
Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
It's weird white dudes feel the need to say the n word in any form, I've made a fair amount of hiphop music and have been listening for over 20 years and never once did I say it in a song or to anyone else's song. I don't get how anyone would think that's okay. I said some problematic shit in my music back in the day regarding women that I regret now but I never went to racist shit, you just don't do that.
It's weird white dudes feel the need to say the n word in any form, I've made a fair amount of hiphop music and have been listening for over 20 years and never once did I say it in a song or to anyone else's song. I don't get how anyone would think that's okay. I said some problematic shit in my music back in the day regarding women that I regret now but I never went to racist shit, you just don't do that.

If you've never wanted to sing along to popular music you're the weird one I'm sorry
Oct 27, 2017
hip/hop is the most diverse genre

you have artists like Ghostemane, Suicideboys, etc combining hardcore / industrial / metal with rap - and it sounds really cool

even in 2018, there are so many "listenable" lyrical artists out there, like Kendrick Lamar, j.cole, etc

rap/hip-hop is for everyone, and there is something sub-genre'd out there for everyone - just look at lil peep and all of those other "emo" "grunge" rappers on soundcloud, it's like alternative pop punk with trap drums


Oct 25, 2017
The idea of "taste freeze" I think is less likely to happen nowadays since the internet and every streaming service available has made music discovery easier than it's ever been.

Sure. I can only speak for myself but my taste never stopped in time. I still listen to Pearl Jam as if it was 1991 but also listen to a lot of stuff i would never listen 20 years ago. But like i said, your time and energy is diverted to other things. When i started working, the first thing i did on payday was scour music shops for hours on end for anything that appealed. Even with the internet, i ain't got time for that shit anymore. I mostly find out new music passively. For example, i found out about 65daysofstatic through No Man's Sky. I probably wouldn't otherwise. You also have a lot more time to actually listen to music when you're young, which also drives the need to find more.
Oct 28, 2017
I only like metal and industrial breh breh
This happens on every genre. Metal fans fight all the time about what bands are or aren't metal, which ones are shit, which ones are fake metal, which ones are posers.

Genre purists are a bunch of turds. Lord forbid an artist takes risks within their medium. Nope - every metal band has to sound like Sabbath, Maiden, or Priest.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
If you've never wanted to sing along to popular music you're the weird one I'm sorry
Looking at your previous posts in threads regarding racial issues I'm okay with you considering me weird. I don't think you have good opinions on that sort of thing. I'm gonna keep not saying the n word. It's actually really easy and hasn't had any detrimental effect on my life.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, Wa
What are we done with?

I don't disparage rock music really, I don't say that metal isn't real music, etc.

Your framing on this topic incorrectly assumes massive amounts of information of the audience about which you seem to complain. Offering snippets of information that mean nothing in an attempt to fellate your own sense of superiority. It's annoying, even if true.


Oct 25, 2017
You really didn't, though, you just vaguely winked at the implication.
I actively said in the spoiler it was racism
Your framing on this topic incorrectly assumes massive amounts of information of the audience about which you seem to complain. Offering snippets of information that mean nothing in an attempt to fellate your own sense of superiority. It's annoying, even if true.
Oct 28, 2017
I'll admit to having been one of those people as a kid/teen. The edginess of nu metal spoke to my edgelord soul in a way that made everything else seem inferior.

Even as I got older and drifted away from nu metal, I still liked the complexity of the instrumentation of alt rock and other genres of metal and criticized rap for being too "simplistic."

Now at 25, I've come around and realized what an obstinate dick I was. There's plenty of complexity in hip hop, it just comes through in the lyricism and flow. I'd never considered it as a kid.

Soul Unison

Oct 25, 2017
I actively said in the spoiler it was racism

Huh. ...Why can't I see a spoiler on that post?
I don't even mean that accusingly, like, are there different criteria for who a spoiler tag is visible by? Can part of a post just be completely invisible to certain users? Am I only learning that just now? I had a little weed with dinner.

EDIT: Oh, it's in the OP.
Last edited:

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
I avoid singing along with most words that end in "ing" because i find gerunds problematic and err on the side of caution.
I didn't say you have to say the n word, I said you're weird for acting like it doesn't take restraint. Also I've never said anything racist on here because I'm not racist but the fact that you looked through my post history is laughable. Gotta find anything you can right? Also I call bullshit unless you were a woke ass teen and only you and I know the truth.


Nov 15, 2017
Y'all music go to rap concerts and be mad the entire time if a non-black person rapping along and saying nigga bothers you.


Oct 25, 2017
John Cage's 4:33 is still music. Art has no boundaries.

Except for Dahn Vo. Jesus that was the most pretentious art instillation I've ever seen.

Funny how all the GAF AOTY made it in my personal Top 10 for those years, but we get to the first ERA AOTY and I don't care to listen to that LP again anytime soon.
Problem is
All that sucka shit inside your DNA


Oct 28, 2017
I don't believe it's about racism, it's the same with extreme metal, it's not music, only screaming. And well, it's mostly white men playing extreme metal.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
What words do you personally refrain from saying when you sing along with music?

Any music.

Anything racial or gender identity related I replace with a short "aaah" to the tune of the song.

I've tried it with mysoginist language that I'd be uncomfortable repeating but it's so plentiful in some songs I like it can be hard to not get annoying.


Nov 30, 2017
I used to hear rap wasn't real music all the time when rap first started. The comments were usually followed by mock beat boxing and Run DMC / LL Cool J style arm gestures. Back then people just didn't get it and couldnt relate to it. Now when I hear people say rap isn't real music they mostly mean the rap artist doesn't play any instruments and has nothing to do with the music over which they are rapping. I think it has to do with producers blowing up in the spotlight in Rap whereas other genres they aren't in the limelight.


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't help when garbage like Migos is breaking records and is thus one of the most visible representations of the genre to non-fans.


Oct 25, 2017
Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not convinced it's racism. The same "not real music" argument has been used by people for electronic music. The real reason here is the fact that hip hop and electronic music are fundamentally different from music those people usually grew up with.

My parents (and in extension, me) grew up with 60 and 70 rock music and as a kid I gravitated mostly towards stuff that sounded like an evolution of that. Which is why the first artists I was really into were bands like Oasis, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins and Foo Fighters. Hip hop and electronic music was weird to me, they sung/rapped in weird melodies and didn't always use recognizable instruments (to me), preferring to use electronically created samples or parts of other song samples as backing (which my parents called stealing).

Most kids I knew at high school had also grown up with this line of thinking. Rap and electronic music wasn't "real music" because it didn't rely on "real instruments" or "real melodies".

It was only later, when I started to explore more different genres that I grew to really love both electronic and hip hop. I think the music world in general also went through this change, which is why at festivals like Rock Werchter, Lowlands and Pinkpop you see more and more hip hop and electronic artists take the stage, while 10-15 years ago that would've been unheard of.

That said, there are still many people stuck in that "it isn't real music, because it doesn't use real instruments" mindset. My parents have mostly gravitated away from it as well, but still don't understand acts like Lil Uzi Vert and Aphex Twin.


Oct 25, 2017

You named a semi popular song from 2013

It just popped into my head.

I get a lot of the music I hear from the radio, or used to anyway. When I lived in Central PA there were no stations for hip hop, but when I've lived in NE Florida you get a lot of good stations out of Orlando and Jacksonville.

There are many songs I wouldn't have known about if it wasnt for 102 Jamz out of Orlando.


Oct 26, 2017
Haven't heard any rap/hip hop that I haven't disliked.
Someone please explain to me the difference between rap and hip hop


Oct 25, 2017
Something I've noticed about music is that the best music is music that can only be made on a computer and has a high rate of BPM.


Oct 27, 2017
Bill Maher once said that hip-hop is the most honest genre of music there is, and he's absolutely correct.

Baby Boomers are the biggest bunch of assholes I've ever had the displeasure of listening to rant about rap music, because it's obvious they're ignorant, biased, and racist.


Oct 28, 2017
I think hip-hop as a whole is more respected on here than rock, especially newer rock.
the people with the mindset of no longer "respecting rock" or whatever the fuck that means are the same ones wasting time discussing the grammies and commercial radio-core as if that was the end all be all. Like, why. Not worth the time. There lies the problem though, you ask a listener who mainly listens to hip hop why they don't like rock, and they'll list radio garbage. Same with the rock fan who doesn't like hip hop, they have only heard top 40 garbage. It tends to stem from the same issue. Being fed music by all the same channels.

There's definitely great hip hop, but just like rock, much if not all of the commercial artists are literal trash. Personally, Hip Hop might not be my most listened to genre but artists I enjoy would include Danny Brown or Shabazz Palaces for example (One half of this band was originally in Digable Planets who made a few fucking amazing Jazz-Hop albums in the 90s that I would implore any fan of hip hop to listen to). Also Clipping released a great album a few years ago that's criminally underappreciated.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017
The more recent the genre, the more hate it gets from the old people. Hip hop, punk, electronic music, nu-metal etc, they are all despised by elitists. And of course there's racism which cannot be ignored when discussing hip hop since that genre brought black people very prominently and confidently on TV all around the world.

It's pretty amazing that I used to be a die hard metalhead and literally listened to only metal and nothing else. Today hip hop is one of my favourite genres and metal is something I can't stand :D