Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Not a knock against the game.

Rev2 movement and shooting.
It's RE7 shooting in third person.

Gated transitions which means the classic open level style and classic progression are probably gone for chapters or linear progression.
The gated transitions are loading screens. There's zero indication that it won't be like RE7 in structure and they specifically called it metroidvania style.


Oct 27, 2017
No fixed camera.

Rev2 movement and shooting.

Gated transitions which means the classic open level style and classic progression are probably gone for chapters or linear progression.

I mean sure it looks good visually, but everything else means I'm never touching it and it isn't the remake that was promised.

I guarantee the number of people angry would be higher if it wasn't ots, like I'm done with re tbh.

At least DMCV looks like the game I expected.
In the Sony demo, they said it flowed more in a Metroidvania style, which is pretty close to how the classic games played anyway.

Explore until you hit an obstacle, double back and wander somewhere else until you get an item that opens up some area you weren't looking at, explore that area, find some other stuff, and then wander back to the initial road block to unlock the way forward and then progress until you discover that you have to go back to where you found the progression worthy item because you need to go back that way to push the story forward.

Having to find the fuses to plug into the wall or those gems to move the statue in the old games are no less of a progression gating mechanic.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
This looks so good. Really like that they're doubling down on the survival horror elements.


Oct 25, 2017
That scene with Marvin was excellent. Holy shit, they seriously upped the quality of the narrative.


Oct 30, 2017
Idk anymore... I was totally on board with this yesterday, but after seeing some gameplay now, I don't know what to think anymore. To me, it feels more like a third-person remake of RE7 than RE2. I don't know if it can be as tense as RE2, and I'm mad that I believed you'd be able to select fixed angles. That seems impossible now.
Dusk Golem

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Are we going to see a Claire demo anytime soon?

Not at this E3, but I am certain we will in the future. I think they want to keep the differences between the two campaigns a surprise for now. It says in a quick text in the off-screen gameplay (loading demo summary of events) that Leon and Claire met but got separated. I bet how Leon and Claire enter and do RPD Station will be very different, it's looking like Leon A starts the RPD Station with him entering through the front entrance, and Claire B with her entering through the back entrance. It has been commented Leon and Claire's campaign will include moments from both their A & B campaigns.


Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Hostile, aggressive attitude and ignoring mod warnings.
Not a knock against the game.

It's RE7 shooting in third person.

The gated transitions are loading screens. There's zero indication that it won't be like RE7 in structure and they specifically called it metroidvania style.

No fixed camera is absolutely a knock against a game series that defined fixed camera, again just because you feel like it isn't doesn't mean it is.

All of the emotion is sucked out of this game without those camera angles, the game itself is completely different in design.

Re7 shooting in third person? How is that different from shooting in revelations 2 or re4 or 5 or 6? It's over the shoulder shooting. It changes how the game plays fundamentally.

It isn't lock on, stand in place and press a button.

Nothing I've seen have said the devs called the game a metroidvania, receipts please.

Edit: lol wow so expressing a negative opinion about everyone's golden lamb gets me a warning for drive by posting.

Fuck off.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Looks soooo good.

I'm happy with a remake that is over the shoulder

I've played the original 800 times
Last edited:

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Not at this E3, but I am certain we will in the future. I think they want to keep the differences between the two campaigns a surprise for now. It says in a quick text in the off-screen gameplay (loading demo summary of events) that Leon and Claire met but got separated. I bet how Leon and Claire enter and do RPD Station will be very different, it's looking like Leon A starts the RPD Station with him entering through the front entrance, and Claire B with her entering through the back entrance. It has been commented Leon and Claire's campaign will include moments from both their A & B campaigns.

Thanks that's sounds really good. They really are nailing it.


Oct 27, 2017
Idk anymore... I was totally on board with this yesterday, but after seeing some gameplay now, I don't know what to think anymore. To me, it feels more like a third-person remake of RE7 than RE2. I don't know if it can be as tense as RE2, and I'm mad that I believed you'd be able to select fixed angles. That seems impossible now.
Why wouldn't it be as tense? Hallways are still cramped, ammo seems to be just as limited, and zombies can take a pop to the face multiple times without staggering, unlike every enemy in RE4-6 where a single shot to the face opens them up to a crowd controlling roundhouse kick.

More lights are turned off in the police station than before, there's more enemies on screen which means there's more things to run away from, and so on. What's not tense? And it's not like RE2 remained tense through the whole game, anyway. By time you found the handgun upgrades, the game was more of an occasional "oh shit" when a licker or boss showed up than a frightful experience.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope they still use this.



Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit that off screen video! All my fears of combat are gone, they are totally going for classic combat but with modern aiming and it works! You need to aim for a long while to get a clear precision shot which is perfect for a tense decision to shoot wildly and maybe miss or wait for that perfect hit. Headshots dont instant kill, thats key as ammo has to be wasted for a game like this to work. Three headshots to kill a zombie, thats a perfect ratio for damage. No melee stunners, cant have that in old RE, you can switch to knife like the old days. The flashlight goes away in certain situations leaving you in total darkness, creepy as hell. Its slow, methodical, its PERFECT.

Few things I noticed, there is a second floor to the reception room. I wonder if the knife is an infinite get out of zombie bite free attack. There is another knife in the locker so maybe your knife does run out or something. I saw the backpack!
Oct 25, 2017
No fixed camera is absolutely a knock against a game series that defined fixed camera, again just because you feel like it isn't doesn't mean it is.

All of the emotion is sucked out of this game without those camera angles, the game itself is completely different in design.

Re7 shooting in third person? How is that different from shooting in revelations 2 or re4 or 5 or 6? It's over the shoulder shooting. It changes how the game plays fundamentally.

It isn't lock on, stand in place and press a button.

Nothing I've seen have said the devs called the game a metroidvania, receipts please.

Edit: lol wow so expressing a negative opinion about everyone's golden lamb gets me a warning for drive by posting.

Fuck off.
Watch the PlayStation demo. The dev mentions it is a metroidvania....


Oct 27, 2017
No fixed camera is absolutely a knock against a game series that defined fixed camera, again just because you feel like it isn't doesn't mean it is.

All of the emotion is sucked out of this game without those camera angles, the game itself is completely different in design.

Re7 shooting in third person? How is that different from shooting in revelations 2 or re4 or 5 or 6? It's over the shoulder shooting. It changes how the game plays fundamentally.

It isn't lock on, stand in place and press a button.

Nothing I've seen have said the devs called the game a metroidvania, receipts please.

Edit: lol wow so expressing a negative opinion about everyone's golden lamb gets me a warning for drive by posting.

Fuck off.

Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit that off screen video! All my fears of combat are gone, they are totally going for classic combat but with modern aiming and it works! You need to aim for a long while to get a clear precision shot which is perfect for a tense decision to shoot wildly and maybe miss or wait for that perfect hit. Headshots dont instant kill, thats key as ammo has to be wasted for a game like this to work. Three headshots to kill a zombie, thats a perfect ratio for damage. No melee stunners, cant have that in old RE, you can switch to knife like the old days. The flashlight goes away in certain situations leaving you in total darkness, creepy as hell. Its slow, methodical, its PERFECT.

Few things I noticed, there is a second floor to the reception room. I wonder if the knife is an infinite get out of zombie bite free attack. There is another knife in the locker so maybe your knife does run out or something. I saw the backpack!
In the demo the man said the knife has durability.
Dusk Golem

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I hope they still use this.


It probably won't start with that exact text since the game starts at a different point. For the record, Leon's campaign starts at a Gas Station and the Pitstop Store by the Gas Station, while Claire's campaign starts at a Diner (I think for Claire, know for Leon). They actually meet up after their beginnings, and then get separated. Since RE2's whole opening CG stuff is now essentially a playable and expanded gameplay sequence, that exact text may not pop up right at the start.


Oct 25, 2017
No fixed camera is absolutely a knock against a game series that defined fixed camera, again just because you feel like it isn't doesn't mean it is.

All of the emotion is sucked out of this game without those camera angles, the game itself is completely different in design.

Re7 shooting in third person? How is that different from shooting in revelations 2 or re4 or 5 or 6? It's over the shoulder shooting. It changes how the game plays fundamentally.

It isn't lock on, stand in place and press a button.

Nothing I've seen have said the devs called the game a metroidvania, receipts please.

Edit: lol wow so expressing a negative opinion about everyone's golden lamb gets me a warning for drive by posting.

Fuck off.

It looks like its exactly the same in its design. It looks like all they did was take the camera, put it behind Leon and thats it. EVERYTHING from RE2 is there and more. All the puzzle solving. All the item mangement. All the running back and forth hoping you reach a save room before you die. Its classic RE in every way except now combat isnt awful.


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
This looks incredible. The only things I don't like are the floating markers and the objectives. And at least one of these, will probably be a toggle in the menus so whatever.

Just brilliant. It looks scary as hell too.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
At the end of the second gameplay video, oh man, the producer totally realizes the E3 trailer fuck up.
First impressions are everything.


Feb 1, 2018
Absolute perfection..I almost cant believe what I am seeing.

This is exactly what I was hoping a potential RE2 remake would be like.


Oct 28, 2017
It probably won't start with that exact text since the game starts at a different point. For the record, Leon's campaign starts at a Gas Station and the Pitstop Store by the Gas Station, while Claire's campaign starts at a Diner (I think for Claire, know for Leon). They actually meet up after their beginnings, and then get separated. Since RE2's whole opening CG stuff is now essentially a playable and expanded gameplay sequence, that exact text may not pop up right at the start.
Oh yessss the new start sounds awesome.

They've really outdone themselves with this one, everything looks and sounds perfect to me so far. I'm trying to imagine how they will handle certain parts of the game...oh man. I think I'm going full on media blackout from now on.


Oct 27, 2017
It probably won't start with that exact text since the game starts at a different point. For the record, Leon's campaign starts at a Gas Station and the Pitstop Store by the Gas Station, while Claire's campaign starts at a Diner (I think for Claire, know for Leon). They actually meet up after their beginnings, and then get separated. Since RE2's whole opening CG stuff is now essentially a playable and expanded gameplay sequence, that exact text may not pop up right at the start.

That sounds fine. Those lines will just always be stuck in my head.


Oct 27, 2017
RE2 is my favourite RE game followed by 4 and then REmake but I have to say Remake 2 has left a very sour taste in my mouth despite some interesting concepts such as the defensive items, limited items, bordering windows and the classic map system. Yes, this is mainly because the game doesn't use fixed cameras (as was said many times it would), tank controls (another essential ingredient) and the bastardisation of the typical modern shooter. This is another dudebro shooting RE game where the core aspect of the combat is getting thrills shooting zombies seeing all the gore with an OTS perspective, whilst the feeling of claustrophobia is encompassed by the darkness and tight FOV. This, TO ME, enhances the action and power fantasy feeling of getting the satisfaction of successfully shooting to killing zombies. What would have been better was using fixed cameras intelligently to inherently create feelings of nausea, claustrophobia and the psychological play of anticipation of the player's expectations. For example, the camera suddenly changes so that it's outside the building facing inwards toward Leon, despite nothing actually changing within the game itself. Things like this are essential in a classic RE game.

A disgrace to Capcom for not knowing what the fuck a remake of a classic game is suppose to do; both a nostalgia trip and a warm welcome to newbies looking for a "better" version of the original. There is literally no excuse why they can't do fixed cameras and tank controls in 2018 with all these game engines to pick from.

I will ever play or buy this game and that's a damn shame because I love RE2.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Watched the demo on the stream.

This was the Resident Evil 7 I wanted years ago, so much so that I'm kinda disappointed that the atmosphere+gameplay was used on a remake instead of a new setting.

But hey, I ain't complaining. I really like where they went with the actual RE7 and I'm certainly liking what I'm seeing here nonetheless.


Oct 25, 2017
This looks amazing. My Game of Show easily and I wasn't particularly following up on every tidbit of information.

Will be my first time playing RE2. Should be a blast.


Oct 28, 2017
RE2 is my favourite RE game followed by 4 and then REmake but I have to say Remake 2 has left a very sour taste in my mouth despite some interesting concepts such as the defensive items, limited items, bordering windows and the classic map system. Yes, this is mainly because the game doesn't use fixed cameras (as was said many times it would), tank controls (another essential ingredient) and the bastardisation of the typical modern shooter. This is another dudebro shooting RE game where the core aspect of the combat is getting thrills shooting zombies seeing all the gore with an OTS perspective, whilst the feeling of claustrophobia is encompassed by the darkness and tight FOV. This, TO ME, enhances the action and power fantasy feeling of getting the satisfaction of successfully shooting to killing zombies. What would have been better was using fixed cameras intelligently to inherently create feelings of nausea, claustrophobia and the psychological play of anticipation of the player's expectations. For example, the camera suddenly changes so that it's outside the building facing inwards toward Leon, despite nothing actually changing within the game itself. Things like this are essential in a classic RE game.

A disgrace to Capcom for not knowing what the fuck a remake of a classic game is suppose to do; both a nostalgia trip and a warm welcome to newbies looking for a "better" version of the original. There is literally no excuse why they can't do fixed cameras and tank controls in 2018 with all these game engines to pick from.

I will ever play or buy this game and that's a damn shame because I love RE2.


Oct 27, 2017
RE2 is my favourite RE game followed by 4 and then REmake but I have to say Remake 2 has left a very sour taste in my mouth despite some interesting concepts such as the defensive items, limited items, bordering windows and the classic map system. Yes, this is mainly because the game doesn't use fixed cameras (as was said many times it would), tank controls (another essential ingredient) and the bastardisation of the typical modern shooter. This is another dudebro shooting RE game where the core aspect of the combat is getting thrills shooting zombies seeing all the gore with an OTS perspective, whilst the feeling of claustrophobia is encompassed by the darkness and tight FOV. This, TO ME, enhances the action and power fantasy feeling of getting the satisfaction of successfully shooting to killing zombies. What would have been better was using fixed cameras intelligently to inherently create feelings of nausea, claustrophobia and the psychological play of anticipation of the player's expectations. For example, the camera suddenly changes so that it's outside the building facing inwards toward Leon, despite nothing actually changing within the game itself. Things like this are essential in a classic RE game.

A disgrace to Capcom for not knowing what the fuck a remake of a classic game is suppose to do; both a nostalgia trip and a warm welcome to newbies looking for a "better" version of the original. There is literally no excuse why they can't do fixed cameras and tank controls in 2018 with all these game engines to pick from.

I will ever play or buy this game and that's a damn shame because I love RE2.
Keep fighting the good fight, its very entertaining.


Apr 30, 2018
Hawthorne CA
Oh and there's more, they didn't even use the classic inventory and UI.

Like these are things I identify with visually and mechanically for a remake of re2 or 3 or 1.

This shit is fucking garbage.

Umm if you're really upset about that. Then why don't you just keep your nostalgia alive by playing the original and not pay attention to this remake.
Appreciate the reimagining of this classic game and stop sulking over the changes they incorporated.
You sound like an old man yelling at clouds.