
Oct 25, 2017
Folks are clued in, no one is buying into the bullshit about the economy anymore outside of Wall Street.


Oct 25, 2017
There was some piece that claimed 75k is "all you need," and that more than that doesn't actually make life easier or something. It's odd because 75k where I live is decent, but nothing crazy. In some middle of nowhere place, you could do quite well. San Francisco? Lolz
I thought that was about happiness/satisfaction and that the return on anything higher doesn't really make you that much happier. Yeah, that 75k certainly won't work everywhere


Oct 25, 2017
My wife and I pull in around 100k and while we're not exactly struggling, we still have to be very careful with expenses with two kids. Hell, I haven't been able to afford a proper vacation in over 4 years.

Ya 100k is definitely rich when single, you should have disposable income. Raising a family and have to worry about bills? Then even with 100k you have to budget, and make sacrifices (vacation in your case).

The middle class is royally fucked.


Oct 29, 2017
Our economy is built on imaginations and dreams and we're sitting in sand. I have less faith in our institutions, here and especially abroad, then I did back in '07.

The next large recession, and it will be coming sooner or later, will wipe us out. Entitlements will be cut and tax breaks aimed at the rich will continue because hey - they're the only ones that matter and if they're doing good we're all doing good right? That trickle down shit yeah? 18K or less is good enough for the plebs, and they've dealt with it since birth so their wages and basic care in life doesn't matter, yeah?

I've seen this story already. It's been the one we've all been living our lives. When the rich fuck up, again, with their outsized influence and power thanks to their wealth hoarding, and they cause another recession and all these jobs are once again taken away - it won't be you the government bails out.
Jan 4, 2018
I just got a new job last month and it pays waaay better than my old one. I was making 12.5k for the past 3 years


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I make about $14k/year. But I only work part time as Im a college student. Though because I live at home and have no rent I do pretty well.
Jan 16, 2019
I'm an RN in the Central Valley in CA, make about $100k, able to save $2-2.5k a month or so after my mortgage/bills.

very thankful for my career and how much I make because idk how people make it in California on less than 50-60k tbh

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
My wife and I pull in around 100k and while we're not exactly struggling, we still have to be very careful with expenses with two kids. Hell, I haven't been able to afford a proper vacation in over 4 years.
Ya 100k is definitely rich when single, you should have disposable income. Raising a family and have to worry about bills? Then even with 100k you have to budget, and make sacrifices (vacation in your case).

The middle class is royally fucked.

Let's not forget the thread is about people who have to do all that on much less. The point of my post was not if you feel rich or not but maybe you can understand why a good chunk of the country sees you as rich. I regret bringing it up because I didn't mean to reignite the debate about if 100k is rich or not in a thread about how 44% of US workers make roughly a 5th of that.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought that was about happiness/satisfaction and that the return on anything higher doesn't really make you that much happier. Yeah, that 75k certainly won't work everywhere

It is, yes. Basically the message was that while money doesn't buy happiness, it does buy some peace of mind, and 75 was their number. I still feel the same...75k gets you far more financial security in, say, Oklahoma than northern Virginia.
Oct 27, 2017
My God. I make just over $41,000 a year which, for a dude with my education, is really good in my area (median household is less than $30,000). Yes, my work-life balance is whack but this just kinda reinforces that I'll do whatever it takes, whatever kinda crazy hours, anything, to keep this gig.

Whatever horror-show this data paints about America and where we're at and what we are right now, sometimes it's good to step back and appreciate what you have.

Damn that shit is SOBERING.


Nov 26, 2017
I'm screwed and to add to it I just lost another 16 hours a month. It's looking like I'm going to have to look for a new job next year if I want to even think about starting a family. Fortunately, my state raised minimum wage up to what I've worked 6 years to earn so I won't take much of a pay hit. I need surgery, a dentist, a new car, a new apartment and I'm living paycheck to paycheck.

Meanwhile our CEO is raking in millions. I'm so incredibly angry, and frustrated with being held down financially. Merry Christmas!


Oct 25, 2017
record low unemployment rates though, just that most of the jobs are terrible. lets celebrate?


Oct 25, 2017
I couldn't even make rent on $18,000. My annual rent is something like $21,000.

I am always surprised when I see these "making less than $30,000" threads. Seems almost undoable unless you have super cheap rent or food stamps or something.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
Try to pick a field younger era that has demand and has good starting pay with healthy pay raises.

Don't go into debt or destroy your body for easy fields. If you're lucky you'll love your career. Priority is good pay without killing yourself.


Feb 22, 2018
I'm an RN in the Central Valley in CA, make about $100k, able to save $2-2.5k a month or so after my mortgage/bills.

very thankful for my career and how much I make because idk how people make it in California on less than 50-60k tbh
That's the thing. These are most likely jobs, not careers. Surprised numbers aren't higher for the low pay.
Oct 25, 2017
Let's not forget the thread is about people who have to do all that on much less. The point of my post was not if you feel rich or not but maybe you can understand why a good chunk of the country sees you as rich. I regret bringing it up because I didn't mean to reignite the debate about if 100k is rich or not in a thread about how 44% of US workers make roughly a 5th of that.

I constantly think about how if I sometimes struggle at near 100k, how incredible it is that so many live at so much less. I come from a somewhat poor background, so I understand that people do what they need to survive, but goddamn if it isn't bleak as fuck.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
My God. I make just over $41,000 a year which, for a dude with my education, is really good in my area (median household is less than $30,000). Yes, my work-life balance is whack but this just kinda reinforces that I'll do whatever it takes, whatever kinda crazy hours, anything, to keep this gig.

Whatever horror-show this data paints about America and where we're at and what we are right now, sometimes it's good to step back and appreciate what you have.

Damn that shit is SOBERING.
Sounds like you work your ass off and have no free time for what you earn and what you earn isn't all that amazing. I'd take it in a heartbeat, although I wouldn't swap it for a job full of stress and no free time though.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
That's a pretty accurate description, to be perfectly honest.
It's admirable you're working away for your future and maybe for a family, but I'm on a different viewpoint. I'm basically so expectant that things will not improve that I just want to enjoy what's left of my youth while I can. Getting as much bang for my buck out of life without having to work at a job I totally hate which demands too much of my free time. I earn just enough to go a good holiday or two a year and have the occasional night out but that's it. I'm never saving or drastically improving my outlook on life it seems. Hmm. I don't trust savings plans or pensions all that much anyway, and I'm in the UK so the safety net is vastly better (but at great risk from conservative politics).


Apr 7, 2019
i make 30K and i am still living a poor life this is shameful and i cannot fathom living on 18K We need a UBI of some sort in my opinion.
Oct 27, 2017
It's admirable you're working away for your future and maybe for a family, but I'm on a different viewpoint. I'm basically so expectant that things will not improve that I just want to enjoy what's left of my youth while I can. Getting as much bang for my buck out of life without having to work at a job I totally hate which demands too much of my free time. I earn just enough to go a good holiday or two a year and have the occasional night out but that's it. I'm never saving or drastically improving my outlook on life it seems. Hmm. I don't trust savings plans or pensions all that much anyway, and I'm in the UK so the safety net is vastly better (but at great risk from conservative politics).
Being in the states, I really do envy the safety net that the UK has. I put 10% of my pay into a 401k and my employer matches my contribution.

I'm hoping to retire by 60 or so. I started saving late in life and in all likelihood I'll be dead or disabled by then, but I guess we're all just doing the best we know how to do.


Oct 29, 2017
ThIs is the status quo for Americans that Joe Biden and moderate/centrist Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to protect.


That US graph is straight up a representation of a heist, complete with hostages.

Low wages, anti-worker laws, and a psychopathic for-profit healthcare system is the good ol days to way too many people. And when the not wealthy parrot those same "halcyon" days where they were getting fucked but with a smile, it's basically stockholm syndrome.


Dec 25, 2017
That sounds about right. I know of people making more than $10,000 less in jobs I used to work and some of then have degrees. I didn't have a degree when I had the same job.

This is a result of decades of pro corporate and right wing policy and propaganda. They gutted the unions,worker's rights, all types of regulations, and education.


Oct 29, 2017
Krugman wrote pretty comprehensive and scathing articles about the US economy, and how everything relates back to taxation and wealth redistribution:

The common thread is the same: the US used to tax people, but particularly the rich, at higher rates, and the country and economy were better off for it. The current situation is the consequence of decades of tax cuts for people at the top of the income brackets, which we just did again recently, so expect inequality to continue to worsen.


Oct 25, 2017
The worshipping of unemployment rate has caused so much harm in the US. This is what happens when you use this stat as one of the report cards for how good a president is doing. These numbers were used to champion Obama as well and they are really meaningless. People need to stop giving a shit about this number.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
The worshipping of unemployment rate has caused so much harm in the US. This is what happens when you use this stat as one of the report cards for how good a president is doing. These numbers were used to champion Obama as well and they are really meaningless. People need to stop giving a shit about this number.
I always like the sly racism, black people are working so they have a function and shouldn't be complaining.
Oct 25, 2017

That US graph is straight up a representation of a heist, complete with hostages.

Low wages, anti-worker laws, and a psychopathic for-profit healthcare system is the good ol days to way too many people. And when the not wealthy parrot those same "halcyon" days where they were getting fucked but with a smile, it's basically stockholm syndrome.
Reagan smiling in his grave at the sheer carnage.

Primal Sage

Virtually Real
Nov 27, 2017
Jeez, America. Am I reading it right, the 18k isn't even minimum wage?

In Denmark the minimum wage is something like 31k a year.