bomma man

Oct 25, 2017
Hate it or love it, it's pretty central to how Birdman works and the penultimate moment of that movie wouldn't have really happened without it

I fuckin hate that movie lol. iirc there were a couple of points where the camera swept up to the sky and there was a time lapse. No reason why they couldn't be cuts, except that the movie would no longer be "one shot". To be clear, I have no inherent issues with long shots - although even they can be gimmicky and indulgent at times - but stitching the whole movie together as one just feels like a technical achievement and nothing else.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised ERA is this torn. 1917 is a good film, a simple, emotive narrative only elevated that much more by the fantastic cinematography. I took a quick liking to both Schofield and Blake as young friends coping with the horrors and tedium of the situation around them, and the first act turn is such a gut-punch that the film wins on sheer balls alone. The one-take trick supersedes being a gimmick and adds gravitas and, more importantly, scale to the proceedings that would've been lost with traditional cuts. It also doesn't become tiring; the camera moves only as it needs to, and the set piece -> break -> set piece pacing allows you to kind of sink into it. At most I fault it for being not as brutal in an "All Quiet on the Western Front" kind of way, but I think that's neither here nor there. Two thumbs up from me.

Comparing this to Dunkirk is also bonkers when it's two different films............ in two different wars, no less.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate the term "oscar bait." It has no clear definition.

Just saw 1917 and it was incredibly well crafted. Whether I liked it more than Parasite or not is meaningless to the indeniable quality of the film itself.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Is this one of those "I only watch 5 films a year and the only non-Marvel one I saw was pure Oscar bait" kind of threads? We get one every year once during awards season. Go watch Judy, Just Mercy, Jojo Rabbit if you want real bait.

Has any movie every really justified the one shot thing as a story telling or thematic device rather than a marketing bullet point?
Personally, I think this one does a much better work with the technique than Birdman. Birdman had like no fucking point on being a one shot and I LIKE THAT FILM.


Oct 29, 2017
It was a solid movie, BUT, I am really kind of tired of almost every American WWI movie trying to make it as much like a WWII as possible.

I get it, trench warfare isn't as sexy as taking positions and constantly moving through terrain, but it feels like almost every American attempt I can think of to film a WWI period saga is to find a way to make it look like they are fighting battles WWII style. Or, avoid the central battle front most of the war was carried out through.


Oct 27, 2017
It was a solid movie, BUT, I am really kind of tired of almost every American WWI movie trying to make it as much like a WWII as possible.

I get it, trench warfare isn't as sexy as taking positions and constantly moving through terrain, but it feels like almost every American attempt I can think of to film a WWI period saga is to find a way to make it look like they are fighting battles WWII style. Or, avoid the central battle front most of the war was carried out through.

Sam Mendes is British, so i wouldn't really classify it as an American WWI film

anyway, not really sure this fits the Oscar bait category. Especially compared to something like Judy


Oct 25, 2017
Oscar Bait is the type of stuff that Tropic Thunder parodied with the fake "2 priests" trailer.
Feb 1, 2018
This year's oscar bait is bombshell, little women, and judy. Maybe that 2 popes movie too.

1917 is more just like your typical holiday season shiny high profile war movie


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just saw it. That was like watching someone play a third person shooter who sucks as camera controls. I loved everything up to
cow barn
Everything after that was like watching theatre play. You're constantly looking at his face or him running towards the camera. As the viewer, I don't get to see what's coming up or what the main character is looking at not in a suspenseful way. Also, the enemy
has worse shot than stormtroopers
The camera is so gimmicky, everything happens around the character like a Disney ride like scripted events out of a video game.

I loved the beginning of the movie when
the camera pans out further to have two in frame. Very suspenseful trek through no mans land


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I liked it. I was impressed at the film effectively being one long take


Oct 28, 2017
It looks like this year's Dunkirk, which was technically impressive but emotionally empty. I hope I'm wrong.
Sep 12, 2018
I liked it. I was impressed at the film effectively being one long take
What weirds me out about the rapturous response to this movie more than anything is people acting like there isn't a blatant cut to black halfway through. The more I read people saying it's one long take (there's several moments where you can pinpoint them yelling cut too) I feel like I'm being gaslit lol.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
What weirds me out about the rapturous response to this movie more than anything is people acting like there isn't a blatant cut to black halfway through. The more I read people saying it's one long take (there's several moments where you can pinpoint them yelling cut too) I feel like I'm being gaslit lol.
The smash to black is really the only traditional cut in the entire thing. There are moments I spotted that could have been stitched together from multiple takes, but there are nearly no traditional cuts whatsoever which is the point. Thinking you're being gaslit when people say the movie is one long take seems more like hyperbolic pedantry to me. Would you be satisfied if people instead called it a two-shot movie?
Sep 12, 2018
The smash to black is really the only traditional cut in the entire thing. There are moments I spotted that could have been stitched together from multiple takes, but there are nearly no traditional cuts whatsoever which is the point. Thinking you're being gaslit when people say the movie is one long take seems more like hyperbolic pedantry to me. Would you be satisfied if people instead called it a two-shot movie?
I was clearly being facetious with my use of "gaslit" but it's genuinely weird to me that people are repeating something that's just objectively not true about the movie. Like I get it for the rest of the film because functionally it does read as a long take but it seems like people are pretending there's isn't a gigantic seam in the middle of the movie for some reason.


Oct 28, 2017
I was clearly being facetious with my use of "gaslit" but it's genuinely weird to me that people are repeating something that's just objectively not true about the movie. Like I get it for the rest of the film because functionally it does read as a long take but it seems like people are pretending there's isn't a gigantic seam in the middle of the movie for some reason.

No-ones pretending it's not there, what would be the motive for that? Calling it one-take is just shorthand for the style and it's a lot closer to that than not.
Sep 12, 2018
No-ones pretending it's not there, what would be the motive for that? Calling it one-take is just shorthand for the style and it's a lot closer to that than not.
I don't think it's even an accurate shorthand though given how the movie intentionally breaks it in two. In a movie with no other discernible cuts a single one to black that lasts several seconds is a pretty damn big aspect.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think it's even an accurate shorthand though given how the movie intentionally breaks it in two. In a movie with no other discernible cuts a single one to black that lasts several seconds is a pretty damn big aspect.

Seems a weird hang-up to have, I know what people mean when they say it despite it not being 100% accurate and to me that's all that matters. If you want to correct people each time you see it then fair play, you'll be correcting people a lot.

The reason that cut is there is because the character is unconscious, so our flow breaks the same as his.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
I was clearly being facetious with my use of "gaslit" but it's genuinely weird to me that people are repeating something that's just objectively not true about the movie.
Is the truth of the matter really that pressing that it's bothersome? Again, would you rather everyone just call it a two-shot movie?


Oct 26, 2017
That director played a lot of god of war

because holy hell, i didn't think a "single cut" movie could work this well. This director had this down to a T and i was telling my buddy throughout the movie outside of one scene to give a break/cut.

I wouldn't like it all the time, but felt like you were on an actual journey with the main characters going through this long walk to get to their destination. It fucking worked so well


Oct 28, 2017
The more descriptions I read of this film, the more certain I am that this is merely yet another of those expensive, self-aggrandizing, extended technical exercises which flatter the nerds who jizz over it enough to disregard the fundamental emptiness and bankruptcy of its vision. In short, totally not my cup of Oscar-bait.
I too can use big words to sound smart


Oct 27, 2017
Saw it yesterday and liked it more than I expected. Enjoyed it so much more than Dunkirk. I think the idea of single take was well executed and enhances the experience in this case.


Oct 27, 2017
That director played a lot of god of war

because holy hell, i didn't think a "single cut" movie could work this well. This director had this down to a T and i was telling my buddy throughout the movie outside of one scene to give a break/cut.

I wouldn't like it all the time, but felt like you were on an actual journey with the main characters going through this long walk to get to their destination. It fucking worked so well
Single cut has been done before in film actually.


Feb 1, 2018
I am just going to be really bitter if it hijacks Parasite's awards.

I think Parasite is much more important than Dunkirk 2.0


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
Absolutely loved it. Felt the long takes worked wonders in setting the tone and legit made me feel claustrophobic throughout. haha.
Apr 21, 2018
I just saw it and really liked it. Cinematography was fantastic. Really felt like an experience. I think I prefer it to Dunkirk, another film I'd call more experiential than story-drive.


Lead Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely loved it. Yes, the plot was razor-thin, but the simple premise carried through with the craft displayed here was nothing short of incredible. Performances were great all around. Definitely teared up more than once.

I personally didn't have a problem with any of the actions taken by anyone. They were young, under immense amounts of stress, and I felt they always acted in a way that helped either establish or further their character. Rationality gets thrown out the window when you have people that aren't exactly trained with the same level of tactical skill that they are today, or even were for WWII. WWI was a meat grinder; a completely soul-crushing war that existed in gaining mere inches for most of it. That's why Scofield is terrified of even leaving their own frontline trench until nightfall at the beginning. No man's land was called that for a reason. The thought of crossing less than a football field was a harrowing prospect, and that's the type of mental pressure that wears at the psyche. People make mistakes, it's human. We sometimes act irrationally in the heat of the moment because of who we are, even if the intentions are good.
Oct 26, 2017
Nah, not at all.

I think on a pure premise standpoint it would seem like one but actually watching the film shows how much actual love and work went into the project.

It's a technical masterpiece married with a haunting script performed wonderfully by the various actors that pop in and out of scenes.


Oct 25, 2017
I do think the film loses something post-first act because the camera goes in tighter.
oh, would love to know the other movies and check them out. It's just i've seen probably 30+ movies in the theater in the last year and this movie was the one that really caught my eye
Birdman was just a few years ago.


Oct 27, 2017
oh, would love to know the other movies and check them out. It's just i've seen probably 30+ movies in the theater in the last year and this movie was the one that really caught my eye

Woody Harrelson made "Lost in London" which is not only a single shot film, but it was actually done in one take and screened live as well. It is shot across multiple London locations with chase scenes and quite a few big names too (Owen Wilson, Daniel Radcliffe).

Not the best film in the world, but I quite enjoyed it, definitely interesting for the concept alone.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Little Women is a passion project and not Oscar bait at all. It's also the best movie of 2019.
It can be all three. Sony only funded the movie because the formula sounded like a guaranteed awards season smash (which it has been at the box office, aside from being somewhat snubbed at the actual awards). Director hot off an Oscar nomination, new take on iconic novel, and a cast filled with big names & rising stars. It's precisely why the term Oscar bait exists - it's catnip to the type of audiences who love 'prestige'.

The fact it's genuinely great doesn't contrast with that in the least.

Comes back to people not giving a foreign film a chance just because of subtitles

I mean, voters clearly are seeing the film. They're not ignoring it due to the subtitles - it's got extreme buzz and is basically guaranteed a spot in the major categories. If it actually loses, it won't be the fault of a language barrier. It might just be because the Academy is a real sucker for movies that remind them of how great movies are - be that through the radical filmmaking of 1917, or the Old Hollywood worship of Once Upon A Time...
Last edited:
Sep 12, 2018
Seems a weird hang-up to have, I know what people mean when they say it despite it not being 100% accurate and to me that's all that matters. If you want to correct people each time you see it then fair play, you'll be correcting people a lot.

The reason that cut is there is because the character is unconscious, so our flow breaks the same as his.
I know why the cut is there and acknowledge that it really worked in spite of the rest of the movie being a masturbatory technical showoff in some ways, that's why it's so strange to me that people are omitting the fact it's there.

Is the truth of the matter really that pressing that it's bothersome? Again, would you rather everyone just call it a two-shot movie?
Yes because apart from my own issues with the movie it misrepresents it a good deal as if there's some shame in the movie not being presented like one long shot. Calling it a two-shot movie is more accurate at least.


Oct 30, 2017
Why did we start having Oscar Bait again? Are these movies just market-researched and envisioned to seem artistic and dramatic as if emulating Titanic, or what is it? What actually constitutes "Oscar Bait" to us?

I swear to god high corporate art, and this is everything from games to film, has become way too institutionalized.