
Oct 27, 2017
It wasn't until junior high that I had a concrete ambition of what I actually wanted to be as an adult, and that was a science fiction and/or fantasy novelist. It took 20+ years, but my debut, cyberpunk/magic hybrid novel comes out next year, so while it took a while, mission accomplished.


Oct 26, 2017
When I was really young I would say that I wanted to be a pilot. But 10 years I would definitely say that I wanted to become an engineer. I am in my last year of school of Electrical engineering. I can definitely say that I definitely choose the right degree for myself. I enjoyed the sciences and math. I also had just an excessive amount of curiosity about the world and how it works. In fact, at my current internship, I definitely asked too many questions.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Me at 5 - wanted to be a train engineer
Me at 10 - wanted to be a chemist
Me at 15 - wanted to be a Foreign Service Officer
Me staring down the barrel of 30 - development (fundraising) operations.

It does keep doors open for working for some very cool companies but I keep getting stuck in health-care orgs. But I enjoy my day to day playing with data and helping people work through technical problems. Pay is good compared to the level of stress, though not all that much for living in DC, and the pace of the job is usually pretty leisurely.


Oct 25, 2017
Now that I am actually thinking about it, I am not sure what 10 year old me wanted to be. I am sure I had those thoughts, but nothing stands out till my early 20s when I made a serious effort to make a living as a recording engineer. That did not work out and now I get paid to play with data all day (it is way more fun that it sounds).


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly had no idea what I wanted to be at 10. I didn't know what I wanted to be at 15. I barely even knew what I wanted to be at 20. I stumbled into teaching a few years later and I fell in love with it.

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
I was discouraged from everything I wanted to be due to counselors and teachers not knowing shit about what I wanted to do or be.

First I wanted to be a paleontologist. Was told "well you know you'll have to be outside and active :)" because I was and still am fat and generally inactive, implication being "pick something else". Later learned... no. 95% of paleontologist work is in the lab or study.

Second, wanted to be an Imagineer. Was told "well you'll need to be very good at math :)" and my math grades weren't very good at all, the implication being "pick something else". Turns out, no, they need just as many artists and designers as actual engineers.

Third, wanted to be a graphic designer. Had a REALLY bad art teacher first semester of college who basically drained all my artistic spirit from me and basically taught me "art isn't creative". So I abandoned that. This in spite of the fact I won several awards (like actual awards, not participation trophies) in high school due to my graphic design work.

Now I have an associate's degree in history from 3 years of public college. Decided on it because history interests me. But, well, let's be frank, history is not a very useful degree unless it's a doctorate, is it? Let alone associate's and not bachelor's or master's. And I'm not even using it because I spent the last 4+ years of my life doing home care of my sickly grandma. Which I didn't mind doing. And it made me feel fulfilled. But I wasn't technically employed. And I don't have a job now. Haven't for almost 10 months.

So. No. Each and every last of my real ambitions were smashed by discouragement. Being told "no you can't", or being taught incorrectly.

I went into a, like, 3 page rant about how useless I feel but uh, realized I shouldn't post that publicly.

But yeah, shit sucks.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wanted to make video games. Ended up as an attorney.

I actually got a game design interview with riot right before I accepted my job at a law firm but I failed the take home portion. Probably for the best lol. Maybe I'll give it another shot when my loans are all paid off and I've got some savings.

I've honestly been daydreaming about trying to join the FBI recently as well because of Mindhunter. I need to research that, its probably not nearly as cool as I think it would be.


Oct 25, 2017
I wanted to be Inspector Gadget when I was a kid.

I'm not an inspector or been mutilated and had my body parts replaced with cybernetic enhancements.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
I always wanted to open up my very own Kung Fu school. The day I got my ass handed to me by a boxer, everything changed. I eventually wanted to own my own pub. But then I spent all my time and money keeping other pubs in business.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
Wanted to follow in my dad's footsteps and did, albeit I'm not doing AS/400 stuff and I've yet to step into management. Perhaps in another year.


Oct 27, 2017
Throughout my life I've wanted to be a ninja, game developer, graphic designer, biologist, and astronomer. Then when I found out that I could dive into computer engineering and architecture, I went to college for it and have been a systems engineer for five years.

Worth it.
Jul 26, 2018
3 things...

1. Game developer
2. Streamer
3 Professional Football (soccer) player

-For gaming dev, part of me still wants to work in the industry even after hearing about the insane crunch controversies and low pay. I can call myself a "workaholic" since I used to work in a restaurant for 8-12 hours on weekends and it's a very physical demanding job.

-Recently just gave up on streaming. Was fun, but was difficult due to not getting many viewers. Streamed Titanfall 2, always get "pwned" by other better players and they stream too. Yet, they only get 30 views and been streaming for over 2 years... Doesn't sound like it's worth it. If you wanna go big, YOU NEED LUCK!

-As for football.. different story. I'm getting there and train/play the sport every single day before/after work. I legit believe i have a better chance to go pro then being a streamer and game developer. Been putting so much work/commitment to this sport since I was a early teen 14-15 years old. Pretty much a wild adventure and I wasn't considered a "normal teen" who would go to parties, hs football games, dances, etc. I always focus on practicing/training as much as possible.

At first, I was bad.. terrible. Couldn't even juggle a ball. Now, I can juggle a ball over 100 times, do "around the world", the rainbow, bicycle kick, better dribbler, juggle the ball while sitting the ground, i'm faster, i'm Ambidextrous and now able to do beautiful free kicks with BOTH of my legs (bend it like Beckham haha), etc.

I always get eyeballs in my local park while playing. Felt good when a little kid called me a pro too hahaha. If I don't make it, I would like to be a coach or personal trainer in the future. Overall, I'm pretty happy how much i've come to from my teens to now. A huge transformation.


Apr 28, 2018
When I was little I always wanted to work in a video rental shop or a video game arcade. I ticked off both goals as a teenager.

The video shop was cool as it was one of the first stores my family rented videos from.
The arcade was awesome as well (although compared to the video shop, I didn't take advantage of the free games all too often).
Oct 25, 2017
10-year-old me didn't know what he wanted to be when he grew up, but a woman is undoubtedly the last thing he expected to be at this point. I'd love to see the look on his face if he saw me now.


Nov 8, 2017
At Age 8: Guy who makes cheese - No, I don't even like cheese

At Age 14: Computer Programmer - I tried to do this in college and found out I hated it so no

I was never really passionate about either of these though, they were just options I chose when forced to. In reality I still don't know what I want but I ended up in IT for HR systems.
Jan 2, 2018
I was 100% sure I was going to be the inventor of a time machine. I remember finding some kind of circuit board (like from a garage door opener or something) and thinking it was going to be a crucial computer chip for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Not even remotely close. I wanted to be a marine biologist but once I got to high school I realized that was a pipe dream. Im absolutely abysmal at arithmetic and while I can excel at every other subject, I am inept at anything mathematics related which biological sciences inherently involve.


Nov 2, 2017
I never had a consistent dream job as a kid and teeneger. The only two ideas I remember are 5 years old me wanting to become a gas station attendant (hey, gasoline smells good!) and 10 years old me wanting to become a aerospace engineer, but after high school I wanted nothing to do with science and math.
Now I'm on my way to become an architect, I just got my master degree in July and fingers crossed for finding a job in a good practice.
Nov 8, 2017
10 year old me wanted to be a journalist after my parents put me off the idea of software development by telling me that I'd need to be "really good at maths".

I ended up in software development.


Oct 27, 2017
Funny enough i became what i already was. I was always drawing as a kid. Never realizing you could make money with it.

I wish i knew sooner. That would have saved me a lot of school-stress. And would have saved me a couple of years in that hellhole.

Never had any idea what i wanted to become. The whole working life kinda seemed shitty to me.
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SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
Nah, I wanted to be a fighter pilot but my eyesight went to shit in middle school and I decided I didn't really want to settle for cargo planes and such.


Oct 28, 2017
I wanted to become a doctor. In a way, I still save lives... I'm a biomedical technician, I make sure our dialysis machines and other medical equipment are working properly. I also make sure the facility is maintained for our patients. So the answer.. no, but yes.


Oct 28, 2017
I did interestingly enough but rather than a what do I want to be when I grow up I had a few specific things I wanted to do. I've accomplished a good chunk of that list including being at the Cannes Film Festival, launching a brand, working in the film and music industries, working in large-scale industry, having entrepreneurial ventures (profitable), etc. Then again I've pivoted my career a few times (mostly successful though there were pitfalls).

What's left on the list?
Work as an astrophysicist. (There's a project I'm going to get involved in that should let me do this tangentially).
Finish my novel/series (10k words left on a 120k word project - novel).
Obtain a pilot's license (2020 plan).
Purchase an island. I've developed a working sustainable model so it's not impossible to implement. Time is a bigger factor (and because of climate change; location).
At 10 I did make a plan to acheive everything and die by 40/42. I can't do that now as there are people who rely on me but I guess on a selfish level I would be okay if it happened.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
-Recently just gave up on streaming. Was fun, but was difficult due to not getting many viewers. Streamed Titanfall 2, always get "pwned" by other better players and they stream too. Yet, they only get 30 views and been streaming for over 2 years... Doesn't sound like it's worth it. If you wanna go big, YOU NEED LUCK!

I mean, TF2 is a pretty niche choice to stream.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Was set on being a Doctor up till 7th Grade, puberty hit and I lost some brain cells apparently from the hormones and became a cook by the age of 18. Don't regret the bad grades or career path at all.
Dec 2, 2017
I was going to be in the army. Then I just didn't join. When I finished my GSCE's I was too fat to get in, then even now I've lost most of that weight the idea isn't as appealing to me.


Dec 2, 2017
I didn't like school, so when I was asked in second grade what I wanted to do as an adult, my answer was: "I want to work from home."
And that's what I do now. I'm surprised myself since home office was kind of an unthinkable thing around the time I grew up.


Oct 27, 2017
1Oyo me was sure he would either direct movies, write and draw comics or dig up dinosaurs.

I became a screenwriter. So, close enough on the first one and a tiny bit on the second.


Nov 28, 2017
At ten I think I wanted to become an inventor. Think fantasies about inventing stuff in your garage and then patent it.
Didn't happen, now I'm a doctor.
Jan 11, 2019
I never became a racedriver, a motocross-rider or adventurer, no. But heck, at least I started skateboarding, snowboarding and downhill biking as a hobby so there's that!

But first and foremost, I could never undertand, as a kid, how most adults can be so dreadfully boring. This was not a very valid observation of course, but I thought that I really want is to have fun for the rest of my life. Today, I still don't really live for the job. I work as little as possible in order to do what fulfills me. I do realize I'm very priviledged but I'm a very childish and happy 30 year old who doesn't have a clear career path, a family, a house and so forth.

Overall, yes, my 8 year old self would probably like me.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess technically, yeah? I always wanted to be a writer, and that's what I am and what I do for my job (that's journalistic writing though).

I think 10-year-old was hoping I'd be a published fiction author by now though.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
First it was an Archeologist but it wasn't practical in my circumstances.

Then in my college years it was game development. I'm really glad that didn't go anywhere and I found a more secure and rewarding career instead.