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Oct 25, 2017
Idk, I feel like this kinda common. Because I also had it happen years later at my office job. Not the chest thing, but a supervisor there would rub on almost everyone's shoulder while talking to them.


Oct 29, 2017
Yes, I watched the video and the kiss definitely looked unwanted.

I hope he gets the help he needs to relieve any trauma he experienced. Perry should have known better.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine if this was a typical job interview and this was how the interviewer behaved toward the interviewee. This was unequivocally inappropriate. Perry deserves to be fired, though she certainly won't be.


Oct 26, 2017
To those saying, "He liked it," or, "He's okay with it," realize that he's being put in an incredibly awkward situation right now. Look at how he has processed the situation in the months since it happened:

"When he returned home, Mr. Glaze worked through his feelings about the kiss by talking to his friends. "They agreed with me that it didn't really count," he said. "It was lip contact versus a romantic situation with someone you care about. That's what a real first kiss is."

Perry took that first kiss away from him, and it really doesn't sound like he's entirely gotten over it.

Doesn't it sound like he had a conversation w his friends, similar to here, and they concluded "yeah that's not a real kiss". Sounds like it is important to him his first kiss, but he doesn't consider this in a sense the same thing. Therefore I don't know that she "took" anything away from him according to his definition.

Sure you could say she was playing with fire, but thats what the joke was. Teasing something he's putting a lot of pressure on himself about


Oct 25, 2017
South Florida
I don't see the big deal - and my opinion wouldn't change if the gender roles were reversed (or the same as in two men/women). Sure, boundaries were crossed and apologies are warranted but outrage? C'mon. They are all adults. Maybe I'm too old. What's interesting is I felt alone in being upset at the unwanted kiss scene in Strange Things 2. That was an underage girl and a legit kiss not a peck, but ERA was more OK with that.

Angel DvA

Oct 27, 2017
This is wrong on so many level...

I don't see the big deal - and my opinion wouldn't change if the gender roles were reversed (or the same as in two men/women). Sure, boundaries were crossed and apologies are warranted but outrage? C'mon. They are all adults. Maybe I'm too old. What's interesting is I felt alone in being upset at the unwanted kiss scene in Strange Things 2. That was an underage girl and a legit kiss not a peck, but ERA was more OK with that.

Bro, in this current era, if a dude would have done that to a girl, he would probably be "dead" by now.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Here is the article with gender roles reversed (sorry, Luke Bryan). If you read this and had a different reaction to this story from when you read it before? That's a problem.

Perry was in a position of power over the person and the person felt unable to refuse, whether she intended to coerce him or not is irrelevant. I truly don't believe she meant anything bad by this, but it goes to show that sometimes we can be okay (or have the interpretation that things are okay) with something when it actually isn't. Be that at societal or personal levels.

Whether or not I personally would be okay with it if it happened to me is irrelevant. He wasn't. And she should apologize.

Honestly, if one reads that and has the same "no big deal" reaction, that's also a problem. And I'm pretty sure some people posting in this thread would excuse it, which is just as repulsive as excusing this.

Unwanted sexual contact is still unwanted sexual contact.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, this is fucked up. He wanted his first kiss to be special in the way he deems it special, and she took that away from him, albeit unwittingly. He deserves an apology.


Oct 25, 2017
That was a stupid thing to do, but if the kids says he's okay in the end that it happened, it's not really up to anyone else to be up in arms about it.

But just don't do that shit come on


Oct 25, 2017
ABC has no luck with not hiring sexual predators. First the American version of Bake Off was cancelled after a few episodes because one of the judges was a predator, now the American Idol reboot has two!
Oct 25, 2017
I'm having a real hard time with commenting on this thread. Because I GET it. On one hand there is a power dynamic that is here. On the other hand she was PROBABLY thinking she was making his first kiss special, and had no ill intent. I get that there should be NO difference in when a woman or man does this, but that's not how society is. I can't, and won't, get outraged at Katy Perry here.
Basically my feelings on this, also considering the kid's lukewarm reaction to it. People bringing up double standards (which only holds weight because of how genders are positioned in society) and #metoo to declare Katy should be severely punished are going a little bit overboard. Katy did a bad thing, and should apologize to the kid. Things don't have to be "as bad" in order to be "bad".


Oct 25, 2017
It's not a tangent. It shows us exactly how he felt about it at the time, before he sat back later and reflected upon it.

I obviously can't know for sure but I suspect his agreement to kissing her on the cheek was because he thought that's all she would offer, not because he was at the time opposed to more than that. Many things about his response suggest this to me.

Do I think it was wrong of her to do? No. I think when both parties consent to engage in physical interaction there is limited license to attempt to escalate the interaction as long the escalating party immediately stops on removal of consent.
So according to you, Katy Perry was in the right for changing a kiss on the cheek to one on the lips despite not having consent to change in this physical interaction. I disagree. Cause he explicitly said "one on the cheek" and was physically shocked when she pushed the boundaries they had agreed to.


Oct 25, 2017
Resetera once again very critical for women doing dumb things.

I highly doubt she was going to take him back to her backstage room and "solicit a music contract" for him. This was a dumb awkward show piece done in the excitement of an also awkward kid.

Frankly a lot of men here aren't ready to give up double standards that help them and poo on women so I'm surprised of the rage over a dumb peck from an occasionally sleazy pop star who's basically primed to do stuff like this (crazy show stopping stuff, not sexual harassment...ideally). It's a gross double standard that she'd get away with this but I doubt the intent was to escalate this beyond that moment.

I don't think most would have reacted like this, even if it was a female contestant receiving from a male star she liked, wasn't Katy lucky to get the Rare guy who made his first kiss something totally sacred (after initially bragging about it)


Oct 27, 2017
Resetera once again very critical for women doing dumb things.

I highly doubt she was going to take him back to her backstage room and "solicit a music contract" for him. This was a dumb awkward show piece done in the excitement of an also awkward kid.

Frankly a lot of men here aren't ready to give up double standards that help them and poo on women so I'm surprised of the rage over a dumb peck from an occasionally sleazy pop star who's basically primed to do stuff like this (crazy show stopping stuff, not sexual harassment...ideally). It's a gross double standard that she'd get away with this but I doubt the intent was to escalate this beyond that moment.

I don't think most would have reacted like this, even if it was a female contestant receiving from a male star she liked, wasn't Katy lucky to get the Rare guy who made his first kiss something totally sacred (after initially bragging about it)
feminism doesn't mean always supporting whatever a woman does

this is gross


Oct 25, 2017
feminism doesn't mean always supporting whatever a woman does

this is gross

It's not the worst thing to happen either. It's bad and I never said it wasn't, but I'm not going to pretend this is on par with a long term sexual affair.

This is a learning opportunity about what is and isn't appropriate, but I wouldn't think this fire-able and scandal worthy after apologies have already been handed out.

Besides I kept looking into a thread's here (mums not wanting kids was depressing enough to read how people quickly turn on women, or any number of sexually designed female characters) where a bunch of men refused to see women's sides on a lot of issue.

Deleted member 3812

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So according to you, Katy Perry was in the right for changing a kiss on the cheek to one on the lips despite not having consent to change in this physical interaction. I disagree. Cause he explicitly said "one on the cheek" and was physically shocked when she pushed the boundaries they had agreed to.

What the fuck?!?! This GIF is even worse than the WaPo screenshot that was part of the article:


Not only Katy Perry looks very glad of what she did, both men also looked glad of what happened. So fucked up.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Resetera once again very critical for women doing dumb things.

I highly doubt she was going to take him back to her backstage room and "solicit a music contract" for him. This was a dumb awkward show piece done in the excitement of an also awkward kid.

Frankly a lot of men here aren't ready to give up double standards that help them and poo on women so I'm surprised of the rage over a dumb peck from an occasionally sleazy pop star who's basically primed to do stuff like this (crazy show stopping stuff, not sexual harassment...ideally). It's a gross double standard that she'd get away with this but I doubt the intent was to escalate this beyond that moment.

I don't think most would have reacted like this, even if it was a female contestant receiving from a male star she liked, wasn't Katy lucky to get the Rare guy who made his first kiss something totally sacred (after initially bragging about it)

Good point. I mentioned earlier that a couple men have done this to me. It wasn't the end of the world but was creepy. What made it creepy was that it was clearly a ruse, not to laugh at and exploit the awkwardness of a young adult (which is messed up), but because they were clearly attracted to me and wanted more. But since it wasn't going to happen, they pulled this shit to get some amount of gratification. Either way, what she did was sleezy but some of the responses in here are equating her with a sex offender.


Oct 27, 2017
Well by his approach he consented to some act of kissing. So in this consensual act, one person did something the other was not expecting but did she cross a legal line?
Oct 27, 2017
"Imagine the genders were reversed"
"Imagine this were a job interview"

These are strawmen. Context matters.

Imagine genders reversed isn't a straw man, it's a simple exercise to help examine double standards.

Yes, context matters. This was still kissing someone against their wishes. That's pretty much wrong all the time, this situation included.

Not to mention factoring in the context of differing power levels. She's a celebrity and some form of judge, having influence over him, a contestant on a reality tv show. That context doesn't help Katy Perry here.
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Dynamite Cop

Oct 25, 2017
Kiss so unexpected, it knocked him off his feet. Overall seems pretty awkward and reminds me of that Black Mirror episode Fifteen Million Merits with the obnoxious and inappropriate judges.


Oct 25, 2017
That was pretty bad. It seems pretty obvious he was reluctant to engage at all, but felt pressured to.


Oct 25, 2017
That looked staged as fuck, except for the kid. If the producers or hosts actually planned that, wow

Deleted member 9986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
User Warned For: Insulting someone's beliefs for wanting their first kiss to be special.
The kid has shitty believes, can't blame Katy for that
Oct 27, 2017
That made me uncomfortable to watch and the fact that he almost falls backwards trying to get away from her kissing him on the lips made it even worse.


Oct 25, 2017
You tried it.
Wow, and I was just listening to her hit album WITNESS today!

Seems Katy is bringing the excitement, unpredictability and media attention back to this aged show which hasn't otherwise been relevant for a long time. Lionel Ritchie is there for some reason I see, and I'm not sure who that white guy is supposed to be.
Nov 2, 2017
Katy's obviously in the wrong but the reaction to this feels like we're well into the over-correction era of the "#metoo" saga. Hopefully, after Katy apologizes, nothing more comes of it.


Oct 25, 2017
That was a stupid thing to do, but if the kids says he's okay in the end that it happened, it's not really up to anyone else to be up in arms about it.

But just don't do that shit come on

Pretty much. Most of these reactions basically rob the person this actually happened to of their agency.

Yeah, the double standards are really obvious, especially in some reactions I've read where this incident seems to get a lot more nuance and reasonable consequences as opposed to the dynamic going the other way. But hey, I believe in not being an extreme dickhat, so she apologized, they laughed about it ultimately, and life goes on.
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