Joe as champ is simply a great move that will help stabilise things until you get the title on Swerve in a few months. Highly respected badass vet who will put on some great matches/feuds, doesn't need a super long reign to be effective and whoever beats him for the title will get a good rub in the process. That person should be Swerve, who they should not wait too long to strike on. Revolution or not much past that. He's your next main event star and exactly more of what you need to create, new stars.
And that's what I'm looking forward to in 2024, the elevation of a new grouping of performers to further add-on to what they've already done with the likes of Julia, Hook, and the Acclaimed. You have all this amazing talent sitting back there, don't squander them.
At the very least it seems like this will be a big year for Daniel Garcia and I can see him getting into the mix for a title soon enough. Have him go after OC or something. I have similarly high hopes for the same with everyone in the Callis family as they all deserve better than what they've been stuck with. Same with Ricky/Big Bill and way too many talented Women that have gone underpushed for too long. A Women's tag belt would really help imo.
But I'm excited for what's to come in 2024 regardless. They have a pretty good set of champs, a few months of free runway to build on new stories/programs and hopefully a renewed focus on going back to their strengths as a promotion.
And I'm guessing maybe Mercedes is Mariah's opponent and they'll put on a banger??