them lol.. This is the first time that I've seen anyone see the Nazi guys of the story be seen as anything but the clear bad guys.

The funniest part is people literally trusting a half assed explanation like OP's and going "Yeah I'm not watching or reading this anymore". 1 POV from one user online that you don't know, and that's all it takes for someone to have an informed opinion about a subject. I can see his POV on point 1, point 2 on the other hand makes no sense.

Good post.

OP has misread some themes and gone off on a tangent.

People shouldn't be jumping to dogpile the author/series without any context or knowledge of the current arc. Heck, even people following the series don't have a clear idea of the finer themes/motives going on right now.

It's a riveting series at the moment, the best I'm following regularly. Don't let this OP put you off.


Oct 25, 2017
Using the holocaust as a stepping off point for your manga.

The armbands.

The jewish caricature, and other racist imagery shown in this thread.
The characters in this picture, aside from 2 and 4, are all from the "jewish" race, and most of the main cast.

The manga has mostly european people, and nearly all of them from that race. Aside from the girl with glasses, *none* of them have unusually big noses. Nor do most people in the book.
What caricatures? What racist imagery?

At least wrt racist imagery, terra formars this is not.


Oct 25, 2017
I am fairly up to date on the manga and while the OP is correct in the imagery (WW2) being used, I don't see how his interpretation of events matches what's actually happening.

The Marleysians (Nazis) are clearly the bad guys, Eldians (Jewish/ incl our heroes) the good guys whose population have been brainwashed into submission - with the complicity of their own leaders to avoid being exterminated), and even in the latest chapter, Eren gives the Marleysian king a chance to cool things down and make peace with the race of people they have beaten and who self exiled, but instead of that he declares War until extinction on Eldians, which is the signal for Eren's brutal attack (which they did to them at the beginning of AoT) in the hope of stopping the war before it begins.

Beyond that, the manga deals with the cycle of hatred, indoctrination of entire generations to hate Others and the importance of a preserved history and FACTS to avoid continually repeating the horrors of the past.
I do see where the Jewish armband and ghetto imagery could upset some people, but I do not see anti semitism here, more like a fascination for a certain time/ setting (and many Japanese do seem to have a strange fascination for WW2) to tell a very different story.

Aaron Stack

Nov 13, 2017
I DO find it interesting how we have another topic where instead of trying to come to understand why a person might be offended by this manga (I'm not, but I can easily understand why), people tell the person that what they feel isn't real.

How hard is it to just say "I understand why you believe that, but here's why I think it isn't that."


Oct 27, 2017
Louisville, KY
The flashbacks had a both sides argument? How?
I just felt like they were giving them a reason to hate them.
They were always still the good guys but doesn't the Father in the flashback become more extreme/terrorist and rally the others and basically uncaringly send his son to work with the bad guys(as a spy) even though he didn't want to go which is what caused the his betrayal because his dad didn't care about him? Then he goes on to be bad. It's been a while. When it ended, It felt like there was the group that are the heroes, the King across the sea who is bad and also a group of the oppressed Jewish people who are not the good guys.
It never got to the point where I thought they were making the oppressed the bad guys though. I'm of course willing to say, I may be wrong. It was just a minor raised eyebrow and not the reason I stopped reading.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Especially when your coded Jewish main character's first action in months and months is to go and do a terror attack that kills children instead of against a better military target.

...The children were alongside lots of key war targets. Including what appeared to bet he de-facto leader of the Nazi equiv and as far as they knew, had one of the titan powers. As well as various leaders of different army sections including at least the marines and army, all other 4 warriors in the possession of the Marleyans, and numerous soldiers. This was all stated well in advance of the attack by at least a chapter.

I don't know what you're imagining a better military target to look like.


Nov 3, 2017
"The only reason Eldians haven't been exterminated is because Marley is willing to take them in and put them inside camps."

We literally went through multiple chapters where the tybur family explained why they did what they did and why it was good.
What? No we didn't see that.
We saw the rationalization of the people who were doing the experimentation.
Oct 25, 2017
Literally the only saving throw here is that the Marleyians are just making shit up vis a vis the history of the world. If it turns out that they really are just doing unto the Eldians as they did unto them, that's fuckin' that, frankly.

Thats history from 1,800 years ago, if you choose to believe its all as crystal clear as written. Marleyans are the colonialists now. They occupy large swathes of the world we don't see. They're essentially the British Empire in size with the German Empire in ideals.


Oct 25, 2017
Tampa, FL
I DO find it interesting how we have another topic where instead of trying to come to understand why a person might be offended by this manga (I'm not, but I can easily understand why), people tell the person that what they feel isn't real.

How hard is it to just say "I understand why you believe that, but here's why I think it isn't that."

because mah precious anime


Oct 25, 2017
I DO find it interesting how we have another topic where instead of trying to come to understand why a person might be offended by this manga (I'm not, but I can easily understand why), people tell the person that what they feel isn't real.

How hard is it to just say "I understand why you believe that, but here's why I think it isn't that."

Hey, I literally said that! :P


Jan 24, 2018
I think it's intellectually lazy.

I'm probably exaggerating but I see way too much anime based on WW2 on the European theater. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but why don't they use examples from the second Sino Japanese war instead.

Well, Japan has a history of trouble in acknowledging some of their actions in WWII as a whole, but so do most countries, can you really be surprised they'd rather not address that type of stuff? Easier to channel it through a foreign lenses but Japan isn't alone in doing that with their media.

It'd be cool to see more stuff on things inspired by events of 2nd Sino Japanese war etc. however. For all we know those might already exist but are hard to find.

I did say "casual" antisemitism than hardcore antisemitism or Nazi propaganda.

The comparison to Bright is very good.

1. EXTREMELY close coding for no reason whatsoever (like sports jerseys for the orcs or armbands for the main characters of AoT)
2. Message of racism is bad, but there was a (bad) reason for why the people discriminated against were discriminated against.

It's really annoying, bigotry isn't rational or caused by rational things. Jews were hated because of butthurt Christian leaders and general tribe mentalities. The main characters in AoT can transform into giant zombies. Quit using Holocaust imagery to help your story unless you're actually examining antisemitism instead of a bullshit "analogy."

Especially when your coded Jewish main character's first action in months and months is to go and do a terror attack that kills children instead of against a better military target.

It sounds like several members have already addressed both of these points in the thread and you might've skipped over them :S


Oct 25, 2017
My only beef with the current arc is that the main characters are currently slaughtering many of their own people, who are also oppressed heavily by the Marleyans. I hope theres a good story reason for why Eren and co decided to head down this road.

That said, I wish the story didn't go this route. I wish it was still a post-apocalyptic story like many assumed years ago. I think the current direction makes the story more unique but I think it loses some of the wonder of being alone in this vast, dangerous world.

Deleted member 11985

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
First Recovery of an MMO Junkie and now this? I swear, if Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles ends up being anti-semitic somehow, then I'm done with anime.
Oct 25, 2017
My only beef with the current arc is that the main characters are currently slaughtering many of their own people, who are also oppressed heavily by the Marleyans. I hope theres a good story reason for why Eren and co decided to head down this road.

That said, I wish the story didn't go this route. I wish it was still a post-apocalyptic story like many assumed years ago. I think the current direction makes the story more unique but I think it loses some of the wonder of being alone in this vast, dangerous world.

This is all just getting started and it seems like even Mikasa doesn't agree with Eren's attack.


Oct 25, 2017
"The only reason Eldians haven't been exterminated is because Marley is willing to take them in and put them inside camps."

We literally went through multiple chapters where the tybur family explained why they did what they did and why it was good.
we also went through multiple chapters of Marley waging war on other nations by using titan powers, and remarking how the age of titans was coming to an end, so they had to capture more titan powers ASAP to take over the world because they were in no condition to develop their regular weapon tech fast enough to counter the advanced weaponry of other nations.

Aaron Stack

Nov 13, 2017
What? No we didn't see that.
We saw the rationalization of the people who were doing the experimentation.

So you missed the flashback with the terrorist eldians, the tybur family explaining why they betrayed the king, sacrificed the eldians into oppression, and worked with the exiled king to create a false narrative. Or how it was justifiable to attack paradis because they access to what is essentially a world ender.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
Re-writing history is a major theme in the manga, there's nothing to believe that the Marley government is telling the truth and everything points to them being a bunch of lying pieces of shit. This isn't really presented as grey in the manga.
That explanation of history is being peddled by the bad guys in order to suppress the Eldians.

I realize this.

Just thought I would point out that post wasn't adressing the op's problems, which seems to be the current narrative history of the eldians being the nazis first.

Disinformation is a main and consistent aspect of the story, so I guess we'll see where the rabbit hole goes.


Oct 27, 2017
From what we've seen the only ones who know how to use titan powers from the getgo are the bad guys and the King.
We're shown that if you're not part of the King's bloodline you can't even properly use your power and up to season 2 all titan shifters were bad guys except for the protagonist (who is shown to clearly have issues btw).
There's no such a thing as both sides in this story, it's just dickheads trying to get more weapons to enslave the world and other people who were living in peace and who even made an oath to never fight back even on the face of annihilation.
I mean if there's a both side argument it's not from the text.
I suppose we'll have to wait and see if the Eldian backstory of their nine titans ruling the world is true or instead a fabrication by AoT-Germany. If there's any historical precedent to why they'd be victimized it's a pretty inappropriate import of history.

And either way it's pretty tasteless to use the real-life imagery and context of the slaughter of millions of people to add some colour to a giant battle shonen.


Oct 26, 2017
I DO find it interesting how we have another topic where instead of trying to come to understand why a person might be offended by this manga (I'm not, but I can easily understand why), people tell the person that what they feel isn't real.

How hard is it to just say "I understand why you believe that, but here's why I think it isn't that."

1) Many people in the thread did exactly that
2) People don't want bullshit spread about a series they and many others like

It's okay to be wrong, but OP also ignores every other post that told him that he misread everything


Oct 31, 2017
"The only reason Eldians haven't been exterminated is because Marley is willing to take them in and put them inside camps."

We literally went through multiple chapters where the tybur family explained why they did what they did and why it was good.
Since when were the Taybars the good guys? They're portrayed in story throughly as pieces of shit that sold out other Eldians for their own gains. There was no threat of an attack by the island and the head of taybar litterally tried to start an ethnic cleasing that would lead to another world war.


Jan 24, 2018
You know One Piece is anti-capitalism right?

Good. Particularly if it's anti-hyper capitalism. You know, the one where mega-conglomerates can influence countries to artificially fix their own currency rates to suppress pay for workers there for materials that go into cheap products we enjoy everyday. Hell I might read One Piece for a change if that's the case!


Oct 26, 2017
because mah precious anime
You've not once attempted to engage people in this thread telling you the OP's reading of the manga is way off base. Nor have you read the series.

So stop with this bs.

People have said they understand where the OP's reading is coming from, they've also told him he's wrong about the things causing him outrage. The OP has also not engaged with anyone and is just spewing stuff with very little of a base.


Oct 31, 2017
I DO find it interesting how we have another topic where instead of trying to come to understand why a person might be offended by this manga (I'm not, but I can easily understand why), people tell the person that what they feel isn't real.

How hard is it to just say "I understand why you believe that, but here's why I think it isn't that."
The problem is OP is flat out making things up and changing the entire narrative on how someone who doesn't read the manga can perceive its messages. That's why I said point 1, I can at least see his point. Point 2 is just writing a bunch of crazy nonsense to fit his narrative. When you make things up that are factually incorrect, you're bound to not have sympathy or want someone to understand your POV.

My only beef with the current arc is that the main characters are currently slaughtering many of their own people, who are also oppressed heavily by the Marleyans. I hope theres a good story reason for why Eren and co decided to head down this road.

That said, I wish the story didn't go this route. I wish it was still a post-apocalyptic story like many assumed years ago. I think the current direction makes the story more unique but I think it loses some of the wonder of being alone in this vast, dangerous world.
Noone even on Eren's side seems know WTF he's doing and why he's going to such extreme measures. Even Mikasa is shook. There's way too much to unpack that hasn't been revealed yet.
Oct 26, 2017
It's fun to cast dispersions on entire forms of media and their consumers rather than debate the topic at hand.

I asked you earlier, what about this portrayal offends you?

I don't want Holocaust imagery to be used for a story where the people in the ghettos can transform into giant zombies.

Especially when there's so fucking much Jews in Nazi Germany imagery.

Cut it out.
Oct 26, 2017
Actually The Jews were at war with the Germans in this reality until the King decided to sue for peace and moved most of his people to the Island so they wont have to suffer in war anymore and told everyone don't come here or we will fuck you up. The germans were but hurt and started raping and experimenting on the Jews in there territory and Falsifiable history so that they looked like the good guys while also doing horrific things to the jews and trying to destroy the last home of the Jews in this setting.

All the protagonist are jews and lived life not knowing why monsters were outside the wall. Now they know the monsters outside the wall are Poor Jews that were horrifically experimented on by the germans for their extermination. So now they are pissed and want a Reckoning against the German Empire who are super Imperialists.

I don't understand how people are not getting this man.
I was so confused until I read this post. I stopped watching the show half-way through the first season. Maybe someone could add this to the OP?

Deleted member 643

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You've not once attempted to engage people in this thread telling you the OP's reading of the manga is way off base. Nor have you read the series.

So stop with this bs.

People have said they understand where the OP's reading is coming from, they've also told him he's wrong about the things causing him outrage. The OP has also not engaged with anyone and is just spewing stuff with very little of a base.
That user isn't planning to engage in good-faith discussion, just report them and move on.