
Oct 28, 2017


Welcome boys and ghouls, to 31 Days of Horror – the most deranged and torturous movie marathon to ever haunt your nights. Attempted by only the most degenerate, the survivors always come back for more (and sometimes the non-survivors too).
Those of you who are returning from our previous haunt may recall a premature end to our agony last year, but you can't keep a good monstrosity buried for long. 31 Days of Horror has been exhumed, stitched together and returns even uglier than before!

This thread is posted early to allow you freaks time to begin hording movies and to discuss your lists if you wish to participate – please do not begin your marathon viewings until October 1st.


- Your suffering begins on October 1st. Consume as many full-length horror, monster and Halloween themed movies you can until the curse of 31 Days of Horror is lifted on October 31st. The most depraved attempt to devour a full 31 movies, however only the sickest of souls should attempt this.
- Keep a numbered tally of your movies (even if not attempting the full 31). After your viewings, you must post your thoughts/opinions on each movie. Your reviews may be as brief or as detailed as you wish, but do not just post a list of titles. If you are cross posting your reviews elsewhere, do not only provide a link to the offsite review, post the full review here as well.
- Short films may be included, but should be 45 minutes in length or longer.
- TV series (The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Halloween themed episodes of sitcoms, etc) do not count – please do not include them in your numbered tally. You may discuss them as bonus viewings if you view them along with your full movies. TV series consisting of stand alone short films (such as Masters of Horror) are allowed as long as they meet the 45 minutes or longer time requirement.
- Please mark all spoilers accordingly. Your review should be considerate of people looking for recommendations.
- No cheating, the Great Pumpkin will know.


Is your movie collection nothing but a rotting pile meat and you hunger for more? Here's a fresh selection of free, legal streaming options for consumption:
- Can I Stream.It?
- ShoutFactoryTV
- Popcornflix
- Troma (YouTube) [NSFW]
- Kings of Horror (YouTube)
- Shudder (free trial)
- Tubi (Thanks to Kinggroin for pointing this out)

If you would like to support local talent during the marathon, Still/Born is available for streaming on Shudder and is directed by our very own oatmeal.
Check it out and let him know what you think!

Recommendation Lists:
- Ridley327's Recommendations
- Violence Jack's Top 500 Horror Movie List
- Divius' Selected Recommendations
If you would like to add a list, please post it in the thread and PM me the post link to be added here. Full credit will be given.



This year's 31 Days of Horror marathon is dedicated to the memories of R. Lee Ermey (1944–2018) and Margot Kidder (1948–2018).

R. Lee Ermey is best remembered to horror fans as Sheriff Hoyt in the Platinum Dunes Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003, 2006) series, where he managed to be even scarier than a giant man in a flesh mask swinging around a chainsaw. Hell, even when he wasn't in a horror movie he was still one of the scariest things to ever grace the silver screen. Thanks for the scares, Gunny.
Margot Kidder is best remembered for her genre defining performance in one of the earliest slashers, Black Christmas (1974), only to follow that with a starring role in perhaps the most famous haunted house movie ever, The Amityville Horror (1979). Thanks for the screams, Margot.
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John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
HELLLLLLLL YEAH. Already started my list a week ago. This year the theme is remakes.

RIP Margot. Black Christmas is on my list if only because I love the original so much (and her in it).


Oct 25, 2017
Master scare post - 10/31

1) Night of the Living Dead - Classic horror movie. I haven't watched it in years and it still holds up.
2) Child's Play - Guilty pleasure of mine. I have to watch this yearly.
3) Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf - A so-bad-its-good movie and I loved it. Plot made no sense.
4) Jigsaw - Honestly, better than I was expecting.
5) The Fly ('86) - Love this movie. The special effects are well done.
6) Reanimator - I stumbled across this movie a few years back for this Halloween marathon and I loved it. One of those yearly traditions I have to do.
7) The Evil in Us - Sub-par horror movie.
8) Let the Right One In - Finally got around to watching this and it is pretty great.
9) Trolls 2 - One of those movies I keep reading about to watch, but never got around to see since I didn't find Trolls 1 to be all that great, but this was downright amazing for all the wrong reasons.
10) Rec - Classic for me.
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Oct 26, 2017
god yes. recommendations welcomed.

i'm watching KILL LIST right now. my wife and i did the alexandre aja HILLS HAVE EYES last night.


Oct 25, 2017
I started watching my horror list already since my list contains both american films and foreign films. I have a little over 50 horror themed things to watch >.>


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Florida, USA
This will be the first time I try to actually watch 31 films. Last year I only got into the teens.

Deleted member 25606

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I think I will do this, I have four services so 31 should be no problem, and talking/reviewing is fun too.

I don't have a list though and love digging through trash so unless the thread rules/tradition prohibits it I would rather just go in blind picking the movie upon viewing with the only caveats being that with one exception it will be all movies I am new to, the exception being this year I already decided to spend the actual 31'st marathoning the Omen films.

Can't wait, look forward to reading every one else's experiences also.

Thread watched.

It's October 1, in the year 2009, and I did something on a whim. With the help Netflix, I decided that I was going to watch a horror movie a day for that entire month. At the time, there really wasn't much of a reason than to take advantage of the ease that Netflix provided in being able to watch films in the first place, and as such, I dived into whatever was offered. I remember very little of the films that year, and in the pre-Letterboxd era, it's tempting to question whether they existed at all, but I did my due diligence and was able to accomplish what I set out to do: one horror film a day for all thirty-one days of October.

It's October 1, 2010, and I'm getting ready to watch another batch of films. Thanks to Netflix's licensing at the time that gave them access to the likes of Blue Underground's then-impressive library of horror films, the year certainly felt far more successful. Disaster nearly struck, however, when one night the internet had gone out in the neighborhood and I was left with few options. However, with a Best Buy nearby, I quickly headed over to pick up one of those public domain box sets with horror films in them just to have something for that night. While the film itself was nothing impressive (The Pyx, for those that might ask), it did highlight something that came as a surprise: what started out as a whim had now turned into something far more substantial and worthwhile.

It's October 1, 2011, and I'm in a motel room with my dad as we're staying the night, in the process of moving all of our belongings from one end of the country to the next, and I have The Beyond playing on my iPod Touch. This third marathon was the very first one that I had done proper programming for, and since we were moving, I had made sure that at least the first three films I had lined up were loaded up on there, as the trip was set to last no longer than a couple of days. There was no getting around it at this point: I was dedicated to diving into this wonderful genre, no matter the circumstances. This also turned out to be the first marathon in which I watched more than thirty-one films, if only ever slightly, which laid the groundwork for what was to come.

It's October 1, 2012, and I'm about to watch forty-six films in the span of a month. While I had decided this year to add in rewatches for films I had seen at least once, I had made sure to stick to a rigid quota of seeing at least thirty-one films I had never seen before, with that year winding up with thirty-four in total. This was also the year in which I bought reference books to help me find films I had never heard of before, in the hopes of finding the kind of under-the-radar films that I so long to experience, leading to me programming theme weeks for the first time. And even before the marathon would even begin this year, I was already working on the list for the following year.

It's September 29, 2013, and it has now been five years since I first embarked on this wild adventure. With fifty films lined up for the month, and taking advantage of the extra four days, I would be looking forward to five full weeks of films. This was a major high point as I felt very satisfied with the work I was able to put into the year's programming, and even the week I had done on revisiting films that I was never hot on felt like an achievement. Well, except for once again enduring Cabin Fever for what I can only hope is the last time ever. However, the struggle was definitely real this year with my work-life balance, so it wasn't a complete success, which made me a bit leery of doing something this big the following year.

It's September 28, 2014, and even with the reduced number of films to look forward to from the previous years, I'm very excited for the batch I have lined up this time around. I decided to go back to watching new-to-me films exclusively, which meant that I had little to go on beyond the blurbs I had read about that got me interested in them in the first place. And even though I accidentally started a new tradition this year by establishing October 6 as the day I accidentally watched something terrible, as this was the second year in a row where that happened, the highs were incredibly high regardless. And despite an impromptu vacation weekend, I had once again pulled my resources to ensure I would be staying on top of the marathon by any means necessary, though a laptop is certainly more acceptable than my long departed iPod Touch! There was the sense, though, that I needed to spruce things up a bit to bring back some of the excitement of not knowing what to expect that the theme weeks had diminished somewhat, and I would think on that for the rest of the month

It's October 1, 2015, and I'm getting ready to unfurl my latest ambition. For the first time ever, an entire month would be united under the same theme, and it would be a deep dive into 70s cinema. Rather than coming up with specific theme weeks, I took the opportunity to watch all the films I had lined up without much thought put into when, resulting in an exciting change of pace where I had little to expect. The result was a jolt of energy that I hadn't had before, which meant that this slightly different format seemed to be just what the doctor ordered. If this was this fun, what would happen if I took the logical next step for a year of just the 80s?

It's October 1, 2016, and I'm about to watch fifty films in thirty-one days from the decade I was born into, and all without a single slasher film among the ranks. Indeed, that little caveat turned out to be the linchpin for the entire operation, as I had to get creative in the films to look at and find stuff that would have otherwise been a bit outside of what I mistakenly assumed was my comfort zone. I even managed to find four animated films to join the festivities, which I had never done before and enjoyed immensely. But it did weigh heavy on my mind that if I was going to keep this going on its logical track, that my ninth annual marathon would focus on the 90s, would I be able to find enough films to make the marathon worthwhile?

It's October 1, 2017, and I've got what will wind up being fifty-four films, all from the 90s, ready to go. While a certain website drama did tamper with me getting reviews written for every film this time around, I could hardly not believe it that when by the end, I had watched my most satisfying marathon to date. Whether it was the thrill of rising to meet the challenge of finding a troubled decade's most worthy films or the intentional uptick in international content to delight the budding cineaste in me, it resulted in a resounding success in terms of enjoying so many of the films that were on offer. But where do I go from here, heading into the tenth consecutive year for the marathon, one where I unexpectedly topped my previous high score for amount of films to watch and already being someone well versed in the offerings of the beginning of the twenty-first century until now? It's a question that weighed heavy on my mind, and one that I didn't find the answer to for a while. That is, until a particular book gave me a bolt of inspiration and madness that I had never considered up until that point...


At my local book store, I came across a copy of the book Horror! The Definitive Companion to the Most Terrifying Movies Ever Made. What caught my eye was seeing that it was a collaboration between well-respected horror critics Kim Newman and James Marriott. Always on the lookout for new reference material, I had instead made an important discovery in this tome's format. As they had gone over the history of horror films chronologically, every section was separated by decade, and even before I had gone through the book for new films to peruse, I had decided on the theme for marathon right then and there.

The history of horror films, from the beginning up until now.

What I was about to embark upon was no small task, as I knew already I had never attempted anything like this before, and as such, that meant I had to be sure that this was what I wanted to do. The entire 122-year history of horror on film is virtually the history of film itself, and diving into its origins and seeing what it would eventually shape itself into was daunting even for normal number of films that I watched this month. But such a feat had to be even bigger than that, as this genre has taken such a hold of me that I couldn't allow myself to a halfhearted treatment for something so near and dear to my heart. My original thoughts on keeping it simple had now turned into a project so ambitious that I'm still not sure if I'm up to the task. But I am willing to meet it head on and see just what I'm made of.


The book I already mentioned was instrumental in not only its inspiration for this year's theme, but for also suggesting films I wouldn't have heard about otherwise. Combine that with my long-lasting resources from previous years still being quite helpful, Letterboxd's own lists that helped me out immensely on a particular style of film that would help to ensure that I would get the full scope of what this genre began as and what it continues to evolve into.


The Haunted Castle 1896

A Terrible Night 1896

The Vanishing Lady 1896

The Haunted Castle 1897

The Bewitched Inn 1897

The X-Ray Fiend

The Astronomer's Dream 1898

The Cavalier's Dream 1898

The Devil in a Convent 1899

Faust and Marguerite

Bluebeard 1901

The Haunted Curiosity Shop 1901

The Devil and the Statue 1901

The Monster 1903

The Infernal Caldron 1903

The Infernal Cakewalk 1903

The Merry Frolics of Satan 1906

Satan at Play 1907

The Sealed Room 1909

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1912

The Student of Prague 1913

The Avenging Conscience: or 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' 1914

The Golem: How He Came Into the World 1920

The Phantom Carriage 1921

Danse macabre 1922

The Unknown 1927

Prelude 1927

The Cat and the Canary 1927

The Skeleton Dance 1929

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Vampyr 1932

The Old Dark House 1932

Danemon Ban: The Monster Exterminator 1935

Mad Love 1935

Song at Midnight 1937

Phantom of the Opera 1943

The Uninvited 1944

The Picture of Dorian Gray 1945

Dead of Night 1945

The Beast with Five Fingers 1946

Scaredy Cat 1948

Isabelle aux Dombes 1951

House of Wax 1953

It Came from Outer Space 1953

The Tell-Tale Heart 1953

Lust of the Vampire 1957

Terror Is a Man 1959

The Ghost of Yotsuya 1959

Black Pit of Dr. M 1959

Mill of the Stone Women 1960

The Curse of the Werewolf 1961

Opus 5 1961

Hands of Purple Distances 1962

Thanatopsis 1962

Kwaidan 1964

At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul 1964

This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse 1967

Viy 1967

Hour of the Wolf 1968

Horrors of Malformed Men 1969

Ashes of Doom 1970

Why Try to Escape from Which You Know You Can't Escape from? Because You Are a Coward 1970

Don't Deliver Us from Evil 1971

Malpertuis 1971

Demons 1971

The Demon 1972

The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water 1973

Bell from Hell 1973

Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom 1975

The House with Laughing Windows 1976

God Told Me To 1976

The Signalman 1976

The Shout 1978

Within the Woods 1978

Fisheye 1980

Living Dolls

The Ravishing of Frank N. Stein 1982

Human Lanterns 1982

Seeding of a Ghost 1983

Mr. Vampire 1985

Geometria 1987

White of the Eye 1987

Evil Dead Trap 1988

Baxter 1989

The Awakening 1990

The Guardian 1990

The Sandman 1991

The Monster 1993

Aftermath 1994

Tokyo Fist 1995

Habit 1996

Katasumi 1998

4444444444 1998

Genesis 1998

Outer Space 1999

The Nameless 1999

Spiral 2000

Catharsis 2001

Pulse 2001

Chambre jaune 2002

Dark Water 2002

Ju-on: The Grudge 2002

The End of Our Love 2003

The Strange Portrait of the Lady in Yellow 2004

The Ordeal 2004

Marebito 2004

Haze 2005

Santos Palace 2006

Fido 2006

Left Bank 2008

Embodiment of Evil 2008

Cold Fish 2010

The ABCs of Death 2012

We Are What We Are 2013

WolfCop 2014

Evolution 2015

Cat Sick Blues

Always Shine 2016

Another WolfCop 2016

Slice 2018

Apostle 2018

Halloween 2018

With a mix of feature-length films and, for the first time ever, a very healthy smattering of short-form films, I wound up with a preliminary list so large that I had to go the extra step further to ensure a proper celebration. It was decided then that the final count for films this marathon would be as many years as there have been since the birth of the genre on screen, for a grand total of 122 films!

That's right, we've hit the triple digits for the very first time, and if you decided to cut out all the short films, we're still looking at an unprecedented 70 feature-length films for the marathon this year. It's a gargantuan set of films no matter how you shake it, and I've come up with a way to help ensure the path to victory:

1. A head start! Rather than squeezing this into five weeks, I'm going to start this year's marathon on September 23 for a whopping six weeks of horror films.

2. No viewing limits! Each day will have at least one film being watched, of course, but with such a big list to get through, there are no caps on how many to watch per day. To help establish that goal, the early silent era films will be watched on the very first day of the marathon, for a total of twenty-two films! Though it helps that the first twenty would struggle to fill two hours total, it is nevertheless the setter of pace and tone for the rest of the marathon.

3. No crazy typing goals! I love to type at length about films, but I realize that it's not only not possible in six weeks time to write at great length on every film, but with some of the films this year clocking in at just a couple of minutes in length, there's really not much one can type about them in the first place. This certainly doesn't preclude lengthier reviews if the film calls for it, and I can already see a few films where that will have to be the case (anthologies in particular), but I'll be typing up my thoughts immediately on completion of a film and do my best to write something brief yet satisfying about them.

This is undoubtedly the most ambitious thing I've ever done as a watcher of film, and while I can't say at this point just how successful I'll be in the end, I do know that I've already come this far and my passion burns with a intensity of a star, and I know that's all I need to get me going to stay on the path for what's already the biggest marathon I've ever done, but what I feel deep down will be the most accomplished one ever.


Oct 25, 2017
The most wonderful time of the year. One free source that I'm using a bit this year is Hoopla (free to use, just need a library card) since they've got The Endless and the original Suspiria. I've got 31 on my list so far, but still need to figure out what movies are going to be in theater during October (like if there's a local showing of Mandy, or whenever the new Halloween hits).


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017

I have my stack started. No idea about order yet except I usually watch Trick R Treat Halloween night

Since Dagon just released on bluray if anyone else has it in their list post so we can all try to do a group watch. I guess I'm gonna try for a Lovecraftian theme this year.

In The Mouth of Madness
From Beyond
Dunwich Horror
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Mar 5, 2018
Nice! I'll probably participate informally like usual. That first R in the OP looks like a butthole btw.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
In!!! (by that I mean sub'd)

I re-upped with shudder already, just waiting for Oct to get into the mood. The older I get the more I want to keep Halloween out of sept.

My only theme this year will be to watch more Hammer horror films. Otherwise, I'll go where streaming takes me.


Oct 27, 2017
San Antonio
Mine will be
1 House
2 Waxworks
3 Raw head rex
4 Castle freak
5 The gate
6 Night of the demons
7 Chopping mall
8 The intruder
9 The burning
10 Two evil eyes
11 Creepshow
12 Night of the creeps
13 Reanimator
14 Texas chainsaw massacre 2
15 Its alive
16 Basket case
17 The stuff
18 Blob remake
19 Tom savini night of the living dead
20 Funhouse
21 The fog
22 Halloween 2
23 Suspiria
24 Darios argentos demons
25 Dawn of the dead 78
26 Return of the living dead
27 Children of the corn
28 Terrorvision
29 Nightbreed
30Demon wind
31 Halloween 3

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017
Oh man! Never tried this before but I'm up for it. Been watching almost a horror movie a day already and was just thinking about watching all of John Carpenter's films again after watching Christine recently.


Oct 28, 2017

Thank you, sir!

That's right, we've hit the triple digits for the very first time, and if you decided to cut out all the short films, we're still looking at an unprecedented 70 feature-length films for the marathon this year. It's a gargantuan set of films no matter how you shake it, and I've come up with a way to help ensure the path to victory:

Good lord! Everyone, please pray for Ridley.

I'm surprised all those pre-1900 films even still exist. I've never even considered looking that far back.
Are you planning on detailing how each one made your selection when you get to your write ups? I'm wondering how things like Fido and the two WolfCops got on a list like that. It's nice to see some Canadian content though!

That first R in the OP looks like a butthole btw.

I can confirm nor deny nothing.

Deleted member 35217

User requested account closure
Dec 3, 2017
I'm in as always.

TubiTV is a free streaming service that always has a good amount of horror titles. Some of which you might actually want to see!

Dandy Crocodile

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna do it for real this year. I've done 30 in the last three weeks so I'll totally be able to take it on.

Deleted member 1265

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Click an image to go to the individual post with my thoughts on each film.

I started my general Halloween season horror media binge at the end of August (time is a construct) so if you want to keep up with what I've been watching/playing/consuming before October starts you can see my lists on Letterboxd or RYM.

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Oct 25, 2017
My fiance are also in this year. Perhaps we'll actually complete the 31 this time.
Going to need to get a list up and running. Had a hard time last year.
And of course, what 31 Days thread would be complete with a little bit of help from yours truly in the recommendation department for recent films?

I want a good old-fashioned monster movie!
You're in luck, as Netflix managed to find the time between releasing bad sci-fi films to deliver a rock solid horror film in the form of The Ritual. While it won't win points for innovation or originality, it's nevertheless a quality production from beginning to end, featuring some superb cinematography of the Romanian wilderness subbing in for Sweden to go with some nice slices of nightmares along the way, a compelling performance from lead Rafe Spall and, most importantly, one of the most impressive monsters you've ever seen in a horror film.

I want a no-frills slasher film!
While not a Netflix original, they also have your back in the form of Terrifier, now available. While it's a love letter to the low-budget independent slashers of the early 80s, this one definitely knows what its audience wants, as its mercifully lean on the supporting character drama and the antics of Art the Clown make most killers look like they're giving their victims half-assed raspberries. Make no mistake: this is a nasty, brutal and vicious slasher of the likes that you seldom see, but for anyone wanting a quality evocation of the genre that is also fit to carve out its own path (heh) of impressive practical effects carnage, you may not do any better this year.

I want something transgressive, like a rape-revenge film!
Weird! But let it be known that there are rape-revenge films, and there are rape-revenge films, with the appropriately titled Revenge being very much in the latter category. It takes the normal premise for the genre and turns it on its head for a decidedly feminist spin on the genre, complete with an fantastic lead performance Matilda Lutz as our heroine, a healthy appreciation for dramatic irony when it comes to death sequences, style to spare in the visual department as well as an absolutely killer soundtrack from Maniac composer Rob, and it manages to do all of this without the usual icky aftertaste with a much tamer but no less unsettling rape sequence than the genre is normally notorious for. And I can promise you that you will not see a more insane final 15 minutes than the chase scene that ends this film, with more blood, bullets and male nudity than you'll ever know what to do with. Shudder is your place to find this, and it's easily the best exclusive they've put out in their short but awesome history.

I want something really out there!
You may have heard a thing or two about the recently released Mandy, already on VOD. As someone who got the chance to witness it in theaters, I can assure you that pretty much everything you've heard is true. A revenge thriller that mixes in the hellish visions of Hellraiser, old Black Sabbath album covers and the parts of Heavy Metal that don't involve boobs, there's a sense that the landscapes that the film boasts are what happens when a Lisa Frank painting drops some really bad acid. But between the incredible aesthetics that Panos Cosmatos brings to vivid life, Jóhann Jóhannsson sadly final but superb sonic landscape of a score and some truly remarkable transitions, you get one of the finest Nicolas Cage performances, balancing his eccentric intensity with a soulful center that gives the film a strong emotional core that you would never expect for a film that features a chainsaw duel.

I want something with body horror in it!
While not explicitly a horror film, the pedigree for Upgrade should let you know that you're already in good hands when it comes to mashing up genres. It can be best described as "Death Wish meets The Six Million Dollar Man," but there's a lot more on writer/director Leigh Whannell's mind not only from a thematic standpoint, but also with how much it flirts with other elements to tell its story. It's a funny and action-packed film, but the hints of body horror lead to some intriguing and even quietly chilling moments, as Grey (brilliantly played by Logan Marshall-Green) starts to give into his newfound abilities and starts to lose more and more control of his facilities. While not graphic in a Cronenbergian way (don't worry, there's plenty of gore in this as it is!), it taps into the cerebral terror in a very effective way, giving this film a nice bite that it manages to follow through with.

I was probably going to watch this anyway!
Hereditary just came out, and it's a very good one indeed! Much more of a straightforward horror film than most of A24's output, director Ari Aster sure knows how to strike a haunting mood while slowly but surely ratcheting up the dread and terror as our hapless family finds themselves influenced in their own individual ways from unseen but certainly malevolent forces. Saying more would be a crime, but rest assured that this is a film packed with twists and turns you won't see coming, imagery you won't soon forget and a strong sense of family drama that works so well on its own that it almost doesn't need to be a horror film with how well those moments play.

I want to watch Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich!


The Mushroom Kingdom Knight
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I didn't realize Kidder got her start in horror, and in a slasher film... which happens to be my theme for the year.

Good lord! Everyone, please pray for Ridley.

I'm surprised all those pre-1900 films even still exist. I've never even considered looking that far back.
Are you planning on detailing how each one made your selection when you get to your write ups? I'm wondering how things like Fido and the two WolfCops got on a list like that. It's nice to see some Canadian content though!
An excellent question! For the most part, I stuck to films with write-ups about them to convince me in the books I've gone through, but there's quite a few films on this list that are long holdovers that I've been meaning to get around to. Another significant chunk are also somewhat tangential to those write-ups: for example, the book I mentioned talks about a couple of the silent shorts in terms of their importance to the birth of the genre on screen, but I decided to use that as a springboard to finding more of them to be able to get fuller picture of how the genesis would evolve. That eventually led to me tracking down as many shorts as I could from other decades, with no real limitations on what they had to be, so that's why you see a spread of animated mainstream shorts like The Skeleton Dance and Scaredy Cat to famous firsts like Within the Woods and Geometria and all the way with far more experimental works like Isabelle aux Dombes and Hands of Purple Distances. One of them is even a PSA for smoking, so I went way out there and back.

bill crystals

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Can't commit to 31 but I will be trying to watch as many flicks as possible, I look forward to everyone's write ups for inspiration.

Also please don't sleep on Dead Night from this year, I don't see how any horror fan can't have a great time with this movie


Oct 25, 2017

I have my stack started. No idea about order yet except I usually watch Trick R Treat Halloween night

Since Dagon just released on bluray if anyone else has it in their list post so we can all try to do a group watch. I guess I'm gonna try for a Lovecraftian theme this year.

In The Mouth of Madness
From Beyond
Dunwich Horror
Super jelly of that dog soldiers bluray!

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017

I have my stack started. No idea about order yet except I usually watch Trick R Treat Halloween night

Since Dagon just released on bluray if anyone else has it in their list post so we can all try to do a group watch. I guess I'm gonna try for a Lovecraftian theme this year.

In The Mouth of Madness
From Beyond
Dunwich Horror

Count me in for a group watch of Dagon. Watched it when the blu Ray cane out last month or so but I've been craving another viewing.

Shit, that's a great stack count me in for a group viewing of a lot of those as I've been in a Lovecraftian mood as well. Been watching all the Stuart Gordon films related to Lovecraft and such.

I'm out for the It remake though. Sorry, I hated that movie :)


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I got Shudder working in Australia, I might actually take part this year.

Well, if I don't go through their entire library before October, that is...


Oct 25, 2017
Let's do it. Some not really horror. They're either fun or fucked up but definitely in the Halloween spirit!


Oct 25, 2017
I did this last year with two films a day for most of the month, I aimed for 62 but got to about 58. I did some little reviews but that was at the old place of course.
This year I'm just going to do one a day for 31 films. I don't have any in mind yet though. Last year I spent the first half of the month doing Universal Horror and Hammer Horror, then random films after that.

It's helpful to have some structure, but nothing comes to mind as far as series or studios. Maybe I'll pick a couple of shorter horror series to pepper in.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm all in! Have no clue what I'm gonna do, but I'll figure it out. It's the most wonderful time of the year!


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Super jelly of that dog soldiers bluray!

Is that not available on bluray anymore? Love Dog Soldiers, it has that dash of dark humor like American Werewolf in London has. Plus it has Alfred in it.

Count me in for a group watch of Dagon. Watched it when the blu Ray cane out last month or so but I've been craving another viewing.

Shit, that's a great stack count me in for a group viewing of a lot of those as I've been in a Lovecraftian mood as well. Been watching all the Stuart Gordon films related to Lovecraft and such.

I'm out for the It remake though. Sorry, I hated that movie :)

Hell yea. We'll have to setup either a week of Lovecraft/Gordon films or maybe every Saturday or Sunday. I believe some of the Re-Animators are on streaming services to.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
oh good, I was just thinking of what movies I wanted to watch this October and this thread will certainly help with finding some new things.

edit: I usually wait until Patrick Klepek posts his Shocktober lists to find new films.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice recap Ridley! Somebody really prepped hard and a recap sounds fun.

2015, My first marathon. I came out of this one with 67 films watched. This is the year where I learned what a Giallo was and all the wonderful Italian directors like Argento and Fulci that go along with them. Since it was my first year, everything was basically whatever I could scrounge up from streaming sites.

The 2015 highlights would be Dark was the Night, Late Phases, and the Fulci and Argento's in there.

Year two. This one was a bit of a double dip. Letterboxd people do the Hooptober challenge as well and that one has actual categories to fill like movies from certain countries or decades. I tried to mesh the two lists as best I could so I didn't end up watching so many, but you can only do so much. My 31 days list was actually the history of horror. This youtuber put up a video with 122 clips from the very first horror films all the way up and I had been watching quite a few of them already so my list for 2016 was history of horror and spanned from the 1910's to 2016. I think I took like one or two from each decade.

The highlights from there year were M, Dead & Buried, Q, New York Ripper, Funny Games, and I Saw the Devil.

The theme for last year was serial killers which I cheated a little and used the Saw bluray collection for a chunk of. Huge mistake. Those movies sucked and I couldn't wait to get through them. The first four were rewatches and reminders on why I had quit watching the series. The remaining entries were dull hammer blows on the nail in the coffin of me ever wanting to watch them again. Fortunately, after that slog was done, I got to see some really cool stuff.

Highlights are the whole Psycho series. Seriously, watch it sometime. Part one is the amazing classic, but part two is very good in its own right. Three and four were a huge slide down, but it was cool seeing Norman age in each movie. Driller Killer and Ms 45 were excellent. Cruising was a bit of a surprise and so was Angst. The Mutilator has one of the you say, interesting kills ever put on film. And I would round this out by saying Confession of Murder just adds another notch to the excellent South Korean horror film list.

So what is this year? For one, no Hooptober. I just got the laptop I'm writing this on so between Escape from Tarkov and Insurgency Sandstorm, my time is full and I'm going to just chill a bit for this year and do a simple list of 31. My theme is "something old, something new" What gave me the idea was getting the big Universal Classic Monster bluray set. I mean there's 30 movies there, but I didn't really want to plow through all of them in one go. So I thought, how can I incorporate those with the other stuff like the Halloween set, the Friday the 13th set and the Nightmare on Elm Street set? Then it hit me. Why not old and new! Now this isn't exactly a scientific approach. I took the theme literally. So in some cases I have a part one from one year and the sequel from the following year. In other cases I have an old movie and a newer one. So Them! from 1954 about big ants and Phase IV from 1974 also featuring killer ants. I've been wanting to watch both. Then there is Dracula from 1931 and A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night from 2014. That way I'm incorporating some of the Universal stuff with some newer entries.

The kicker is that I made this in August. So I'm anticipating having to adjust things based on whatever all my streaming services drop and I have made adjustments along the way. Like I heard Tales from the Hood 2 drops in October so a couple things dropped in order to fit that in. I'm anticipating a straight to video dumpster fire, but its something to look forward to anyway. I am allowing two rewatches. Tales from the Hood 1 and Cabin in the Woods. Tales is obvious but Cabin got tossed in because there is a merman in it and I needed a companion for Creature from the Black Lagoon. The cherry on top is Halloween 2018. I mean you can only pair 30 movies and have something leftover....why not toss the big grandaddy rehash in there too, right?

Edit: After all that, I decided to do the Hooptober list again too...what was I thinking?
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Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Still getting my list together. If anyone is interested, a horror site that I used to be a reviewer for had our staff come up with the top 500 horror films of all time based on visitor and staff votes. If anyone wants it for a list of recommendations, PM me and I'll gladly send it. Keep in mind that the list only includes films up to 2006-2007.

This will be my 11th year doing the marathon (I usually refer to it as the October Challenge), and one of my traditions is to choose a charity to donate to based on the number of movies I've watched in October. Last year, I donated to the local animal shelter. This year, my charity of choice is a homeless program that provides shelter and a safe space for homeless children, parents, and transgender people.

Also looking forward to contributing reviews to a new horror site that I just joined up with starting in October. Let the greatest month, and time of the year get started!

Deleted member 1265

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just dropping a small list of recs in here. There's not a lot but hopefully the services will be adding some great stuff in October. Tried to go with things that were either recent or might go overlooked vs classics/obvious choices mostly.

The Blackcoat's Daughter (2015) - Psychological horror - Amazon Prime
Excision (2012) - Body horror/Psychological horror - Shudder or Tubi TV (free with ads on Tubi TV)
The Exorcist III (1990) - Supernatural horror - Shudder
The Host (2006) - Monster - Shudder
Lake Mungo (2008) - Found footage/faux-documentary - Tubi TV or with Comic Con HQ Channel on Amazon instant (free streaming with ads for Tubi TV or you can do a free trial of the Amazon channel and cancel after you watch what you want)
Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971) - Psychological horror/supernatural horror - Popcornflix (free with ads)
Noroi the Curse (2005) - Found footage/faux-documentary - Shudder
Raw (2017) - Psychological horror - Netflix Instant
The Ruins (2007) Natural/body horror - Tubi TV (free with ads)
Unsane (2018) - Psychological horror - Amazon Prime
Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, Canada
Awww yeah, it's the best time of the year. Been doing this for handful of years now, but I wasn't able to make it last year because work was so busy. Here's my list, might make a few changes to it still but it's pretty close to finalized now.

I like to have a few classics or personal favourites that get me in the mood every year, but otherwise I try to watch mostly movies I haven't seen before. Spent some time browsing Shudder to find stuff and the list ended up having a lot of Italian flair to it, especially Argento.

* Asterisks mark a movie I've seen before

10/01 - Phenomena (1985)
10/02 - Jacob's Ladder (1990)
10/03 - 28 Days Later (2002)
10/04 - Demons (1985)
10/05 - It Comes At Night (2017)
10/06 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
10/07 - Ghostbusters (1984)*
10/08 - It (2017)*
10/09 - Eraserhead (1977)
10/10 - The Last Exorcism (2010)
10/11 - Braindead (1992)*
10/12 - Apostle (2018)
10/13 - Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)*
10/14 - Night of the Demons (1988)
10/15 - The Lost Boys (1987)
10/16 - The Legend of Hell House (1973)
10/17 - The Babadook (2014)
10/18 - Hereditary (2018)
10/19 - Halloween (2018)
10/20 - The Devil's Backbone (2001)
10/21 - The Howling (1981)
10/22 - Deadtime Stories (1986)
10/23 - Inside (2007)
10/24 - Let The Right One In (2008)
10/25 - Zombi 2 (1979)
10/26 - Don't Breathe (2016)*
10/27 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)*
10/28 - Tenebrae (1982)
10/29 - Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
10/30 - Trick 'r Treat (2007)*
10/31 - Halloween (1977)*

I've got a few movies that didn't make the list that I'm probably going to watch over the next couple of weeks to get things started early. Plus I've got The Evil Within 2 sitting here unopened, so I'll be playing that all month too.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't had a chance to put my list together because I was so behind on getting the thread up, but I have a general idea of what I want to get though and will see about posting an outline of it tomorrow.

Also please don't sleep on Dead Night from this year, I don't see how any horror fan can't have a great time with this movie

That went on my radar as soon as I saw Barbara Crampton was in it. Love her. Not sure if I'll be able to squeeze it in this marathon, but it'll get watched sooner rather than later.

Cause it's the most wonderful time....of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful logo ThirstyFly!

Thank you :) I think it turned out pretty good, even if it's not what I had originally envisioned.

Still getting my list together. If anyone is interested, a horror site that I used to be a reviewer for had our staff come up with the top 500 horror films of all time based on visitor and staff votes. If anyone wants it for a list of recommendations, PM me and I'll gladly send it. Keep in mind that the list only includes films up to 2006-2007.

Did you contribute to the list? If so, send me the link and I'll see if I can fit it into the OP's Recommendations section.


Oct 28, 2017
I've watched at least one horror movie every day since I subscribed to Shudder in late-July.
Unfortunately I haven't been taking notes.
Actually, the thing about at least one a day isn't quite true. One night I only watched Turkey Shoot, (aka Escape 2000, aka Blood Camp Thatcher) which ended up not being something I'd call horror. I would, however, call it entertaining.