
Oct 25, 2017
So, anytime music, specifically hip-hop comes to be talked about on here, you have people calling it not real music, shitting on it, saying that rock music is real music, yada yada yada bullshit

Yet, you have artists in totally different genres working with or commending rap music and hip-hop constantly

Like here, you have Cobain saying this

"I think rap music is the only vital form of music that has been introduced to music in a long time since punk rock. I would never do rap music. No. There's just no sense in it. The people who do rap music do it just fine. I'm usually offended by people like Vanilla Ice and stuff like that. The white man ripped off the black man long enough. They should leave rap music to the African-Americans because they do it so well and it is so vital to them."

Elton John said this
We spoke in 2006 and you told me you wanted to incorporate hip-hop into your music. Are you still thinking about that?
I'd love to. I just don't know how to do it. I do love electronica. So, for me, I'd have to work with someone who knows about it, like a Pharrell or a Kanye, who I respect tremendously. I'd love to do that. It's just a matter of when and where and, should I do it, the mood that I'm in. You can never tell. It's happenstance and luck, basically.

Paul McCartney has worked with Kanye and so on and so forth, so....why do people act as if Rap/Hip-Hop does not have merit or credence musically?

The answer is racism, plain and simple. Probably not overt on...some people's ends, but still.
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Oct 27, 2017
The only music I really hate is country but it's still music. If people are trying to discredit something as not a "real" form of music they are fucked up.

Any form of art comes in tons of different shapes.


Oct 25, 2017
It's funny because every modern genre is influenced by hip hop these days.
You had rock bands talking about how they were influenced by j dilla!
That and alot of jazz these days is heavily influenced by hip hop.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
music snobs are the fucking worst

also the closest thing to a definition of music that you're going to get is sound set to a rhythm but even then there are exceptions so if anybody wants to turn their nose up at electronic music or rap because "lol no instruments" just laugh at them because their snobbery has overtaken them

Deleted member 24118

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Oct 29, 2017
It's a strange argument because we all know that only industrial and industrial-esque genres are real music.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen older people say this but I can't say I have ever seen this sentiment on this forum at all.


Oct 27, 2017
People who consider themselves music enthusiasts or "experts" have a hard time with hip-hop and rap because it doesn't fit their context of what constitutes "good music". They see other genres and assume rock, jazz, blues, etc take more "skill" or "musicianship" to compose. The reality is not true. Every genre of music has fakes and flunkies cashing in. Hip Hop and Rap is the dominant pop culture music in the world right now, so its more in their face, and they still can't handle it.

I really have noticed that people don't like that hip-hop and rap is the music of popular culture now, and it's odd to me people feel so strongly about it.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
Country is legitimately barely music. It's just caucasian complaining over guitar twang and harmonicas.


Feb 25, 2018
Pretty much still gets hit with the 'its all just guns, drugs, and women' stereotype and that it takes no talent or skill to create hip-hop.

Just people being cynical about modern music and also just looking at one song from one genre and then judging an entire culture based on that.

And yeah anytime somebody says 'modern music is bad and takes no skill' or 'rock music is the only real music' or 'i wish I was in the 60's when music was good' my eyes just roll so far into the back of my head from the cringe.

'Do you listen to music or do you just skim through it'


Oct 25, 2017
I can appreciate some of the lyrics, but musically i've never been a big fan of it! There's some exceptions of course, but definitely not my style

i liked IAM in my teenage years, a french rap group, with some good lyrics :

English lyrics

Little brother
Little brother has only one wish, grow up
That's why he persists to become wild from 10 years old
Become an adult, with the TV news as a guide
And slug the disagreers (1)

In the past, when big brother was a kid
It was sheer madness with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Now the dwarves have kicked Snow White out and hit
And beat up guys like in Mortal Kombat

At 13 he already loves money, greedy
But his pockets are empty so he acts like a big boss
in the dancing parties, that have now become celebrations, no more syrup
Little brother wants beers

I don't think it was intentional, but adults - that's for sure -
Indirectly showed that harming was a good thing
Tomorrow his exercice books will be full of deletions
Little brother smokes spliffs and break cars

Little brother doesn't go to playgrounds anymore
He still toddles yet wants seven league boot
Little brother wants grow up too fast
But he's forgotten that vain is running, little brother

Little brother dreams about big cars, clothes and dough
About a reputation of bad boy, for all of those, he'd steal the moon
He commits fellony after fellony without caring
About the harm he's done, while asking for respect

He doesn't care much about what tomorrow will bring
About giving certain people reasons to despise him
In his head the cathode ray tube
Smothered the vibrations of the African drums

No more school bag, he wouldn't know what to do with it
He doesn't play marbles anymore, he wanna play guns (2)
Little brother threw his toy soldiers away to become a warrior
and think about the loot he'll amass


Journalists make fashions, school violence already existed
When I was young there were rackets, punch-ups and damages
The teachers' windshields were also broken with baseball bats
They were getting muddled with cutters

But speaking about it in the newsbroadcast becomes usual
It prints in the retina like a normal situation
And if little brother wants to make the news
He only has to imitate what he saw before 8:30 pm

Damn, in the 80's it was a fact but now
Those journalists made the normality out of it
And I don't think that little brother is worse than before
Only overexposed to publicity and violence

For the older, the kids are the best lemon
The number one target for market products
And to be sure that he obtains it
Little brother secures himself with a gun at the belt

They know who you are when they see what you possess
Little brother knows it, and keeps that fact in mind
Money would open a gate to heaven for him
As easily as his screwdriver opens car doors

Grandstanding is all he desires
It looks better, when you wear a Giorgio Armani
Worried about how people see him
In spite of his young age, little brother smokes to appear older

He would take the fortune highway
and doesn't realize that he can lose his shirt
he's only out of his egg
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Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
You can dislike hip hop, but assuming you're in the western world and have an iota of pop culture knowledge, I don't know how uncultured/uneducated you'd have to be to refer to hip hop as "not real music" at this point in history.


Oct 25, 2017
Because it's black culture.

It's completely okay to not be into rap/hip-hop, but the people that incessantly shit on it any chance they get are the usual suspects.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen older people say this but I can't say I have ever seen this sentiment on this forum at all.

Yeah, me neither, although maybe it's because I tend to stay out of hip hop threads, but like so kinda question why you'd go into a hip hop thread in the first place if you held those opinions.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I don't personally get anything out of it (or most popular music) but I'm not going to sit back and judge an entire genre that I know virtually nothing about. People are entitled to their tastes.

Lord Brady

Oct 26, 2017
Forums this large are bound to have idiots on it. We had dumdums saying Radiohead were a one hit wonder.

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
If you're going to call people out, name names. This is some cowardly passive aggressive bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, modern music does get worse the older you get.

IE only good music came out in the 90s on down.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen older people say this but I can't say I have ever seen this sentiment on this forum at all.

I see it from many younger white people, usually men, that are self-proclaimed introverts. The kind that complain about anything popular, "dudebro", "maintstream", despising anything to do with partying or drinking, etc.

Purely anecdotal, of course.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
there's definitely a racial aspect to people hating on rap but music snobbery doesn't stop there, I'd see that kind of "not real music" talk a lot in regards to electronic music especially when edm shit went mainstream

there's a large group of people out there who think your shit is lesser if you're not playing an actual instrument. never mind the complexities of production and the hilarious irony that a lot of people use midi keyboards to do their shit. it's stupid as hell.


Oct 25, 2017
Rap and hip hop are great; I listen to both. But I don't agree with the part of Cobain's quote in that it's offensive if a white guy does it. There's plenty of bad music in every genre; that's not something dependent on race. I agree with the first sentence though and that they're both vital to African American culture.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
i used to say that rap wasnt real music when i was about 10 years old

because i was a moron

and also probably a racist by product of my upbringing and society and moronitude

luckily i stopped being ten years old


Oct 26, 2017
Even hip hop influences a technical death metal band, Archspire. Here's a quote from the vocalist Oliver Rae Aleron
"The influence for this comes from hip hop — acts that I've been interested in such as Tech N9ne and Busta Rhymes, R.A. The Rugged Man," Aleron says. "It's sort of applying this principal of phrasing and speed to death metal."

Deleted member 8644

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I haven't seen much of that reasoning on here and when I did it was mostly some people whose taste is stuck in the 70s or some shit. I think we may have more threads on hip hop than any other genre actually, but don't quote me on that.


Oct 25, 2017
I think there definitely is a crossover between those who don't believe hip hop to be "real music" and racists, but I don't think it's 100%. There are those who hate rap because it doesn't use real instruments like "real music." They believe that there's no technical skills involved.

My dad falls into this category. It's not just rap music, no. He also hates electronic music. One time Daft Punk was playing in the car and he got straight-up angry at it.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
music snobs are the fucking worst
This, but mainly just because their opinions are almost entirely defined by other people's perception of it. There's a reason that people with "good taste" in music get so rock hard over music that isn't mainstream and can't acknowledge the legitimate talent that goes into the creation of a song behind a run of the mill pop performer.

The way that people use their taste of music to define themselves as if they can wear it is fucking baffling.


Oct 25, 2017
Whew buddy, constantly

Don't even let me go into how GAF acted like Run The Jewels were some piece of shit rap group not worth a dime over on....Gaming Side
I hear you on this, I really do, but hip hop appreciation is the norm on ERA and GAF before it:

GAF 2016 AOTY - We Got it From Here.....Thank You 4 Your Service
GAF 2015 AOTY - To Pimp a Butterfly
GAF 2014 AOTY - Run the Jewels 2
GAF 2013 AOTY - Yeezus

Can't find 2012 (could only find the GAF-Hop specific thread) but it was probably GKMC if there was a vote.

There's plenty of ignorant *cough*racist*cough* comments about hip hop, for sure, but it gets a lot of love from this community.