
Dec 14, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
Finally, after years ignoring how this racist, homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic Brazilian YouTuber associated himself with everything Xbox related while being, well, himself, Microsoft cut their ties with him.
He posted a highly racist tweet a few days ago which it prompted people to call him out and ended up in Xbox cutting ties with him.


It roughly translates to "Mil Grau content doesn't reflects ours values so we're demanding the removal of our brand with everything related to him".

I just don't know WHY it took so long for them to do something about it because it's been known for years how virulent tjsi YouTuber is.

I'd post the tweet that prompted the backlash but it's highly offensive to POC.

Edit: props for The era of Luigi for making this possible.

Edit2: He has also been banned from twitch:

Edit3: He is using the PS brand as his name on twitter now. We can't let this happen.

Edit4: Banned from Youtube

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Small correction :
Most people will think that cutting ties implies that he received codes and stuffs like that ... he was out of those for a long time.

BUT xbox brasil never said anything directly against him or even any good indirectly things =P
Dec 4, 2017
Editing: Just to clarify things, it wasn't me, this guy is a journalist and sent an email to phil
His twitter:




Era, help me report this to MS [UP: Mil Grau forced to remove Xbox branding]

Update 05--06-2020 (06-05-2020): Twitch: ban, Twitter: everything erased, YT: no more monetization, Facebook: Gone. We*** Update 03-06-2020 (or 06-03-2020) They are now using the name: "Not-Playstation Mil Grau" and searching for old tweets that could proof that others did the same things...

More details in this thread. The era of Luigi made an incredible job.
Holy shit, finally. It only took like what? 2 years? Props to The era of Luigi for keeping this on the spotlight as much as he could.
Thank you very much <3
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Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Holy shit, finally. It only took like what? 2 years? Props to The era of Luigi for keeping this on the spotlight as much as he could.

Edit. I can imagine he's throwing a massive tantrum right now, but fuck him.


Dec 14, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
Small correction :
Most people will think that cutting ties implies that he received codes and stuffs like that ... he was out of those for a long time.

BUT xbox brasil never said anything directly against him or even any good indirectly things =P
Microsoft used to post their videos in their tweets and referenced him sometimes.


Oct 28, 2017
I just don't know WHY it took so long for them to do something about it because it's been known for years how virulent tjsi YouTuber is.

I'd post the tweet that prompted the backlash but it's highly offensive to POC.

Organisations react to social changes. In business managment you're taught to exploit them for your business purpose. If something is popular or trending then they'll go towards that. They simply didn't care enough until a large social event happened.


Oct 27, 2017
Hah, hopefully his channel gets taken down since he insisted on titling it Xbox-whatever. What scum.
Dec 4, 2017
Organisations react to social changes. In business managment you're taught to exploit them for your business purpose. If something is popular or trending then they'll go towards that. They simply didn't care enough until a large social event happened.

Yep, this only happened because the protests around the world for #BLV. I have 0 doubt about this. Furthermore, it is another symbolic victory, after all, there will always be someone to support them. The fact that they can no longer use the name Xbox is the big win, as these assholes praise the Xbox 24/7.
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May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
Remember, don't treat it like a battle won yet. They are still earning tons of money from like-minded imbeciles, if it is possible to report (and beware of TLOU2 spoilers, because they are sending it everywhere), please do so.

Deleted member 21858

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
His tweets are disgusting and he is diarrhea in kind-of-human form. As a Brazilian, I am ashamed to have that piece of shit sharing my nationality. Honestly, if this was a serious country, the police could very well knock on this door and take him into custody after the amount of stuff he has said or published on his twitter. Of course I don't follow him, only saw some pictures or clips, and that was already horrible.


Feb 25, 2020
For a long time these guys have driven console wars, racism, homophoby, sexism on the Brazilian gaming community. For a long time I've dodged the Xbox community here because of these guys. I'm so fucking happy now, this is so fucking good. I can't wait to go back to gaming groups without their content polluting the discussion.

If I wasn't saving money I'd buy an Xbox right now. This victory is so good!!
Oct 27, 2017
Organisations react to social changes. In business managment you're taught to exploit them for your business purpose. If something is popular or trending then they'll go towards that. They simply didn't care enough until a large social event happened.

To be fair seems like Phil got the email a few days ago and taken action. Fuck knows what the people before him were doing though. That needs to be definitely looked at.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017


Nov 21, 2017
just a heads up: his current twitter handle display name is a the last of us ii spoiler, so if you're interested in the game you'd better stay away from there.

(i don' know if the spoiler is even real, but be warned).
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Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
HELL YEAH!!! Get fucked human garbage!

But I still think YT should exclude his channel. They shouldn't provide a platform to people like this.


Nov 6, 2019
It's a shame that it took people to reach Jason Schreier and Phil Spencer for XBOX Brasil do something about fascists using their name. At least it's more than we had yesterday. Now hope that Twitch do something, but I'm not holding my breath


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
just a heads up: his current twitter handle is a the last of us ii spoiler, so if you're interested in the game you'd better stay away from there.

(i don' know if the spoiler is even real, but be warned).

As I don't care about spoilers, so I checked and boy, he took the initial news not so good. After he has just started to retweet people who say they support him and that he's more relevant than Xbox

Edit. Or at least that what I understand from the twitter translation. Sadly, I don't understand Portuguese
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Nov 6, 2019
As I don't care about spoilers, I checked and boy, he took the initial news not so good. After he has just started to retweet people who say they support him and that he's more relevant that Xbox
That's good to hear. I wish I was reading his tweets but he already spoiled The Last of Us Part II for me and I'm afraid of going back

Arcana Wiz

Oct 26, 2017
Finally, one of the most despicable humans on the Brazilian gaming community.

It's telling that his two biggest* supporters are troll accounts with the TLOU2 spoiler in their name. These two are attacking everyone in his hashtag and threatening to sue people for defamation against Xbox Mil Grau.

*Biggest as in the number of followers on social media, yep for some reason troll accounts have some following here

And his fans are crazy on Twitter right now, but I don't understand the end game, now they are calling Xbox a "lacração" (slur for social politics) Company, but PlayStation is with the movement too, and they hate Nintendo "kiddie consoles". So... They will stop playing every console? Thanks god. PocahontasByebitch.gif


Oct 27, 2017
He is streaming on YT and his cult of incels are donating high values for him "continue his fight" . Twitch and YT needs to ban the channel to stop this once and for all.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
I don't know if it's cool to be turning it over since it's old, and it may seem like a question of flame war, but I'll talk here anyway.
But at the time that XBOX ONE X came out, MS USA (not even the Brazilian one!), Gave them one, and in the same year they gave them another one to use in a giftway.
And in 2017, Aaron Greenberg appeared on a stream of them, not only shared, he says it was "an honor to have people like them as fans" and while viewers kept inciting flamewar he participated together, unfortunately I don't have screenshots of that, but the bastard of the channel owner talks about it in a video, even if you don't understand anything, prints will appear one hour if I'm not mistaken:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si2wgHWLWkE
And they were invited by MS to go to the BGS more than once, it is the biggest gaming event in Brazil, the guy from Xboxmilgrau who made the racist jokes even spoke with Phil spencer for a brief moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54ZDsJw9h7Q
And to make it clear, if I'm not mistaken, MS hasn't had relationships with them for over a year, so it's been a long time since these things happened.
I will particularly give them the benefit of the doubt, let's see how it all unfolds


Oct 27, 2017

Also, try not to look at this twitter. He's posting "spoilers" (whether real or fake given journalists are now saying most of them are fake) for TLOU2.