
Oct 28, 2017
All about self confidence peeps. You can still present your self a certain way that is attractive to others.

I see some banging girls with guys that you may think are punching above there weight.

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I didn't like how I looked. So I lost weight, upped my fashion, grew my hair out, shape up my eye brows. And now I love how I look. Major confidence boost.

If you want a change, start with one thing and build from there

Oct 25, 2017
I alternate between ugly and not as ugly because of my weight. Doesn't really matter though since I don't leave the house.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm not a super looker, I have the bushiest eyebrows which I do my best to keep in shape but there's no denying they're srs bsns eyebrows (I'm actually distantly related to 80's Labour leader Dennis Healey*), and I have a big nose. I look like Gus from Netflix's Love with big bushy eyebrows. I work with it though, I've got a good haircut even if my hair is thick and dry which makes styling it a constant battle but I do get compliments on it, I dress well and I'm well groomed. I'm 31 now and I've definitely grown into my face (the big nose and bushy eyebrows don't work so well when you're 15), I think it's all upwards for me in the looks department at the moment.

Oh and I'm rake thin (6 foot and 140lbs) and couldn't put on weight if I tried.



Oct 28, 2017
A regular haircut helps. I see dudes who don't get there haircut for weeks. Fresh fade every week or two is a must.


Oct 26, 2017
Right now I'd rate myself a B- maybe C+, if I manage to clean myself up a bit that'll jump to a solid B+


Oct 25, 2017
If I haven't showered or left the house all day and my weight is on a downward trend, then probably.

Otherwise nah, I'd fuck me. Tbh in my experience physical appearance is more to do with hygiene, style, and confidence more than natural features, though there are some people who are naturally gorgeous of course. It's kind of crazy how a haircut can make or break someone's ugg-factor.


Nov 2, 2017
A lot of it is down to how you style yourself.

I used to have a feeling I was a bit ugly as a teenager. Certainly never had any female interest.

Once I grew a bit older, cut my hair short, lost a couple of stone and grew some stubble, women were all over me. I went from 2 conquests ever to 50+ in the space of four years.


Oct 27, 2017
San Antonio
I had a girl at work say im handsome,but i dont know that word handsome is something my aunt or grandma would say i rather her said hot or cute.oh well

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think I'm ugly. See profile pic.

I've definitely felt more confident in my looks since I started working in masonry a few months ago. Shit gets you chiseled!


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't like how I looked. So I lost weight, upped my fashion, grew my hair out, shape up my eye brows. And now I love how I look. Major confidence boost.

If you want a change, start with one thing and build from there

Jesus you look completely different. For the better (not that your old self was bad). Good shit man.


Nov 1, 2017
I know right?, i've heard people talk about my bad looks and giggle... i'm not fucking deaf!

I also remember like on at least 2 or 3 occasions being told by "friends" that i am ugly... so then i laugh acknowledging it... and then they insist... "no for real man, you're really ugly!", and i think to myself... okey and what the fuck can i do about it? >:(

Here's a pic i took right now, fresh of a bath so excuse my hair.

You should cut your hair . Not because they look bad per se but that haircut doesn t suit your face . Try a shorter cut . By the way you don t look bad , you are average


Oct 27, 2017
My anxiety over my receding hair on one side makes me feel pretty ugly :(

But I suppose I should acknowledge I'm pretty good looking besides that. Should consider myself blessed.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck that, you're beautiful. Feel ugly, be ugly. Feel fabulous, and you are. Celebrate your form. Work it and love it.

I am prolly considered kinda ugs rn. I have bad teeth and I lost a top front tooth to a vicious battle with a piece of fried chicken. I used to be really insecure about my bad teeth, but since this happened I have just started looking at it differently and I full-on smile at people so they see me owning my bad teeth out the gate. Hasn't worked out badly at all.

Framing is everything. Anyone can rock their particular shit if they believe their bodies are beautiful because they are. We are all works of art, bud.


Oct 27, 2017
When I was younger:

The proceeding years of depression and anxiety have worn on my appearance.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
Yeah, maybe a 3 or 4. I've had people say it to my face. I have a skin condition, a form of Eczema, that dries out my skin really bad, making it flaky and prone to rashes. I've still had comments on how weird my hands are as an adult (I hate handshakes because if this). I'd worry about dating as I'd fear even if I did find someone who initially found me attractive, that would change once they see parts of my body, e.g my legs and back. I'm short too, only around 5"4, probably doesn't help. Also, being quite mixed race, as in not just biracial, I feel like it's hard to compare my features to others, I don't know if that makes sense. I never know what to do with my curly hair other than keep it short.
Oct 30, 2017
Nah, but definitely have aged and lost my peak luster. I was a decent looking guy in my 20s, but now in my 30s.. older, fatter and with less hair, I definitely get laid more. I still have that same mindset from my 20s, but now also have my wife and 2 kids to exemplify my life even more.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine but I'm pushing 40 and I'm aware that it won't last. Especially since I'm gay and single.

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017
Of all the pics I've seen on this board I've yet to see one ugly person or someone that can't improve their appearance with some effort.

My self esteem is shitty too but that's all it usually is.


Oct 28, 2017
nah, and i'd argue that nobody in this thread is, it's really really (really) hard to ugly

most of the world is average and thats where i am
Oct 27, 2017
How do you cope with it fellow ugly people?

I cope by daydreaming about getting plastic surgery and browsing surgery forums. I found out the things that make me the most ugly are my square shaped jaw and my subhuman bug eyes:


The former I can at least somewhat fix by either getting mandible shaving to get a more 'v' shaped look or some kind of osteotomy to cut and re-position my jaws at a steeper angle. Problem is my eye area fucks up my face even worse and as far as I know there is no set of procedures that can get someone with with round droopy bug eyes to get narrow hunter eyes like male models have. Orbital rim decompression, implants, filler -NONE of that shit will unfuck a subhuman eye area.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I think I am. I've been told so pretty much my whole childhood (until I was 16-17). I've been bullied because of how I look. I've been beaten, kicked and beat up because of how I look. People spit out their food all over me because they thought I looked disgusting (mostly because my lips are a bit bigger than average). I'm 27 now and for the last 10 years people have been a lot nicer to me. I've only met my first girlfriend when I was 23 (almost 24) though, and I haven't had any succes with women after that 15 month long relationship. So yeah... You tell me, ERA... This is my latest/most recent pic.

Last edited:

Lemon Crest

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I cope by daydreaming about getting plastic surgery and browsing surgery forums. I found out the things that make me the most ugly are my square shaped jaw and my subhuman bug eyes:


The former I can at least somewhat fix by either getting mandible shaving to get a more 'v' shaped look or some kind of osteotomy to cut and re-position my jaws at a steeper angle. Problem is my eye area fucks up my face even worse and as far as I know there is no set of procedures that can get someone with with round droopy bug eyes to get narrow hunter eyes like male models have. Orbital rim decompression, implants, filler -NONE of that shit will unfuck a subhuman eye area.
Bro, if that's actually you then you are legitimately handsome.

It's not your physical features holding you back. I think seen you around posting depressing stuff in other threads. Work on your mindset on life and you'll be a catch.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think I am. I've been told so pretty much my whole childhood (until I was 16-17). I've been bullied because of how I look. I've been beaten, kicked and beat up because of how I look. People spit out their food all over me because they thought I looked disgusting (mostly because my lips are a bit bigger than average). I'm 27 now and for the last 10 years people have been a lot nicer to me. I've only met my first girlfriend when I was 23 (almost 24) though, and I haven't had any succes with women after that 15 month long relationship. So yeah... You tell me, ERA... This is my latest/most recent pic.

You are beautiful.