
Oct 25, 2017

A Perris mother and father are behind bars Monday after one of their children escaped their home and reported to sheriff's deputies that 12 of her siblings were still being held captive at their home, some of them shackled with chains and padlocks to their beds.

All of the children appeared to malnourished when they were found Sunday, some so severely that deputies initially believed the adult children to be kids, according to a statement from the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.

David Allen Turpin, 57, and Louise Anna Turpin, 49, have been booked on charges of torture and child endangerment. They are each being held in lieu of $9 million bail.

According to the sheriff's department, a 17-year-old girl fled the house in the 100 block of Muir Woods Road early Sunday morning and was able to call 911 using a cellphone she had taken from the home.

Despite her age, deputies at first believed her to be around 10 years old because of she was emaciated and malnourished.
"Deputies located what they believed to be 12 children inside the house, but were shocked to discover that 7 of them were actually adults, ranging in age from 18 to 29," read the statement. "The victims appeared to be malnourished and very dirty."

The victims ranged in age from 2 to 29 years old.


Louise Turpin's siblings told NBC News they had not seen her in nearly two decades and what little contact they had with her was by phone. They said they believed David Turpin was "treating her like a queen" and wondered why she never let them talk with the kids.

"We always thought she was living the perfect life," her sister, Teresa Robinette, said in an interview conducted in Knoxville, Tennessee. "She would tell us they went to Disneyland all the time, they would go to Vegas."

The sister added that Louise left home at 16 to marry Turpin. She said the parents refused to let their children date or spend too much time with other children.

"They weren't allowed to watch TV. They weren't allowed to talk on the phone, have friends over, stuff like that. Normal things that kids do."
"Further investigation revealed several children shackled to their beds with chains and padlocks in dark and foul-smelling surroundings, but the parents were unable to immediately provide a logical reason why their children were restrained in that manner," the statement read.

It was only after freeing them that deputies discovered seven of what they thought were severely emaciated kids were actually adults "ranging in age from 18 to 29."
David Turpin had gotten state approval to run a private school, the Sandcastle Day School, out of his one-story tan stucco house, California records revealed. They listed him as the principal.

"They were home-schooled," Fellows said of the victims, adding that he did not know how long the family had been in Perris. He said they previously lived in Texas.
All 13 of the Turpin children have been admitted to nearby hospitals for treatment. Corona Regional Medical Center CEO Mark Uffer said they were "very friendly" and "very cooperative."

"It's hard to think of them as adults because they're very small," Uffer said.

Sophia Grant, medical director of the child abuse unit at Riverside Medical, said they are monitoring them closely. "There can be complications if you try to feed them too quickly," she said.
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Oct 27, 2017
There aren't enough books in the world they can throw at these scumbags.

Hope they'll take the rest of their lives in prison to reflect on their actions.


Oct 25, 2017
The worst part is knowing that there are some sick fucks out there doing this very thing and haven't been caught yet.


Oct 27, 2017
Ages 2 to 29? What the fuck. They thought the 17 year old was 10 due to being so malnourished. Jesus

Edit - Meant to edit rather than reply to myself.

The 29 y/o was born ~1989. Has this been going on that long? The questions this raises are just horrible
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Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck? Were these people ever let outside? I have so many questions...


Oct 28, 2017
Holy crap. Humanity continues to surprise me with how evil some within it can be.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
Why would you do this? Humanity can be so fucked up sometimes.

What the fuck? Were these people ever let outside? I have so many questions...

I'm guessing not, considering they were so malnourished. My bigger question is how did nobody know? These children must have had identification or records - you'd think that 12 people just disappearing would show up on someone's radar. They had to have been enrolled in school at some point, or received some kind of identity cards. I just don't understand...


Oct 31, 2017
What the fuck? Were these people ever let outside? I have so many questions...

If you Google the parent's names, there are other articles with pictures of the whole family going to Disney Land and shit. The last picture they posted on Facebook was from 2016, and the kid's bodies didn't look particularly malnourished or anything, so maybe they were only locked up for around a year?


Oct 25, 2017
Whaaaaaa. How long were they all down there?

This was recent as recent photo they look fine

These photos are all from 2016

Something happened after this


Oct 25, 2017
I'm tearing up. I cant imagine being born into a world where you're parents are literal demons and having to go through that sort of torture for decades. These people should get the same treatment they gave to their children. Lock them to their beds and dont feed them. There is incompetence and then there is evil.


Oct 25, 2017
Big ups to the girl who made it out, risking it all, to get help for herself and her siblings.

An absolute hero in every sense of the word.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How long were they down there?! How did no one notice a family's 13 children (several of them adults) suddenly go missing?!

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The parents deserve the same treatment in prison. 2 - 29 in their ages, my god. How many years have they robbed from these poor kids..? How can they acclimate to regular society? Even in the pictures above seem a little odd. There's a story behind this clearly.


User Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm willing to bet they were either scamming some sort of public assistance like welfare or SSI.


Oct 25, 2017
To the east of Parts Unknown...
So that pic was only 2 years ago and some of those kids in it are 29? Did they have some kind of developmental disorder? Or did they wheel the kids out of captivity to have pictures taken? So many questions.

I'm guessing some kind of fear of abandonment drove the parents crazy or maybe one of the kids met a boy/girl? That mom has the crazy eyes.


Oct 27, 2017
Even looking at the"normal" pics , I'm not seeing 7 of them being adults and up to 29 y/o...?

Difficult without seeing faces though

Baked Pigeon

Oct 27, 2017
I know that its way to early for more details and some answers.... but I really want to know if those people have been chained up like that their entire lives or if it somehow happened recently. Either way, these parents are absolute scum and it boggles my mind that you can do this to someone, especially your own children.

edit - just saw the pictures.


Oct 27, 2017
This was recent as recent photo they look fine

These photos are all from 2016

Something happened after this



Oct 27, 2017
Less we forget this monster who held 3 women captive for years, fathered children, and had barbecues with their neighbors as if nothing was wrong.

We don't have enough details in this case yet to say this is the same case, but appearances can be deceptive from the outside.
This was recent as recent photo they look fine

These photos are all from 2016

Something happened after this

The parents look a little uhh "off" let's just say.


Oct 25, 2017
If you look carefully on Facebook, it seems the mother and father had a joint Facebook account with photos from 2016 and before . I can't publish the link here because of privacy issues. Nothing after 2016
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Oct 25, 2017
The family's home address matches county records that "indicate that the Turpins own a property at 160 Muir Woods Road. That address matches that of Sandcastle Day School, whose principal, state Department of Education Records say, is David Turpin," reports The Press-Enterprise.

According to the newspaper, "The state records say Sandcastle, a private school, has an enrollment of six: one student in each of the fifth, sixth, eighth, nine, 10th and 12th grades. The school was founded in the 2014-15 school year."


Oct 27, 2017
Wtf? They look so happy there. What the hell happened in the span of two years that caused this?
For a 17 year old's growth to be stunted to the level of a 10 year old this has been happening for years, probably since the oldest was born. Nothing changed in the last two years.

So that pic was only 2 years ago and some of those kids in it are 29? Did they have some kind of developmental disorder? Or did they wheel the kids out of captivity to have pictures taken? So many questions.

I'm guessing some kind of fear of abandonment drove the parents crazy or maybe one of the kids met a boy/girl? That mom has the crazy eyes.
Outings aren't uncommon for captive people. They've probably been able to come out on occasion their entire lives. They wouldn't run away for fear of punishment. Plus, if they're not being fed or cared for they likely wouldn't have been able to get away without assistance. The girl who got out had an opportunity to get away and a moment of courage strong enough to do so, escape can be a once in a lifetime opportunity.


Oct 25, 2017

Deleted member 28461

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I'm disgusted and angered by the story, but at the same time I can't help but want to know how the hell this happened.

Big One

Oct 25, 2017
For a 17 year old's growth to be stunted to the level of a 10 year old this has been happening for years, probably since the oldest was born. Nothing changed in the last two years.
Still they by no means look malnourished in the pictures. In the very least they lived normal lives for brief moments of time. Also growth issues aren't necessarily exclusive to not being raised right (could be genetic all the same).