Oct 25, 2017
So yeah, I love JRPG's, but my connection with the Tales is pretty shallow. I beat Abyss how ever many decades ago, and then Vesperia, and thats it. Really really liked Abyss, and remember liking Vesperia.

I think I went into Berseria with higher expectations, and maybe thats my problem. I'm at the 5 hour mark, and just finished the first? major plot point (on the ship right now).

1. Graphics:

Maybe I expected more, and I'm not too familiar on the release of this game, but is this a PS3 game ported to PS4? I didn't think so seeing as how we're 4 years into the generation, but this game could easily be done on the PS3.
It's not just graphics, but presentation as well.

- Cities feel dead. Yeah, there are NPC's, but they might as well be statues. Everyone just kind of stands there. They have a little motion, like someone is nodding or swaying back and forth. But thats it. Everyone is just off to the side, just standing there. The excitement of going to a new city feels wasted. Just a bunch of mannequins standing around.

-I'm not far in, but the dungeons feel boring. The first one was a forest, which is ok. But the second one is just some ugly ass cave. Nothing interesting at all to do in there. Just walk through it.

2. Game wastes my time with back tracking:

- This is what stopped me dead in my tracks and pretty much got me to create this thread. I can tell when a game is really amateur when it starts to waste my time, and at the 5 hour mark, this game has it in spades.

In one section for instance, when I was done with the boring ice cave,
-I had to go back all the way to town to talk to some dude. Ok, fine. Of course, the main entrance is still blocked, so I had to go back through the secret entrance again, back through some storage unit, and through the whole town to talk to the guy. Ok fine.
-Then the game tells me to go back to my ship to set sail. So back through the town, back through the storage unit, back through the secret cave, and the walk across a field of bad guys that I already beat before, to get back. Ok, I'm here.
-OOOPS!! Ship is no good. Please go back to the ice cave. No, they don't teleport you back. You have to physically trek through the same fucking fields you just went through. You did this so an NPC can say your ship is no good.

This is the beginning of the game, and they are already pulling this shit.

This is one of my biggest gripes in JRPG's. When they start doing this, my like of a game drops drastically. It might not be a big deal to other people, but this always reeks to me of "amateur".

3. Combat system:

- Yeah, I'm not liking this combat at all. I think there is supposed to be some system where you can link up moves, and then pressing the same button repeatedly dishes out those moves. I tried dicking around with it, but honestly, it feels there is no point. I'm literally just mashing the 4 face buttons, and R2 once in a while, and I haven't died yet. Like, not even close to death. The R2 just heals me constantly, no idea why. R2, kill some dudes, auto heal.

The whole system just sucks. I don't like it at all. Like, they are giving me these new moves, but I have no incentive to mix and match. I could not care less. Bosses are an absolute joke. Just mash until they die.

4. Main Character:

- Velvet kinda blows. Like, her personality is ok I guess.
But my main problem is the fucking outfit like usual.
It's why I don't like playing as female characters most of the time. One of the first main areas you go as her? Frozen tundra country. What she is wearing?


Of course. Winter island, exposed everything, titties popping out.
Exactly the kind of character I want to control.

So yeah, I'm gonna drop the game. 5 hours in, and yeah, I know, that is really short for a JRPG, but I don't see too many redeeming qualities here. It feels like the kind of game where in a week, I will have already forgotten it. As I wrote this thread, I've already forgotten the jail dungeon in the beginning.

But anyways, I think I am done with tales games for a while. It feels like a game I could have played in 2007.

If the combat was more engaging, I think I would have stuck with it a bit more, but even that is really underwhelming.

It's too bad, because I remember enjoying Abyss and Vesperia. Maybe it's nostalgia glasses? But I am a sucker for a good JRPG, and this one just didn't do it for me.
Oct 25, 2017
It's not nostalgia glasses at all abyss and vesperia are just really good. Than you come to this game with it's boring environments and world. Combat is alright, main character outfit is terrible yes.

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'd tell you to keep going but I don't actually care. I'll just say that the combat does make sense and does give you an incentive to mix and match moves cobsidering moves have different properties that work better against certain enemies, meaning you need to get used to specific combo chains depending on who you're facing. And the game explains why Velvet is fine wearing an outfit like that, as well as why she's fine wearing that in the climate of where you are currently located.


Oct 28, 2017
Velvet can't feel the cold i believe. She really doesn't care what she wears. Still looks stupid of course.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
2. Game wastes my time with back tracking:

- This is what stopped me dead in my tracks and pretty much got me to create this thread. I can tell when a game is really amateur when it starts to waste my time, and at the 5 hour mark, this game has it in spades.

In one section for instance, when I was done with the boring ice cave,
-I had to go back all the way to town to talk to some dude. Ok, fine. Of course, the main entrance is still blocked, so I had to go back through the secret entrance again, back through some storage unit, and through the whole town to talk to the guy. Ok fine.
-Then the game tells me to go back to my ship to set sail. So back through the town, back through the storage unit, back through the secret cave, and the walk across a field of bad guys that I already beat before, to get back. Ok, I'm here.
-OOOPS!! Ship is no good. Please go back to the ice cave. No, they don't teleport you back. You have to physically trek through the same fucking fields you just went through. You did this so an NPC can say your ship is no good.

This is the beginning of the game, and they are already pulling this shit.

This is one of my biggest gripes in JRPG's. When they start doing this, my like of a game drops drastically. It might not be a big deal to other people, but this always reeks to me of "amateur".

Yeah, this was pretty bad at the beginning and in my opinion it was a bit much. I specially hated...

Doing the 3 missions for the secret guild. Felt like the worse kind of padding

It's a shame, personally the game is the best Tales of since Abyss but I can see your complains about the graphics, the combat system and Velvet outfit was total valid (I actually changed Velvet outfit to one she wears in the prologue). I would say tho, that you should keep going, as once you pass the very slow and kinda tedious beginning, the game picks up a lot.


Oct 26, 2017
I think I struggled with the game as well from the start but as I progressed further in, I got more interested. But I wouldn't suggest to just "hang in there". Maybe later you'll come back to revisit the game.


Oct 25, 2017
4. Main Character:

- Velvet kinda blows. Like, her personality is ok I guess.
But my main problem is the fucking outfit like usual.
It's why I don't like playing as female characters most of the time. One of the first main areas you go as her? Frozen tundra country. What she is wearing?

Of course. Winter island, exposed everything, titties popping out.
Exactly the kind of character I want to control.

Well, she literally can't feel the cold. That and she literally made that outfit from a bunch of scrapped clothing she found in prison, so the design makes sense in her case.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure they address the cold thing in a skit don't they? Also I remember the combat gaining depth once you get a couple more hours in and get more moves. But yeah I can see why you would drop it.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the game is worth playing. It has good character writing, the story is pretty interesting and the combat is fun if you let yourself get into it. Outside of her design I think Velvet is one of the most novel MCs in an RPG. Its flaws do hurt though, I hate the loot system, the areas of too open for how much content is in them, and the backtracking is pain (though no where near as bad as in Abyss).


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It actually was a PS3 game, yeah.

Anyway while I loved Berseria's cast and story, I don't blame you. Game has lots of problems and I'm hoping the next Tales goes back to Team Symphonia's style.


Oct 27, 2017
Most Tales of games I quit 5-10 hours in. I do intend to go back one day, but they all seem to have not great pacing.
Oct 25, 2017
I loved the game personally. Best Tales in awhile for sure. As for Velvet they address why she dresses that way, but I still bought a DLC costume to get her into something different.


Jan 8, 2018
All Tales games are like this, even Symphonia and Abyss. These games feel like they all belong in the early 2000's, their gameplay design has not evolved in 15 years.


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
In regards to Velvet Ithe second I could put her back on her villager outfit I did and I played the entire game in any outfit but her default one.

The games costume system is pretty awesome like that and it's even reflected in cutscenes so you never have to see it (well except in character portraits)


Oct 25, 2017
It's a bad game.

The majority of Tales games are trashy anime games.

Berseria was a tiny step towards improving the "Tales Formula", but the series has never escaped the general game layout of what Graces provided many many years ago, leading towards a very stagnant experience to this day.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
About Velvet's outfit, you can use the one she had at the prologue.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I couldn't even finish the demo.
It was my first Tales entry and it didn't click at all... the voices, that weird off-putting motion capture puppet feel, the character designs. Even the music didn't stick out, and that's usually always golden in JRPGs.

Oh well, not my thing.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
The game gets much better once you have your full team of people. Less back tracking, more interesting locales, and more skits interspersed. Though if you don't like the gameplay, then that's not gonna help much.
Also, they immediately give you an alt costume for Velvet which is much better. Why haven't you switched to it yet if you hate her current one?


Oct 25, 2017
It's a bad game.

The majority of Tales games are trashy anime games.

Berseria was a tiny step towards improving the "Tales Formula", but the series has never escaped the general game layout of what Graces provided many many years ago, leading towards a very stagnant experience to this day.
Man, I sure wish there were more games like Graces, but the games that came after sure aren't that.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Graces in anything but combat isnt something to want back.

I'm sorry you didnt enjoy your experience OP. I really thought it was a good game. I guess it partly comes down to your tolerance of budget annualized franchises that largely rely on ANIME conventions and tropes.

In addition to your experience with Tales games. A lot of people know what to expect with modern tales by now, so berseria was a welcome improvement, even though it would def not be winning any awards for innovation anytime soon
Oct 25, 2017
You can change her outfit to the villager one, btw

Yeah, I saw that. I had it for a while, but honestly didn't feel like it fit the new her.

And the tattered prison clothes is hilarious. One little piece of string keeping her shirt from opening.

Her outfit is the least of my problems though. It is something I brought up though as a "why????" complaint.
Oct 25, 2017
No shame in dropping it. Berseria has high points, but it really doesn't do much to set itself apart from the rest of the series beyond a slightly darker tone and a cast of anti-heroes.


Oct 29, 2017
I like Tales games enough to beat them when I get one (usually every few years) but I can honestly say in general.

If a game is not grabbing you and you have to make a list of why you don't like it looking for reasons to keep playing on a random site... just drop it. There are entirely too many games out there these days to waste time on ones that don't do it for you. Maybe try again later, sometimes your just not in the mood for certain games.


Oct 29, 2017
Wait, did they invent some weird reason like for Quiet wearing that less of a fabric? She can't feel cold? Is that at least tied to some substantial and relevant plot point, besides just to justify that outfit? And even though, why would someone wearing a dress like that? Or is it a cultural thing within the game world with characters wearing that style on regular basis?

The part about the backtracking sounds tidious as fuck.

I was thinking about getting this game, but if it's one thing I totally can't stand, it's lot of backtracking. I can overlook terrible outfits as well as terrible dialogs and other aesthetical things, but when a game becomes a chore on a gameplay level, it's too much. However, Steam reviews are pretty solid. I guess I wait for a hefty sale.

EDIT: Just saw that there is a demo. Guess, I'll try it out.


Oct 27, 2017
i tried it out after reading so many positive impressions but... yeah, i don't get it.

granted, jrpgs aren't really my jam and i haven't played a Tales game since Phantasia back in the 90s, so "not for you" obviously applies here but the battle system, the crappy dungeons... story is okay but not sure where the 'fun' is. i guess i could get behind the customization if i enjoyed the gameplay but never found the systems particularly coherent in the first place. it was just a no for me dog
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
the only good thing about this game is the battle system IMO (and some funny skits thanks to the group of sociopath in your party)

still inferior than the battle system in graces F though


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Wait, did they invent some weird reason like for Quiet wearing that less of a fabric? She can't feel cold? Is that at least tied to some substantial and relevant plot point, besides just to justify that outfit? And even though, why would someone wearing a dress like that? Or is it a cultural thing within the game world with characters wearing that style on regular basis?

The part about the backtracking sounds tidious as fuck.

I was thinking about getting this game, but if it's one thing I totally can't stand, it's lot of backtracking. I can overlook terrible outfits as well as terrible dialogs and other aesthetical things, but when a game becomes a chore on a gameplay level, it's too much. However, Steam reviews are pretty solid. I guess I wait for a hefty sale.

EDIT: Just saw that there is a demo. Guess, I'll try it out.

If it helps about backtracking you can purchase items that let you instantly warp out of dungeons and to towns.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
Wait, did they invent some weird reason like for Quiet wearing that less of a fabric? She can't feel cold? Is that at least tied to some substantial and relevant plot point, besides just to justify that outfit? And even though, why would someone wearing a dress like that? Or is it a cultural thing within the game world with characters wearing that style on regular basis?

The part about the backtracking sounds tidious as fuck.

I was thinking about getting this game, but if it's one thing I totally can't stand, it's lot of backtracking. I can overlook terrible outfits as well as terrible dialogs and other aesthetical things, but when a game becomes a chore on a gameplay level, it's too much. However, Steam reviews are pretty solid. I guess I wait for a hefty sale.

EDIT: Just saw that there is a demo. Guess, I'll try it out.

Her outfit is terrible, but her not being able to feel hot/cold or taste things ties into a key part of her character. It doesn't come across as pure justification to make her basically naked, and makes sense in context imo. Personally I just changed her outfit to one of the other freely available outfits as fast as possible. None of them fit her character quite as well, but I couldn't play an entire JRPG with her looking ridiculous.

I personally really loved the characters in this game, and it's probably my 2nd favorite tales game behind Vesperia, but it's by no means a masterpiece or anything. The main thing I think they need to work on is the environments, which while they were better than Xillia/Zestiria were still very lacking imo.
Oct 25, 2017
I'd tell you to keep going but I don't actually care. I'll just say that the combat does make sense and does give you an incentive to mix and match moves cobsidering moves have different properties that work better against certain enemies, meaning you need to get used to specific combo chains depending on who you're facing. And the game explains why Velvet is fine wearing an outfit like that, as well as why she's fine wearing that in the climate of where you are currently located.

Dunno, maybe later on I have to change up the combat. But hand to God, I messed around with the moves once or twice in the beginning of the game, and when I was forced by a tutorial. Thats it.

I never once had a problem with any enemy. I'm not joking, I literally just mashed the 4 face buttons randomly. Mash until I run out of diamonds. Run around arena till I get my diamonds back, mash some more, rinse and repeat. Enemy almost dead? R2, get back some HP, continue mashing.

As for the outfit, I don't care why she can wear it, though that reeks of convenience.

It's that they designed her that way. Am I supposed to be looking at her and drooling all the time? I don't feel like a bad ass playing as her. I just feel like some woman who looks absolutely ridiculous in these areas she's in, where it looks like any one of her private parts are on the verge of popping out.

Like I said though, thats a "minor" complaint compared to everything else.
Oct 31, 2017
It's not a game for everyone. It has objective flaws. Visuals are very dated (and worse than Zestiria), lots of forced backtracking and padding (though this does get better), EXP system is annoying (battles give worthless amounts of EXP unless you fight two enemies together), battle system has numerous annoyances with enemies guarding damage like 80% of the time, equipment system is a pain in the ass, etc.

But I still loved it. I loved the cast and the story so, so, so much. And I still enjoyed the battle system despite its flaws. Plus gorgeous anime cutscenes. Really a great game IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a bad game.

The majority of Tales games are trashy anime games.

Berseria was a tiny step towards improving the "Tales Formula", but the series has never escaped the general game layout of what Graces provided many many years ago, leading towards a very stagnant experience to this day.

Fucking thank you, finally someone says it

Tales games are the definition of low effort, 'me-too' JRPGs that provide nothing to distinguish itself from many other franchsies.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Tales longtime fans had long tempered their expectation since Vesperia.The standard dropped dramatically, making the last installment feel like masterpiece, or at least good. Especially when Zestiria came out, that game was embarassing smh, at least this game was a good ride at the end.

For real though, getting a good JRPG in recent times was hard, a rare fun one would be much appreciated.


Oct 29, 2017
If it helps about backtracking you can purchase items that let you instantly warp out of dungeons and to towns.
That's convenient. I'll see how the demo turns out. Given how I'm usually not into JRPGs, I don't expect too much (I had to stop with FFXIII and just watched it on YouTube; I couldn't play FFIX and X for a long as well, but it's all due to their gameplay parts. The stories are very intriguing, though). But I'll never stop trying. Some aspects about the characters and story sound really interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
After Vesperia came out the series took a nosedive, you either learn to live with it or just drop the series like a large number of people seem to have done.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
I did the same with Tales of the Abyss about halfway i think i throwed the cart in the toilet.

Annoying game


Oct 27, 2017
Same complaints about the game, and honestly, these also applies to other previous Tales titles since Xillia 1. Graces F would have been the same if not for its battle system, and the fixed camera perspective in Graces also helped to mask the boring field design slightly.


Oct 28, 2017
I dropped with 10 hours. Believe it or not, I liked Zestiria better. Better OST, big fields that, while a bit bland, at least made you feel like you were traveling around a big world. Felt more like a grand adventure. Also, who doesn't love going super saiyan in a battle?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, I didn't want to mention story because I only played 5 hours, so I feel that would have been unfair.
OP if you interested I can always recommend watching the rest of story on YT. Although maybe if you're REAL interested.

I can confidently say threading through the gameplay and the world are not worth it, except for the plot.

Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Abyss has probably the worst cast of characters to ever grace anything and that excludes Luke and Guy. IF you're not liking Berseria at 5 hours then maybe its not for you.