
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather shove them into some obscure corner of Reddit that none of us will ever visit then holding that in until they can't handle it and then shooting up a fucking school.

And yeah I say educate them. Because it's really the only weapon we have except to fight fire with fire but let's be completely honest, liberals will never ever use the same tactics against them.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'd rather shove them into some obscure corner of Reddit that none of us will ever visit then holding that in until they can't handle it and then shooting up a fucking school.

And yeah I say educate them. Because it's really the only weapon we have except to fight fire with fire but let's be completely honest, liberals will never ever use the same tactics against them.

I didn't ask for all that, I asked you for a link to your educational sub.
Oct 25, 2017
Folks on T_D can't be educated 'cause those with differing opinions are literally banned on sight there.

it's the most hilariously blatant illustration about how much these communities value "debate" outside of an excuse to spew racist bile to the widest possible crowd

We should repress their ability to openly speak. I'm sure that repressing them and not educating them will definitely help matters.

why can't we educate them on stormfront then - surely they would feel more comfortable having these debates in their enclave?


Oct 26, 2017
East Midlands, England, UK
This gif always makes me irrationally angry for some reason.

Reddit keeps showing everyone who it is and yet it still retains its popularity. I find that troubling.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
How much educating are you doing?

Considering they don't bother me because I completely ignore them, that's not my job. But considering that I work part time in education, I would say I'm doing my part. You shut these people down there just going to create a more toxic environment somewhere else and have more justification that their views are correct. They consider themselves martyrs. They're a complete lost cause. But their children aren't. My job is to make sure their children aren't complete and total douche bags and they grow up.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
I'd rather shove them into some obscure corner of Reddit that none of us will ever visit then holding that in until they can't handle it and then shooting up a fucking school.

And yeah I say educate them. Because it's really the only weapon we have except to fight fire with fire but let's be completely honest, liberals will never ever use the same tactics against them.
Banning racism on Reddit will lead to school shootings?

Ohhhhhhhhhhh kay then. BOY.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Hey Minorities put yourself at risk to educate the bigots, I'm sure it will all work out!

I mean, they want me out of the country even though I was born here, because of the color of my skin they'll probably assume I'm Muslim and therefore automatically bad, because I lean left they probably think I'm a fan of crooked Hilary (EMAILS!), whenever I decide to discuss something I'm "triggered" or a "snowflake" or a "libtard", and for some reason they always assume I'm on a mission from Deepstate, whatever the fuck that is. It's impossible to even discuss with some of these people. They want one thing, and one thing only. You out of their beloved country that was stolen form Native Americans and built on immigration and slavery.


Oct 26, 2017
So you think racism should be permitted on this site as well?

Of course it should! This should be a marketplace of ideas, ideas that can and will always be debated in good faith! By the way have you guys heard about this video that says that non white people are inferior? I mean, I don't believe it but it does ask some very interesting questions, also serious though guys, seriously? It's okay to be white, I mean the liberal hive mind on here gets mad when I say it, but it's okay to be white, and it's okay for other ideas to exist guys, why are you guys so afraid of different but equally valid ideas? /s

By the way, I love that (for some reason) people just can't see the ways in which deplatforming might work. "So wait, you're telling me that if we stop giving bigots the ability to spread racist propaganda to millions of people, then that might somehow lessen the impact and reach of hate speech? I dunno guys, I just don't know."

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
ou shut these people down there just going to create a more toxic environment somewhere else and have more justification that their views are correct.
Read every link in this thread that shows blatant proof about the effectiveness of deplatforming.

Of course it should! This should be a marketplace of ideas, ideas that can and will always be debated in good faith! By the way have you guys heard about this video that says that non white people are inferior? I mean, I don't believe it but it does ask some very interesting questions, also serious though guys, seriously? It's okay to be white, I mean the liberal hive mind on here gets mad when I say it, but it's okay to be white, and it's okay for other ideas to exist guys, why are you guys so afraid of different but equally valid ideas? /s

By the way, I love that (for some reason) people just can't see the ways in which deplatforming might work. "So wait, you're telling me that if we stop giving bigots the ability to spread racist propaganda to millions of people, then that might somehow lessen the impact and reach of hate speech? I dunno guys, I just don't know."
Literally the most simple thought process possible.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering they don't bother me because I completely ignore them, that's not my job. But considering that I work part time in education, I would say I'm doing my part. You shut these people down there just going to create a more toxic environment somewhere else and have more justification that their views are correct. They consider themselves martyrs. They're a complete lost cause. But their children aren't. My job is to make sure their children aren't complete and total douche bags and they grow up.
So you're not doing shit? If it's not your job to educate them who are you suggesting should?
I am also beyond shocked that racism doesn't bother you.
Oct 25, 2017
if people cared about having good-faith discussions about the humanity of minority groups, i wouldn't have to, for example, ram the text of bill c-16 down their throat to stop people from opposing an anti-discrimination amendment on the basis of ludicrous claims debunked by having a grade school reading level

most people are not having these discussions in good faith, and so we can have these discussions in the depths of their enclaves

this post isn't in reference to anyone in particular because i've had to debunk that shit so many times across the blogosphere that i've lost the ability to distinguish genuine from bullshit questions about it

True Underdog

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I agree that it shouldn't. But it does exist and I think it would be more valuable to educate on it instead of silencing it. I truly believe the world is getting less racist as time goes on, but silencing people is a good way to make them more angry and potentially dangerous, at least from what I've seen.

I grew up in a small-ish town in Texas. I got in fights because of the color of my skin.

I've cut ties with "friends" after years of trying to "educate" them. In one instance of this, I was told, "I don't hate minorities because they keep me employed." The dude that said this is a cop.

I've had to explain to people why being called, "one of the good ones" is not a compliment, only to be told to take it for what it is and to, "stop being offended." Even though I really wasn't; it was just a dumb statement and I called them on it.

Racists know they're racist. It's rarely, if ever, born from ignorance. They do not want to argue in good faith because racism is not a position that can be argued in good faith.

The insistence of those on the left to argue in good faith with people who do not want to argue in good faith is one of several ways the left hinders itself.

Trust me, I'm well aware that racism isn't going anywhere. I don't think deplatforming racists is a cure all either but it would help.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
So you're not doing shit? If it's not your job to educate them who are you suggesting should?

It was just a suggestion. Unless some of you want to join me and start up a program.


Just saw your edit. Don't mince my words because you're pissed off at the assholes that are at the forefront of this topic. I was just offering a suggestion but if you want to make me the villain in this whole thing instead of the fucking racists go for it. It will make you feel better, you can get some sleep tonight. Get me banned, pull out your torches, let the assholes laugh as we hang each other.

Waiting for the "you must be racist, too" bit. You got that in you yet or should we wait for a few responses?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Is that what you really got from that? I was obviously creating a worst-case scenario. Racists Have a cultist mentality.
To be honest, your post was totally void of substance. The crux of your post was educate them since nothing else helps, while multiple people in this very thread have pointed out that deplatforming works way better than educating. I asked the one poster who was banned this question and I'll ask it you. Do you really think humankind hasn't tried educating racists in the past and here we are, in the year 2018, a CEO of a huge website saying racism is fine and dandy?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather shove them into some obscure corner of Reddit that none of us will ever visit then holding that in until they can't handle it and then shooting up a fucking school.

And yeah I say educate them. Because it's really the only weapon we have except to fight fire with fire but let's be completely honest, liberals will never ever use the same tactics against them.
Yeah man we should prevent school shootings by ignoring online communities where school shooters are lauded as heroes and martyrs
Oct 25, 2017
Of course it should! This should be a marketplace of ideas, ideas that can and will always be debated in good faith! By the way have you guys heard about this video that says that non white people are inferior? I mean, I don't believe it but it does ask some very interesting questions, also serious though guys, seriously? It's okay to be white, I mean the liberal hive mind on here gets mad when I say it, but it's okay to be white, and it's okay for other ideas to exist guys, why are you guys so afraid of different but equally valid ideas? /s

This is really creepy because that's literally what gaf turned into after we all left. Remember, bigotry is never ok until it starts to effect the bottom line, then we need to allow other's 'opinions' to flourish.


Oct 25, 2017
I like how he claims they closed down certain subreddits after creating controversy for them.

See shaming fat people or taking panty shots of underage girls was OK, but once they went past this arbitrary line, no bueno

They always act afterwards, after shit hits the fan, never before
Nothing preemptive, always after the downfall, due to bad publicity, then change is warranted


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Of course it should! This should be a marketplace of ideas, ideas that can and will always be debated in good faith! By the way have you guys heard about this video that says that non white people are inferior? I mean, I don't believe it but it does ask some very interesting questions, also serious though guys, seriously? It's okay to be white, I mean the liberal hive mind on here gets mad when I say it, but it's okay to be white, and it's okay for other ideas to exist guys, why are you guys so afraid of different but equally valid ideas? /s

By the way, I love that (for some reason) people just can't see the ways in which deplatforming might work. "So wait, you're telling me that if we stop giving bigots the ability to spread racist propaganda to millions of people, then that might somehow lessen the impact and reach of hate speech? I dunno guys, I just don't know."
This is keeping it 100


Oct 25, 2017
Of course it should! This should be a marketplace of ideas, ideas that can and will always be debated in good faith! By the way have you guys heard about this video that says that non white people are inferior? I mean, I don't believe it but it does ask some very interesting questions, also serious though guys, seriously? It's okay to be white, I mean the liberal hive mind on here gets mad when I say it, but it's okay to be white, and it's okay for other ideas to exist guys, why are you guys so afraid of different but equally valid ideas? /s

By the way, I love that (for some reason) people just can't see the ways in which deplatforming might work. "So wait, you're telling me that if we stop giving bigots the ability to spread racist propaganda to millions of people, then that might somehow lessen the impact and reach of hate speech? I dunno guys, I just don't know."

laughing my ass off righ now.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Lately you got people on here, the crazy liberal hivemind, entertaining the idea that scientific proof non-whites are inherently less intelligent than whites is an inevitable discovery to prepare for and people are clutching pearls about maybe cutting down on the racism at reddit

Some of this shit could be stopped by sitting down with your friends and family yourselves instead of demanding we do it then getting pissy when we say ENOUGH


Oct 25, 2017
His entire comment chain in that post comes off as sort of desperate for approval and attention. What a terrible quote to have following you around. He may end up fired soon for it.
Oct 25, 2017
What a fucked up comment , as long as that shit stays out of the front pages I'll still use Reddit but if it spreads I'll have to stop.

/r/ImGoingToHellForThis posts make it to the front page multiple times a week, and are very often contain racism.

I still vividly remember the day reddit had that post upvoted to the very top that was a video of some guy teaching a bunch of poor native Africans how to say "The OP is a faggot" in English. They literally had no idea what they were saying, which of course made it all the more funny to reddit.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
To be honest, your post was totally void of substance. The crux of your post was educate them since nothing else helps, while multiple people in this very thread have pointed out that deplatforming works way better than educating. I asked the one poster who was banned this question and I'll ask it you. Do you really think humankind hasn't tried educating racists in the past and here we are, in the year 2018, a CEO of a huge website saying racism is fine and dandy?

Of course my post was void of substance, I was just throwing out an option. I have to deal with grown adults treating young people of color with the most extreme of prejudice, disguising themselves as wholesome human beings all fucking day long. I was saying is let them rot in their own little corner because you're never going to fix the issue unless you can educate them. But my words are being interpreted the way people want to see them due to the fact that I did not enunciate or provide context.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd rather shove them into some obscure corner of Reddit that none of us will ever visit then holding that in until they can't handle it and then shooting up a fucking school.

And yeah I say educate them. Because it's really the only weapon we have except to fight fire with fire but let's be completely honest, liberals will never ever use the same tactics against them.
Replace the word Reddit with Internet and you're getting closer. Racists can go build their own platform from scratch on the internet. No one's preventing that. But them having access to Reddit better amplifies their terrible views compared to some dump they all hole up in that no one else is already browsing anyway.

Second, they're not interested in being educated. Go try that at t_d.

The problem with this is they make new rules when they want to ban subreddits. It's not like the rules are carved in stone. That very example of 'inciting violence' is a new rule they created last year to ban incels (violence was already banned but they expanded it to include glorifying violence). A few weeks ago deepfakes was in the news so they just made a new rule against "involuntary pornography" and banned it. Sometimes they just say fuck it and apply a rule that makes little sense. Shoplifting was a sub where people discussed and bragged about their crimes. It was banned for "using reddit to break the law" which they were not doing. If you think it does apply then how do a ton of other subs in the same vein exist like /r/piracy trees etc. Only difference is shoplifting started getting press that made reddit look bad. SanctionedSuicide was just recently banned for "inciting violence" and totally not for, you know... being pro-suicide. Because that would be banning a sub for their beliefs and not their actions

They are free to ban or not ban whatever they want but the claim that they are bound by principle and therefore can't ban subs devoted to hate speech is bs. They find a way for every other topic they find unacceptable.

I like Reddit and I'm not going to stop using it over this. It's a tiny tiny portion of the site where this shit is allowed and isn't something I ever come across in my usage. I have a big problem with their claim that they can't do anything though. They don't want to and that's their prerogative but don't piss on me and tell me it's raining.
Great post.


Oct 25, 2017
This gif always makes me irrationally angry for some reason.

Reddit keeps showing everyone who it is and yet it still retains its popularity. I find that troubling.
It makes plenty angry, including me. The gif comes from the video where he defended Jontron after Jontron had a debate with Destiny on Twitch where Jontron espoused some very racist views and talked of gene pools and eugenics.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
And for the record Bengraven , I HAVE educated people in real life when they are racist. I almost always call that shit out. I make sure they're aware what is so wrong about it.

It's really not our job to coddle racist internet trolls, who post behind the veil of anonymity, and with out fear, since they don't have a physical person looking at them in the eyes.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I still vividly remember the day reddit had that post upvoted to the very top that was a video of some guy teaching a bunch of poor native Africans how to say "The OP is a faggot" in English. They literally had no idea what they were saying, which of course made it all the more funny to reddit.
The front page was always shit when I used the site, I remember weekly pedophile apologia, racism, or videos of women getting hit (always with the ever hilarious "equal lefts for equal rights" comment and a long discussion on how the woman is a bitch)


Oct 25, 2017
You wanna do something about this? Head over to r/stopadvertising, get their link of current Reddit advertisers, and send them spez's words. Ask them how they feel about being associated with a place that condones racism and hate speech as a necessary part of the conversation.

Going after Reddit's advertisers works. It's the only thing that does.
How could anyone here do that when they've all said they've sworn off Reddit or deleted their accounts!

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
Those communities should demand change from the admins or threaten to leave, you're literally posting on a website like that. The problem is that the Reddit community doesn't give a shit about other subreddits unless they exist to make fun of bigots like SRS.

As much as I appreciate that a large portion of ERA was able to so quickly mobilize and move somewhere else, we're also a collective of generally like-minded people. And we had the fortune of basically having benefactors almost 1:1 replicate another website with the implied agreement that most of us would transition over.

We're also small potatoes compared to Reddit. I don't want to say Reddit's a "too big to fail" thing cause that sounds fuckin' dumb in the context of an online social media website, but you're not going to convince one of the world's largest communities made up of a collection of much more segmented and disparate communities to just "not go there anymore" cause the internet overall ain't that principled. Maybe one day we'll get some lightning-in-the-bottle catalyst that forces a tide of change, but until then, you can't really give anyone or even any singular community shit for not just packing their bags and leaving one of the world's largest hubs for information.

The only thing that most people can realistically do at the moment if they really want change is to shout down the management and try to kneecap them with their sponsors/advertisers.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Of course my post was void of substance, I was just throwing out an option. I have to deal with grown adults treating young people of color with the most extreme of prejudice, disguising themselves as wholesome human beings all fucking day long. I was saying is let them rot in their own little corner because you're never going to fix the issue unless you can educate them. But my words are being interpreted the way people want to see them due to the fact that I did not enunciate or provide context.
You actually didn't answer my question, but I'll let that slide for now. Follow up though, you say we should educate the racists. Sure. How would you propose we do that? Because as long as you're saying people should educate them but not actually providing any way of doing that, you're just shifting the blame off of the racists and on to the shoulders of people who don't condone that.

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
I think too it's worth considering that you aren't always dealing with 'born and raised' racists in the sense that it's just part of their upbringing. There is something to be said for the fact that a lot of times these ideals linked to hatred and bigotry take root in people who are struggling in some other way; taking advantage of a weakness or suffering by giving them an outlet to direct their anger to or someone to 'blame'.

More platforms make it easier to find and condition those folks, make it easier to validate and a lot of times accelerate that hate and bigotry.

I read this article the other day, about a (liberal) family trying to cope with their increasingly extremist white supremacist son. The whole thing is sad and tough, but I was struck by the part where the kid gets online and digs deeper and deeper into the rhetoric: (on Facebook no less)

"Love you, too," said Kam, who shared his story on the condition that The Washington Post withhold his family members' last name, which is different from his, as well as the name of the suburb where they live. And then his mother was off to her job as a businessman's personal assistant, and he was alone again, with so much time it felt suffocating, so he hit a button on his keyboard and woke his computer. It sat on a desk strewn with pamphlets bearing titles such as "The Truth Behind the Jewish Talmud," a lighter emblazoned with a swastika, a business card that read, "It's not illegal to be White . . . yet" and cited a website glorifying the Nazi regime, and a stack of books: "The American Militant Nationalist Manifesto," "Trump: The Art of the Deal" and "Fatherland," a novel set in a world where Germany had won World War II.

He got on Facebook and scrolled. Here came and went a picture showing scowling white nationalists in black. Next up was a post from a group called "White People Vs. Black People." Then a post saying, "Name something blacks invented." Later an image of an 18-year-old blond Frenchwoman he called his girlfriend. Kam had never met her, but she had been telling him she wanted to move in with him, and he hoped it was true.

The scrolling stopped. The only sound in the house was the hum of his computer and the flick of the swastika lighter he held in one hand. With the other, he reached for his phone to check his messages. A white nationalist friend who'd told him he'd like to meet up still hadn't called. Back to Facebook, back to scrolling.


How the life he thought should be his — with a car, a job, a wife, a house — was somewhere out there, and he instead was here, the son of an alcoholic father who died of cirrhosis of the liver. The confidant of a mother who, left struggling for money, had married a man he felt had ridiculed and neglected him. The student who a friend recalled as an "outsider," so disconnected that he didn't sit for a senior photo. The isolated young man who, increasingly convinced that Barack Obama favored African Americans over whites, consumed thread after thread on Stormfront, an online forum filled with white supremacists, growing more radical as peers scorned him, calling him a racist and a Nazi, and he scorned them back.

"If you believe white privilege is a thing we're not friends," he wrote in January 2016 on Facebook.

Then: "I don't care what your relation to me is, if you believe the BLM movement is anything but a sham, unfriend me," he wrote of Black Lives Matter in July 2016. "You are now my enemy."

Then: "I find it hilarious 'friends' that turned their back on me would ask me for help," he wrote in March 2017. "The f—— nerve."

Around that time, he dispatched another message. This one he wrote to a group he had heard of on Facebook. The Traditionalist Worker Party championed a whites-only ethno-state, ruled by Nazi Party edict and headed by men who believe in traditional gender roles. Kam had already been in another white nationalist group, but he liked this one better because it seemed to advocate more for disaffected whites, and because he felt like one, too.

The idea that giving them more platforms somehow opens up the opportunity to 'educate' them or somehow makes it less likely that someone will have their hate and bigotry validated and grow just is not reasonable or logical. These people are not here to debate and learn. They are looking to spread, to influence and nurture any inherent biases in people who may be at a point where they are more vulnerable.


Oct 25, 2017

Just saw your edit. Don't mince my words because you're pissed off at the assholes that are at the forefront of this topic. I was just offering a suggestion but if you want to make me the villain in this whole thing instead of the fucking racists go for it. It will make you feel better, you can get some sleep tonight. Get me banned, pull out your torches, let the assholes laugh as we hang each other.

Waiting for the "you must be racist, too" bit. You got that in you yet or should we wait for a few responses?
Man I do love a good "I'm a victim" whinefest.
You offered idiocy and who is trying to get you banned I asked you a question multiple times and you have done nothing but dance around it. But hey, you're the real victim here.
Also, I am far from pissed. What exactly was incorrect about my edit? You wrote racists don't bother you, did you not?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Man I do love a good "I'm a victim" whinefest.
You offered idiocy and who is trying to get you banned I asked you a question multiple times and you have done nothing but dance around it. But hey, you're the real victim here.
Fuck me, I didn't even see his edit. That's. Wow.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather shove them into some obscure corner of Reddit that none of us will ever visit then holding that in until they can't handle it and then shooting up a fucking school.

And yeah I say educate them. Because it's really the only weapon we have except to fight fire with fire but let's be completely honest, liberals will never ever use the same tactics against them.
Uh huh so if bigots' speech is banned, we get school shooters. Ok, enjoy the educating, teacher. It's never going to be a small tiny spot on the internet, many racists exist and they will flock to it and non-racists will view it with shock and keep on talking about that obscure corner.

And if liberals fight fire with fire then centrists attack them for being as bad as them, that we should be civil and teach like you believe in.


The Fallen
Nov 11, 2017
United States
A website with millions of user does not want to spend more money towards moderating hate speech or racism because they personally don't care as much about it as their profit.

Sounds like a popular social media website alright.