

Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
Is there anything like this available where you are? It might be worth looking into.
There 100% used to be when I was a Kid/teenager but it's not something I have looked into much.

it's not too hard to buy Games on sale about 6-12 months after launch or Wait until they hit Gamepass the Big concern is sales prices are going to be less appealing once the whole industry is up at $70 a few years from now.(demon's Souls 14% off scares me for the future.)

Another fear is once every game from every studio is $70 next Microtransactions and DLC might go Up $5-10 as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I just resell the games when I'm done on ebay and recoup most of the cost. That's why I only buy expensive console games on a disc.


Oct 27, 2017
But he's comparing that same thought process and it doesn't work. People NEED refrigerators. So thinking someone can't be poor when they have a fridge is dumb.
People don't need video games, especially not the latest releases on day 1. If you want to say people need leisure activities, there are thousands of free and cheap games. And Ratchet won't even stay 70 for long. I bet it will be 30 by the holidays.
Nah, it doesn't matter. Comparing something you absolutely need to store food (you know, to live?) should never be compared to luxury items like video games.

No, this doesn't mean poor people can't have fun or spend money on themselves for other than survival. No, this doesn't mean poor people shouldn't play video games. It means don't make stupid-ass comparisons that will inevitably (and justifiably) draw fire.

I swear, I bet many of you don't actually know what it's like to be poor. Worrying about $70 games would be the least of your worries. And there are plenty of affordable alternatives that provide hours of quality entertainment without breaking your budget.

This isn't even me defending $70 games. I absolutely think it's too much for many games, and can rightly be criticized. But you can make those criticisms (or rather the rebuttals to others offering alternatives) without the awful takes like "I GUESS YOU HATE POOR PEOPLE HUH? FRIDGES!!1" Like many of the people here saying that you shouldn't focus on trying to buy expensive day one games and instead look for other options (older games, f2p titles, wait for sales, buy/resell) have actually been poor.

Ok i take it back, I see your points, I got too much heated and guess I needed to chill out and think clear.

But i don't agree with some of your points, but I for sure don't want to enter into the whole "you don't know what's means to be poor".


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this: I don't think $70 games are a problem. I think the way our labor is exploited for peanuts and we are held down in an intrinsically exploitive capitalist society is the problem.

Games are technically cheaper / the same in dollar value (adjusted for inflation). However, the cost of living for everything else has increased dramatically while our wages have remained stagnant. We shouldn't be angry at Sony, we should be mad at our Governments for letting capitalism run unchecked, creating unbelievable income inequality.

IMO, of course.
I agree with this, but I don't think the people want to hear this. It ruins the narrative.

I'm buying 5 games on Friday day one. And plan on doing Instacart the day before to pay for all of it.
Jan 29, 2018
Nowhere did I say that there aren't good sun-$50 games. I'm talking about the MSRP norm for games. People are going to buy the games regardless but they shouldn't be $70 as the starting price.

Where are all these $70 games? It's Sony first party and what else? EA sports games? I honestly don't know. It seems to me that the vast majority of AAA games are $59.99 in the US and the vast majority of games as a whole are less than that.


Oct 30, 2017
Someone being able to buy a PS5 and complaining about $70 games is hilarious to me.

To even insinuate they are "poor" is honestly a slap to those who actually are.


alt account
May 13, 2021
cost of games going up is why I've personally chosen to become more dependent on subscription (ie gamepass) for my games over the past 6ish months or so.

Subscription has it's own bags of worms, but the economics work out a load better for me. Especially when you put EA Play/Xbox Live gold conversions into effect.


Oct 27, 2017
so you dont think entertainment is a necessity for human life? we should all be fine just eating shitting and working and then dieing then i guess

There are many forms of entertainment (including in gaming) that come at reduced price or are even free. A day one purchase is not a necessity.

Deleted member 511

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I actually find the framing of poor people in this discussion, and context, as a means of enjoying the latest games day one, extremely insulting. When in fact this is all about FOMO and the need to participate in internet discourse day one or whatever else nonsense comes up.

And yes, I grew up extremely poor in a third world country, so I have experience as well. And I could not help but let out an audible groan reading the OP.

Give me a fucking break.
Okay? I grew up poor - I have literally slept outside with my family before. It's not about FOMO or internet discourse...like what? There are people who enjoy video games, want to experience them along with friends / other people, and there's nothing wrong with expressing disappointment that the hobby has no consideration for people with varying levels of income. Ya'll really don't have empathy for people on here.

Anyway, you're valid in your reasoning OP. You probably shouldn't invest more energy into this thread but good luck to you.
Oct 27, 2017
Nowhere did I say that there aren't good sun-$50 games. I'm talking about the MSRP norm for games. People are going to buy the games regardless but they shouldn't be $70 as the starting price.
But $70 isn't the MSRP norm at all. It is for a handful of games from a handful of publishers. You guys are literally focused on these relatively small selection of games and ignoring the tons more that are still the same prices as this previous gen, not to mention indies which have an even larger price range


Oct 27, 2017
Gaming is a mega luxury. It stinks when you can't afford new games, but no one is entitled to a video game.
It's only a mega luxury if you only want the newest of the newest stuff with the best graphics and performance available. There are thousands of video games that don't demand expensive hardware and that are dead cheap or even free.

Like many already said. Just wait for better prices. There is no sane reason to buy day 1 these days.


Mar 16, 2019
Price increase is a day 1/pre-order tax at this point. Games drop quickly and predictably in price these days. Just wait if the extra is more than you'd like.
Demon souls didn't drop not once from 80euros since release till just last week to the spectacular price of 70euros a 7 month wait is not that quick it's a disgrace


Oct 25, 2017
... Leisure activities are basic needs. I'm not actually comparing them to refrigerators directly, but comparing the attitude of people in here.
leisure activities are basic needs, OK. but there are tons of leisure activities at all kinds of price points, including games that are free or quite inexpensive. A full-priced game at MSRP is a luxury. Clothing is a basic need but designer clothes are still luxuries.


Dec 13, 2017
Budgeting is a thing. You can save up money for one big purchase and still not have the ease of disposable income for a bunch of smaller purchases.

If you can budget for a big thing, you can budget for little things. It just might mean that you don't get every new game on release date.

As a kid, I used to have to budget so I could afford a handful of games per year. Purchase decisions were scrutinized, and I'd make liberal use of renting because it make purchases much less of a risk.

As an adult, I won't spend $$$ on something that I don't consider a good value. It's one of the reasons I don't have a PS5. I also haven't missed out on anything by not upgrading my Xbox One X to a Series console. Would I like a Series? Sure. Is it worth paying a scalper for one, especially when I can still play 95% of all new releases just fine on my One X? Nope.

$70 is a lot of money for a game. I'm not sure why people are so surprised by other people being more selective with their game purchases. I'd love to see smaller games in the $40-50 range came out from more prominent developers, like Miles or Lost Legacy.

There's nothing wrong with being selective. As I read this thread, that's the message I see folks telling those complaining about pricing. "Be selective".

Everyone's income is valuable. No one should ever feel bad about skipping a purchase. Best case, you save $$$ because the game turns out crap. Worst case, you still save some $$$ because you get the game on sale down the line.

And for folks who judge based on playtime vs price, those backlog Ubi AC games are the best deals out there for you right now. ;)

I'm in a position where I can afford £60 games...but I likely will never pay that.

Between the backlog....the used pick ups...the sales...the indies (and that's just talking about playstation) I have WAY too many games to play to even consider paying that much for a game. I can wait. And it'll be cheaper once I'm ready to play it.

FOMO is the only issue with higher prices. Its not like these games go out of distribution. If you're displeased with $70 games. Just wait until they're 30 or something? Hell, this industry is built on the concept of waiting for stuff...we sometimes wait years and years for a game to release...we're well trained in the act of waiting...I'm sure people can wait a bit longer for their wallets sake.

Once I learned this lesson, gaming as a hobby became much less stressful.

Try being from the UK, you man should count yourselves lucky it only went up 10 dollars in 15 years lmao.

You all did get that killer Series S upgrade deal. Cheapest path to next-gen in the world.

Wait for a sale is too dismissive imo. And it's not just about 10 dollars (which it's more than that outside the US), it's potentially about 10 dollars times how ever many games you are excited to get in a year. It adds up over time and it would seem like it will lead to smaller attach rates and less younger people entering the console space (it's a tough sell to a parent vs a decent phone and Fortnite).

It sucks, OP.

Why is it dismissive? None of us need to play the latest and greatest games. Even if you can afford $70/game, "wait for a sale" is STILL good advice.

Poor people shouldn't be allowed to game. Brave but it needed to be said. Go play your busted wiis peasants.

No one is saying that. But it is smart to recognize when one has champagne taste on a beer budget.

Lots of people WANT a PS5. No one NEEDS a PS5.

There are still plenty of PS4 games out there. Along with PS3, PS2, PS1, PC, Xbox, etc.

You're talking down about the Wii as if it is worthless, but it's still a console packed with good games. I literally just pulled my old Wii out of the closet last week and hooked it up to a TV. Why? The games I missed are still just as good today as they were the day they launched. And now I can get them a whole lot cheaper.

Yup. Anytime this subject is brought up, people ar dismissive and also make the assumption you come from the US as well

I don't think everyone assumes that everyone else is in the US. But there is an assumption that the PS5 is not the whole of the gaming landscape. There are other consoles, and more importantly, there is the PC.

No, you're not going to get Sony exclusives on the PC, but there are SOOOOO many stupid cheap and/or free games on the PC, it's not even funny. If you're a gamer on a budget, the PC is the place to be. Both with old AAA games being sold cheap, and with newer indie and AA games being sold for a lot less than big budget AAA games.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I don't have a problem with $70 games but they better be meaty games.

Ratchet and Clank(or Rivet and Clank) looks phenomenal but 10-15 hours is a major no for $70. It's just doesn't justify the price and puts people in a "I want it but I'll wait for a sale" which is a shame because you could do a lot with that $70.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I would never tell someone they shouldn't do something they enjoy, but I would suggest ways they can do it that makes them more comfortable financially. And there are a lot of options.
Sure, but I think people are aware of the resources available, like waiting for price drops. $60 is already a bit of an ask, but $10 makes it that much worse and that's just the US increase. The point being people can be upset with that without being dismissed like they tend to be on this forum.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
There's also the loss of the mid tier games at $40 with the loss of the DS line, which has been the main cause of price increases this gen for me.
Oct 27, 2017
Okay? I grew up poor - I have literally slept outside with my family before. It's not about FOMO or internet discourse...like what? There are people who enjoy video games, want to experience them along with friends / other people, and there's nothing wrong with expressing disappointment that the hobby has no consideration for people with varying levels of income. Ya'll really don't have empathy for people on here.
But there are tons of cheaper games. Not to mention only a small few games are even getting price raises. You're acting like the only way to enjoy the hobby is to purchase specific AAA games day 1 and nothing else counts


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
The OP is addressing those saying they're a "Sony troll" for balking at the prices, so yeah the topic is indeed about Sony games, and my post - that you replied to - was responding to a post about Sony games, and also mentioned the likely reasons they were not more discounted, reasons which you repeated in your reply. Every post in this particular sub-thread has been about Sony.

Let's not pretend that everyone who replied with "just wait a few months for a sale" has been strictly talking about Sony games which is who you were addressing with your comment. People suggesting that are making a valid point and not strictly speaking about Sony alone. So I'm pointing out your criticism of that comment when those posts are not talking strictly about Sony and talking about the bigger picture.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
o even insinuate they are "poor" is honestly a slap to those who actually are
Just a few years ago I Lost 30 Pounds because I missed meals not buying able to afford Food.

Just 2 years ago I stopped Homelessness.

Things are better now but If things go just slightly wrong I won't be able to make Rent


Oct 29, 2017
Nah, sorry but nah. Sure games are an art form. But reviews (for the most part) aren't seeing games as art, but a product to be consumed. They're basically there to inform you if your money will be well spent or not.

A review based on the artistic merit of a videogame would look veeery different.

You're saying that you can't rate art without making it something else than art ? I disagree. Yes, depending on the website some could agree and emphasize their purchase guide status

Most of it though ? Hell no. Artistic merit is not some kind of elitist philosophical sub-text. The gameplay is part of it. Pacing, machanics, writing and many other aspects have more to do with art than product, and most lines of a review are about these things rather than price.

Flappy Pannus

Feb 14, 2019
Someone being able to buy a PS5 and complaining about $70 games is hilarious to me.

To even insinuate they are "poor" is honestly a slap to those who actually are.



Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
But $70 isn't the MSRP norm at all. It is for a handful of games from a handful of publishers. You guys are literally focused on these relatively small selection of games and ignoring the tons more that are still the same prices as this previous gen, not to mention indies which have an even larger price range

You're very optimistic if you don't think this is the new norm moving forward.


Mar 30, 2019
Only game I've bought at the higher price point (70 Euros) was Demons Souls and I ended up regretting that purchase, I don't really think I'll buy another Sony game at launch.
I don't even really consider myself poor either, it's just a lot of money these days, and there's just soo many great games out there you can get at way better prices, I can wait until they drop in price.


May 16, 2020
Game Pass is absolutely amazing in this respect.

Yes, it doesn't get me every game day 1, but there's so much content it's insane. Sports games, they're there. Platformers. Shooters. RPGs.

You name it, it has it.

Sony needs to get PSNow to the same setup as Game Pass sooner than later. I enjoyed PSNow when I had it, but a "Playstation Pass" with 100% downloadable games across generations would be amazing. Tons of new content, and day 1 releases need to be there too. There's too much trash to sort through right now.

I'll probably never buy a $70+ video game from here on out. It will have to be something I absolutely must have Day 1. Otherwise I'll just wait. I've only bought 3 or 4 games BRAND NEW in the last 2 years. Which is incredible to believe when you see that I have nearly 600 games installed on my Series X.

I feel for people who want to play games and this pushes their ability to afford something they want out of reach.
You nailed it


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
Where are all these $70 games? It's Sony first party and what else? EA sports games? I honestly don't know. It seems to me that the vast majority of AAA games are $59.99 in the US and the vast majority of games as a whole are less than that.
Activision, EA, Take Two, Sony.

Sure it's not every game but without pushback, every publisher is going to follow suit.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
If you don't think a game is worth the money, just don't buy it. A $10 difference really isn't a huge amount, especially not when the system being $400-$500 was seemingly reasonable for many people in the first place.

There are also ways to make things cheaper. Eg buy physical and sell immediately after you're done with a game to get the overwhelming majority of your money back, or buy discounted PSN cards to get the game cheaper on digital, or game share with family, or simply wait for a sale and so on.


May 27, 2020
Demon souls didn't drop not once from 80euros since release till just last week to the spectacular price of 70euros a 7 month wait is not that quick it's a disgrace

Digitally I assume? Exactly why I'll never go all digital. Rather have the ability to recoup money by re-selling

Anyone in the states could go on Ebay right now and get Demon's Souls for like $40
Someone being able to buy a PS5 and complaining about $70 games is hilarious to me.

To even insinuate they are "poor" is honestly a slap to those who actually are.

this x10000000


Oct 25, 2017
Okay? I grew up poor - I have literally slept outside with my family before. It's not about FOMO or internet discourse...like what? There are people who enjoy video games, want to experience them along with friends / other people, and there's nothing wrong with expressing disappointment that the hobby has no consideration for people with varying levels of income. Ya'll really don't have empathy for people on here.

Anyway, you're valid in your reasoning OP. You probably shouldn't invest more energy into this thread but good luck to you.

Fucking what @ the bolded? There is more access to games of every kind, on every platform, and of every varying degree of cost right now than there had been in any point in the history of this hobby. Like the most popular game on the planet right now is fucking free.


Oct 25, 2017
Another thing to note that is possible if $70 or whatever it is in your region, is that games get announced a year or more in advance. Just put away $5 a week or fortnight and there is your game. Is that not an option? Sure you can't "impulse" buy but if you are in a situation where $10US or whatever is too much you probably shouldn't anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay? I grew up poor - I have literally slept outside with my family before. It's not about FOMO or internet discourse...like what? There are people who enjoy video games, want to experience them along with friends / other people, and there's nothing wrong with expressing disappointment that the hobby has no consideration for people with varying levels of income. Ya'll really don't have empathy for people on here.

This isn't true though. F2P titles are huge, indies continue to prosper, storefronts across all platforms are constantly doing deep discounts on thousands of titles, the used game market exists, services like Game Pass offers silly value with a very low cost of entry.

Videogames have never been more accessible. That's part of what's so great about the hobby and why it's now so mainstream.


Oct 25, 2017
Every argument about $70 being too much was applicable to $60.
Implying 60 was ok because that is was people are used to is arbitrary.
Derailing random threads with the price argument is reactionary.

People should be able to make their financial decisions, wait for a price they can afford or they feel confortable paying and stop trying to force anyone else to agree with them.


Mar 16, 2019
If you don't think a game is worth the money, just don't buy it. A $10 difference really isn't a huge amount, especially not when the system being $400-$500 was seemingly reasonable for many people in the first place.

There are also ways to make things cheaper. Eg buy physical and sell immediately after you're done with a game to get the overwhelming majority of your money back, or buy discounted PSN cards to get the game cheaper on digital, or game share with family, or simply wait for a sale and so on.
Just wondering what site sells discounted PSN cards I've seen for never for PSN


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
So you're not poor NOW.
Really? Do you comprehend how Rude you are being right Now?

Paycheck to Paycheck Fearing Eviction every Month is not poor.?

I am very Lucky and fortunate to have it better than many and I am thankful but I am Shure as shit in one of the lowest income Brackets of my Country.


Oct 25, 2017
So you're not poor NOW.
Fucking what?

There are people who enjoy video games, want to experience them along with friends / other people, and there's nothing wrong with expressing disappointment that the hobby has no consideration for people with varying levels of income. Ya'll really don't have empathy for people on here.
How can you look at the current video game industry at large and say this?


Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
I kinda hate this comparison

I posted that image of older prices without offering context or opinion.

My context, honestly, is that the digital entertainment economy has been bouncing all over the place for over 30 years at this point. Same with so many other entertainment economies, like the music format wars between vinyl, cassette, CD, and other upstarts. Entrenched players tend to stick to higher prices, and in the gaming world, that isn't about a format but about a combined push of publishers, arguably united in antitrust-worthy fashion. Nintendo jacked prices up during the N64 era..... and the non-entrenched players responded loudly, and won out. So, there's a lot to factor.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking what @ the bolded? There is more access to games of every kind, on every platform, and of every varying degree of cost right now than there had been in any point in the history of this hobby. Like the most popular game on the planet right now is fucking free.

Ya, this is the part I don't get. There are so many options out there that makes game accessibility more viable today than it has ever been, and yet people want to strictly focus on $70 day 1 games as if they're the only option available. I would be a lot more sympathetic if that was the case, but there are just so many games out there at varying price points that it's hard to feel sympathy of someone who thinks they have no options.


Mar 16, 2019
Digitally I assume? Exactly why I'll never go all digital. Rather have the ability to recoup money by re-selling

Anyone in the states could go on Ebay right now and get Demon's Souls for like $40

this x10000000
Even in stores physical copies they were all 80 euro never dropped till just last week when the days of play event started