
Oct 25, 2017
Visually speaking, the movie looks incredibly underwhelming. The predators look too much like guys in rubber suits. I dunno, somehow the first Predator movie was more convincing. Hell, even the AvP predators looked better.

The tone and plot are interesting however. I just wish the movie looked better.


Nov 1, 2017
Visually speaking, the movie looks incredibly underwhelming. The predators look too much like guys in rubber suits. I dunno, somehow the first Predator movie was more convincing. Hell, even the AvP predators looked better.

The tone and plot are interesting however. I just wish the movie looked better.

The AvP predators are the goofiest looking mother fuckers ever. Giant bobble headed padded suits.... no.


Oct 27, 2017
What if they put Predators spaaaaaaaace!

Oh, right.

i guess it worked for jason



Oct 25, 2017
I was gonna see it anyway but this put more confidence in me that it will be decent.
Oct 25, 2017

I feel like Predator as a concept is something that worked the best as an 80's action movie.

Here it looks so out of place in modern day, and they are just tacking on so much stuff onto what was a simple premise. Also, since when do people in the films actually refer to them as "Predators"?


Oct 30, 2017
Definitely the better of the trailers, but using the same predator roar 4 times in one trailer is pretty lazy.

I want to be excited, but I can't really after I heard about (spoilers)
How the kid wears the Predator gear to school for halloween and promptly executes his bullies with the predators shoulder canon. That's a level of dumb I can't handle.

Goddamn I'm not sure I had read that, what in the flying fuck

That doesn't actually happen, unless they refilmed that scene different to the leaked script that is out there right now. If you want to know what actually happens...

The bullies are watching in the street, being dicks to the kid as he's trying to trick or treat wearing some Predator items. At one house the kid is attacked by a junkie who throws something at him, hitting him, and as he's scurrying away the shoulder canon autonomously whips over his shoulder and obliterates the junkie behind him. It's obviously played for comedy but it's also meant to be quite shocking.
Oct 25, 2017
Still not feeling it. Looks like it fits in better with the AvP series than the original predator, and we all know what that means.

They gotta do that old sequel cliche, huh? You thought the original predator was mean? Watch this BIGGER ONE THROW IT LIKE IT'S NOTHING! Wow ooh scary!

Pass, unless the reviews convince me otherwise.


Oct 30, 2017
My biggest problem is just how it looks. This thing looks like a TV movie, and I don't mean budget wise, but the way it's shot and lit. Nothing really "cinematic" about it.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely looks better, but that leaked plot synopsis seems to be accurate, so I'm not entirely sure how they're going to make that concept not stupid, because it sounded stupid. Shane Black though, so I'm torn.

Has a leaked plot synopsis ever sounded good? Seriously, I can't recall a time that plot details have leaked ahead of footage and the reaction wasn't "Sounds stupid."

General internet rule of thumb seems to be:

Details that leak before a film is released: "Sounds awful".
Details on unfilmed or cut content after release: "Sounds better than what we got."


Oct 27, 2017
That doesn't actually happen, unless they refilmed that scene different to the leaked script that is out there right now. If you want to know what actually happens...

The bullies are watching in the street, being dicks to the kid as he's trying to trick or treat wearing some Predator items. At one house the kid is attacked by a junkie who throws something at him, hitting him, and as he's scurrying away the shoulder canon autonomously whips over his shoulder and obliterates the junkie behind him. It's obviously played for comedy but it's also meant to be quite shocking.
This sounds more like something from a Shane Black movie.

That trailer looks really good. I'm excited again. And Shane can do no wrong. I'm optimistic.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
That's a much better trailer but like come on! You establish in every other movie they cloak and in all these trailers they just flat out show the Predator. Can't show a clip of a cloaked one?


Oct 25, 2017
If I didn't recognize the film maker and property I would think it was just some direct to Netflix movie.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
The marketing for this movie has been poor to non existent, so it's good to see a better trailer for this movie.

I still think the movie will be better than what some people think because of Shane Black but I also don't mind the direction this is going with the Predator vs Predator stuff, like in the extended universe and last movie. I don't need every Predator movie to be like the original because why bother making the same film over and over, so I'm happy they are doing something a little different and exploring the Bad Blood Predator concept a little more.


Apr 2, 2018
Ok. That was wayyyyy better than the initial trailer. I'm sold enough that I'll go. But I'm getting vibes it will just end up being mediocre. Hope I'm wrong. Just think none of those guys look like badasses unfortunately.


Oct 26, 2017
Michigan, USA
this just looks like a mediocre action movie. is it even possible to make a good alien or predator movie any more. probably not. the vein is tapped out. once a series starts hybridizing monsters it's all over.

It's not even a action movie but a comedy. I'm not even joking. The test screenings were so decisive that Fox had to bump the release back and do reshoots.

Doesn't help the original script was garbage.


Oct 27, 2017
Good trailer but why the fact that they're reusing the Predator roar (and the Predator scout ship design) from AvP is off putting a little bit to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Weird how this trailer changes them from being assassins to Rangers. I wonder if there was a rewrite.


Nov 6, 2017
God that looks so generic. I don't know why they have to make it so over the top. Predator was good because it was very simple. Surviving a hunt in the jungle.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Not a bad trailer at all.

How does Oliva Munn keep getting work though?


Nov 1, 2017
Weird how this trailer changes them from being assassins to Rangers. I wonder if there was a rewrite.

There is two groups of characters apparently, the one mercenary team "assassins" who encountered the predator first, and then the rangers who are arrested for some reason, who end up coming together in the military prison bus scene. They are then forced to work together.


Oct 26, 2017
Michigan, USA
There is two groups of characters apparently, the one mercenary team "assassins" who encountered the predator first, and then the rangers who are arrested for some reason, who end up coming together in the military prison bus scene. They are then forced to work together.

I think Thomas Jane explains it quite eloquently. lol
We play these veterans from like Afghanistan, Iraq war or whatever. But we're all fucking crazy so we go to the VA hospital to get our meds. We're all like shellshocked, PTSD…soldiers. We're at the VA hospital and we're in group therapy and of course, somebody flips out…this is backstory, I don't think we really see this…somebody flips out and we all get arrested and get thrown onto the bus to go down to the hospital and they throw this other guy on the bus too.

And he's a guy they've actually marked to kill him because he's seen a UFO, he's seen the Predator ships come down so they lock him up and throw him in with us lunatics. They're going to take that bus, drive it down to a ditch and shoot us all just to get rid of this one guy. But, of course, we take the bus over and we're all like "fuck that man, let's go kill these fucking Predators ourselves" and we're just crazy enough to believe that this guy really did see a UFO and there's these aliens out there. So that's kinda cool!"

Diego Renault

Nov 1, 2017
The trailer is a bit better than the last. However, the last trailers were really bad. So this is just a little step up.

There is so much wrong. The urban setting sucks. The hybrid-predator sucks. I don't know, the athmosphere is just not there.

This will probably be the biggest movie dissapointment of 2018.

Mr. Sam

Oct 26, 2017
I trust in Shane Black but... that looks pretty much like Predators x Alien vs. Predator: Requiem.