
Oct 27, 2017
The last two matches made the show IMO. The rest was a little underwhelming, especially the tag matches. Cody and Jericho was fantastic storytelling. Moxley/Omega was good, but I honestly don't think I'm a huge fan of death matches. Kenny's talents as a wrestler seem kind of wasted in the format. As a performance it was entertaining though. I feel like the singles division is in a great spot now, the tag division has taken a step back, and the women's division needs something more. Can't wait for MJF to step into his role proper as Uber heel.


Nov 3, 2017
I just watched it and thought it was great for the most part, I still have no interest in the women's division though, it's just nowhere near the same level. It's pretty surreal that I'm actually back into wrestling and watching it every week, it's like I've gone back in time.


Oct 27, 2017
I just watched it and thought it was great for the most part, I still have no interest in the women's division though, it's just nowhere near the same level. It's pretty surreal that I'm actually back into wrestling and watching it every week, it's like I've gone back in time.

At first I thought...maybe you're right, 'cause I thought you were comparing the women's wrestling to NXT's women. Then I realized you meant to other matches on the card. That's a fascinating take.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda dumb of Cody to fuck up his best asset.
Is it dumber of Cody to get injured in a match or WWE to actually think this gimmick was a good idea:


Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
Finished up the PPV with my GF earlier. Not bad for their first PPV post Dynamite launch. Cody/Jericho did not go as expected and that was for the best. Was Cody's injury a work? My GF has been watching wrestling far, far longer than I have and she thinks it was a real accident. My biggest gripe about Full Gear and AEW in general is just how piss poor the women's division is. Emi carried that match for me, though I really, really don't care for Riho. I don't have ill will against her personally, but her being the champion shows how bad the division is. She's an extreme babyface with no character, plus I can't buy into her performance.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Finished up the PPV with my GF earlier. Not bad for their first PPV post Dynamite launch. Cody/Jericho did not go as expected and that was for the best. Was Cody's injury a work? My GF has been watching wrestling far, far longer than I have and she thinks it was a real accident.
Nope, 100% real. Scroll up to see a picture of the injury.

Henry Hank

Jul 25, 2019
I only vaguely followed WWE when Cody had the mask, but to me that was when he really broke out as a performer worth caring about. Debut Cody with Bob Holly and then whatever the faction was with Ted Debiase was pretty bland. The Dashing stuff showed he could play a character well IMO.


Nov 1, 2017
I like this PPV more now that we're two days removed from it. It's simmering and settling nicely in my wrestling imagination.

Henry Hank

Jul 25, 2019
I like this PPV more now that we're two days removed from it. It's simmering and settling nicely in my wrestling imagination.

Same. It didn't help that my first viewing was delayed by a few hours and I was up until 2AM after I finished. I need to rewatch it. I think I put it on par with Double or Nothing and All Out.


Nov 1, 2017
Same. It didn't help that my first viewing was delayed by a few hours and I was up until 2AM after I finished. I need to rewatch it. I think I put it on par with Double or Nothing and All Out.

I was thinking this morning how crazy it is that we had back-to-back 30 to 40-minute matches at the end of the show and I was kept invested for the entire duration of both of them. It would be so easy to screw that up and to lose the audience, but that didn't happen here. The Passion of Cody followed by The Destruction of Kenny Omega by the Badass Jon Moxley was a great double feature to end things on.


Oct 25, 2017
That Omega Moxley match was fucking incredible.
I really want Punished Omega following this - I want him out to hurt everyone in a build up to an absolute destruction of Moxley.

As for Moxley, he's a force to be reckoned with right now & I'm loving every moment he's on screen


Nov 1, 2017
That Omega Moxley match was fucking incredible.
I really want Punished Omega following this - I want him out to hurt everyone in a build up to an absolute destruction of Moxley.

As for Moxley, he's a force to be reckoned with right now & I'm loving every moment he's on screen

They need to follow it up with a sanctioned match. This time, just have it be a regular match, which means it plays to Omega's strengths and should maybe/probably have Omega come out on top. Then finish up the feud with some kind of cage match or something. Maybe. I don't know. Either way, I'm engaged and invested.

Henry Hank

Jul 25, 2019
They need to follow it up with a sanctioned match. This time, just have it be a regular match, which means it plays to Omega's strengths and should maybe/probably have Omega come out on top. Then finish up the feud with some kind of cage match or something. Maybe. I don't know. Either way, I'm engaged and invested.

I agree but I'd wait for the payoff. Have Omega beat Moxley sometime next year in a sanctioned match, for the championship to complete Kenny's arc.

Henry Hank

Jul 25, 2019
This fued has technically been ongoing since double or nothing. I know this was supposed to be done at All Out but I'd prefer they left it and revisited in 6 months

I strongly suspect that the plan always was to have a regular match at All Out and then follow it up with the hardcore rematch at Full Gear. They just skipped the first match once Moxley had his health issue.

I agree. Leave the feud for now. It went to the limit and Moxley won. This should now start the slow path to Kenny's redemption, as he's completely gone off the deep end and as far away possible from being the "best bout machine." Reduced from being considered the best in the world, to cutting someone with glass and getting thrown into a bed of barbed wire.

I think for both guys there's a payoff. Moxley doesn't want to be labeled as the hardcore guy either and so I think he leans in on being a serious wrestler now, as he goes after the belt.

Lee Morris

Oct 28, 2017
I strongly suspect that the plan always was to have a regular match at All Out and then follow it up with the hardcore rematch at Full Gear. They just skipped the first match once Moxley had his health issue.

I agree. Leave the feud for now. It went to the limit and Moxley won. This should now start the slow path to Kenny's redemption, as he's completely gone off the deep end and as far away possible from being the "best bout machine." Reduced from being considered the best in the world, to cutting someone with glass and getting thrown into a bed of barbed wire.

I think for both guys there's a payoff. Moxley doesn't want to be labeled as the hardcore guy either and so I think he leans in on being a serious wrestler now, as he goes after the belt.
I didn't think about having a singles match at all out but now you've said it makes more sense.

I do think Kenny comes across as a tough son of a bit, just hair less than moxley.

I think people on here are overblowing how Kenny comes across on TV. He was always going to take some losses to build other guys and because he is an evp. The elite obviously made a pact that they weren't going to be like prior wrestling bookers and just put themselves over. Yes Kenny has lost a few but his performance s have been strong and he still stands out with his charisma and in ring work. They've been on TV for 6 weeks. Let them tell long term storylines or do you want hot shot booking that Vince gives you?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not a smark but every single week, they do things that entertain me and make me want to tune in next week to see what they'll do next.

What more can I ask for from a wrasslin TV show?


Nov 1, 2017
I'm not a smark but every single week, they do things that entertain me and make me want to tune in next week to see what they'll do next.

What more can I ask for from a wrasslin TV show?

This is the best state to be in. I care about a weekly carny entertainment show and paid almost $60 to watch it this past weekend. They've got me. Unless they go totally off the rails, they've got a potential life-long fan in me.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm almost thinking/hoping that Mox/Omega kayfabe bond over their mutual love for ultraviolence and become a hardcore tag team to push for the tag title.
I know chances are low, but I just love seeing them work together.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm almost thinking/hoping that Mox/Omega kayfabe bond over their mutual love for ultraviolence and become a hardcore tag team to push for the tag title.
I know chances are low, but I just love seeing them work together.

I'll gif their look at each other in the go home show just before they brawled down the entrance tube. They have electricity.


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
Just wanted to highlight the difference between AEW and WWE in terms of PPV pre-shows. WWE's version of this sucks ass, a couple of hours of useless blathering by pundits who can sometimes barely string a sentence together (Shawn Michaels, Lita, Beth Phoenix, Booker T...all talking such droning, abject bollocks). Pure crap, and it makes actually watching for the matches on the pre-show a total chore.

The lead in to Full Gear was fucking great. Wrestlers talking about their issues, laying out who they are and what they stand for, great hype just blows WWE's "efforts" out of the water. Santana and Ortiz were excellent, Moxley and Omega were both really great and it all sounded natural and not notch stuff. They make the poor WWE talent struggling with shitty scripting look really 2nd rate. I watched the whole hour of it even though I knew I wasn't getting Full Gear that night, and it was an entertaining little show in it's own right.

AEW gives away matches on YouTube that exceed the quality of much of Raw and Smackdown every week, and I don't know if that makes AEW overly generous, or WWE look stingy.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll gif their look at each other in the go home show just before they brawled down the entrance tube. They have electricity.
I just rewatched that bit, there's 100% a spark there. With them talking about their dark place etc. in the promos leading up to FG, I hope it's not the rookie mark in me praying for them to team up.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Cody got all the dumb shit VKM came up with over, because he's great.

And I think it's hilarious that we're debating the finer points of a heel turn, when, frankly, they hinted at a heel turn and then did. Maybe not in the best possible way, but it sure as shit beats all the fake out heel turns that go nowhere back in WWE. Look at what they've done with Daniel Bryan. Teases a big announcement that goes nowhere, goes on a hot heel run that people are into and they flip him back as part of a storyline that they made up as they went along.


No one fucking knows.

MJF's heel turn has been hinted at, and he's such a natural heel. We've all known it was going to happen, and maybe that's the only reason they didn't draw it out longer. If everyone knows it's coming, do it.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a great achievement that we all knew the heel turn was coming since day 1, but were still kept guessing.
I half thought Cody was going to turn on MJF after the throwing in the towel thing. Could've gone either way - that's a great development of what's been a sure thing since the beginning.


Nov 1, 2017
I think it's a great achievement that we all knew the heel turn was coming since day 1, but were still kept guessing.
I half thought Cody was going to turn on MJF after the throwing in the towel thing. Could've gone either way - that's a great development of what's been a sure thing since the beginning.

There was a wonderful moment of "will he, won't he" when MJF was pleading from his knees and EVERYONE thought "oh crap, is Cody going to nail him?" Fantastic pro wrestling storytelling.


Dec 15, 2017
There was a wonderful moment of "will he, won't he" when MJF was pleading from his knees and EVERYONE thought "oh crap, is Cody going to nail him?" Fantastic pro wrestling storytelling.

Yes, I loved the way they did it and the throwing in the towel and pleading with Cody was a nice story beat but I thought there was no need to rush to the next chapter. That angle amped up the tension and they could have milked that for at least another month, maybe longer. I guess the problem is that they wanted to do the turn on PPV not Dynamite to make it seem like a bigger deal and the PPVs are too far apart. I can respect them being cautious.


Oct 26, 2017
I would've loved for the turn to happen a couple of months later with no tease, only for MJF to brag about how nobody saw it coming.

The next thing could've been for MJF to win the rumoured secondary title and for Cody to win it from him.


Oct 25, 2017
Cody got all the dumb shit VKM came up with over, because he's great.

And I think it's hilarious that we're debating the finer points of a heel turn, when, frankly, they hinted at a heel turn and then did. Maybe not in the best possible way, but it sure as shit beats all the fake out heel turns that go nowhere back in WWE. Look at what they've done with Daniel Bryan. Teases a big announcement that goes nowhere, goes on a hot heel run that people are into and they flip him back as part of a storyline that they made up as they went along.


No one fucking knows.

MJF's heel turn has been hinted at, and he's such a natural heel. We've all known it was going to happen, and maybe that's the only reason they didn't draw it out longer. If everyone knows it's coming, do it.
Cody is such a natural heel that I was surprised how good this babyface run was. Guy showed he can carry the torch whatever the role.