
Oct 25, 2017
São Paulo
A long time ago I knew a guy who ran a store here in Brazil that sold mostly rewritable media in bulk (Mostly CD's and DVD's, yes CDS I told you it was a long time ago) I was always there buying stuff so we talked a lot.

While he lived in Brazil he was born Libanese and still had tons of family and friends there. He was married with a girl he hired to work on his store and then fell in love and all. They had a kid.

Time passed and I remember he telling me that they were fighting a lot and that she wanted a divorce. Fast forward a few years... I lost touch with him and then a guy I knew which was friends with him also sent me some news coverage showing that he just got their kid and flew to his home country.

The news said that the wife was still able to talk to her child via phone (it showed her crying and talking to him) but the guy said he would not ever come back to Brazil cause he obvious had a warranty now. It was a very sad story and I never expected this from him but well, not like we were friends or anything, we just talked about stuff.

And what about you?


Googled his name and found out that 5 days ago the mother got her daughter back! And the Father (Pedro Broutos) is still on Interpol list Oo

Just read the news and while the Lebanese justice gave her all the right to go get her daughter back, she still need to fly there and get her.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think you mean fugitive from justice?

I know lots of people that have had legal troubles but I don't know anyone currently "on the run"


Oct 25, 2017
At my construction job in high school I was literally the only employee out of 20 that had no criminal record.

I don't know of anyone in my life today that has one.

1000 Needles

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know many details, but my boss recently plead guilty to assault and recruiting for a criminal organization, so... yes, yes I do know someone.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
How many years is the warranty?

Heheh...seriously though, my brother got arrested for having weed within like 50 yards of a school when he was 22. That was a solid 10 years ago though. Nothing current with any of my friends.

I've never been in trouble with the law even once in my life. Didn't smoke weed either.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I have a DUI from over a decade ago. It's never affected me, other than me losing my license for a year, which I deserved. I've been able to travel where I want, and have never lost a job because of it. If it ever did effect me, I'd just apply for a pardon, which I'd certainly be eligible for at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
São Paulo
How many years is the warranty?

Heheh...seriously though, my brother got arrested for having weed within like 50 yards of a school when he was 22. That was a solid 10 years ago though. Nothing current with any of my friends.

I've never been in trouble with the law even once in my life. Didn't smoke weed either.

Here in Brazil since its considered kidnapping the warranty doesn't ever expire


Oct 27, 2017
I've been arrested 7 times via section 136 (uk law).Which is mental health law .Basically arrest you if your a danger to yourself or others,pop you in a cell and wait to be assessed.

Benz On Dubz

Oct 27, 2017
I do know a few.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit that not having a record/arrest/etc is a source of pride for me. I just have some minor traffic tickets.

"You're not supposed to go to jail" - Chris Rock
Oct 25, 2017
my brother had a DUI, and there was a guy at my local game shop who went to prison for a while for assaulting an off duty police officer. He came out of prison with a bunch of neo-nazi tattoos which according to him was the only gang you could join as a white guy in prison. I'm hispanic and a good friend of mine at the shop is asian and this guy with the tattoos didn't seem like a racist really, so I believed him. We lost touch eventually when he seemingly had a falling out with some of the employees at the shop.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow lifetime warranty, are there any restrictions? I thought the one on my Kia was pretty good but even that's only 10 years.


Oct 27, 2017
A friend's ex-wife is in jail for making up a cancer diagnosis to scam people out of charitable donations.


Oct 25, 2017
I know a woman who got a DUI and had a job where it was very much not cool to have a DUI. She had to do all sorts of employer-mandated stuff to keep her job and eventually found it easier to quit. One of those deals where she dropped her last name from her FB profile and the whole nine yards.

Used to work for a terrible consulting company that did an awful job with screening and background checks. They hired at least two sex offenders (that I know of) and sent them to customer sites without any sort of notice. Those were fun. One of them got fired for harassment and we didn't find out about him until after the fact. Both of them were beyond creepy.

Deleted member 8197

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I'll never forget the look on my managers face when I told her I had to leave at 5 on the dot to go and help my friend clean up his house after it had been raided by armed police.


Oct 27, 2017
The story in the op is infuriating. Fuck that piece of shit for taking a child away from their mother like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, of course.

I got charged with underage drinking on campus a few years ago, but the charges were dropped after hours of community service.

Fuck the police.


Oct 25, 2017
São Paulo

I finally found his name in an old e-mail and googled it!


UPDATED THE THREAD with the news

Hmm not quite... Lebanese justice got her the right back but she still need to go there pick her up and shes saying she doesnt actually have the money at the moment... Well, hope she get her daughter back soon.
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User banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 31, 2017
I'm sure that some kids I knew in Jr High and High School are in or have been in jail but I don't know anybody personally who has. It's kind of surprising, I hang out with some pretty weird people.
Oct 25, 2017
I knew a kid from school who killed his father.
He was protecting his mum from probably being killed herself.

I just hope he was able to live a somewhat normal life. He never did come back to school or the area.


Oct 25, 2017
What scale are we looking at?

Someone I knew in elementary school and didn't see again until high school was found fornicating in the bushes in a neighborhood and happened to be within 100 yards of an elementary school.

I had pulling the fire alarm on my k-12 permanent record because my friend and I were gawking at a fire alarm in the first few weeks of kindergarten (hadn't been explained to us yet) when he lifted the plastic cover in curiosity.
We were in the cafeteria. As soon as he lifted the cover the fire alarm sounded for the entire school. His instincts must have kicked in because he zoomed toward the nearest open seat and immediately acted uninvolved. I had never experienced a fire alarm before so I just stood there wondering what was happening. I was called into the principal's office and I said I didn't do it. The principal said she believed me but pushed a bowl of m&m's towards me and asked me to tell her what happened. I refused. I didn't do it but that was no reason to out my buddy. So onto the permanent record it went.

In 3rd grade, two of my buddies left during recess and started walking through the neighborhoods and on the highways to his dad's house 30+ miles away. They were found walking down the highway by the cops maybe 8 or 9 hours later.

I don't know if either of those resulted in a criminal record though.


Oct 26, 2017
I got a DWI when I was 19. I was a dumbshit. License was taken away, about half way into that I got busted driving without a license (I had a good reason to, the cop even felt bad for pulling me over after I told him and let me walk home instead of going to jail). I don't think that counts as a "criminal history" or whatever though.

Deleted member 12379

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
My uncle was part of Weather Underground and went to prison for armed robbery. He ended up doing some great AIDS work with Health GAP to reduce the price of AIDS drugs.

Amazing person. I wish I could have met him before he died.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't have any sort of criminal record. The only run in I had with the law was when I was in 5th grade and accused of kicking in fence posts at the park.


Oct 27, 2017
It's easier to count people I know who have no criminal record. I got a traffic ticket once. It was dismissed.


Oct 25, 2017
My uncle was part of Weather Underground and went to prison for armed robbery. He ended up doing some great AIDS work with Health GAP to reduce the price of AIDS drugs.

Amazing person. I wish I could have met him before he died.

That's pretty interesting; I think you mean The Weatherman though.
edit: nevermind, guess they were known as both
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subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I know a few. Mostly stuff like armed robbery, armed robbery of banks, drug dealing, assault, and car theft.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
I do. Class 5 Felony in 2007. Shit sucks. I still occasionally have to deal with it in some capacity.


Oct 27, 2017
I personally don't have a record however I work at the courthouse in my city and I consistently see people I know in criminal cases.

I used to work for a retail store and I saw my old manager waiting for court. He was charged with theft under and possession of stolen goods... Pretty funny.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
This is some pretty vanilla shit but

Years ago, I was getting a job working in a home with children. Due to the nature of the work, I needed to go get a criminal record check and child abuse check done at the police station. I wasn't arrested, but they detained me on the spot because apparently there was a warrant out for me. It was minor and I don't even remember what it was. Unpaid traffic something or other. I just paid the ticket and left. Got my clear record in the mail couple weeks later.