
Mar 28, 2018
Once again reminding everyone to please not to turn this into an Elon Musk thread again. If you resume or participate in such a derail you will be moderated. Please also try to cut down on the movie adaptation talk while kids are still trapped.

Mod Edit:

All 12 boys and their football coach have been successfully rescued from a cave in northern Thailand after more than two weeks trapped underground.

"The 12 Wild Boars and coach have emerged from the cave and they are safe," the Thai navy Seal unit said on its official Facebook page. It added: "Hooyah."

Medical official on the rescue team confirmed to Reuters that two boys are out of the cave.


Coach and kids went into a popular tourist destination cave (normally dry) in the latter half of June. There's a sign at the cave entrance warning about rain causing floods in the caves during July-August.

Cave started flooding with the coach and kids still in the cave. Waters start rising. They are cut off from the entrance. To escape the rising waters, the coach leads the kids deeper and deeper into the cave network.

After 9 days of darkness and being cut off from the rest of the world, the rescue divers finally find all the kids and the coach taking shelter on a dry ledge but surrounded by water.

Drilling from above into where they are is difficult because there's ~1 km of rock above them. Initially they considered the idea of waiting out the floods for the next 2-4 months by continually having divers send food+medical aid to their location; however, incoming monsoon season means that additional rain may cause their current position to completely flood with water, drowning all of them.

So they're trying to rebuild the survivors' strengths with food+water and giving the kids crash courses on underwater cave scuba diving. A guide rope has been extended from the cave entrance to their current position, so that should help. They will probably also position rescue divers at different checkpoints throughout the route to hand the kids off safely from one diver to another, in a relay race fashion.

It's unknown if this is Plan A or if it's a last resort plan at this stage. It's hard to tell when all the options don't look good, depending on if or when the flooding resumes.

Here's a horizontal cross section:


/Mod Edit

This is Very Big News in my country right now


They missing a least 3 days.

I hope They all are fine and found them very soon.
Last edited by a moderator:


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I saw this on the news yesterday. I was really hoping they'd have been found by now.


Oct 26, 2017
Apparently Thai navy has sent special forces divers to search for them, but no luck so far. I hope they're found alive.


Interior Minister Anupong Paojinda told reporters that Navy SEAL divers leading the search for the missing are seriously handicapped by muddy water that fill some chambers of the cave to their ceilings. He said the divers could proceed only when enough water has been pumped out so there is breathing space between the water and the ceiling. The divers will also soon start using special oxygen tanks that provide longer diving times, he said.

Anupong said that Tuesday's goal was to be able to "reach the kids," and that rescuers would be working night and day.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, hope they find them, that looks like an extensive cave system to search.

Deleted member 18347

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How deep into the cave did they go?

That looks like a complex cave network. Add flooding to the mix and that's a recipe for disaster. Hope they're okay.


Oct 27, 2017
Bangkok, Thailand
This is kinda have been all over the news in my country right now. Hundreds of people have been mobilized to rescue these kids including the Thai navy seals and other officials. However, continuous rain and harsh internal condition of the cave have made the rescue attemp a lot harder for the rescuers. I hope they find them soon.

Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Jesus, who's bright idea is it to go down on caves that get flooded? Poor children, I do hope they find them all


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
can't imagine the harrowing situation they are in, i assume it would be total darkness in the area that they are trapped?


Oct 26, 2017
We had a similar thing happen in a cave network near where i live.

Luckily, there were safe spots with food and shelter within the caves where they could wait out the flooding for the 4 nights necessary.

That cave network looks huge, i hope they find the kids alive.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope none of the children have seen The Descent..

What a horrible situation. I really hope they make it out ok.
Oct 28, 2017
I really hope everyone is found alive. What a scary situation for those parents.

The soccer players and their coach went to the cave Saturday afternoon after their team practice, riding their bikes past a sign warning visitors not to enter the cave from July to November, because of the danger of flooding during the rainy season. It also says visitors must report to the national park ranger station before entering, which the group did not do, officials said.

If this is the case then that soccer coach should never be allowed around children again. What a horrible mistake in judgement that may have cost everyone their lives.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
I really hope everyone is found alive. What a scary situation for those parents.

If this is the case then that soccer coach should never be allowed around children again. What a horrible mistake in judgement that may have cost everyone their lives.

I was hoping there wasn't one of "these" to accompany the story. So shitty. Hope they're extracted and that idiot coach is fired.

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
I really hope everyone is found alive. What a scary situation for those parents.

If this is the case then that soccer coach should never be allowed around children again. What a horrible mistake in judgement that may have cost everyone their lives.

It's surprising how many people ignore this kind of prohibition. I've seen this kind of dumb disobedience involving dangerous large rivers, bridges, hydroelectric plant reservoirs, and a lagoon where a lot of people died thrown against the cliffs by the sea and people insist going there calling it ''natural pools''. If I see a sign indicating any kind of danger I will get the fuck out of there immediately.

I hope they are found safe and sound :(
Oct 30, 2017
This is beyond terrifying but the fact that this cave is so well known, is a tourist location prone to flooding and because officials seem to know the layout and high grounds I'm hopeful the boys can be located by professionals and rescued.

If this is the case then that soccer coach should never be allowed around children again. What a horrible mistake in judgement that may have cost everyone their lives.

The real unfortunate thing here is the sign was probably in local language and still ignored. Its very common for tourists to die in countries all over the world, because warning signs are not in their native language and they miss them all the time. This happens a LOT in Yosemite and Death Valley here in California.

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
The real unfortunate thing here is the sign was probably in local language and still ignored. Its very common for tourists to die in countries all over the world, because warning signs are not in their native language and they miss them all the time. This happens a LOT in Yosemite and Death Valley here in California.

This makes a lot of sense. I watched a video about the creation of the hazard symbol and it was hard to create a warning sign that could be understood universally or at least ingrained in people's minds as a sign of danger regardless of culture. And these other signs probably suffer from this same problem, not to mention the language :(


Oct 29, 2017
Terrible news. Just finished reading the outsider by Stephen king, caves are truly scary.
Oct 25, 2017
Caves are kinda terrifying. We went inside one near Khao Sok where the water was all the way up to my chest (I'm 6'1) and it's actually raining there. I hope everyone's safe.


Mar 18, 2018
Hope they're okay. Giant cave systems are super unnerving to me everytime I hear or read about them.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
If the Navy divers find the group and the water levels remain high, they may have to teach them basic scuba techniques to get them out, he said.

Imagine having to learn to scuba dive to escape a winding pitch-black cave you have been trapped in for days

Oh and you're eleven years old

I really hope they are all found okay today.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I just hope this is like those miners in Chile and everyone is alright.

I guess if they sended supplies down the cave they sended batteries and lights for them


Oct 27, 2017
This makes a lot of sense. I watched a video about the creation of the hazard symbol and it was hard to create a warning sign that could be understood universally or at least ingrained in people's minds as a sign of danger regardless of culture. And these other signs probably suffer from this same problem, not to mention the language :(
One would think that something like a skull and crossbones would be universal, but I'm an ignorant American who knows little about other cultures. Maybe that means something different to other people.

Anyways, really hope everyone is ok.


Oct 25, 2017
:( damn.

Navy Seals closing in? Not to be that, but why are they doing the rescue operation? Just curious.


Oct 26, 2017
:( damn.

Navy Seals closing in? Not to be that, but why are they doing the rescue operation? Just curious.

Why wouldn't they ?

Edit: my bad.. I think I got the context of your post wrong. I'm guessing they've been asked to aid in the rescue as they're probably experts with diving/scuba and all that.


Oct 25, 2017
My guess, military divers tend to be the best, experienced in multiple conditions and environments

Why wouldn't they ?

Edit: my bad.. I think I got the context of your post wrong. I'm guessing they've been asked to aid in the rescue as they're probably experts with diving/scuba and all that.

Ah ok, thought if it was someother reason for it. But good to put their expertise into play.