
Oct 25, 2017
Thats my problem. From what we have seen the only reason that the Saviors are bad guys is because they are sadists. If they weren't such aholes when dealing with other groups they would be Rick and his group.

And Rick didn't do things as bad as Negan, which is why I call him an over the top cartooney villain, but they have done some bad things. Killed those cannibal guys in cold blood. Stole the guns from the girl group that were left almost defensless. Made a deal with hilltop to go and murder all those saviors at the outpost to get supplies and if I remember correctly they were contemplating just using force against hilltop anyways.

As the seasons have gone by I find I am having less sympathy for our main group. I don't know maybe thats the point the writers want to get across and want to blur the lines, but that doesn't make an interesting show where you don't have a protagonist you want to root against the antagonist. Negan is just doing what he needs to do to keep his people safe, just he does it with a tinge of villainy because if the writers didn't do that then we wouldn't be forced to cheer for Rick. And last episode they killed like 50 people or something. I get its a war but I am not feeling any sympathy for any of these murderes.

Well "are we the baddies" is one of the central themes of the show since season 2. I would agree it's gotten tiring with people flipping back and forth between pacifist and terminator as the wind blows but that's about really all the show has left. We all know by know when push comes to shove Rick will put his family/groups survival above some randoms. Hell they even got that preacher dude to kill some saviors iirc.

Really assuming they defeat the saviors what's next? Some other group will come up and start shit and the cycle begins again. Everyone alive now has pretty much learned to deal with zombies so they aren't much of a threat.

The show probably should have ended after the prison but $$$ so round and round we go.


Oct 30, 2017
Well "are we the baddies" is one of the central themes of the show since season 2. I would agree it's gotten tiring with people flipping back and forth between pacifist and terminator as the wind blows but that's about really all the show has left. We all know by know when push comes to shove Rick will put his family/groups survival above some randoms. Hell they even got that preacher dude to kill some saviors iirc.

Really assuming they defeat the saviors what's next? Some other group will come up and start shit and the cycle begins again. Everyone alive now has pretty much learned to deal with zombies so they aren't much of a threat.

The show probably should have ended after the prison but $$$ so round and round we go.

Prison arc was the peak of the comic and the show, the rest is just cheap knockoffs. But yup $$$. AMC will milk the show as long as possible and the season 7 debut was huge so the milking will continue.

I just don't see how the show will get better. The will capture Negan, and follow the comics where another big bad will be introduced (don't want to go into spoilers) and this big bad will be again portrayed as some crazy ahole sadist that makes Rick's group and his crimes seem tame in comparison. Rick killed 100 people oh welp this next group rapes and tortures people better cheer on Rick to overcome them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
What kills me about the show is it seems there is this thought that the characters carry more weight then they actually do. Eric is a prime example. He's been around for a few seasons, but we had zero emotional attachment to him, because we never gave a reason to.
All I know about Eric is that apparently he makes good spaghetti and Daryl ate said spaghetti with him and Aaron one night and it was good.


Oct 27, 2017
Slightly OT, but I'm watching both TWD and FTWD as I'm catching up with FTWD and I'm surprised how much more interesting the setting and characters of latter manage to be. Which is actually surprising because I kinda gave up on the show during S2.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Easily the best episode yet. Gregory was fucking excellent in this episode. I can't wait for his grisly death.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I liked the Jesus/Morgan fight. A bit disappointed in not seeing what happened to father Gabriel. I hope he's wearing his shittin' pants next episode.


Oct 27, 2017
Well "are we the baddies" is one of the central themes of the show since season 2. I would agree it's gotten tiring with people flipping back and forth between pacifist and terminator as the wind blows but that's about really all the show has left. We all know by know when push comes to shove Rick will put his family/groups survival above some randoms. Hell they even got that preacher dude to kill some saviors iirc.

Really assuming they defeat the saviors what's next? Some other group will come up and start shit and the cycle begins again. Everyone alive now has pretty much learned to deal with zombies so they aren't much of a threat.

The show probably should have ended after the prison but $$$ so round and round we go.
You're in for a treat with the next arc. There's already hints and whispers if you have a good eye/ear.

Slightly, but I'm watching both TWD and FTWD as I'm catching up with FTWD and I'm surprised how much more interesting the setting and characters of latter manage to be. Which is actually surprising because I kinda gave up on the show during S2.
FTWD did a complete 180. Never expected the quality uptick.

Hidden One

Oct 26, 2017
What kills me about the show is it seems there is this thought that the characters carry more weight then they actually do. Eric is a prime example. He's been around for a few seasons, but we had zero emotional attachment to him, because we never gave a reason to.

It seems the show runners just expect us to care about every character, which is condenscending to the audience. Same happened with Glenn's death fakeout. We all knew it was bullshit, but the showrunners still acted like it was the greatest thing ever filmed.
They don't have the balls to kill off the main cast.


Oct 25, 2017
You guys are really making me want to watch the newest season of FTWD. I gave up on it after S2.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm with team kill all the saviours. Screw you jesus, prime morgan would have shanked you .

Really not liking what they are brewing between rick and darly, it will make it hard to watch if both them go at each other. There will be more outrage from that then glenn and abes death.


Oct 28, 2017
i missed the first half
what happens with th guy from season 1?
and why jesus and Morgan fight?


Oct 25, 2017
Well that has to be one of the worst episodes in the entire show. Bad shootouts, muddled character motivation and atrocious dialogue. It really was awful.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
What ever happened to the kid with dreads and glasses.

Heath went with Tara on a supply run but then they got swarmed by zombies and separated after Tara fell off a bridge and into some water. When Tara made her way back to where she last saw Heath, their vehicle was gone and all that remained were Heath's glasses and a keycard reading "PPP". No one knows what "PPP" means exactly, although in dynamic note velocity PPP denotes whispering - a significant easter egg if you've read the comics.

Of course, no one on the show has ever referenced his disappearance or the keycard, due to the fact the actor Corey Hawkins left to star in 24: Legacy and the writers weren't sure if they'd be able to get him back for a future episode. They tried to strike a balance between "let's tease this thread just in case we can get him back someday" and "we're probably not getting him back so let's not make too big of a deal of it", but I think everyone would agree that they underplayed it a little too much.

As it turns out though, 24: Legacy was cancelled and the showrunner of The Walking Dead has since confirmed that we will definitely see Heath again. Just not this season.


Oct 25, 2017
Slightly OT, but I'm watching both TWD and FTWD as I'm catching up with FTWD and I'm surprised how much more interesting the setting and characters of latter manage to be. Which is actually surprising because I kinda gave up on the show during S2.
My dad and brother were watching FTWD and they also loved Season 3 after hate-watching Season 2 and wanting every character to die.

Now unfortunately the next season of FTWD is getting a new showrunner and Gimple will be more involved with that season, so I don't have much hope for that streak to continue


Oct 25, 2017
My dad and brother were watching FTWD and they also loved Season 3 after hate-watching Season 2 and wanting every character to die.

Now unfortunately the next season of FTWD is getting a new showrunner and Gimple will be more involved with that season, so I don't have much hope for that streak to continue
Oh god

Stay away


Oct 28, 2017
I said last season rick and Co are assholes

Rick and Co kills people when they was sleeping, they put a bullet in their head while they sleeping (at this point they never crossed their ways, they just do this because they want the hilltop as allies)

That low, very low

Darth Finky Spunky

Banned for using alt accounts
Oct 27, 2017
I disagree with literally every post on this page. The gun fights are a huge welcome and only thing bad about that ep was Maggie not being on my screen longer.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
What was the fucking point in bringing Morales back?

What a waste.


Oct 27, 2017
What was the fucking point in bringing Morales back?

What a waste.
I kind of see why. His whole speech to Rick and then Daryl (Ricks most trusted brother) killing him even after he knew. Then Daryl killing the savior after the savior surrendered. Last time him and Daryl were at odds was in season 5 when Daryl didn't want to kill everyone and Rick did. Now Rick is even more far gone and yet somehow Daryl passed him. But they could have used more moments like the savior Daryl killed, they didn't need Morales. Did seem like a big waste.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
I kind of see why. His whole speech to Rick and then Daryl (Ricks most trusted brother) killing him even after he knew. Then Daryl killing the savior after the savior surrendered. Last time him and Daryl were at odds was in season 5 when Daryl didn't want to kill everyone and Rick did. Now Rick is even more far gone and yet somehow Daryl passed him. But they could have used more moments like the savior Daryl killed, they didn't need Morales. Did seem like a big waste.
I understand he wasn't a main character in season 1 but to bring a character back from that way back just to off him in just an episode.

It just left a very bad taste in my mouth.


Banned for having an alt account
Oct 30, 2017
I totally lost interest in this show after season, I think, 4? Is it worth getting back in to?


Oct 25, 2017
I kind of see why. His whole speech to Rick and then Daryl (Ricks most trusted brother) killing him even after he knew. Then Daryl killing the savior after the savior surrendered. Last time him and Daryl were at odds was in season 5 when Daryl didn't want to kill everyone and Rick did. Now Rick is even more far gone and yet somehow Daryl passed him. But they could have used more moments like the savior Daryl killed, they didn't need Morales. Did seem like a big waste.

Feral Rick and Daryl are the best.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Episode 2 and 3 could have been combined. Also still no Gabriel and Negan? I also would state that they weren't trying to make us feel emotional for Eric, but more sympathetic for Aaron since he has become a major player after the death circle.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Episode 2 and 3 could have been combined. Also still no Gabriel and Negan? I also would state that they weren't trying to make us feel emotional for Eric, but more sympathetic for Aaron since he has become a major player after the death circle.
The problem is that Aaron hasn't really gotten a lot of screen time.

I think he's a good actor and a solid character on the show but they just didn't invest much in him, so when the big moment between him and Eric comes, it doesn't carry a whole lot of emotional weight. It would have helped a lot to at least have a few more close moments between them.


Oct 27, 2017
I kind of see why. His whole speech to Rick and then Daryl (Ricks most trusted brother) killing him even after he knew. Then Daryl killing the savior after the savior surrendered. Last time him and Daryl were at odds was in season 5 when Daryl didn't want to kill everyone and Rick did. Now Rick is even more far gone and yet somehow Daryl passed him. But they could have used more moments like the savior Daryl killed, they didn't need Morales. Did seem like a big waste.

They are totally setting up a shit show once they get to Hilltop and Daryl sees the captured Saviors.

Poor Rick cant even keep his word anymore. Thank Daryl. Haha


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Episode 2 and 3 could have been combined. Also still no Gabriel and Negan? I also would state that they weren't trying to make us feel emotional for Eric, but more sympathetic for Aaron since he has become a major player after the death circle.

It didn't help that their acting was atrocious in that scene. Aaron looked like he was about to start laughing.


Oct 25, 2017
It didn't help that their acting was atrocious in that scene. Aaron looked like he was about to start laughing.
Yeah I was kinda surprised to see how badly executed it was. Aaron is a great actor but I think the scene was just really awkward.. when he's walking toward Eric's corpse. It just seems to go on for a long time and his facial expression is strange


Oct 28, 2017
Slightly OT, but I'm watching both TWD and FTWD as I'm catching up with FTWD and I'm surprised how much more interesting the setting and characters of latter manage to be. Which is actually surprising because I kinda gave up on the show during S2.

There is still a crossover planned if i'm correct. Dunno if we see it this season on TWD or next but here is my guess who it may be (which is not hard to predict after S3 final of FTWD)
it's Walker and his Indian fella

And yeah somehow the steam is out of TWD. Still waiting for that comeback of the old feeling where you sat on the edge of your seat like the first episode of season 5 and 7. Anytime soon...


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, yeah, one more episode like that, and i'm done with TWD.

I didn't mind where last season went. At least it went SOMEWHERE.
This season - so far - was people wasting bazillions of bullets on irrelevant characters (hell, they brought back a character from season 1 just to have someone NAMED to kill), winning a battle that will (surprise!) turn out to be meaningless, because Negan somehow, somewhere will have a whole 'nother army waiting for our 'heroes'.

What a shame :/
Oct 30, 2017
I'm snoozing at this season but I guess I'll stick it out for now. It's becoming a real slog. Cliffhanging Gabriel in the trailer with Negan for 2 episodes is also getting annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm snoozing at this season but I guess I'll stick it out for now. It's becoming a real slog. Cliffhanging Gabriel in the trailer with Negan for 2 episodes is also getting annoying.
The thing is..

Do we really give a shit? If Gabriel gets killed by Negan, who is really going to be impacted (as a viewer)?

The only reason why he's even there in this first place anyway is because he decided to make the horrible decision of saving Gregory, someone who, just moments before, betrayed everything Rick/co. know and love.

Stuff that's supposed to matter just has no real punch, anymore.

I miss the days where Rick and Shane would go at it and you're thinking "how long can they even do this without killing each other?"
Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't feel like the show is going anywhere through the first 3 episodes.

Still waiting for the show to come up with a compelling narrative again. It's been at least a few seasons since there was any aspect of the plot that actually demanded your attention.


Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't feel like the show is going anywhere through the first 3 episodes.

Still waiting for the show to come up with a compelling narrative again. It's been at least a few seasons since there was any aspect of the plot that actually demanded your attention.
Very true. I'd actually say that since the premiere of S6, there have only really been a few "great tier" episodes, opposed to the many that came in each season before it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that Aaron hasn't really gotten a lot of screen time.

I think he's a good actor and a solid character on the show but they just didn't invest much in him, so when the big moment between him and Eric comes, it doesn't carry a whole lot of emotional weight. It would have helped a lot to at least have a few more close moments between them.

I thought they were setting him up to be a major character back when Deanna was around, but as soon as Daryl, Eric, and spaghetti happened, they shoved him in the background for 1.5 seasons. It's almost as if they introduced gay male characters for progressiveness, then decided to put them back in the cupboard.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Wife and I to each other on the way home tonight "shall we watch walking dead first to get it over with?"



Oct 25, 2017
Just saw the latest episode. REEDUS will be dead soon. Awful character direction. sad times.
Yeah it's weird. It's like you can hear their thoughts.. "boy we really need to do something with Daryl, he hasn't had character development in like 4 or 5 seasons"

Though I will say that it was kind of a cool scene overall. The only one where something happened, action wise, other than "random people we don't care about shooting blindly at other random people we don't care about".

It was cool to watch Rick negotiate with him. Kinda reminded me of the bar scene in S2.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Just saw the latest episode. REEDUS will be dead soon. Awful character direction. sad times.

He won't. Daryl is probably safe until either he wants to leave the show or the show ends. Whichever comes first.

On another note, my freaking mother apparently looks up spoilers and spoiled what happens in the mid-season finale/premiere. And wow, uh, avoid that shit if you can. It might be the worst decision ever but you'll at least want to be surprised.


Oct 25, 2017
He won't. Daryl is probably safe until either he wants to leave the show or the show ends. Whichever comes first.

On another note, my freaking mother apparently looks up spoilers and spoiled what happens in the mid-season finale/premiere. And wow, uh, avoid that shit if you can. It might be the worst decision ever but you'll at least want to be surprised.

Is it roughly the same as what happens in the comic books?